database = $database; $this->checkDeprecatedFilesLog(); $appRoot = e107::getInstance()->file_path; $this->undeterminable = array_map(function ($path) { return realpath($path) ? realpath($path) : $path; }, [ $appRoot . "e107_config.php", $appRoot . e107::getFolder('system_base') . "core_image.phar", ] ); $this->existingInsecureFiles = array_filter($this->insecureFiles, function ($path) { return is_file($path); }); $this->existingInsecureFiles = array_map('realpath', $this->existingInsecureFiles); $this->existingInsecureDirectories = array_filter($this->insecureFiles, function ($path) { return is_dir($path); }); $this->existingInsecureDirectories = array_map('realpath', $this->existingInsecureDirectories); } /** * Populate insecureFiles list if deprecatedFiles.log found. * @return void */ private function checkDeprecatedFilesLog() { $log = e_LOG.'fileinspector/deprecatedFiles.log'; if(!file_exists($log)) { return; } $content = file_get_contents($log); if(empty($content)) { return; } $tmp = explode("\n", $content); $this->insecureFiles = []; foreach($tmp as $line) { if(empty($line)) { continue; } $this->insecureFiles[] = e_BASE.$line; } } /** * Convert validation code to string. * @param $validationCode * @return string */ public static function getStatusForValidationCode($validationCode) { $status = 'unknown'; if ($validationCode & self::VALIDATED) $status = 'check'; elseif (!($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_FILE_EXISTS)) $status = 'missing'; elseif (!($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_FILE_SECURITY)) $status = 'warning'; elseif (!($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_PATH_KNOWN)) $status = 'unknown'; elseif (!($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_PATH_VERSION)) $status = 'old'; elseif (!($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_HASH_CALCULABLE)) $status = 'uncalc'; elseif (!($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_HASH_CURRENT)) if ($validationCode & self::VALIDATED_HASH_EXISTS) $status = 'old'; else $status = 'fail'; return $status; } /** * Prepare the provided database for reading or writing * * Should tolerate a non-existent database and try to create it if a write operation is executed. * * @return void */ abstract public function loadDatabase(); /** * Check the integrity of the provided path * * @param $path string Relative path of the file to look up * @param $version string The desired software release to match. * Leave blank for the current version. * Do not prepend the version number with "v". * @return int Validation code (see the constants of this class) */ public function validate($path, $version = null) { if ($version === null) $version = $this->getCurrentVersion(); $bits = 0x0; $absolutePath = $this->relativePathToAbsolutePath($path); $dbChecksums = $this->getChecksums($path); $dbChecksum = $this->getChecksum($path, $version); $actualChecksum = !empty($dbChecksums) ? $this->checksumPath($absolutePath) : null; if (!empty($dbChecksums)) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_PATH_KNOWN; if ($dbChecksum !== false) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_PATH_VERSION; if (file_exists($absolutePath)) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_FILE_EXISTS; if (!$this->isInsecure($path)) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_FILE_SECURITY; if ($this->isDeterminable($absolutePath)) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_HASH_CALCULABLE; if ($actualChecksum === $dbChecksum) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_HASH_CURRENT; foreach ($dbChecksums as $dbChecksum) { if ($dbChecksum === $actualChecksum) $bits |= self::VALIDATED_HASH_EXISTS; } if ($bits + self::VALIDATED === $this->getValidatedBitmask()) $bits |= self::VALIDATED; $this->log($path, $bits); return $bits; } /** * Log old file paths. (may be expanded to other types in future) * * @param string $relativePath * @param int $status * @return null */ private function log($relativePath, $status) { if(empty($relativePath) || self::getStatusForValidationCode($status) !== 'old') // deprecated-file status { return null; } $message = $relativePath."\n"; $logPath = e_LOG."fileinspector/"; if(!is_dir($logPath)) { mkdir($logPath, 0775); } file_put_contents($logPath."deprecatedFiles.log", $message, FILE_APPEND); return null; } /** * Get the file integrity hash for the provided path and version * * @param $path string Relative path of the file to look up * @param $version string The software release version corresponding to the file hash. * Leave blank for the current version. * Do not prepend the version number with "v". * @return string|bool The database hash for the path and version specified. FALSE if the record does not exist. */ public function getChecksum($path, $version = null) { if ($version === null) $version = $this->getCurrentVersion(); $checksums = $this->getChecksums($path); return isset($checksums[$version]) ? $checksums[$version] : false; } /** * Calculate the hash of a path to compare with the hash database * * @param $absolutePath string Absolute path of the file to hash * @return string|bool The actual hash for the path. FALSE if the hash was incalculable. */ public function checksumPath($absolutePath) { if (!$this->isDeterminable($absolutePath)) return false; return $this->checksum(file_get_contents($absolutePath)); } /** * Calculate the hash of a string, which would be used to compare with the hash database * * @param $content string Full content to hash * @return string */ public function checksum($content) { return md5(str_replace(array(chr(13), chr(10)), "", $content)); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getVersions($path) { return array_keys($this->getChecksums($path)); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getCurrentVersion() { if ($this->currentVersion) return $this->currentVersion; $checksums = $this->getChecksums("index.php"); $versions = array_keys($checksums); usort($versions, 'version_compare'); return $this->currentVersion = array_pop($versions); } /** * Get the matching version of the provided path * * Useful for looking up the versions of old files that no longer exist in the latest image * * @param $path string Relative path of the file to look up * @return string|bool PHP-standardized version of the file. FALSE if there is no match. */ public function getVersion($path) { $actualChecksum = $this->checksumPath($path); foreach ($this->getChecksums($path) as $dbVersion => $dbChecksum) { if ($actualChecksum === $dbChecksum) return $dbVersion; } return false; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isInsecure($path) { $absolutePath = $this->relativePathToAbsolutePath($path); if (in_array($absolutePath, $this->existingInsecureFiles)) return true; foreach ($this->existingInsecureDirectories as $existingInsecureDirectory) { $existingInsecureDirectory .= '/'; if (substr($absolutePath, 0, strlen($existingInsecureDirectory)) === $existingInsecureDirectory) return true; } return false; } /** * Convert a custom site path to a default path * @param string $path Custom path * @return string */ public function customPathToDefaultPath($path) { if (!is_array($this->customDirsCache)) $this->populateDirsCache(); foreach ($this->customDirsCache as $dirType => $customDir) { if (!isset($this->defaultDirsCache[$dirType])) continue; $defaultDir = $this->defaultDirsCache[$dirType]; if ($customDir === $defaultDir) continue; if (substr($path, 0, strlen($customDir)) === $customDir) $path = $defaultDir . substr($path, strlen($customDir)); } return $path; } public function defaultPathToCustomPath($path) { if (!is_array($this->customDirsCache)) $this->populateDirsCache(); foreach ($this->customDirsCache as $dirType => $customDir) { if (!isset($this->defaultDirsCache[$dirType])) continue; $defaultDir = $this->defaultDirsCache[$dirType]; if ($customDir === $defaultDir) continue; if (substr($path, 0, strlen($defaultDir)) === $defaultDir) $path = $customDir . substr($path, strlen($defaultDir)); } return $path; } private function getValidatedBitmask() { if ($this->validatedBitmask !== null) return $this->validatedBitmask; $constants = (new ReflectionClass(self::class))->getConstants(); $validated_constants = array_filter($constants, function ($key) { $str = 'VALIDATED_'; return substr($key, 0, strlen($str)) === $str; }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY); $this->validatedBitmask = (max($validated_constants) << 0x1) - 0x1; return $this->validatedBitmask; } /** * @param $absolutePath * @return bool */ private function isDeterminable($absolutePath) { return is_file($absolutePath) && is_readable($absolutePath) && !in_array($absolutePath, $this->undeterminable); } protected function populateDirsCache() { $this->defaultDirsCache = e107::getInstance()->defaultDirs(); $customDirs = e107::getInstance()->e107_dirs ? e107::getInstance()->e107_dirs : []; $this->customDirsCache = array_diff_assoc($customDirs, $this->defaultDirsCache); } /** * @param $path * @return false|string */ private function relativePathToAbsolutePath($path) { return realpath(e_BASE . $path); } }