pref = e107::pref('core'); $this->pref['user_reg_veri'] = intval($this->pref['user_reg_veri']); if(getperms('0')) { $this->testMode = true; } } public function run() { $ns = e107::getRender(); if(substr(e_QUERY,0,9)=='activate.') { $result = $this->processActivationLink(e_QUERY); switch($result) { case "failed": $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_75, LAN_SIGNUP_101); break; case "exists": $text = "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_75, $text); break; case "success": $text = "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_75, $text); break; default: case "invalid": echo e107::getMessage()->addError("Invalid URL")->render(); break; // code to be executed if n is different from all labels; } return null; } if((e_QUERY == 'resend') && (!USER || $this->testMode) && ($this->pref['user_reg_veri'] === 1)) { if(empty($_POST['submit_resend'])) { $this->renderResendForm(); } else { $this->resendEmail(); } } if($this->testMode == true) { if(e_QUERY == 'preview') { $this->renderEmailPreview(); } if(e_QUERY == "preview.aftersignup") { $this->renderAfterSignupPreview(); } if(e_QUERY == 'test') { $this->sendEmailPreview(); } } } /* private function renderForm() { } */ private function resendEmail() { global $userMethods; $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); // Action user's submitted information // 'resend_email' - user name or email address actually used to sign up // 'resend_newemail' - corrected email address // 'resend_password' - password (required if changing email address) $clean_email = $tp->toDB($_POST['resend_email']); // may also be username /*if(!check_email($clean_email)) { $clean_email = "xxx"; }*/ $new_email = $tp->toDB(varset($_POST['resend_newemail'], '')); if(!check_email($new_email )) { $new_email = FALSE; } // Account already activated if($_POST['resend_email'] && !$new_email && $clean_email && $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM #user WHERE user_ban=0 AND user_sess='' AND (`user_loginname`= '".$clean_email."' OR `user_name` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_email` = '".$clean_email."' ) ")) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_40,LAN_SIGNUP_41."
"); return false; } // Start by looking up the user if(!$sql->select("user", "*", "(`user_loginname` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_name` = '".$clean_email."' OR `user_email` = '".$clean_email."' ) AND `user_ban`=".USER_REGISTERED_NOT_VALIDATED." AND `user_sess` !='' LIMIT 1")) { message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_64.': '.$clean_email); // email (or other info) not valid. return false; } $row = $sql -> fetch(); // We should have a user record here if(trim($_POST['resend_password']) !="" && $new_email) // Need to change the email address - check password to make sure { if ($userMethods->CheckPassword($_POST['resend_password'], $row['user_loginname'], $row['user_password']) === TRUE) { if ($sql->select('user', 'user_id, user_email', "user_email='".$new_email."'")) { // Email address already used by someone message_handler("ALERT",LAN_SIGNUP_106); // Duplicate email return false; } if($sql->update("user", "user_email='".$new_email."' WHERE user_id = '".$row['user_id']."' LIMIT 1 ")) { $row['user_email'] = $new_email; } } else { message_handler("ALERT",LAN_INCORRECT_PASSWORD); // Incorrect Password. return false; } } // Now send the email - got some valid info $editPassword = e107::getPref('signup_option_password', 2); if(empty($editPassword)) // user input of password was disabled, so generate a new one. { $row['user_password'] = $userMethods->resetPassword($row['user_id']); } else { $row['user_password'] = 'xxxxxxx'; // Don't know the real one } $row['activation_url'] = SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$row['user_id'].".".$row['user_sess']; $eml = $this->render_email($row); $eml['e107_header'] = $row['user_id']; if($this->testMode == true) // Test Mode. { echo e107::getEmail()->preview($eml); e107::getMessage()->setTitle(LAN_SIGNUP_43,E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS)->addSuccess(LAN_SIGNUP_44." ".$row['user_email']." - ".LAN_SIGNUP_45); $ns->tablerender(null,e107::getMessage()->render()); e107::getMessage()->setTitle(LAN_ERROR,E_MESSAGE_ERROR)->addError(LAN_SIGNUP_42); $ns->tablerender(null, e107::getMessage()->render()); return true; } $result = e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($row['user_email'], $row['user_name'], $eml, false); if(!$result) { e107::getMessage()->setTitle(LAN_ERROR,E_MESSAGE_ERROR)->addError(LAN_SIGNUP_42); $ns->tablerender(null, e107::getMessage()->render()); $do_log['signup_result'] = LAN_SIGNUP_62; } else { e107::getMessage()->setTitle(LAN_SIGNUP_61,E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS)->addSuccess(LAN_SIGNUP_44." ".$row['user_email']." - ".LAN_SIGNUP_45); $ns->tablerender(null,e107::getMessage()->render()); $do_log['signup_result'] = LAN_SIGNUP_61; } // Now log this (log will ignore if its disabled) $do_log['signup_action'] = LAN_SIGNUP_63; e107::getLog()->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_PW_RES,$do_log,$row['user_id'],$row['user_name']); return $result; } private function renderResendForm() { $ns = e107::getRender(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = "
".LAN_SIGNUP_48." ".$frm->text('resend_email','',80)." ".LAN_SIGNUP_121."
".LAN_SIGNUP_50." ".$frm->text('resend_newemail', '', 50)."
".LAN_SIGNUP_51." ".$frm->text('resend_password', '', 50)."
"; $text .="
"; $text .= ""; // resend activation email. $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_SIGNUP_47, $text); } private function sendEmailPreview() { $temp = array(); $eml = $this->render_email($temp, TRUE); // It ignores the data, anyway $mailer = e107::getEmail(); if(!$mailer->sendEmail(USEREMAIL, USERNAME, $eml, FALSE)) { echo "
"; // there was a problem. } else { echo "
".LAN_SIGNUP_43." [ ".USEREMAIL." ] - ".LAN_SIGNUP_45."
"; } } function renderEmailPreview() { $ns = e107::getRender(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $temp = array(); $eml = $this->render_email($temp, true); // It ignores the data, anyway $ns->tablerender('Email Preview', $tp->replaceConstants($eml['preview'],'abs')); } private function renderAfterSignupPreview() { global $allData; $ns = e107::getRender(); $allData['data']['user_email'] = ""; $allData['data']['user_loginname'] = "user_loginname"; $after_signup = self::render_after_signup(null); $ns->tablerender($after_signup['caption'], $after_signup['text']); } /** * @param $queryString * @return string invalid|failed|exists|success */ public function processActivationLink($queryString) { $userMethods = e107::getUserSession(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $log = e107::getLog(); $qs = explode('.', $queryString); // ie. activate.".$row['user_id'].".".$row['user_sess'] if ($qs[0] == 'activate' && (count($qs) == 3 || count($qs) == 4) && $qs[2]) { if(isset($qs[3]) && strlen($qs[3]) == 2 ) // language-code detected... return the message in the correct language. { $slng = e107::getLanguage(); $the_language = $slng->convert($qs[3]); if(is_readable(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$the_language.'/lan_signup.php')) { e107::includeLan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$the_language.'/lan_signup.php'); } else { e107::coreLan('signup'); } } else { e107::coreLan('signup'); } // When user clicks twice on the email activation link or admin manually activated the account already. if($sql->select("user", "user_id", "user_id = ".intval($qs[1])." AND user_ban = 0 AND user_sess='' " ) ) //TODO XXX check within last 24 hours only? { return 'exists'; } e107::getCache()->clear("online_menu_totals"); if ($sql->select("user", "*", "user_sess='".$tp->toDB($qs[2], true)."' LIMIT 1")) { if ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $dbData = array(); $dbData['WHERE'] = " user_sess='".$tp->toDB($qs[2], true)."' "; $dbData['data'] = array('user_ban'=>'0', 'user_sess'=>''); // Set initial classes, and any which the user can opt to join if ($init_class = $userMethods->userClassUpdate($row, 'userfull')) { //print_a($init_class); exit; $dbData['data']['user_class'] = $init_class; } $userMethods->addNonDefaulted($dbData); validatorClass::addFieldTypes($userMethods->userVettingInfo,$dbData); $newID = $sql->update('user',$dbData); if($newID === false) { $log->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'USER','Verification Fail', print_r($row,true),false, LOG_TO_ROLLING); return 'failed'; } // Log to user audit log if enabled $log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_EMAILACK,$row); e107::getEvent()->trigger('userveri', $row); // Legacy event e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_signup_activated', $row); e107::getEvent()->trigger('userfull', $row); // 'New' event if (!empty($this->pref['autologinpostsignup']) && !e107::isCli()) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'login.php'); $usr = new userlogin(); $usr->login($row['user_loginname'], md5($row['user_name'].$row['user_password'].$row['user_join']), 'signup', ''); } return 'success'; } } else { // Invalid activation code $log->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'USER','Invalid Verification URL', print_r($qs,true),false, LOG_TO_ROLLING); } } return 'invalid'; } /** * Create email to send to user who just registered. * * @param array $userInfo is the array of user-related DB variables * @param bool $preview * @return array of data for mailer - field names directly compatible */ function render_email($userInfo, $preview = FALSE) { if($preview == TRUE) { $userInfo['user_password'] = "test-password"; $userInfo['user_loginname'] = "test-loginname"; $userInfo['user_name'] = "test-username"; $userInfo['user_email'] = ""; $userInfo['user_website'] = ""; // This may not be defined $userInfo['user_id'] = 0; $userInfo['user_sess'] = "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; $userInfo['activation_url'] = ''; } return e107::getSystemUser($userInfo['user_id'], false)->renderEmail('signup', $userInfo); } static function render_after_signup($error_message='') { $ret = array(); if(!empty($error_message)) { $ret['text'] = "
"; // Just display the error message $ret['caption'] = LAN_SIGNUP_99; // Problem Detected return $ret; } global $pref, $allData, $adviseLoginName, $tp; $srch = array("[sitename]","[email]","{NEWLOGINNAME}","{EMAIL}"); $repl = array(SITENAME,"".$allData['data']['user_email']."",$allData['data']['user_loginname'],$allData['data']['user_email']); $text = "
"; if (isset($pref['signup_text_after']) && (strlen($pref['signup_text_after']) > 2)) { $text .= str_replace($srch, $repl, $tp->toHTML($pref['signup_text_after'], TRUE, 'parse_sc,defs'))."
"; // keep str_replace() outside of toHTML to allow for search/replace of dynamic terms within 'defs'. } else { $text .= (intval($pref['user_reg_veri']) === 2) ? LAN_SIGNUP_37 : str_replace($srch,$repl, LAN_SIGNUP_72); $text .= "

".$adviseLoginName; } $text .= "
"; $caption_arr = array(); $caption_arr[0] = LAN_SIGNUP_73; // Thank you! (No Approval). $caption_arr[1] = LAN_SIGNUP_98; // Confirm Email (Email Confirmation) $caption_arr[2] = LAN_SIGNUP_100; // Approval Pending (Admin Approval) $mode = (int) $pref['user_reg_veri']; $caption = $caption_arr[$mode]; $ret['text'] = $text; $ret['caption'] = $caption; return $ret; } }