tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_40, EPL_ADLAN_39); } else { /* e_PLUGIN is writable - continue */ $pref['upload_storagetype'] = "1"; require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); $fileName = $file_userfile['name'][0]; $fileSize = $file_userfile['size'][0]; $fileType = $file_userfile['type'][0]; if(strstr($file_userfile['type'][0], "gzip")) { $fileType = "tar"; } else if (strstr($file_userfile['type'][0], "zip")) { $fileType = "zip"; } else { /* not zip or tar - spawn error message */ $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_40, EPL_ADLAN_41); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } if ($fileSize) { $opref = $pref['upload_storagetype']; $pref['upload_storagetype'] = 1; /* temporarily set upload type pref to flatfile */ $uploaded = file_upload(e_PLUGIN); $pref['upload_storagetype'] = $opref; $archiveName = $uploaded[0]['name']; /* attempt to unarchive ... */ if($fileType == "zip") { require_once(e_HANDLER."pclzip.lib.php"); $archive = new PclZip(e_PLUGIN.$archiveName); $unarc = ($fileList = $archive -> extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, e_PLUGIN, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, 0666)); } else { require_once(e_HANDLER."pcltar.lib.php"); $unarc = ($fileList = PclTarExtract($archiveName, e_PLUGIN)); } if(!$unarc) { /* unarc failed ... */ if($fileType == "zip") { $error = "PCLZIP extract error: '".$archive -> errorName(TRUE)."'"; } else { $error = "PCLTAR extract error: ".PclErrorString().", code: ".intval(PclErrorCode()); } $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_40, EPL_ADLAN_42." ".$archiveName." ".$error); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } /* ok it looks like the unarc succeeded - continue */ /* get folder name ... */ $folderName = substr($fileList[0]['stored_filename'], 0, (strpos($fileList[0]['stored_filename'], "/"))); if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN.$folderName."/plugin.php")) { /* upload is a plugin */ $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_40, EPL_ADLAN_43); } else { /* upload is a menu */ $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_40, EPL_ADLAN_45); } /* attempt to delete uploaded archive */ @unlink(e_PLUGIN.$archiveName); } } } if ($action == 'uninstall') { if(!isset($_POST['uninstall_confirm'])) { show_uninstall_confirm(); exit; } $id = intval($id); $plug = $plugin->getinfo($id); //Uninstall Plugin if ($plug['plugin_installflag'] == TRUE ) { include(e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/plugin.php'); $func = $eplug_folder.'_uninstall'; if (function_exists($func)) { $text .= call_user_func($func); } if($_POST['delete_tables']) { if (is_array($eplug_table_names)) { $result = $plugin->manage_tables('remove', $eplug_table_names); if ($result !== TRUE) { $text .= EPL_ADLAN_27.' '.$mySQLprefix.$result.' - '.EPL_ADLAN_30.'
'; } else { $text .= EPL_ADLAN_28."
"; } } } else { $text .= "Tables not deleted during uninstall process by request
"; } if (is_array($eplug_prefs)) { $plugin->manage_prefs('remove', $eplug_prefs); $text .= EPL_ADLAN_29."
"; } if (is_array($eplug_comment_ids)) { $text .= ($plugin->manage_comments('remove', $eplug_comment_ids)) ? EPL_ADLAN_50."
" : ""; } if ($eplug_module) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'modules', $eplug_folder); } if ($eplug_status) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_status', $eplug_folder); } if ($eplug_latest) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_latest', $eplug_folder); } if (is_array($eplug_array_pref)) { foreach($eplug_array_pref as $key => $val) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', $key, $val); } } if (is_array($eplug_sc)) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_sc', $eplug_folder, $eplug_sc); } if (is_array($eplug_bb)) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_bb', $eplug_folder, $eplug_bb); } if (is_array($eplug_user_prefs)) { $sql = new db; $sql->db_Select("core", " e107_value", " e107_name='user_entended'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $user_entended = unserialize($row[0]); $user_entended = array_values(array_diff($user_entended, array_keys($eplug_user_prefs))); if ($user_entended == NULL) { $sql->db_Delete("core", "e107_name='user_entended'"); } else { $tmp = addslashes(serialize($user_entended)); $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value='$tmp' WHERE e107_name='user_entended' "); } while (list($key, $e_user_pref) = each($eplug_user_prefs)) { unset($user_pref[$key]); } save_prefs("user"); } if ($eplug_menu_name) { $sql->db_Delete('menus', "menu_name='$eplug_menu_name' "); } if ($eplug_link) { $plugin->manage_link('remove', '', $eplug_link_name); } if ($eplug_userclass) { $plugin->manage_userclass('remove', $eplug_userclass); } $plugin -> manage_search('remove', $eplug_folder); $plugin -> manage_notify('remove', $eplug_folder); $sql->db_Update('plugin', "plugin_installflag=0, plugin_version='{$eplug_version}' WHERE plugin_id='{$id}' "); if($_POST['delete_files']) { include_once(e_HANDLER."file_class.php"); $fi = new e_file; $result = $fi->rmtree(e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder); $text .= ($result ? "
All files removed from ".e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder : '
File deletion failed
'.EPL_ADLAN_31.' '.e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder.' '.EPL_ADLAN_32); } else { $text .= '
'.EPL_ADLAN_31.' '.e_PLUGIN.$eplug_folder.' '.EPL_ADLAN_32; } $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_1.' '.$tp->toHtml($eplug_name,"","defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable"), $text); $text = ""; $plugin -> save_addon_prefs(); } } if ($action == 'install') { $plugin->install_plugin(intval($id)); $plugin ->save_addon_prefs(); } if ($action == 'upgrade') { $plug = $plugin->getinfo($id); include(e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/plugin.php'); $func = $eplug_folder.'_upgrade'; if (function_exists($func)) { $text .= call_user_func($func); } if (is_array($upgrade_alter_tables)) { $result = $plugin->manage_tables('upgrade', $upgrade_alter_tables); if (!$result) { $text .= EPL_ADLAN_9.'
'; } else { $text .= EPL_ADLAN_7."
"; } } if ($eplug_module) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('add', 'modules', $eplug_folder); } else { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'modules', $eplug_folder); } if ($eplug_status) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('add', 'plug_status', $eplug_folder); } else { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_status', $eplug_folder); } if ($eplug_latest) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('add', 'plug_latest', $eplug_folder); } else { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_latest', $eplug_folder); } if (is_array($upgrade_add_eplug_sc)) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('add', 'plug_sc', $eplug_folder, $eplug_sc); } if (is_array($upgrade_remove_eplug_sc)) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_sc', $eplug_folder, $eplug_sc); } if (is_array($upgrade_add_eplug_bb)) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('add', 'plug_bb', $eplug_folder, $eplug_bb); } if (is_array($upgrade_remove_eplug_bb)) { $plugin->manage_plugin_prefs('remove', 'plug_bb', $eplug_folder, $eplug_bb); } if (is_array($upgrade_add_prefs)) { $plugin->manage_prefs('add', $upgrade_add_prefs); $text .= EPL_ADLAN_8.'
'; } if (is_array($upgrade_remove_prefs)) { $plugin->manage_prefs('remove', $upgrade_remove_prefs); } if (is_array($upgrade_add_user_prefs)) { $sql = new db; $sql->db_Select("core", " e107_value", " e107_name='user_entended'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $user_entended = unserialize($row[0]); while (list($key, $e_user_pref) = each($eplug_user_prefs)) { $user_entended[] = $e_user_pref; } $tmp = addslashes(serialize($user_entended)); if ($sql->db_Select("core", " e107_value", " e107_name='user_entended'")) { $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value='$tmp' WHERE e107_name='user_entended' "); } else { $sql->db_Insert("core", "'user_entended', '$tmp' "); } $text .= EPL_ADLAN_8."
"; } if (is_array($upgrade_remove_user_prefs)) { $sql = new db; $sql->db_Select("core", " e107_value", " e107_name='user_entended'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $user_entended = unserialize($row[0]); $user_entended = array_values(array_diff($user_entended, $eplug_user_prefs)); if ($user_entended == NULL) { $sql->db_Delete("core", "e107_name='user_entended'"); } else { $tmp = addslashes(serialize($user_entended)); $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value='$tmp' WHERE e107_name='user_entended' "); } } $plugin -> manage_search('upgrade', $eplug_folder); $plugin -> manage_notify('upgrade', $eplug_folder); $eplug_addons = $plugin -> getAddons($eplug_folder); $text .= (isset($eplug_upgrade_done)) ? '
'.$eplug_upgrade_done : "
".LAN_UPGRADE_SUCCESSFUL; $sql->db_Update('plugin', "plugin_version ='{$eplug_version}', plugin_addons='{$eplug_addons}' WHERE plugin_id='$id' "); $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_34, $text); $plugin -> save_addon_prefs(); } // Check for new plugins, create entry in plugin table ... $plugin->update_plugins_table(); // ---------------------------------------------------------- // render plugin information ... /* plugin upload form */ if(!is_writable(e_PLUGIN)) { $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_40, EPL_ADLAN_44); } else { $text = "

\n"; } // Uninstall and Install sorting should be fixed once and for all now ! $installed = $plugin->getall(1); $uninstalled = $plugin->getall(0); $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $text .= render_plugs($installed); $text .= ""; $text .= render_plugs($uninstalled); function render_plugs($pluginList){ global $tp; foreach($pluginList as $plug) { //Unset any possible eplug_ variables set by last plugin.php $defined_vars = array_keys(get_defined_vars()); foreach($defined_vars as $varname) { if (substr($varname, 0, 6) == 'eplug_' || substr($varname, 0, 8) == 'upgrade_') { unset($$varname); } } include(e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/plugin.php'); if ($eplug_conffile || is_array($eplug_table_names) || is_array($eplug_prefs) || is_array($eplug_user_prefs) || is_array($eplug_sc) || is_array($eplug_bb) || $eplug_module || $eplug_userclass || $eplug_status || $eplug_latest) { $img = (!$plug['plugin_installflag'] ? "" : ""); } else { $img = ""; } if ($plug['plugin_version'] != $eplug_version && $plug['plugin_installflag']) { $img = ""; } $plugin_icon = $eplug_icon ? "" : E_32_CAT_PLUG; if ($eplug_conffile && $plug['plugin_installflag'] == TRUE) { $conf_title = LAN_CONFIGURE.' '.$tp->toHtml($eplug_name,"","defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $plugin_icon = "".$plugin_icon.''; } $text .= " "; $text .= ""; $text .= ""; } return $text; } $text .= "
".$plugin_icon." $img ".$tp->toHTML($plug['plugin_name'],FALSE,"defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable")."
".EPL_ADLAN_11." {$plug['plugin_version']}
"; $text .="
\n"; $text .= "
".EPL_ADLAN_12.":$eplug_author "; if($eplug_url){ $text .= "  [ ".EPL_WEBSITE." ] "; } $text .="
".EPL_ADLAN_14.": $eplug_description "; if ($eplug_readme) { $text .= "[ ".$eplug_readme." ]"; } $text .="
".EPL_ADLAN_13.": $eplug_compatible "; if ($eplug_compliant) { $text .= "  "; } $text .="
"; if ($eplug_conffile || $eplug_module || is_array($eplug_table_names) || is_array($eplug_prefs) || is_array($eplug_user_prefs) || is_array($eplug_sc) || is_array($eplug_bb) || $eplug_status || $eplug_latest) { $text .= ($plug['plugin_installflag'] ? " " : ""); } else { if ($eplug_menu_name) { $text .= EPL_NOINSTALL.str_replace("..", "", e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'])."/ ".EPL_DIRECTORY; } else { $text .= EPL_NOINSTALL_1.str_replace("..", "", e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'])."/ ".EPL_DIRECTORY; if($plug['plugin_installflag'] == FALSE){ global $sql; $sql->db_Delete('plugin', "plugin_installflag=0 AND (plugin_path='{$plug['plugin_path']}' OR plugin_path='{$plug['plugin_path']}/' ) "); } } } if ($plug['plugin_version'] != $eplug_version && $plug['plugin_installflag']) { $text .= "
"; } $text .="

".EPL_ADLAN_23."   ".EPL_ADLAN_22."   ".EPL_ADLAN_24."   ".EPL_ADLAN_25."
"; $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_16, $text); // ---------------------------------------------------------- require_once("footer.php"); exit; function show_uninstall_confirm() { global $plugin, $tp, $id, $ns; $id = intval($id); $plug = $plugin->getinfo($id); if ($plug['plugin_installflag'] == TRUE ) { include(e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'].'/plugin.php'); } if(is_writable(e_PLUGIN.$plug['plugin_path'])) { $del_text = " "; } else { $del_text = " ".EPL_ADLAN_53." "; } $text = "
".EPL_ADLAN_54." ".$tp->toHtml($eplug_name,"","defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable")."
".EPL_ADLAN_55." ".LAN_YES."
"; $ns->tablerender(EPL_ADLAN_63." ".$tp->toHtml($eplug_name,"","defs,emotes_off, no_make_clickable"), $text); require_once(e_ADMIN."footer.php"); exit; } ?>