- MOD: Silently ignore failures to e_db_mysql::close(); if it's failing, it's probably already closed
- FIX: Close the PDO or mysqli connection after each e_db_abstractTest test
- MOD: Changed class2.php's $sql variable to be hinted as an e_db instead of e_db_mysql
- FIX: Don't redefine MYSQL_* constants in e_db_pdo_class.php
- FIX: e_db_mysql::rowCount() could try to use mysql_num_rows() to count rows of a non-resource
- FIX: e_db_mysql::delete() stores the number of deleted rows in e_db_mysql::$mySQLrows
- FIX: e_db_abstractTest::testDb_Query() was fetching in PDO mode but shouldn't have been
- FIX: Typos in e_db_abstractTest::testDelete()
- MOD: Moved PDO-exclusive testBackup() from e_db_abstractTest to e_db_pdoTest
- FIX: e_db_mysqlTest now works in PHP 5.6 if the main e_db instance was in PDO mode but the test
class initializes in legacy mode
- MOD: e_db_mysqlTest now asserts that PDO mode is not in use
- FIX: e_db_mysqlTest::testGetServerInfo() should now actually get a version number
- FIX: e_db_mysqlTest::testGetLastErrorNumber() has a different error code compared to PDO
- FIX: e_db_mysqlTest::testEscape() should actually get something from mysql_real_escape_string()
- FIX: Silenced compact() in e107Test::testInitCore()
- FIX: Null check in e_db_pdo::makeTableDef()
- FIX: Null check in e_db_mysql::makeTableDef()
- FIX: userlogin::login() had this warning on line 148:
"continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?
- FIX: Removed pointless (and invalid) destructor in LinkedIn::__destruct()
- FIX: All files that trigger this deprecation notice in PHP 7.4:
"Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated"
- FIX: Null check during child recursion of e_tree_model::flattenTree()
- FIX: TreeModelTest::testTreeParentsAreAssignedCorrectly() apparently never worked until now because the wrong index was used
- FIX: e107::getTemplate() could be run without the necessary plugin LANs
- FIX: e107Test::testGetInstance() included e107_config.php too many times
- FIX: Empty check in e107Test::testGetTemplate()
- MOD: e107::getTemplate() now accepts blank strings for the plugin name to mean
that a core template should be loaded
- FIX: e_form::progressBar() now supports input values that already have % at the end
- FIX: Null check for $options['list'] in e_form::progressBar()
- NEW: Test rounding in e_formTest::testProgressBar()
- FIX: Do not redefine e_ADMIN_AREA in parser.php
- FIX: Null checks for e107TinyMceParser
- FIX: Array type check for e_bbcode::imgToBBcode()
- FIX: Optional query string in e_parse::thumbUrlDecode()
- FIX: Don't redefine TINYMCE_UNIT_TEST
- FIX: e107::coreLan() now loads the lan_admin.php file if the $admin argument is true
- FIX: Variable scope of $eplug_folder in e107plugin::uninstall()
- FIX: isset() check order in pluginsTest::makePluginReport()
- FIX: class2.php: Missing ADMINPERMS constant in CLI mode