- NEW: Logo at the top
- MOD: Moved Gitter badge to the end
- MOD: Added e107 logo to GitHub release badge
- MOD: Replaced GitHub Workflow badge with Shields.io equivalent for consistency
- MOD: Replaced Codecov code coverage badge with Code Climate equivalent
- MOD: Added Gitter logo and styling to Gitter badge
- MOD: Removed hard-coded version number
- NEW: Added badge for latest version number
- NEW: Added badge for build results
- NEW: Added badge for code coverage
- NEW: Added table of contents
- FIX: Clarification of system requirements
- MOD: Combined installation insructions into "Installation" secion
- MOD: Standard installation instructions now explain how to download e107
- FIX: Clarification of Git installation instructions
- FIX: Grammar in "Reporting Bugs" section
- MOD: Renamed "Pull-Requests" section to "Contributing to Development"
- FIX: Readability of the "Contributing to Development" section
- FIX: Grammar in "Donations" section
- MOD: Replaced all HTTP links with HTTPS