f080402675b6aebe4a73bba3ed1a82461d737239 only works when a Deployer is
active, but local developers would not be using a Deployer.
For some reason (still unknown), the Codeception framework doesn't
execute _beforeSuite() for all the active modules, so \Helper\Base has
been coded to pick up the slack.
Actually fixes: #1
e107 is now ready for fully automated testing on all three test suites:
* Acceptance
* Functional
* Unit
New features:
* cPanelDeployer adds a cPanel Remote MySQL access host
* e107 database dump importer
* Unit tests now load e107
* Test prefixes now only use characters valid for MySQL/MariaDB without
* Refactored a bunch of things
* All existing tests pass now
* Deployers now provided by \Helper\DeployerFactory
* Added Twig templating for generating e107_config.php for testing
* cPanelDeployer now outputs to codecept_debug()
Refactored by extracting code common to all suites to \Helper\Base
New \Helper\DelayedDb helper to delay initialization so that a new DSN,
username, and password can be loaded in dynamically for automatic
database provisioning. Should still be compatible with manual database
information in codeception.yml