mirror of https://github.com/e107inc/e107.git synced 2025-01-17 20:58:30 +01:00

Core theme added from 1.x - needs to be adapted to v2.x

This commit is contained in:
Cameron 2012-11-28 18:56:01 -08:00
parent 0f6c4cff7e
commit 54ac401647
62 changed files with 4170 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// $Id: admin_latest.sc 11836 2010-09-30 21:43:10Z e107coders $
if (ADMIN) {
global $sql, $pref, $tp;
function adnav_cat($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_img, $cat_id=FALSE) {
list($cat_link, $anchor) = explode('#', $cat_link, 2);
$cat_link = ($cat_link ? $cat_link : "#");
$text = "<a class='menuButton' href='".$cat_link."' style='background-image: url(".$cat_img."); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0px 5px' ";
if($cat_id == 'leaveMenu')
$text .= "onmouseover=\"return buttonClick(event, '".$cat_id."');\" ";
elseif ($cat_id) {
// $text .= "onclick=\"return buttonClick(event, '".$cat_id."');\" onclick=\"buttonMouseover(event, '".$cat_id."');\"";
$text .= "onclick=\"return buttonClick(event, '".$cat_id."');\" ";
$text .= ">".$cat_title."</a>";
return $text;
function adnav_main($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_img, $cat_id=FALSE, $cat_highlight='') {
list($cat_link, $anchor) = explode('#', $cat_link, 2);
$text = "<a class='menuItem ".$cat_highlight."' href='".$cat_link."' ";
if ($cat_id) {
$text .= "onclick=\"return false;\" onclick=\"menuItemMouseover(event, '".$cat_id."');\"";
$text .= "><span class='menuItemBuffer'>".$cat_img."</span><span class='menuItemText'>".$cat_title."</span>";
if ($cat_id) {
$text .= "<span class=\"menuItemArrow\">&#9654;</span>";
$text .= "</a>\n";
return $text;
if (file_exists(THEME.'nav_menu.js')) {
$text = "<script type='text/javascript' src='".THEME_ABS."nav_menu.js'></script>";
} else {
$text = "<script type='text/javascript' src='".e_FILE_ABS."nav_menu.js'></script>";
$text .= "<div style='width: 100%'><table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='width: 100%'>
<div class='menuBar' style='width: 100%'>";
$text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_151, e_ADMIN.'admin.php', E_16_NAV_MAIN);
for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
$ad_tmpi = 0;
$ad_links_array = asortbyindex($array_functions, 1);
$nav_main = adnav_cat($admin_cat['title'][$i], '', $admin_cat['img'][$i], $admin_cat['id'][$i]);
$ad_texti = "<div id='".$admin_cat['id'][$i]."' class='menu' onclick=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
while(list($key, $nav_extract) = each($ad_links_array)){
$ad_texti .= adnav_main($nav_extract[1], $nav_extract[0], $nav_extract[5]);
$ad_tmpi = 1;
$ad_texti .= "</div>";
if ($ad_tmpi == 1) {
$text .= $nav_main;
$text .= $ad_texti;
$render_plugins = FALSE;
if($sql -> db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag=1 ORDER BY plugin_path")){
while($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()){
$eplug_name = $tp->toHTML($eplug_name,FALSE,"defs");
$plugin_icon = $eplug_icon_small ? "<img src='".e_PLUGIN_ABS.$eplug_icon_small."' alt='".$eplug_caption."' style='border:0px; vertical-align:bottom; width: 16px; height: 16px' />" : E_16_PLUGIN;
$plugin_array[ucfirst($eplug_name)] = adnav_main($eplug_name, e_PLUGIN.$row['plugin_path']."/".$eplug_conffile, $plugin_icon);
unset($eplug_conffile, $eplug_name, $eplug_caption, $eplug_icon_small);
$render_plugins = TRUE;
$active_plugs = TRUE;
ksort($plugin_array, SORT_STRING);
$plugs_text = '';
foreach ($plugin_array as $plugin_compile) {
$plugs_text .= $plugin_compile;
if (getperms('Z')) {
$pclass_extended = $active_plugs ? 'header' : '';
$plugin_text = adnav_main(ADLAN_98, e_ADMIN.'plugin.php', E_16_PLUGMANAGER, FALSE, $pclass_extended);
$render_plugins = TRUE;
if ($render_plugins) {
$text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_CL_7, '', E_16_CAT_PLUG, 'plugMenu');
$text .= "<div id='plugMenu' class='menu' onclick=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
$text .= $plugin_text.$plugs_text;
$text .= "</div>";
$text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_CL_8, '', E_16_NAV_DOCS, 'docsMenu');
$text .= "<div id='docsMenu' class='menu' onclick=\"menuMouseover(event)\">";
if (!$handle=opendir(e_DOCS.e_LANGUAGE."/")) {
while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "CVS" && $file != ".svn") {
$text .= adnav_main(str_replace("_", " ", $file), e_ADMIN_ABS."docs.php?".$i, E_16_DOCS);
$text .= "</div>";
$text .= "</div>
$slinks = new sitelinks;
if ($exit != 'off') {
$text .= "<td style='width: 260px; white-space: nowrap; text-align: right;'>
<div class='menuBar' style='width: 100%'>";
$text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_53, SITEURL, E_16_NAV_LEAV, 'leaveMenu');
$text .= "<div id='leaveMenu' class='menu' onclick=\"menuMouseover(event)\" style='text-align:left'>";
foreach($slinks->eLinkList['head_menu'] as $k=>$lk)
$link = (substr($lk['link_url'],0,1)!="/" && substr($lk['link_url'],0,3)!="{e_" && substr($lk['link_url'],0,4)!='http') ? "{e_BASE}".$lk['link_url'] : $lk['link_url'];
$link = $tp->parseTemplate($link, TRUE); // dynamic URL support via Shortcodes.
$img = (substr($lk['link_button'],0,3)=='{e_' || trim($lk['link_button'])=='') ? $lk['link_button'] : "{e_IMAGE}icons/".$lk['link_button'];
$imgTag = ($img) ? "<img src='".$img."' alt='".$tp->toAttribute($lk['link_name'])."' style='border: 0px none; vertical-align: bottom; width: 16px; height: 16px;' />" : "";
$text .= adnav_main($tp->toHtml($lk['link_name'],'','defs'), $tp->replaceConstants($link,'full'), $tp->replaceConstants($imgTag,'full'));
$text .= "</div>";
// $text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_53, e_HTTP.'index.php', E_16_NAV_LEAV);
$text .= adnav_cat(ADLAN_46, e_ADMIN_ABS.'admin.php?logout', E_16_NAV_LGOT);
$text .= "</div>
$text .= "</tr>
return $text;

View File

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td.admin_right_col { width:200px; border-left:1px #B5B5B7 solid; vertical-align:top; background-color:#EDEDED; }
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td.admin_right_col .title_clean { padding:20px 10px 10px 10px !important; margin-bottom:0px; }
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td.admin_right_col .bottmomenus_text { padding:10px 10px 0px 10px !important; }
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td.admin_mid_col td.forumheader3:hover .forumheader5 { background-color:#FEFEFE; padding:0px; }
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div.menuBar a.menuButton, div.menuButton, div.menuButton_over,
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/* Css3 XXX drop-shadow below */
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/* XXX These Are required */
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#new-version-caption {font-weight:bold}
.forumheader3 a, .forumheader2 a, .forumheader a {
color: #3399cc;
.debug-footer {color:white;}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
if (!defined("e107_INIT")) { exit; }
$sc_style["ADMIN_SEL_LAN"]["pre"] = '<br />';
$sc_style["ADMIN_SEL_LAN"]["post"] = '';
if(ADMIN) {
if(e_SELF == SITEURLBASE.e_ADMIN_ABS."admin.php")
<div class="admin_header clearfix">
<div class="admin_header_left">
{ADMIN_LOGO} {ADMIN_UPDATE=adminpanel|text}
<div class="admin_header_right">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="admin_main_nav_bg">
<div class="admin_main_nav">
<table class="admin_main_col">
<td class="admin_left_col">
<td class="admin_mid_col">
<td class="admin_right_col">
'.(e_PAGE != "admin.php" ? "{ADMIN_UPDATE} " : "").'
<div class="admin_header clearfix">
<div class="admin_header_left">
<div class="admin_header_right">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="admin_main_nav_bg">
<div class="admin_main_nav">
<table class="admin_main_col">
<td class="admin_left_col">
<td class="admin_mid_col">
<div class="admin_header clearfix">
<div class="admin_header_left">
<div class="admin_header_right">
<div style="padding: 0px 30px 0px 0px;">{ADMIN_SEL_LAN}</div><div>{ADMIN_LOGGED}</div><div>{ADMIN_SITEINFO=version}</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="admin_main_nav_bg">
<div class="admin_main_nav">
<table class="admin_main_col">
<td class="admin_mid_col">
<table style='width: 100%'>
<div class='link_button'>
<div style='width:100%; text-align:left'>
<a style='cursor:hand; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;' {ONCLICK} >
<div class='link_button_selected'>
<div style='width:100%; text-align:left'>
<a style='cursor:hand; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;' {ONCLICK} >
<table class='fborder' style='width:100%;'>
<td style='text-align:center; font-weight: bold;'>
<div class='emenadsuBar'>
<a style='text-align:center; cursor:hand; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;' onclick=\"expandit('{SUB_HEAD_ID}');\" >
<tr id='{SUB_HEAD_ID}' style='display: none' >
<td style='text-align:left;'>
<a style='text-decoration:none;' href='{LINK_URL}'>{LINK_TEXT}</a><br />
<a style='text-decoration:none;' href='{LINK_URL}'>{LINK_TEXT}</a><br />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.7/e107_plugins/calendar_menu/calendar_template.php,v $
| $Revision: 11346 $
| $Date: 2010-02-17 13:56:14 -0500 (Wed, 17 Feb 2010) $
| $Author: secretr $
| 10.11.06 steved - mods for next CVS release
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
// TIME SWITCH BUTTONS ------------------------------------------------------------
$sc_style['PREV_MONTH']['pre'] = "<span class='defaulttext'>";
$sc_style['PREV_MONTH']['post'] = "</span>";
$sc_style['CURRENT_MONTH']['pre'] = "<b>";
$sc_style['CURRENT_MONTH']['post'] = "</b>";
$sc_style['NEXT_MONTH']['pre'] = "<span class='defaulttext'>";
$sc_style['NEXT_MONTH']['post'] = "</span>";
$sc_style['PREV_YEAR']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['PREV_YEAR']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['MONTH_LIST']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['MONTH_LIST']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['NEXT_YEAR']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['NEXT_YEAR']['post'] = "";
//<table style='width:98%;' class='fborder'>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' class='fborder' style='width:100%'>
<td style='width:18%; text-align:left'>{PREV_MONTH}</td>
<td class='fcaption' style='width:64%; text-align:center'>{CURRENT_MONTH}</td>
<td style='width:18%; text-align:right'>{NEXT_MONTH}</td>
<td style='text-align:left'>{PREV_YEAR}</td>
<td class='fcaption' style='text-align:center; vertical-align:middle'>{MONTH_LIST}</td>
<td style='text-align:right'>{NEXT_YEAR}</td>
// NAVIGATION BUTTONS ------------------------------------------------------------
//$sc_style['NAV_LINKCURRENTMONTH']['pre'] = "<span class='button' style='width:120px; '>";
//$sc_style['NAV_LINKCURRENTMONTH']['post'] = "</span>";
$sc_style['NAV_LINKCURRENTMONTH']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['NAV_LINKCURRENTMONTH']['post'] = "";
<div style='text-align:center; margin-bottom:20px;'>
<form method='post' action='" . e_SELF . "?" . e_QUERY . "' id='calform'>
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='width:100%;'>
// EVENT LIST ------------------------------------------------------------
$sc_style['EVENTLIST_CAPTION']['pre'] = "<tr><td class='fcaption' colspan='2'>";
$sc_style['EVENTLIST_CAPTION']['post'] = ":<br /><br /></td></tr>\n";
$EVENT_EVENTLIST_TABLE_START = "<table style='width:100%' class='fborder'>{EVENTLIST_CAPTION}";
// EVENT ARCHIVE ------------------------------------------------------------
$sc_style['EVENTARCHIVE_CAPTION']['pre'] = "<tr><td colspan='2' class='fcaption'>";
$sc_style['EVENTARCHIVE_CAPTION']['post'] = "</td></tr>\n";
$EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_START = "<br /><table style='width:100%' class='fborder'>{EVENTARCHIVE_CAPTION}";
<td style='width:35%; vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>{EVENT_RECENT_ICON}{EVENTARCHIVE_DATE}</td>
<td style='width:65%' class='forumheader3'>{EVENTARCHIVE_HEADING}</td>
$EVENT_ARCHIVE_TABLE_EMPTY = "<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'>{EVENTARCHIVE_EMPTY}</td></tr>\n";
// EVENT SHOW EVENT ------------------------------------------------------------
$EVENT_EVENT_TABLE_START = "<table style='width:100%' class='fborder' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>";
$EVENT_EVENT_TABLE_END = "</table>";
$sc_style['EVENT_HEADING_DATE']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['EVENT_HEADING_DATE']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['EVENT_DETAILS']['pre'] = "<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'>";
$sc_style['EVENT_DETAILS']['post'] = "</td></tr>\n";
$sc_style['EVENT_LOCATION']['pre'] = "<b>".EC_LAN_32."</b> ";
$sc_style['EVENT_LOCATION']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['EVENT_AUTHOR']['pre'] = "<b>".EC_LAN_31."</b> ";
$sc_style['EVENT_AUTHOR']['post'] = "&nbsp;";
$sc_style['EVENT_CONTACT']['pre'] = "<b>".EC_LAN_33."</b> ";
$sc_style['EVENT_CONTACT']['post'] = "&nbsp;";
$sc_style['EVENT_THREAD']['pre'] = "<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'><span class='smalltext'>";
$sc_style['EVENT_THREAD']['post'] = "</span></td></tr>\n";
$sc_style['EVENT_CATEGORY']['pre'] = "<b>".EC_LAN_30."</b> ";
$sc_style['EVENT_CATEGORY']['post'] = "&nbsp;";
$sc_style['EVENT_DATE_START']['pre'] = (isset($thisevent['event_allday']) && $thisevent['event_allday']) ? "<b>".EC_LAN_68."</b> " : "<b>".EC_LAN_29."</b> ";
$sc_style['EVENT_DATE_START']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['EVENT_TIME_START']['pre'] = EC_LAN_144;
$sc_style['EVENT_TIME_START']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['EVENT_DATE_END']['pre'] = "<b>".EC_LAN_69."</b> ";
$sc_style['EVENT_DATE_END']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['EVENT_TIME_END']['pre'] = EC_LAN_144;
$sc_style['EVENT_TIME_END']['post'] = "";
<td >
<div title='".EC_LAN_132."' class='fcaption' style='cursor:pointer; text-align:left; border:0px solid #000;' onclick=\"expandit('{EVENT_ID}')\">{EVENT_RECENT_ICON}{EVENT_CAT_ICON}{EVENT_HEADING_DATE}{EVENT_TIME_START}&nbsp;-&nbsp;{EVENT_TITLE}</div>
<div id='{EVENT_ID}' style='display:{EVENT_DISPLAYSTYLE}; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px; text-align:left;'>
<table style='width:100%;' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'>{EVENT_AUTHOR} {EVENT_CAT_ICON} {EVENT_CATEGORY} {EVENT_CONTACT} {EVENT_OPTIONS}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'>{EVENT_DATE_START}{EVENT_TIME_START} {EVENT_DATE_END}{EVENT_TIME_END}</td></tr>\n
<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader3'>{EVENT_LOCATION}</td></tr>
// CALENDAR SHOW EVENT ------------------------------------------------------------
$sc_style['CALENDAR_CALENDAR_RECENT_ICON']['pre'] = "<td style='vertical-align:top; color: #000; width:10px;'>";
$sc_style['CALENDAR_CALENDAR_RECENT_ICON']['post'] = "</td>";
$CALENDAR_SHOWEVENT = "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='width:100%;'><tr>{CALENDAR_CALENDAR_RECENT_ICON}<td style='vertical-align:top; width:10px;'>{SHOWEVENT_IMAGE}</td><td style='vertical-align:top; width:2%;'>{SHOWEVENT_INDICAT}</td><td style='vertical-align:top;'>{SHOWEVENT_HEADING}</td></tr>\n</table>";
// CALENDAR CALENDAR ------------------------------------------------------------
<div style='text-align:center'>
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' style='border: 1px #CCCCCC solid; width:100%'>";
$CALENDAR_CALENDAR_DAY_NON = "<td style='width:12%;height:60px;'></td>";
//header row
$CALENDAR_CALENDAR_HEADER = "<td class='fcaption' style='z-index: -1; background-color:#F9F9F9; border-bottom: 1px #CCCCCC solid; width:90px; height:20px; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;'>{CALENDAR_CALENDAR_HEADER_DAY}</td>";
<td class='forumheader3' style='vertical-align:top; width:14%; height:90px; padding-bottom:0px;padding-right:0px; margin-right:0px; padding:2px;'>
<span style='z-index: 2; position:relative; top:1px; height:10px;padding-right:0px'>{CALENDAR_CALENDAR_DAY_TODAY_HEADING}</span>";
//day has events
<td class='forumheader3' style='z-index: 1;vertical-align:top; width:14%; height:90px; padding-bottom:0px;padding-right:0px; margin-right:0px; padding:2px;'>
<span style='z-index: 2; position:relative; top:1px; height:10px;padding-right:0px'><b>{CALENDAR_CALENDAR_DAY_EVENT_HEADING}</b></span>";
// no events and not today
<td class='forumheader2' style='z-index: 1;vertical-align:top; width:14%; height:90px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-right:0px; margin-right:0px; padding:2px;'>
<span style='z-index: 2; position:relative; top:1px; height:10px;padding-right:0px'><b>{CALENDAR_CALENDAR_DAY_EMPTY_HEADING}</b></span>";
// Calendar menu templates
$CALENDAR_MENU_START = "<div style='text-align:center'>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_TABLE_START = "<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' style='width:100%' class='fborder'>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_END = "</tr></table></div>";
// Blank cells at beginning and end
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_NON = "<td class='forumheader3' style='padding:1px; text-align:center'><br /></td>";
//header row
$CALENDAR_MENU_HEADER_FRONT = "<td class='forumheader' style='text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;'><span class='smalltext'>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_HEADER_BACK = "</span></td>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_HEADER_END = "</tr>\n<tr>";
// Start and end CSS for date cells - six cases to decode, determined by array index:
// 1 - Today, no events
// 2 - Some other day, no events (or no icon defined)
// 3 - Today with events (and icon defined)
// 4 - Some other day with events (and icon defined)
// 5 - today with events, one or more of which has recently been added/updated (and icon defined)
// 6 - Some other day with events, one or more of which has recently been added/updated (and icon defined)
//today, no events
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['1'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center; '>";
// no events and not today
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['2'] = "<td class='forumheader3' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center; '>";
//day has events - same whether its today or not
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['3'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center; '>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['4'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center;'>";
// day has events, one which is recently added/updated
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['5'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center; '>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['6'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center;'>";
// Example highlight using background colour:
//$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['5'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center; background-color: #FF8000;'>";
//$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_START['6'] = "<td class='indent' style='width:14.28%; padding:1px; text-align:center; background-color: #FF0000; '>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_END['1'] = "</td>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_END['2'] = "</td>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_END['3'] = "</td>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_END['4'] = "</td>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_END['5'] = "</td>";
$CALENDAR_MENU_DAY_END['6'] = "</td>";
// Next event menu template
$sc_style['NEXT_EVENT_TIME']['pre'] = EC_LAN_144;
$sc_style['NEXT_EVENT_TIME']['post'] = "";
// Following are original styles
//$sc_style['NEXT_EVENT_ICON']['pre'] = "<img style='border:0px' src='";
//$sc_style['NEXT_EVENT_ICON']['post'] = "' alt='' />&nbsp;";
// Following to 'float right' on a larger icon
$sc_style['NEXT_EVENT_ICON']['pre'] = "<img style='clear: right; float: left; margin: 0px 3px 0px 0px; padding:1px; border: 0px;' src='";
$sc_style['NEXT_EVENT_ICON']['post'] = "' alt='' />";
if (!isset($EVENT_CAL_FE_LINE))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.7/e107_plugins/comment_menu/comment_menu_template.php,v $
| $Revision: 11346 $
| $Date: 2010-02-17 13:56:14 -0500 (Wed, 17 Feb 2010) $
| $Author: secretr $
$sc_style['CM_TYPE']['pre'] = "[";
$sc_style['CM_TYPE']['post'] = "]";
$sc_style['CM_AUTHOR']['pre'] = CM_L13." <b>";
$sc_style['CM_AUTHOR']['post'] = "</b>";
$sc_style['CM_DATESTAMP']['pre'] = " ".CM_L11." ";
$sc_style['CM_DATESTAMP']['post'] = "";
$sc_style['CM_COMMENT']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['CM_COMMENT']['post'] = "<br /><br />";
{CM_AUTHOR}<br /><br />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
$DEMO_GALLERY_TMPL = "<div class='clearfix' style='width: 100%;'>
<div style='float: left; width: 49%;'>
<a href='#'><img src='".THEME_ABS."images/demo_gal1.png' alt='' style='width: 100px; height: 64px; vertical-align: top;' /></a>
<div style='float: left; width: 49%; vertical-align: top;'>
".LAN_THEME_DEMO_GALLERY_2."<br /><a href='#'>12</a> ".LAN_THEME_DEMO_GALLERY_3."
<div style='text-align: center; width: 80%; border-bottom: 2px #ddd solid; margin: 30px auto ;'></div>
<div class='clearfix' style='width: 100%;'>
<div style='float: left; width: 49%;'>
<a href='#'><img src='".THEME_ABS."images/demo_gal2.png' alt='' style='width: 100px; height: 64px; vertical-align: top;' /></a>
<div style='float: left; width: 49%; vertical-align: top;'>
".LAN_THEME_DEMO_GALLERY_2."<br /><a href='#'>12</a> ".LAN_THEME_DEMO_GALLERY_3."
<br />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
$DEMO_COMMENTS_TMPL = "<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> <a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_2."</a><br />
".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_3."<a href='#'>e107</a>
<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> <a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_2."</a><br />
".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_3."<a href='#'>e107</a>
<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> <a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_2."</a><br />
".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_3."<a href='#'>e107</a>
<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> <a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_2."</a><br />
".LAN_THEME_DEMO_COMMENT_3."<a href='#'>e107</a>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
$DEMO_DOWNLOADS_TMPL = "<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> ".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_2."
<div style='text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle;'>
<a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_3." <img src='".THEME_ABS."images/file.png' alt='' style='width: 24px; height: 24px; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0px;' /></a>
<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> ".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_5."
<div style='text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle;'>
<a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_3." <img src='".THEME_ABS."images/file.png' alt='' style='width: 24px; height: 24px; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0px;' /></a>
<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> ".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_6."
<div style='text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle;'>
<a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_3." <img src='".THEME_ABS."/images/file.png' alt='' style='width: 24px; height: 24px; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0px;' /></a>
<div style='margin: 0 0 10px 0; width: 100%;'>
<div style='vertical-align: top; width: 100%;'>
<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/bullet.png' alt='' /> ".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_7."
<div style='text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle;'>
<a href='#'>".LAN_THEME_DEMO_DOWNLOADS_3." <img src='".THEME_ABS."images/file.png' alt='' style='width: 24px; height: 24px; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 0px;' /></a>

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.2 KiB

View File

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.0 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| Copyright (C) 2008-2010 e107 Inc (e107.org)
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $URL: https://e107.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/e107/trunk/e107_0.7/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php $
| $Id: forum_viewtopic.php 12100 2011-03-13 14:15:43Z e107steved $
if((isset($_POST['report_thread']) || in_array('thread_action', $_POST)) && !isset($_POST['e-token']))
// set e-token so it can be processed by class2
$_POST['e-token'] = '';
if (!isset($pref['plug_installed']['forum']))
header('Location: '.e_BASE.'index.php');
if (file_exists(THEME.'forum_design.php'))
$forum = new e107forum;
if (isset($_POST['fjsubmit']))
$highlight_search = FALSE;
if (isset($_POST['highlight_search']))
$highlight_search = TRUE;
if (!e_QUERY)
//No paramaters given, redirect to forum home
$tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY);
$thread_id = intval(varset($tmp[0], 0));
$topic_from = varset($tmp[1], 0);
$action = varset($tmp[2]);
if (!$thread_id)
if($topic_from === 'post')
$post_num = $forum->thread_postnum($thread_id);
$pages = ceil(($post_num['post_num']+1)/$pref['forum_postspage']);
$topic_from = ($pages-1) * $pref['forum_postspage'];
if($post_num['parent'] != $thread_id)
header("location: ".e_SELF."?{$post_num['parent']}.{$topic_from}#post_{$thread_id}");
if ($action == "track" && USER)
if ($action == "untrack" && USER)
if ($action == "next")
$next = $forum->thread_getnext($thread_id, $topic_from);
if ($next)
$ns->tablerender('', LAN_405, array('forum_viewtopic', '405'));
if ($action == "prev") {
$prev = $forum->thread_getprev($thread_id, $topic_from);
if ($prev) {
} else {
$ns->tablerender('', LAN_404, array('forum_viewtopic', '404'));
if ($action == "report") {
$thread_info = $forum->thread_get_postinfo($thread_id, TRUE);
if (isset($_POST['report_thread'])) {
$report_add = $tp -> toDB($_POST['report_add']);
if ($pref['reported_post_email']) {
$report = LAN_422.SITENAME." : ".(substr(SITEURL, -1) == "/" ? SITEURL : SITEURL."/").$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?".$thread_id.".post\n".LAN_425.USERNAME."\n".$report_add;
$subject = LAN_421." ".SITENAME;
sendemail(SITEADMINEMAIL, $subject, $report);
$sql->db_Insert('generic', "0, 'reported_post', ".time().", '".USERID."', '{$thread_info['head']['thread_name']}', ".intval($thread_id).", '{$report_add}'");
define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_01." / ".LAN_428);
$text = LAN_424."<br /><br /><a href='forum_viewtopic.php?".$thread_id.".post'>".LAN_429."</a";
$ns->tablerender(LAN_414, $text, array('forum_viewtopic', 'report'));
} else {
$thread_name = $tp -> toHTML($thread_info['head']['thread_name'], TRUE, 'USER_TITLE');
define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_01." / ".LAN_426." ".$thread_name);
$text = "<form action='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?".e_QUERY."' method='post'> <table style='width:100%'>
<td style='width:50%' >
".LAN_415.": ".$thread_name." <a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?".$thread_id.".post'><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_420." </span>
<td style='text-align:center;width:50%'>
<td>".LAN_417."<br />".LAN_418."
<td style='text-align:center;'>
<textarea cols='40' rows='10' class='tbox' name='report_add'></textarea>
<td colspan='2' style='text-align:center;'><br />
<input type='hidden' name='e-token' value='".e_TOKEN."' />
<input class='button' type='submit' name='report_thread' value='".LAN_419."' />
$ns->tablerender(LAN_414, $text, array('forum_viewtopic', 'report2'));
$pm_installed = ($pref['pm_title'] ? TRUE : FALSE);
$replies = $forum->thread_count($thread_id)-1;
if ($topic_from === 'last') {
$pref['forum_postspage'] = ($pref['forum_postspage'] ? $pref['forum_postspage'] : 10);
$pages = ceil(($replies+1)/$pref['forum_postspage']);
$topic_from = ($pages-1) * $pref['forum_postspage'];
$gen = new convert;
$thread_info = $forum->thread_get($thread_id, $topic_from-1, $pref['forum_postspage']);
if(intval($thread_info['head']['thread_forum_id']) == 0)
$ns->tablerender(LAN_01, FORLAN_104, array('forum_viewtopic', '104'));
$forum_info = $forum->forum_get($thread_info['head']['thread_forum_id']);
if (!check_class($forum_info['forum_class']) || !check_class($forum_info['parent_class'])) {
define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_01." / ".$tp->toHTML($forum_info['forum_name'], TRUE, 'USER_TITLE')." / ".$tp->toHTML($thread_info['head']['thread_name'], TRUE, 'USER_TITLE'));
//define("MODERATOR", (preg_match("/".preg_quote(ADMINNAME)."/", $forum_info['forum_moderators']) && getperms('A') ? TRUE : FALSE));
define("MODERATOR", $forum_info['forum_moderators'] != "" && check_class($forum_info['forum_moderators']));
$modArray = $forum->forum_getmods($forum_info['forum_moderators']);
$message = '';
if ($_POST)
$message = forum_thread_moderate($_POST);
$thread_info = $forum->thread_get($thread_id, $topic_from-1, $pref['forum_postspage']);
if ($message)
$ns->tablerender("", $message, array('forum_viewtopic', 'msg'));
if (stristr($thread_info['head']['thread_name'], "[".LAN_430."]"))
$_qry = "SELECT * FROM #polls WHERE `poll_datestamp` = '{$thread_info['head']['thread_id']}'";
$poll = new poll;
$pollstr = "<div class='spacer'>".$poll->render_poll($_qry, "forum", "query", TRUE)."</div>";
//Load forum templates
if (file_exists(THEME."forum_viewtopic_template.php"))
else if (file_exists(THEME."forum_template.php"))
$forum_info['forum_name'] = $tp -> toHTML($forum_info['forum_name'], TRUE,'USER_TITLE');
// get info for main thread -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$forum->set_crumb(TRUE); // Set $BREADCRUMB (and BACKLINK)
$THREADNAME = $tp->toHTML($thread_info['head']['thread_name'], TRUE, 'USER_TITLE');
$NEXTPREV = "&lt;&lt; <a href='".e_SELF."?{$thread_id}.{$forum_info['forum_id']}.prev'>".LAN_389."</a>";
$NEXTPREV .= " | ";
$NEXTPREV .= "<a href='".e_SELF."?{$thread_id}.{$forum_info['forum_id']}.next'>".LAN_390."</a> &gt;&gt;";
if ($pref['forum_track'] && USER)
$TRACK = (strpos(USERREALM, "-".$thread_id."-") !== FALSE ? "<span class='smalltext'><a href='".e_SELF."?".$thread_id.".0."."untrack'>".LAN_392."</a></span>" : "<span class='smalltext'><a href='".e_SELF."?".$thread_id.".0."."track'>".LAN_391."</a></span>");
$MODERATORS = LAN_321.implode(", ", $modArray);
$THREADSTATUS = (!$thread_info['head']['thread_active'] ? LAN_66 : "");
$pref['forum_postspage'] = ($pref['forum_postspage'] ? $pref['forum_postspage'] : 10);
$pages = ceil(($replies+1)/$pref['forum_postspage']);
if ($pages > 1)
$parms = ($replies+1).",{$pref['forum_postspage']},{$topic_from},".e_SELF.'?'.$thread_id.'.[FROM],off';
$GOTOPAGES = $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}");
if ((check_class($forum_info['forum_postclass']) && check_class($forum_info['parent_postclass'])) || MODERATOR)
if ($thread_info['head']['thread_active'])
$BUTTONS = "<a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_post.php?rp.".e_QUERY."'>".IMAGE_reply."</a>";
$BUTTONS .= "<a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_post.php?nt.".$forum_info['forum_id']."'>".IMAGE_newthread."</a>";
$POLL = $pollstr;
$FORUMJUMP = forumjump();
$forstr = $tp->simpleParse($FORUMSTART);
$alt = FALSE;
for($i = 0; $i < count($thread_info)-1; $i++)
$post_info = $thread_info[$i];
$loop_uid = intval($post_info['user_id']);
if (!$post_info['thread_user'])
// guest
$tmp = explode(chr(1), $post_info['thread_anon']);
$ip = $tmp[1];
$host = $e107->get_host_name($ip);
$post_info['iphost'] = "<div class='smalltext' style='text-align:right'>IP: <a href='".e_ADMIN."userinfo.php?$ip'>$ip ( $host )</a></div>";
$post_info['anon'] = TRUE;
$post_info['anon'] = FALSE;
$e_hide_query = "SELECT thread_id FROM #forum_t WHERE (`thread_parent` = {$thread_id} OR `thread_id` = {$thread_id}) AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(thread_user,'.',1) = ".USERID;
$e_hide_hidden = FORLAN_HIDDEN;
$e_hide_allowed = USER;
$alt = !$alt;
if(isset($FORUMREPLYSTYLE_ALT) && $alt)
$forrep .= $tp->parseTemplate($FORUMREPLYSTYLE_ALT, TRUE, $forum_shortcodes)."\n";
$forrep .= $tp->parseTemplate($FORUMREPLYSTYLE, TRUE, $forum_shortcodes)."\n";
$forthr = $tp->parseTemplate($FORUMTHREADSTYLE, TRUE, $forum_shortcodes)."\n";
if (((check_class($forum_info['forum_postclass']) && check_class($forum_info['parent_postclass'])) || MODERATOR) && $thread_info['head']['thread_active'] )
if (!$forum_quickreply)
$QUICKREPLY = "<form action='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_post.php?rp.".e_QUERY."' method='post'>\n<p>\n".LAN_393.":<br /><textarea cols='60' rows='4' class='tbox' name='post' onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);'></textarea><br /><input type='submit' name='fpreview' value='".LAN_394."' class='button' /> &nbsp;\n<input type='submit' name='reply' value='".LAN_395."' class='button' />\n<input type='hidden' name='thread_id' value='$thread_parent' />\n</p>\n</form>";
$QUICKREPLY = $forum_quickreply;
$forend = $tp->simpleParse($FORUMEND);
$forumstring = $forstr.$forthr.$forrep.$forend;
if ($thread_info['head']['thread_lastpost'] > USERLV && (strpos(USERVIEWED, ".{$thread_info['head']['thread_id']}.") === FALSE)) {
$tst = $forum->thread_markasread($thread_info['head']['thread_id']);
if ($pref['forum_enclose']) {
$ns->tablerender(LAN_01, $forumstring, array('forum_viewtopic', 'main'));
} else {
echo $forumstring;
// end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function confirm_(mode, forum_id, thread_id, thread) {
if (mode == 'thread') {
return confirm(\"".$tp->toJS(LAN_409)."\");
} else {
return confirm(\"".$tp->toJS(LAN_410)." [ ".$tp->toJS(LAN_411)."\" + thread + \" ]\");
function showmodoptions()
global $thread_id;
global $thread_info;
global $forum_info;
global $post_info;
$forum_id = $forum_info['forum_id'];
if ($post_info['thread_parent'] == FALSE)
$type = 'thread';
$ret = "<form method='post' action='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewforum.php?{$forum_id}' id='frmMod_{$forum_id}_{$post_info['thread_id']}'>";
$type = 'reply';
$ret = "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."' id='frmMod_{$forum_id}_{$post_info['thread_id']}'>";
$ret .= "
<a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_post.php?edit.{$post_info['thread_id']}.{$topic_from}'>".IMAGE_admin_edit."</a>
<input type='image' ".IMAGE_admin_delete." name='delete_{$post_info['thread_id']}' value='thread_action' onclick=\"return confirm_('{$type}', {$forum_id}, {$thread_id}, '{$post_info['user_name']}')\" />
<input type='hidden' name='e-token' value='".e_TOKEN."' />
if ($type == 'thread')
$ret .= "<a href='".e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_conf.php?move.{$thread_id}'>".IMAGE_admin_move2."</a>";
$ret .= "
return $ret;
function forumjump()
global $forum;
$jumpList = $forum->forum_get_allowed();
$text = "<form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'><p>".LAN_65.": <select name='forumjump' class='tbox'>";
foreach($jumpList as $key => $val)
$text .= "\n<option value='".$key."'>".$val."</option>";
$text .= "</select> <input class='button' type='submit' name='fjsubmit' value='".LAN_03."' />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY."#top' onclick=\"window.scrollTo(0,0);\">".LAN_10."</a></p></form>";
return $text;
function rpg($user_join, $user_forums)
if (strpos($FORUMTHREADSTYLE, '{RPG}') == FALSE)
return '';
// rpg mod by Ikari ( kilokan1@yahoo.it | http://artemanga.altervista.org )
$lvl_post_mp_cost = 2.5;
$lvl_mp_regen_per_day = 4;
$lvl_avg_ppd = 5;
$lvl_bonus_redux = 5;
$lvl_user_days = max(1, round((time() - $user_join ) / 86400 ));
$lvl_ppd = $user_forums / $lvl_user_days;
if ($user_forums < 1) {
$lvl_level = 0;
} else {
$lvl_level = floor(pow(log10($user_forums ), 3 ) ) + 1;
if ($lvl_level < 1) {
$lvl_hp = "0 / 0";
$lvl_hp_percent = 0;
} else {
$lvl_max_hp = floor((pow($lvl_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow(10, pow($lvl_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (1.5) );
if ($lvl_ppd >= $lvl_avg_ppd) {
$lvl_hp_percent = floor((.5 + (($lvl_ppd - $lvl_avg_ppd) / ($lvl_bonus_redux * 2)) ) * 100);
} else {
$lvl_hp_percent = floor($lvl_ppd / ($lvl_avg_ppd / 50) );
if ($lvl_hp_percent > 100) {
$lvl_max_hp += floor(($lvl_hp_percent - 100) * pi() );
$lvl_hp_percent = 100;
} else {
$lvl_hp_percent = max(0, $lvl_hp_percent);
$lvl_cur_hp = floor($lvl_max_hp * ($lvl_hp_percent / 100) );
$lvl_cur_hp = max(0, $lvl_cur_hp);
$lvl_cur_hp = min($lvl_max_hp, $lvl_cur_hp);
$lvl_hp = $lvl_cur_hp . '/' . $lvl_max_hp;
if ($lvl_level < 1) {
$lvl_mp = '0 / 0';
$lvl_mp_percent = 0;
} else {
$lvl_max_mp = floor((pow($lvl_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow(10, pow($lvl_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (pi()) );
$lvl_mp_cost = $user_forums * $lvl_post_mp_cost;
$lvl_mp_regen = max(1, $lvl_user_days * $lvl_mp_regen_per_day);
$lvl_cur_mp = floor($lvl_max_mp - $lvl_mp_cost + $lvl_mp_regen);
$lvl_cur_mp = max(0, $lvl_cur_mp);
$lvl_cur_mp = min($lvl_max_mp, $lvl_cur_mp);
$lvl_mp = $lvl_cur_mp . '/' . $lvl_max_mp;
$lvl_mp_percent = floor($lvl_cur_mp / $lvl_max_mp * 100 );
if ($lvl_level < 1) {
$lvl_exp = "0 / 0";
$lvl_exp_percent = 100;
} else {
$lvl_posts_for_next = floor(pow(10, pow($lvl_level, (1/3) ) ) );
if ($lvl_level == 1) {
$lvl_posts_for_this = max(1, floor(pow (10, (($lvl_level - 1) ) ) ) );
} else {
$lvl_posts_for_this = max(1, floor(pow (10, pow(($lvl_level - 1), (1/3) ) ) ) );
$lvl_exp = ($user_forums - $lvl_posts_for_this) . "/" . ($lvl_posts_for_next - $lvl_posts_for_this);
$lvl_exp_percent = floor((($user_forums - $lvl_posts_for_this) / max(1, ($lvl_posts_for_next - $lvl_posts_for_this ) ) ) * 100);
$bar_image = THEME."images/bar.jpg";
$bar_image = e_PLUGIN."forum/images/".IMODE."/bar.jpg";
$rpg_info .= "<div style='padding:2px; white-space:nowrap'>";
$rpg_info .= "<b>Level = ".$lvl_level."</b><br />";
$rpg_info .= "HP = ".$lvl_hp."<br /><img src='{$bar_image}' alt='' style='border:#345487 1px solid; height:10px; width:".$lvl_hp_percent."%'><br />";
$rpg_info .= "EXP = ".$lvl_exp."<br /><img src='{$bar_image}' alt='' style='border:#345487 1px solid; height:10px; width:".$lvl_exp_percent."%'><br />";
$rpg_info .= "MP = ".$lvl_mp."<br /><img src='{$bar_image}' alt='' style='border:#345487 1px solid; height:10px; width:".$lvl_mp_percent."%'><br />";
$rpg_info .= "</div>";
return $rpg_info;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Corllete ltd (clabteam.com), Released under Creative Common license - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/
* Download and update at http://www.free-source.net/
* $Id:
global $tp,$pref;
$ret = "";
$custom_query = explode('+', $parm);
global $use_imagecode, $sec_img;
$use_imagecode = ($pref['logcode'] && extension_loaded('gd'));
if($use_imagecode) {
$sec_img = new secure_image;
$fs_sec_code_img = '
<div class="H20"><!-- --></div>
<div class="secure secure-img">
<div class="secure secure-field center">
<input type="hidden" name="rand_num" value="'.$sec_img->random_number.'" />
<input class="custom-loginc verify" type="text" name="code_verify" size="15" maxlength="20" />
<div class="clear"><!-- --></div>
$err = '';
if (LOGINMESSAGE != '') {
$err = '
<div class="login-message">
<img class="f-left" src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/messagebox_critical.png" alt="Error" />
<div style="margin-left: 40px;">'.LOGINMESSAGE.'</div>
<div class="clear H10"></div>
case "login":
case "login noprofile":
$fs_admin = '
<a class="logincn admin" href="'.e_ADMIN_ABS.'admin.php">'.LOGIN_MENU_L11.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|
if($custom_query[0] != "login noprofile")
$fs_profile = '
<a class="logincn profile" href="'.SITEURL.'user.php?id.'.USERID.'">'.LOGIN_MENU_L13.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|
$fs_settings = '
<a class="logincn usersettings" href="' . SITEURL . 'usersettings.php">'.LOGIN_MENU_L12.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|
$fs_logout = '
<a class="logincn logout" href="'.SITEURL.'index.php?logout">'.LOGIN_MENU_L8.'</a>
if (USER == TRUE){
$ret .= '
<h3 class="prologin">'.LOGIN_MENU_L5.' '.USERNAME.'</h3>
<div class="H5"></div>
} else {
$fs_signup = '
<a class="custom-loginc-link custom-signup f-right" href="'.e_SIGNUP.'">'.LOGIN_MENU_L3.'</a>
if ($pref['user_tracking'] == "cookie")
$fs_autologin = "<input type='checkbox' name='autologin' value='1' />".LOGIN_MENU_L6."&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
if (!$pref['auth_method'] || $pref['auth_method'] == 'e107')
$fs_pw = "<a class='custom-loginc-link custom-fpw' href='".SITEURL."fpw.php' title=\"".LOGIN_MENU_L4."\">".LOGIN_MENU_L4."</a>";
$user_txt = str_replace(':','',LOGIN_MENU_L1);
$pass_txt = str_replace(':','',LOGIN_MENU_L2);
$ret .= '
<form method="post" action="'.e_SELF.'">
<div id="login-wrapper" style="display: '.(($err && $err != '') ? 'block' : 'none').'">
<div id="login-close" onclick="$(\'login-wrapper\').hide();">
<img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/p19_login_close.png" alt="Close" />
<div class="box-TC">
<div class="cont">
<div class="labels f-left">
<div class="label right">'.$user_txt.'</div>
<div class="H20"><!-- --></div>
<div class="label right">'.$pass_txt.'</div>
<div class="fields f-right">
<div class="user-field center">
<input class="custom-loginc user" type="text" name="username" size="20" maxlength="20" />
<div class="H20"><!-- --></div>
<div class="pass-field center">
<input class="custom-loginc pass" type="password" name="userpass" size="15" maxlength="20" />
<div class="autologin">
<div class="buttons">
<button class="button f-right" type="submit" name="userlogin" value="'.LOGIN_MENU_L28.'" ><span>'.LOGIN_MENU_L28.'</span></button>
<div class="clear"><!-- --></div>
<div class="fpw-cont">'.$fs_pw.'</div>
<div class="box-BC">
return $ret;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
global $sql, $pref;
function hilite($link,$enabled=''){
global $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY,$tp,$pref;
if(!$enabled){ return FALSE; }
$link = $tp->replaceConstants($link,TRUE);
$tmp = explode("?",$link);
$link_qry = (isset($tmp[1])) ? $tmp[1] : "";
$link_slf = (isset($tmp[0])) ? $tmp[0] : "";
$link_pge = basename($link_slf);
$link_match = strpos(e_SELF,$tmp[0]);
if(e_MENU == "debug" && getperms('0')) {
echo "<br />link= ".$link;
echo "<br />link_q= ".$link_qry;
echo "<br />url= ".e_PAGE;
echo "<br />url_query= ".e_QUERY."<br />";
// ----------- highlight overriding - set the link matching in the page itself.
if(defined("HILITE")) {
if(strpos($link,HILITE)) {
return TRUE;
// --------------- highlighting for 'HOME'. ----------------
global $pref;
list($fp,$fp_q) = explode("?",$pref['frontpage']['all']."?");
if(strpos(e_SELF,"/".$pref['frontpage']['all'])!== FALSE && $fp_q == $tmp[1] && $link == e_HTTP."index.php"){
return TRUE;
// --------------- highlighting for plugins. ----------------
if(stristr($link, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY) !== FALSE && stristr($link, "custompages") === FALSE){
{ // plugin links with queries
$subq = explode("?",$link);
if(strpos(e_SELF,$subq[0]) && e_QUERY == $subq[1]){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
{ // plugin links without queries
$link = str_replace("../", "", $link);
if(stristr(dirname(e_SELF), dirname($link)) !== FALSE){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// --------------- highlight for news items.----------------
// eg. news.php, news.php?list.1 or news.php?cat.2 etc
if(substr(basename($link),0,8) == "news.php")
if (strpos($link, "news.php?") !== FALSE && strpos(e_SELF,"/news.php")!==FALSE) {
$lnk = explode(".",$link_qry); // link queries.
$qry = explode(".",e_QUERY); // current page queries.
if($qry[0] == "item")
return ($qry[2] == $lnk[1]) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if($qry[0] == "all" && $lnk[0] == "all")
return TRUE;
if($lnk[0] == $qry[0] && $lnk[1] == $qry[1])
return TRUE;
if($qry[1] == "list" && $lnk[0] == "list" && $lnk[1] == $qry[2])
return TRUE;
elseif (!e_QUERY && e_PAGE == "news.php")
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// --------------- highlight for Custom Pages.----------------
// eg. page.php?1
if (strpos($link, "page.php?") !== FALSE && strpos(e_SELF,"/page.php")) {
list($custom,$page) = explode(".",$link_qry);
list($q_custom,$q_page) = explode(".",e_QUERY);
if($custom == $q_custom){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// --------------- highlight default ----------------
if(strpos($link, "?") !== FALSE){
$thelink = str_replace("../", "", $link);
if((strpos(e_SELF,$thelink) !== false) && (strpos(e_QUERY,$link_qry) !== false)){
return true;
if(!preg_match("/all|item|cat|list/", e_QUERY) && (strpos(e_SELF, str_replace("../", "",$link)) !== false)){
return true;
if((!$link_qry && !e_QUERY) && (strpos(e_SELF,$link) !== FALSE)){
return TRUE;
if(($link_slf == e_SELF && !link_qry) || (e_QUERY && strpos(e_SELF."?".e_QUERY,$link)!== FALSE) ){
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// ----------------------------------------------------
function adnav_cat($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_id=FALSE, $cat_open=FALSE) {
global $tp;
$cat_link = (strpos($cat_link, '://') === FALSE && strpos($cat_link, 'mailto:') !== 0 ? e_HTTP.$cat_link : $cat_link);
if ($cat_open == 4 || $cat_open == 5){
$dimen = ($cat_open == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600";
$href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$cat_link."',".$dimen.")\"";
} else {
$href = "href='".$cat_link."'";
$text = "<a ".$href." ";
if ($cat_open == 1){
$text .= " rel='external' ";
if ($cat_id) {
$text .= ">".$tp->toHTML($cat_title,"","defs, no_hook")."</a>";
} else {
$text .= ">".$tp->toHTML($cat_title,"","defs, no_hook")."</a>";
return $text;
function render_sub($linklist, $id) {
$text = "";
foreach ($linklist['sub_'.$id] as $sub) {
// Filter title for backwards compatibility ---->
if(substr($sub['link_name'],0,8) == "submenu.") {
$tmp = explode(".",$sub['link_name']);
$subname = $tmp[2];
} else {
$subname = $sub['link_name'];
if (isset($linklist['sub_'.$sub['link_id']])) { // Has Children.
$sub_ids[] = $sub['link_id'];
$text .= "
<li>".adnav_main($subname, $sub['link_url'], $sub['link_id'],$sub['link_open']);
$text .= "
$temp = $linklist['sub_'.$sub['link_id']];
foreach ($temp as $bla) {
if (isset($linklist['sub_'.$bla['link_id']])) {
$text .= "
<li>".adnav_main($bla['link_name'], $bla['link_url'], $bla['link_id'], $bla['link_open']);
$text .= "
$text .= render_sub($linklist, $bla['link_id']);
$text .= "
} else {
$text .= "
<li>".adnav_main($bla['link_name'], $bla['link_url'], null, $bla['link_open']).'</li>';
$text .= "
$text .= "
} else {
$text .= "
<li>".adnav_main($subname, $sub['link_url'], null, $sub['link_open'])."</li>";
return $text;
function adnav_main($cat_title, $cat_link, $cat_id=FALSE, $cat_open=FALSE) {
global $tp;
$cat_link = (strpos($cat_link, '://') === FALSE) ? e_HTTP.$cat_link : $cat_link;
$cat_link = $tp->replaceConstants($cat_link,TRUE);
if ($cat_open == 4 || $cat_open == 5){
$dimen = ($cat_open == 4) ? "600,400" : "800,600";
$href = " href=\"javascript:open_window('".$cat_link."',".$dimen.")\"";
} else {
$href = "href='".$cat_link."'";
$text = "<a ".$href." ";
if ($cat_id) {
$text .= "class='sub'";
if ($cat_open == 1) {
$text .= " rel='external' ";
$text .= ">".$tp->toHTML($cat_title,"","defs, no_hook")."</a>";
return $text;
$text .= "
<div class='menuBar'>
<ul id='nav'>";
if (defined('FS_START_SEPARATOR') && FS_START_SEPARATOR != false) {
$text .= "
<li class='fs-linkSep'>".FS_LINK_SEPARATOR."</li>";
// Setup Parent/Child Arrays ---->
$link_total = $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND link_category=1 ORDER BY link_order ASC");
while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) {
if($row['link_parent'] == 0) {
$linklist['head_menu'][] = $row;
$parents[] = $row['link_id'];
} else {
$pid = $row['link_parent'];
$linklist['sub_'.$pid][] = $row;
// Loops thru parents.--------->
global $tp;
$sepBr = 1;
$sepCount = count($linklist['head_menu']);
foreach ($linklist['head_menu'] as $lk) {
$lk['link_url'] = $tp -> replaceConstants($lk['link_url'],TRUE);
$main_linkid = $lk['link_id'];
//if (hilite($lk['link_url'],TRUE)) { echo $lk['link_name']; }
if (hilite($lk['link_url'],TRUE)) { $hilite_style = " id='active'"; } else { $hilite_style = ""; }
if (isset($linklist['sub_'.$main_linkid])) { // Has Children.
$text .= "
<li".$hilite_style." class='sub'>".adnav_cat($lk['link_name'], e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY.'#', $main_linkid)."";
$text .= "
<ul class='sub'>".render_sub($linklist, $main_linkid)."
} else {
// Display Parent only.
$text .= "
<li".$hilite_style.">".adnav_cat($lk['link_name'], $lk['link_url'], FALSE, $lk['link_open'])."</li>";
if (defined('FS_LINK_SEPARATOR')) {
if ($sepBr < $sepCount) {
$text .= "
<li class='fs-linkSep'>".FS_LINK_SEPARATOR."</li>";
if (defined('FS_END_SEPARATOR') && FS_END_SEPARATOR != false) {
$text .= "
<li class='fs-linkSep'>".FS_LINK_SEPARATOR."</li>";
$text .= "
$text .= '

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
global $pref;
$loginsc = '
<div class="fs_c_login">
<div class="singin">
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'login.php">'.LAN_THEME_SING.'</a>
<div class="register">
<div class="regl"></div>
<div class="regr"></div>
<div class="regm">
<div class="register_text">
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'signup.php">'.LAN_THEME_REG.'</a>
return $loginsc;
if (USER == TRUE || ADMIN == TRUE) {
$loginsc = '
<div class="fs_c_login2">
<span class="fs_welcome">
$loginsc .= '
if (ADMIN == TRUE) {
$loginsc .= '
<span class="fs_login_links_b">
<a href="'.e_ADMIN_ABS.'admin.php">'.LAN_THEME_24.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
$loginsc .= '
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'user.php?id.'.USERID.'">'.LAN_THEME_27.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'usersettings.php">'.LAN_THEME_26.'</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
'.(isset($pref['plug_installed']['list_new']) ? '<a href="'.e_PLUGIN_ABS.'list_new/list.php?new">'.LAN_THEME_29.'</a>' : '').'
<span class="logout">
<span class="logm">
<span class="register_text">
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'news.php?logout">'.LAN_THEME_28.'</a>
$loginsc .= '
return $loginsc;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
return $text;

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 203 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 245 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 232 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 267 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 391 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 197 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 342 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 19 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.5 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 290 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 192 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 284 B

View File

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 17 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 276 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 456 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 238 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 202 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 229 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 294 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 287 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 299 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 306 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 222 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 300 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 218 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 774 B

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 219 B

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
define('LAN_THEME_1', 'e107 core theme by <a href="http://e107.org" title="e107 CMS" rel="external">e107 Inc.</a>');
define('LAN_THEME_2', 'Comments: ');
define('LAN_THEME_3', 'Comments are turned off for this item');
define('LAN_THEME_4', 'Read the full story');
define('LAN_THEME_5', 'Trackbacks: ');
define('LAN_THEME_8', 'in');
define('LAN_THEME_9', 'by');
define("LAN_THEME_11", "Latest news");
define("LAN_THEME_12", "E-mail to a friend");
define("LAN_THEME_13", "Create PDF file");
define("LAN_THEME_14", "Print");
define("LAN_THEME_15", "Edit");
define('LAN_THEME_17', 'Login');
define('LAN_THEME_18', 'Username');
define('LAN_THEME_19', 'Password');
define('LAN_THEME_20', 'Register');
define('LAN_THEME_21', 'Login');
define('LAN_THEME_22', 'Forgot password?');
define('LAN_THEME_23', 'Welcome');
define('LAN_THEME_24', 'Admin');
define('LAN_THEME_26', 'Settings');
define('LAN_THEME_27', 'Profile');
define('LAN_THEME_28', 'Logout');
define('LAN_THEME_29', 'List new');
define('LAN_THEME_SING', 'Login');
define('LAN_THEME_REG', 'Register');
define("LAN_SEARCH", "Search");
define("LAN_SEARCH_SUB", "Go");
define('LAN_THEME_SHARE', 'Share this');
define('LAN_THEME_VER', 'e107 v.');
define("CM_L13", "by");

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// $Id: login_template.php 11346 2010-02-17 18:56:14Z secretr $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
// ##### LOGIN HEADER TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
<div style='width:100%;text-align:center; margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto; margin-top: 0px'><br />
<div style='text-align:center;width:70%;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto'>
".(file_exists(THEME."images/login_logo.png") ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/login_logo.png' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_IMAGE."logo.png' alt='' />" );
// ##### LOGIN TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$LOGIN_TABLE .= "<div style='text-align:center'>{LOGIN_TABLE_LOGINMESSAGE}</div>";
<div style='text-align:center;'>
".$rs -> form_open("post", e_SELF)."
<table style='width:60%' >
<td style='text-align:center; font-weight: bold; padding: 20px 0 30px 0; font-zise: 15px' colspan='3'>
<td class='title_clean' style='text-align:left; width: 40%'>
<td style='text-align:right; width: 40%'>
<td rowspan='".($LOGIN_TABLE_SECIMG_SECIMG ? 3 : 2)."' style='width: 20%; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;'>
".(file_exists(THEME."images/password.png") ? "<img src='".THEME_ABS."images/password.png' alt='' />" : "<img src='".e_IMAGE."generic/".IMODE."/password.png' alt='' />" )."
<td class='title_clean' style='text-align:left;'>
<td style='text-align:right; width: 40%'>
<td class='forumheader3'>
<td style='text-align:center; padding: 10px 0 0 0;' colspan='3'>
{LOGIN_TABLE_AUTOLOGIN}<span class='smalltext' style='padding: 0 5px 5px 5px;'>{LOGIN_TABLE_AUTOLOGIN_LAN}</span><br /><br />{LOGIN_TABLE_SUBMIT}
$rs -> form_close()."</div>";
// ##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ##### LOGIN TABLE FOOTER -----------------------------------------------------------------------
<div style='width:70%;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto; font-weight: bold;'>
<div style='text-align:center'><br />
{LOGIN_TABLE_FOOTER_USERREG}&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='".e_BASE."fpw.php'>".LAN_LOGIN_12."</a>
// ##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 36 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 50 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 56 KiB

View File

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 51 KiB

e107_themes/core/style.css Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

e107_themes/core/theme.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
if(!defined('e107_INIT')){ exit; }
// [multilanguage]
// [theme information]
$themename = 'e107 core';
$themeversion = ' 1.0';
$themeauthor = 'e107 Inc.';
$themeemail = 'themes@e107.org';
$themewebsite = 'http://www.e107.org';
$themedate = '12/2011';
$themeinfo = '';
$xhtmlcompliant = TRUE;
$csscompliant = TRUE;
define('IMODE', 'lite');
define('USER_WIDTH','width: 100%');
define("FS_LINK_SEPARATOR",'<div class="fs-linkSep"><!-- --></div>');
function theme_head() { // FIXME - menu breaks with jQuery active.
return '
<!--[if lte IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript" src="'.THEME_ABS.'js/menu.js"></script>
// [layout]
$layout = '_default';
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="headerbg">
<div class="headertop">
<div class="sitelogo">
<div class="ml20">
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'index.php" title="{SITENAME}">{LOGO}</a>
<div class="banner">
<div class="mr20">
<div class="headerbottom">
<div class="fs_login">
<div class="sitesearch">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="maincontentall">
<div class="topcontentall clearfix">
<div class="rightcolall">
<div class="leftcol">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="bottmomenus">
<div class="bmenul">
<div class="bmenur">
<div class="bmenum">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="footerbor"></div>
<div class="footer">
<div class="fmenul">
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" title=""><img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/bottom_xhtml.png" alt="" style="margin-top: 10px;" /></a>
<div class="fmenur smalltext">
<div class="fmenum">
<a href="http://www.e107.org" title="e107"><img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/e_logo_small.png" alt="" /></a>
<br />{SITENAME}
<div class="footerlinks">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="headerbg">
<div class="headertop">
<div class="sitelogo">
<div class="ml20">
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'index.php" title="{SITENAME}">{LOGO}</a>
<div class="banner">
<div class="mr20">
<div class="headerbottom">
<div class="fs_login">
<div class="sitesearch">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="maincontent">
<div class="topcontent clearfix">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="bottmomenus">
<div class="bmenul">
<div class="bmenur">
<div class="bmenum">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="footerbor"></div>
<div class="footer">
<div class="fmenul">
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" title=""><img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/bottom_xhtml.png" alt="" style="margin-top: 10px;" /></a>
<div class="fmenur smalltext">
<div class="fmenum">
<a href="http://www.e107.org" title="e107"><img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/e_logo_small.png" alt="" /></a>
<br />{SITENAME}
<div class="footerlinks">
<div class="wrapper_full">
<div class="headerbg">
<div class="headertop">
<div class="sitelogo">
<div class="ml20">
<a href="'.e_HTTP.'index.php" title="{SITENAME}">{LOGO}</a>
<div class="banner">
<div class="mr20">
<div class="headerbottom">
<div class="fs_login">
<div class="sitesearch">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="maincontent">
<div class="fullside">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="footerborfull"></div>
<div class="footer">
<div class="fmenul">
<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" title=""><img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/bottom_xhtml.png" alt="" style="margin-top: 10px;" /></a>
<div class="fmenur smalltext">
<div class="fmenum">
<a href="http://www.e107.org" title="e107"><img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/e_logo_small.png" alt="" /></a>
<br />{SITENAME}
<div class="footerlinks">
$CUSTOMPAGES['FULL'] = 'forum/ ';
// [tablestyle]
function tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode=''){
global $style;
if($mode == 'admin_update')
echo '
<span class="admin_update">
<span class="hover" style="display:none">
switch ($style) {
case 'wm':
echo '
<div class="topcontent_entry clearfix">
case 'flatlinks':
echo '
<div class="styledmenu">
<div class="13">
case 'full':
echo '
<div class="fullcontent clearfix">
<div class="fullcontent_title">
<div class="fullcontent_entry">
case 'rightcol':
echo '
<div class="rightbox">
<div class="rightbox_title">
<div class="rightbox_text">
case 'leftcol':
echo '
<div class="leftbox">
<div class="leftbox_title_bg">
<div class="leftbox_title">
<div class="leftbox_text">
case 'bottmomenus':
echo '
<div class="bottmomenusbox">
<div class="bottmomenus_title">
<div class="bottmomenus_text">
echo '
<div class="bottmomenusbox">
<div class="title_clean">
<div class="bottmomenus_text">
define('THEME_DISCLAIMER', '<br /><i>'.LAN_THEME_1.'</i>');
define('ICONSTYLE', 'float: left; border:0');
define('PRE_EXTENDEDSTRING', '<div class="readmore">');
define('POST_EXTENDEDSTRING', '</div>');
define('ICONMAIL', 'mail.png');
define('ICONPRINT', 'print.png');
define('ICONPRINTPDF', 'pdf.png');
$sc_style["NEWSIMAGE"]["pre"] = '<div class="news_image">';
$sc_style["NEWSIMAGE"]["post"] = '</div>';
$sc_style["NEWSCOMMENTS"]["pre"] = '<div class="news_comments">';
$sc_style["NEWSCOMMENTS"]["post"] = '</div>';
<div class="newsbox">
<div class="leftbox">
<div class="leftbox_title_bg">
<div class="leftbox_title">
<div class="meta">
<div class="author mediumtext">
<div class="fsnewsbbody">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="metabottom v-middle">
<div class="metaicons">
<div class="newsbox">
<div class="leftbox">
<div class="leftbox_title_bg">
<div class="leftbox_title">
<div class="meta">
<div class="author mediumtext">
<div class="fsnewsbbody">
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="metabottom v-middle">
<div class="metaicons">
<table style="width:98%;">
<div class="mediumtext">{ARCHIVE_BULLET}&nbsp;{ARCHIVE_LINK}&nbsp;'.LAN_THEME_9.'&nbsp;{ARCHIVE_AUTHOR}&nbsp;-&nbsp;{ARCHIVE_DATESTAMP}&nbsp;'.LAN_THEME_8.'&nbsp;{ARCHIVE_CATEGORY}</div>
//Render news categories on the bottom of the page
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 95%">
<div class="news_title_cat">
<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 10px;">
<table style="width: 100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td class="catlink left v-middle" style="padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 10px;">
//Loop for news items in category
<div class="news_item_cat">
<img src="'.THEME_ABS.'images/bullet.png" alt="" />&nbsp;&nbsp;{NEWSTITLELINK}
// linkstyle
// http://wiki.e107.org/?title=Styling_Individual_Sitelink_Menus
function linkstyle($np_linkstyle) {
// Common to all styles (for this theme)
// Common sublink settings
// NOTE: *any* settings can be customized for sublinks by using
// 'sub' as a prefix for the setting name. Plus, there's 'subindent'
// $linkstyleset['sublinkclass'] = 'mysublink2;
// $linkstyleset['subindent'] = ' ';
// Now for some per-style setup
switch ($np_linkstyle)
case 'toplinks':
$linkstyleset['linkdisplay'] = 1;
$linkstyleset['prelink'] = "<ul id='menu'>";
$linkstyleset['postlink'] = "</ul>";
$linkstyleset['linkstart'] = "<li>";
$linkstyleset['linkend'] = "</li>";
$linkstyleset['linkstart_hilite'] = "<li>";
$linkstyleset['linkclass_hilite'] = "";
$linkstyleset['linkseparator'] = "";
case 'bottom':
$linkstyleset['linkdisplay'] = 1;
$linkstyleset['prelink'] = "";
$linkstyleset['postlink'] = "";
$linkstyleset['linkstart'] = "";
$linkstyleset['linkend'] = "";
$linkstyleset['linkstart_hilite'] = "";
$linkstyleset['linkclass_hilite'] = "";
$linkstyleset['linkseparator'] = "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
case 'flatlinks':
$linkstyleset['linkdisplay'] = 2;
$linkstyleset['prelink'] = '<ul>';
$linkstyleset['postlink'] = '</ul>';
$linkstyleset['linkstart'] = '<li>';
$linkstyleset['linkend'] = '</li>';
$linkstyleset['linkstart_hilite'] = "<li class='current'>";
$linkstyleset['linkclass_hilite'] = "current";
default: // if no LINKSTYLE defined
$linkstyleset['linkdisplay'] = 1;
define('PRELINK', '');
define('POSTLINK', '');
define('LINKSTART', '<span> ');
define('LINKSTART_HILITE', '<span> ');
define('LINKEND', '</span><div style="padding-top: 1px;"></div>');
define('LINKALIGN', 'left');
return $linkstyleset;
define('BULLET', 'bullet.png');
// Chatbox post style
$CHATBOXSTYLE = "<br /><b>{USERNAME}</b>&nbsp;{TIMEDATE}<br />{MESSAGE}<br />";
// Comment post style
$sc_style["REPLY"]["pre"] = '<tr><td class="smallblacktext" style="padding: 10px 20px;">';
$sc_style["REPLY"]["post"] = '</td></tr>';
$sc_style["COMMENTEDIT"]["pre"] = '<tr><td class="forumheader" colspan="2" style="text-align: right">';
$sc_style["COMMENTEDIT"]["post"] = '</td></tr>';
$sc_style["JOINED"]["post"] = '<br />';
$sc_style["LOCATION"]["post"] = '<br />';
$sc_style["RATING"]["post"] = '<br /><br />';
$sc_style["COMMENT"]["post"] = "<br />";
<div class="spacer" style="text-align:left; width: 100%; padding: 3px 0; margin: 5px 10px;">
<table class="fborder" style="width: 98%; border-bottom: 1px solid #EEEEEE; background: transparent;">
<td class=" forumheader mediumtext" style="padding: 10px 10px;" colspan="2">
<td class="forumheader3" style="width: 25%; vertical-align: top; border: 0 none">
<div style="text-align: center;">
<span class="smalltext">
<td class="forumheader3" style="width: 70%; vertical-align: top; border: 0 none;">
// Chatbox post style
$CHATBOXSTYLE = "<br /><b>{USERNAME}</b>&nbsp;{TIMEDATE}<br />{MESSAGE}<br />";
<input class="search-form" type="text" name="q" size="25" maxlength="50" value="'.LAN_SEARCH.'" onfocus="if (this.value == \''.LAN_SEARCH.'\') this.value = \'\';" onblur="if (this.value == \'\') this.value = \''.LAN_SEARCH.'\';" />
<input type="submit" value="" class="search-submit" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| e107 website system
| ©Steve Dunstan 2001-2002
| http://e107.org
| jalist@e107.org
| Released under the terms and conditions of the
| GNU General Public License (http://gnu.org).
| $Source: /cvs_backup/e107_0.7/e107_themes/templates/usersettings_template.php,v $
| $Revision: 11346 $
| $Date: 2010-02-17 13:56:14 -0500 (Wed, 17 Feb 2010) $
| $Author: secretr $
if (!defined('e107_INIT')) { exit; }
if (!defined("USER_WIDTH")){ define("USER_WIDTH","width:auto"); }
global $usersettings_shortcodes, $pref;
$sc_style['CUSTOMTITLE']['pre'] = "
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_CUSTOMTITLE.":</td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
$sc_style['CUSTOMTITLE']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['PASSWORD1']['pre'] = "
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_152."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_401."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
$sc_style['PASSWORD2']['pre'] = "
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_153."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_401."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
$sc_style['PASSWORD2']['post'] = "
$sc_style['PASSWORD_LEN']['pre'] = "<br /><span class='smalltext'> (".LAN_SIGNUP_1." ";
$sc_style['PASSWORD_LEN']['post'] = " ".LAN_SIGNUP_2.")</span>";
$sc_style['USERCLASSES']['pre'] = "<tr>
<td style='width:40%;vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_USET_5.":".req($pref['signup_option_class'])."
<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_USET_6."</span>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>";
$sc_style['USERCLASSES']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['AVATAR_UPLOAD']['pre'] = "<tr>
<td style='width:40%; vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_415."<br /></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
$sc_style['AVATAR_UPLOAD']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$sc_style['PHOTO_UPLOAD']['pre'] = "
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>".LAN_425."</td>
<td style='width:40%; vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_414."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_426."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'><span class='smalltext'>
$sc_style['PHOTO_UPLOAD']['post'] = "</span></td></tr>";
$sc_style['SIGNATURE']['pre'] = " <tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>".LAN_USET_8."</td></tr>
<td style='width:40%;vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_120.req($pref['signup_option_signature'])."</td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>";
$sc_style['SIGNATURE']['post'] = "<br />";
$sc_style['SIGNATURE_HELP']['pre'] = "";
$sc_style['SIGNATURE_HELP']['post'] = " </td></tr>";
$sc_style['XUP']['pre'] = "
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>".LAN_435."</td>
<td style='width:20%; vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_433."<br /><span class='smalltext'><a href='http://e107.org/generate_xup.php' rel='external'>".LAN_434."</a></span></td>
<td style='width:80%' class='forumheader2'>
$sc_style['XUP']['post'] = "</td></tr>";
$USER_EXTENDED_CAT = "<tr><td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>{CATNAME}</td></tr>";
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader3'>
$REQUIRED_FIELD = "{FIELDNAME}<span style='text-align:right;font-size:15px; color:red'> *</span>";
<div style='text-align:center'>
<table style='".USER_WIDTH."' class='fborder'>
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>".LAN_418."</td>
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_7."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_8."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_9."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_10."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_308.req($pref['signup_option_realname'])."</td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_112.req(!$pref['disable_emailcheck'])."</td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_113."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_114."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'><span class='defaulttext'>
<td style='width:40%' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_122.req($pref['signup_option_timezone'])."</td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader'>".LAN_420."</td>
<td colspan='2' class='forumheader3' style='text-align:center'>".LAN_404.($pref['im_width'] || $pref['im_height'] ? "<br />".($pref['im_width'] ? MAX_AVWIDTH.$pref['im_width']." pixels. " : "").($pref['im_height'] ? MAX_AVHEIGHT.$pref['im_height']." pixels." : "") : "")."</td>
<td style='width:40%; vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_422.req($pref['signup_option_image'])."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_423."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<td style='width:40%; vertical-align:top' class='forumheader3'>".LAN_421."<br /><span class='smalltext'>".LAN_424."</span></td>
<td style='width:60%' class='forumheader2'>
<tr style='vertical-align:top'>
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