db_Select("user", "*", "user_id=".$modID); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $a_name = $row['user_name']; $perm = ""; foreach($_POST['perms'] as $value) { $value = $tp->toDB($value); if ($value == "0") { if (!getperms('0')) { $value = ""; break; } $perm = "0"; break; } if ($value) { $perm .= $value."."; } } admin_update($sql->db_Update("user", "user_perms='{$perm}' WHERE user_id='{$modID}' "), 'update', sprintf(ADMSLAN_2, $tp->toDB($_POST['ad_name'])), false, false); $logMsg = str_replace(array('--ID--', '--NAME--'),array($modID, $a_name),ADMSLAN_72).$perm; $admin_log->log_event('ADMIN_01',$logMsg,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); unset($modID, $ad_name, $a_perms); } if (isset($_POST['edit_admin']) || $action == "edit") { $edid = array_keys($_POST['edit_admin']); $theid = intval(($sub_action < 0) ? $edid[0] : $sub_action); if ((!$sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id=".$theid)) || !($row = $sql->db_Fetch())) { $emessage->add("Couldn't find user ID: {$theid}, {$sub_action}, {$edid[0]}", E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); // Debug code - shouldn't be executed } } if (isset($_POST['del_admin']) && count($_POST['del_admin'])) { $delid = array_keys($_POST['del_admin']); $aID = intval($delid[0]); $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id= ".$aID); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if ($row['user_id'] == 1) { // Can't delete main admin $text = $row['user_name']." ".ADMSLAN_6."

".ADMSLAN_4.""; $emessage->add($text, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $ns->tablerender(LAN_ERROR, $emessage->render()); require_once("footer.php"); exit; } admin_update($sql -> db_Update("user", "user_admin=0, user_perms='' WHERE user_id= ".$aID), 'update', ADMSLAN_61, LAN_DELETED_FAILED, false); $logMsg = str_replace(array('--ID--', '--NAME--'),array($aID, $row['user_name']),ADMSLAN_73); $admin_log->log_event('ADMIN_02',$logMsg,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); } if(isset($_POST['edit_admin']) || $action == "edit") { edit_administrator($row); } else { show_admins(); } function show_admins() { global $sql, $emessage, $e107, $frm; $sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_admin='1'"); $text = "
".ADMSLAN_13." "; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { //$permtxt = ""; $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$row['user_id']." ".$row['user_name']." ".renderperms($row['user_perms'],$row['user_id'],"words")." "; if($row['user_id'] != "1") { $text .= " ".$frm->submit_image("edit_admin[{$row['user_id']}]", 'edit', 'edit', LAN_EDIT)." ".$frm->submit_image("del_admin[{$row['user_id']}]", 'del', 'delete', $e107->tp->toJS(ADMSLAN_59."? [".$row['user_name']."]"))." "; } $text .= "
"; $e107->ns->tablerender(ADMSLAN_13, $emessage->render().$text); } function edit_administrator($row) { global $sql, $e107, $pref, $frm; $lanlist = explode(",",e_LANLIST); $a_id = $row['user_id']; $ad_name = $row['user_name']; $a_perms = $row['user_perms']; $text = "
".ADMSLAN_16.": ".$ad_name."
".ADMSLAN_18." "; //XXX Lan - General $text .= "


"; $text .= checkb("1", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_19); // Alter site preferences $text .= checkb("2", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_20); // Alter Menus $text .= checkb("3", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_21); // Modify administrator permissions $text .= checkb("4", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_22); // Moderate users/bans etc $text .= checkb("5", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_23); // create/edit custom pages $text .= checkb("J", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_41); // create/edit custom menus $text .= checkb("Q", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_24); // Manage download categories $text .= checkb("6", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_25); // Upload /manage files $text .= checkb("Y", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_67); // file inspector $text .= checkb("O", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_68); // notify $text .= checkb("7", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_26); // Oversee news categories // $text .= checkb("8", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_27); // Oversee link categories $text .= checkb("C", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_64); // Clear Cache - Previously moderate chatbox $text .= checkb("9", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_28); // Take site down for maintenance $text .= checkb("W", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_65); // Configure mail settings and mailout $text .= checkb("D", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_29); // Manage banners // $text .= checkb("E", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_30); // Configure news feed headlines - now plugin $text .= checkb("F", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_31); // Configure emoticons $text .= checkb("G", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_32); // Configure front page content $text .= checkb("S", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_33); // Configure system logs (previously log/stats - now plugin) $text .= checkb("T", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_34); // Configure meta tags $text .= checkb("V", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_35); // Configure public file uploads $text .= checkb("X", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_66); // Configure Search $text .= checkb("A", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_36); // Configure Image Settings (Previously Moderate forums - NOW PLUGIN) $text .= checkb("B", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_37); // Moderate comments $text .= checkb("H", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_39); // Post news $text .= checkb("I", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_40); // Post links // $text .= checkb("K", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_42); // Post reviews - NOW PLUGIN $text .= checkb("L", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_43); // Configure URLs $text .= checkb("R", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_44); // Post downloads $text .= checkb("U", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_45); // Schedule Tasks $text .= checkb("M", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_46); // Welcome message $text .= checkb("N", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_47); // Moderate submitted news $text .= "


"; $text .= checkb("Z", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_62); // Plugin Manager $sql->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag='1'"); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $text .= checkb("P".$row['plugin_id'], $a_perms, LAN_PLUGIN." - ".$e107->tp->toHTML($row['plugin_name'] ,FALSE , 'RAWTEXT,defs')); } $text .= "
"; // Language Rights.. -------------- if($pref['multilanguage']) { sort($lanlist); $text .= "


"; $text .= checkb($pref['sitelanguage'], $a_perms, $pref['sitelanguage']); foreach($lanlist as $langval) { //$langname = $langval; $langval = ($langval == $pref['sitelanguage']) ? "" : $langval; if ($langval) { $text .= checkb($langval, $a_perms, $langval); } } $text .= "
"; } // ------------------------- if (getperms('0')) { $text .= "


"; $text .= checkb("0", $a_perms, ADMSLAN_58); $text .= "
"; } $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('check_all', 'jstarget:perms', 'action', LAN_CHECKALL)." ".$frm->admin_button('uncheck_all', 'jstarget:perms', 'action', LAN_UNCHECKALL)."
".$frm->admin_button('update_admin', ADMSLAN_52, 'update')." ".$frm->admin_button('go_back', ADMSLAN_70)."
"; $e107->ns->tablerender(ADMSLAN_52, $text); } require_once("footer.php"); function checkb($arg, $perms, $label='') { global $frm; $par = "
"; $par .= $frm->checkbox('perms[]', $arg, getperms($arg, $perms)); if ($label) { $par .= $frm->label($label,'perms[]', $arg); } $par .= "
"; return $par; } function renderperms($perm, $id) { global $pref, $pt, $e107; if($perm == "0") { return ADMSLAN_58; } $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); $lanlist = explode(",",e_LANLIST); if(!$pt) { $pt["1"] = ADMSLAN_19; $pt["2"] = ADMSLAN_20; $pt["3"] = ADMSLAN_21; $pt["4"] = ADMSLAN_22; // Moderate users/bans etc $pt["5"] = ADMSLAN_23; // create/edit custom pages $pt["J"] = ADMSLAN_41; // create/edit custom menus $pt["Q"] = ADMSLAN_24; // Manage download categories $pt["6"] = ADMSLAN_25; // Upload /manage files $pt["Y"] = ADMSLAN_67; // file inspector $pt["O"] = ADMSLAN_68; // notify $pt["7"] = ADMSLAN_26; $pt["8"] = ADMSLAN_27; $pt["C"] = ADMSLAN_64; $pt["9"] = ADMSLAN_28; $pt["W"] = ADMSLAN_65; $pt["D"] = ADMSLAN_29; $pt["E"] = ADMSLAN_30; $pt["F"] = ADMSLAN_31; $pt["G"] = ADMSLAN_32; $pt["S"] = ADMSLAN_33; $pt["T"] = ADMSLAN_34; $pt["V"] = ADMSLAN_35; $pt["X"] = ADMSLAN_66; $pt["A"] = ADMSLAN_36; // Configure Image Settings $pt["B"] = ADMSLAN_37; $pt["H"] = ADMSLAN_39; $pt["I"] = ADMSLAN_40; $pt["L"] = ADMSLAN_43; $pt["R"] = ADMSLAN_44; $pt["U"] = ADMSLAN_45; $pt["M"] = ADMSLAN_46; $pt["N"] = ADMSLAN_47; $pt["Z"] = ADMSLAN_62; $sql2->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_installflag='1'"); while ($row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch()) { $pt[("P".$row2['plugin_id'])] = LAN_PLUGIN." - ".$e107->tp->toHTML($row2['plugin_name'], FALSE, 'RAWTEXT,defs'); } } $tmp = explode(".", $perm); $langperm = ""; foreach($tmp as $pms) { if(in_array($pms, $lanlist)) { $langperm .= $pms." "; } else { $permtxt[] = $pms; if($pt[$pms]) { $ptext[] = $pt[$pms]; } } } $ret = implode(" ",$permtxt); if($pref['multilanguage']) { $ret .= $langperm; } $text = "
"; return $text; } /** * Handle page DOM within the page header * * @return string JS source */ function headerjs() { require_once(e_HANDLER.'js_helper.php'); $ret = " "; return $ret; } ?>