This change will set var value to true when form is submitted, then if we click submit button again will prevent it from another submission. Adding attribute disabled to form button prevents its name to get trough POST call, thus breaking the logic if we checking for form button submission trough PHP.
- MOD: Refactored NGINX secure_link_md5 decorator into interface and
class in Downloads plugin
- NEW: Downloads plugin: Admin preferences UX improvement:
Preferences >> Protection now shows the user a list of
supported NGINX variables pulled from
- NEW: "Protection" section in Downloads >> Preferences
- NEW: Basic support for NGINX secure_link_md5 in Downloads plugin
- NEW: When configured with a URL protection mode, Downloads will
modify the direct download URL and/or the mirror download URL
to be compatible with the implemented URL protection
Fixes: #3075
e_tree_model::prepareSimulatedCustomOrdering() performed an ORDER BY
second sort that doesn't add any benefit at all and causes #3086.
This second sort has been removed.
Fixes: #3086
e_tree_model is apparently used for flat lists as well as parent-child
relationships (trees). Trees are expected to be far smaller than possible flat
lists. Very large flat lists (10,000+ rows or greater) are rendered very slowly
because of the tree computation overhead.
This change figures out whether a flat list or a tree is requested and chooses
the appropriate code to run based on what is requested. Trees run the more
expensive code while flat lists are returned as-is.
In addition, the tree rendering code has been optimized. Optimizations:
* Unchanging tree node ID is set once instead of inside a foreach() loop
* The parent-child query is now sorted by the sort parent ID so that each move
rows to tree nodes iteration doesn't have to run through every remaining row
Fixes: #3062
An untested oversight in e_tree_model::multiFieldCmp() where $sort_field
could be a string has now been corrected.
$sort_field now accepts a string to prevent infinite recursion.
Fixes: #3044