db_Select("upload", "*", "upload_id='".intval($id)."'"); $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (preg_match("#Binary (.*?)/#", $row['upload_file'], $match)) { $sql -> db_Delete("rbinary", "binary_id='".$tp -> toDB($match[1])."'"); } else if ($row['upload_file'] && file_exists(e_FILE."public/".$row['upload_file'])) { unlink(e_FILE."public/".$row['upload_file']); } if (preg_match("#Binary (.*?)/#", $row['upload_ss'], $match)) { $sql -> db_Delete("rbinary", "binary_id='".$tp -> toDB($match[1])."'"); } else if ($row['upload_ss'] && file_exists(e_FILE."public/".$row['upload_ss'])) { unlink(e_FILE."public/".$row['upload_ss']); } $message = ($sql->db_Delete("upload", "upload_id='".intval($id)."'")) ? UPLLAN_1 : LAN_DELETED_FAILED; $admin_log->log_event('UPLOAD_01',$row['upload_file'],E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); } if ($action == "dlm") { header("location: ".e_ADMIN."download.php?dlm.".$id); exit; } if ($action == "news") { header("location: ".e_ADMIN."newspost.php?create.upload.".$id); exit; } if ($action == "dl") { $id = str_replace("%20", " ", $id); if (preg_match("/Binary\s(.*?)\/.*/", $id, $result)) { $bid = $result[1]; $result = @mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".MPREFIX."rbinary WHERE binary_id='$bid' "); $binary_data = @mysql_result($result, 0, "binary_data"); $binary_filetype = @mysql_result($result, 0, "binary_filetype"); $binary_name = @mysql_result($result, 0, "binary_name"); header("Content-type: ".$binary_filetype); header("Content-length: ".$download_filesize); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$binary_name); header("Content-Description: PHP Generated Data"); echo $binary_data; exit; } else { header("location:".e_FILE."public/".str_replace("dl.", "", e_QUERY)); exit; } } require_once(e_HANDLER.'upload_handler.php'); require_once("auth.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER.'userclass_class.php'); $gen = new convert; require_once(e_HANDLER.'form_handler.php'); $rs = new form; // Need the userclass object for class selectors if (!is_object($e_userclass)) { $e_userclass = new user_class; } if (isset($_POST['optionsubmit'])) { $temp = array(); $temp['upload_storagetype'] = $_POST['upload_storagetype']; $temp['upload_maxfilesize'] = $_POST['upload_maxfilesize']; $temp['upload_class'] = $_POST['upload_class']; $temp['upload_enabled'] = (FILE_UPLOADS ? $_POST['upload_enabled'] : 0); if ($temp['upload_enabled'] && !$sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_url='upload.php' ")) { $sql->db_Insert("links", "0, '".UPLLAN_44."', 'upload.php', '', '', 1,0,0,0,0"); } if (!$temp['upload_enabled'] && $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_url='upload.php' ")) { $sql->db_Delete("links", "link_url='upload.php' "); } if ($admin_log->logArrayDiffs($temp, $pref, 'UPLOAD_02')) { save_prefs(); // Only save if changes $message = UPLLAN_2; } else { $message = UPLLAN_4; } } if (isset($message)) { require_once(e_HANDLER."message_handler.php"); message_handler("ADMIN_MESSAGE", $message); } if (!FILE_UPLOADS) { message_handler("ADMIN_MESSAGE", UPLLAN_41); } switch ($action) { case 'filetypes' : if(!getperms("0")) exit; $definition_source = UPLLAN_58; $source_file = ''; $edit_upload_list = varset($_POST['upload_do_edit'],FALSE); if (isset($_POST['generate_filetypes_xml'])) { // Write back edited data to filetypes_.xml $file_text = "\n"; foreach ($_POST['file_class_select'] as $k => $c) { if (!isset($_POST['file_line_delete_'.$c]) && varsettrue($_POST['file_type_list'][$k])) { // echo "Key: {$k} Class: {$c} Delete: {$_POST['file_line_delete'][$k]} List: {$_POST['file_type_list'][$k]} Size: {$_POST['file_maxupload'][$k]}
"; $file_text .= " \n"; } } $file_text .= "
\n"; if ((($handle = fopen(e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR.e_SAVE_FILETYPES,'wt')) == FALSE) || (fwrite($handle,$file_text) == FALSE) || (fclose($handle) == FALSE)) { $text = UPLLAN_61.e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR.e_SAVE_FILETYPES; } else { $text = ''; $text .= '
'; } $ns->tablerender(UPLLAN_49, $text); } $current_perms = array(); if (($edit_upload_list && is_readable(e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR.e_SAVE_FILETYPES)) || (!$edit_upload_list && is_readable(e_ADMIN.e_READ_FILETYPES))) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'xml_class.php'); $xml = new xmlClass; $source_file = $edit_upload_list ? e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR.e_SAVE_FILETYPES : e_ADMIN.e_READ_FILETYPES; $temp_vars = $xml->loadXMLfile($source_file, true, false); if ($temp_vars === FALSE) { echo "Error parsing XML file!"; } else { // echo "
//		var_dump($temp_vars);
//		echo "
"; foreach ($temp_vars['class'] as $v1) { $v = $v1['@attributes']; $current_perms[$v['name']] = array('type' => $v['type'],'maxupload' => $v['maxupload']); } } } elseif (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')) { $source_file = 'filetypes.php'; $current_perms[e_UC_MEMBER] = array('type' => implode(',',array_keys(get_allowed_filetypes('filetypes.php', ''))),'maxupload' => '2M'); if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'admin_filetypes.php')) { $current_perms[e_UC_ADMIN] = array('type' => implode(',',array_keys(get_allowed_filetypes('admin_filetypes.php', ''))),'maxupload' => '2M'); $source_file .= ' + admin_filetypes.php'; } } else { // Set a default $current_perms[e_UC_MEMBER] = array('type' => 'zip,tar,gz,jpg,png','maxupload' => '2M'); } $text = "
"; foreach ($current_perms as $uclass => $uinfo) { $text .= " "; } // Now put up a box to add a new setting $text .= " "; $text .= "
". str_replace(array('--SOURCE--', '--DEST--'),array(e_UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR.e_SAVE_FILETYPES,e_ADMIN.e_READ_FILETYPES),UPLLAN_52)."
".UPLLAN_53." ".UPLLAN_54." ".UPLLAN_55." ".UPLAN_DELETE."
"; $ns->tablerender(UPLLAN_49, $text); break; case 'options' : if(!getperms("0")) exit; $text = "
". ($pref['upload_enabled'] == 1 ? $rs->form_radio("upload_enabled", 1, 1)." ".LAN_YES.$rs->form_radio("upload_enabled", 0)." ".LAN_NO : $rs->form_radio("upload_enabled", 1)." ".LAN_YES.$rs->form_radio("upload_enabled", 0, 1)." ".LAN_NO)."
". ($pref['upload_storagetype'] == 1 ? $rs->form_radio("upload_storagetype", 1, 1)." ".UPLLAN_31."
".$rs->form_radio("upload_storagetype", 2)." ".UPLLAN_32 : $rs->form_radio("upload_storagetype", 1)." ".UPLLAN_31."
".$rs->form_radio("upload_storagetype", 2, 1)." ".UPLLAN_32)."
".UPLLAN_34." (upload_max_filesize = ".ini_get('upload_max_filesize').", post_max_size = ".ini_get('post_max_size')." )
". $rs->form_text("upload_maxfilesize", 10, $pref['upload_maxfilesize'], 10)."
".r_userclass("upload_class", $pref['upload_class'],"off","nobody,public,guest,member,admin,classes")."
". $rs->form_button("submit", "optionsubmit", UPLLAN_39)."
". $rs->form_close()."
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_OPTIONS, $text); break; case 'view' : $sql->db_Select("upload", "*", "upload_id='{$id}'"); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $post_author_id = substr($upload_poster, 0, strpos($upload_poster, ".")); $post_author_name = substr($upload_poster, (strpos($upload_poster, ".")+1)); $poster = (!$post_author_id ? "".$post_author_name."" : "".$post_author_name.""); $upload_datestamp = $gen->convert_date($upload_datestamp, "long"); $text = "
".UPLLAN_3." {$upload_id}
".LAN_DATE." {$upload_datestamp}
".UPLLAN_5." {$poster}
".UPLLAN_6." {$upload_email}
".UPLLAN_7." ".($upload_website ? "{$upload_website}" : " - ")."
".UPLLAN_8." ".($upload_name ? $upload_name: " - ")."
".UPLLAN_9." ".($upload_version ? $upload_version : " - ")."
".UPLLAN_10." ".(is_numeric($upload_file) ? "Binary file ID ".$upload_file : "$upload_file")."
".UPLLAN_11." ".$e107->parseMemorySize($upload_filesize)."
".UPLLAN_12." ".($upload_ss ? "".$upload_ss."" : " - ")."
".UPLLAN_13." {$upload_description}
".UPLLAN_14." ".($upload_demo ? $upload_demo : " - ")."
"; $ns->tablerender(UPLLAN_18, $text); // Intentionally fall through into list mode case 'list' : default : $imgd = e_BASE.$IMAGES_DIRECTORY; $text = "
"; $text .= "\n"; } else { $activeUploads = $sql -> db_getList(); $text .= UPLLAN_20." ".($active_uploads == 1 ? UPLAN_IS : UPLAN_ARE).$active_uploads." ".($active_uploads == 1 ? UPLLAN_21 : UPLLAN_27)." ..."; $text .= ""; foreach($activeUploads as $row) { extract($row); $post_author_id = substr($upload_poster, 0, strpos($upload_poster, ".")); $post_author_name = substr($upload_poster, (strpos($upload_poster, ".")+1)); $poster = (!$post_author_id ? "".$post_author_name."" : "".$post_author_name.""); $upload_datestamp = $gen->convert_date($upload_datestamp, "short"); $text .= ""; } } $text .= "
".UPLLAN_22." ".LAN_DATE." ".UPLLAN_5." ".UPLLAN_23." ".UPLLAN_8." ".UPLLAN_35." ".UPLLAN_42."
"; if (!$active_uploads = $sql->db_Select("upload", "*", "upload_active=0 ORDER BY upload_id ASC")) { $text .= UPLLAN_19.".\n
".$upload_id ." ".$upload_datestamp." ".$poster." ".$upload_name ." ".$upload_file ." ".$e107->parseMemorySize($upload_filesize)."
".UPLAN_COPYTODLS." ".UPLLAN_16." toJS(UPLLAN_45." [ {$upload_name} ]")."') \"/>
"; $ns->tablerender(UPLLAN_43, $text); } // end - switch($action) function upload_adminmenu() { $action = (e_QUERY) ? e_QUERY : "list"; $var['list']['text'] = UPLLAN_51; $var['list']['link'] = e_SELF."?list"; $var['list']['perm'] = "V"; if(getperms("0")) { $var['filetypes']['text'] = UPLLAN_49; $var['filetypes']['link'] = e_SELF."?filetypes"; $var['filetypes']['perm'] = "0"; $var['options']['text'] = UPLLAN_50; $var['options']['link'] = e_SELF."?options"; $var['options']['perm'] = "0"; } show_admin_menu(UPLLAN_43, $action, $var); } require_once("footer.php"); ?>