cronAction = e_QUERY; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $this -> cronSave(); } if(isset($_POST['save_prefs'])) { $this -> cronSavePrefs(); } // Set Core Cron Options. $this->coreCrons[] = array('name'=>'User Purge','function' => 'user_purge', 'description'=>'Purge Unactivated Users'); $this->coreCrons[] = array('name'=>'User UnActivated','function' => 'user_unactivated', 'description'=>'Resend activation email to unactivated users.'); $this->coreCrons[] = array('name'=>'News Sticky','function' => 'news_purge', 'description'=>'Remove Sticky News Items'); // These core functions need to be put into e_BASE/cron.php ie. news_purge() if($this->cronAction == "" || $this->cronAction == "main") { $this -> cronRenderPage(); } if($this->cronAction == "pref") { $this -> cronRenderPrefs(); } } function cronSavePref() { // Store the USERID with the password. // This way only the one password is needed, and the user login can be looked up in e_base/cron.php } function cronSave() { global $pref; foreach($_POST['cron'] as $key=>$val) { if(!$val['active']) { $val['active'] = 0; } $t['minute'] = implode(",",$_POST['tab'][$key]['minute']); $t['hour'] = implode(",",$_POST['tab'][$key]['hour']); $t['day'] = implode(",",$_POST['tab'][$key]['day']); $t['month'] = implode(",",$_POST['tab'][$key]['month']); $t['weekday'] = implode(",",$_POST['tab'][$key]['weekday']); $val['tab'] = implode(" ",$t); $tabs .= $val['tab']."
"; $cron[$key] = $val; } $pref['e_cron_pref'] = $cron; $emessage = &eMessage::getInstance(); if(save_prefs()) { $emessage->add(LAN_SETSAVED, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { $emessage->add("There was a problem saving your settings.", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- function cronRenderPrefs() { global $frm,$ns; $text = "
Cron Password ".$frm->password('cron_password',100)."
"; $text .= $frm->admin_button('save_prefs',LAN_SAVE, 'update'); $text .= "
"; $ns -> tablerender(LAN_PREFS, $text); } // ----------- Grab All e_cron parameters ----------------------------------- function cronRenderPage() { global $pref,$ns,$frm; $cronpref = $pref['e_cron_pref']; // $count = 0; $e_cron = $this->coreCrons; $count = count($this->coreCrons); foreach($pref['e_cron_list'] as $key=>$val) { $eplug_cron = array(); if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$key."/e_cron.php")) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.$key."/e_cron.php"); foreach($eplug_cron as $v) { $e_cron[$count]['name'] = $v['name']; $e_cron[$count]['function'] = $v['function']; $e_cron[$count]['description'] = $v['description']; $e_cron[$count]['path'] = $key; $count++; } } } // ---------------------- List All Functions ----------------------------- $text = "
"; foreach($e_cron as $cron) { $c = $cron['function']; $sep = array(); list($sep['minute'],$sep['hour'],$sep['day'],$sep['month'],$sep['weekday']) = explode(" ",$cronpref[$c]['tab']); foreach($sep as $key=>$value) { if($value=="") { $sep[$key] = "*"; } } $minute = explode(",",$sep['minute']); $hour = explode(",",$sep['hour']); $day = explode(",",$sep['day']); $month = explode(",",$sep['month']); $weekday = explode(",",$sep['weekday']); $min_options = array( "*" => LAN_CRON_11, "0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58" => LAN_CRON_12, "0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55" => LAN_CRON_13, "0,10,20,30,40,50" => LAN_CRON_14, "0,15,30,45" => LAN_CRON_15 ); $hour_options = array( "*" => LAN_CRON_16, "0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22" => LAN_CRON_17, "0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21" => LAN_CRON_18, "0,6,12,18" => LAN_CRON_19 ); $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".LAN_CRON_1." ".LAN_CRON_2." ".LAN_CRON_3." ".LAN_CRON_4." ".LAN_CRON_5." ".LAN_CRON_6." ".LAN_CRON_7." ".LAN_CRON_8."
".$cron['name']." ".$cron['description']." "; $checked = ($cronpref[$c]['active'] == 1) ? "checked='checked'" : ""; $text .= "
"; // $text .= ""; $text .= $frm->admin_button('submit', LAN_SAVE, $action = 'update'); $text .= "
"; $emessage = &eMessage::getInstance(); $ns -> tablerender(PAGE_NAME, $emessage->render() . $text); } function cronOptions() { $e107 = &e107::getInstance(); $var['main']['text'] = PAGE_NAME; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['pref']['text'] = LAN_PREFS; $var['pref']['link'] = e_SELF."?pref"; $var['pref']['perm'] = "N"; $action = ($this->cronAction) ? $this->cronAction : "main"; e_admin_menu(PAGE_NAME, $action, $var); } } function cron_adminmenu() { global $cron; $cron->cronOptions(); } ?>