".NFPM_LAN_1." ".NFPM_LAN_2." ".NFPM_LAN_3." ".NFPM_LAN_4." ".NFPM_LAN_5."
"; } $results = $sql->db_Select_gen(" SELECT t.thread_id, t.thread_name, t.thread_datestamp, t.thread_user, t.thread_views, t.thread_lastpost, t.thread_lastuser, t.thread_total_replies, t.thread_active, t.thread_s, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_class, u.user_name, fp.forum_class, lp.user_name AS lp_name FROM #forum_thread AS t LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_user,'.',1) = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #user AS lp ON SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.thread_lastuser,'.',1) = lp.user_id LEFT JOIN #forum AS f ON f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id LEFT JOIN #forum AS fp ON f.forum_parent = fp.forum_id WHERE f.forum_id = t.thread_forum_id AND t.thread_parent=0 AND f.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND fp.forum_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") ORDER BY t.$query DESC LIMIT 0, ".$pref['nfp_amount']); $forumArray = $sql->db_getList(); if(!isset($gen) || !is_object($gen)) { $gen = new convert; } /* // Deprecated method to indicate new forum posts if(is_readable(THEME."forum/new_small.png")) { $ICON = ""; } else { $ICON = ""; } */ $TOTAL_TOPICS = $sql->db_Count("forum_thread", "(*)", " WHERE thread_parent='0' "); $TOTAL_REPLIES = $sql->db_Count("forum_thread", "(*)", " WHERE thread_parent!='0' "); $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT sum(thread_views) FROM #forum_thread"); $tmp = $sql->db_Fetch(); $TOTAL_VIEWS = $tmp[0]; $text = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $NEWFORUMPOSTSTYLE_HEADER); foreach ($forumArray as $forumInfo) { extract($forumInfo); $r_datestamp = $gen->convert_date($thread_lastpost, "forum"); if($thread_total_replies) { $tmp = explode(".", $thread_lastuser, 2); if($lp_name) { $LASTPOST = "$lp_name"; } else { if($tmp[1]) { $LASTPOST = $tmp[1]; } else { $LASTPOST = NFPM_L16; } } $LASTPOSTDATE = "$r_datestamp"; } else { $LASTPOST = ' - '; $LASTPOSTDATE = ''; } $newflag = FALSE; if (USER) { if ($forumInfo['thread_lastpost'] > USERLV && !preg_match("#\b".$forumInfo['thread_id']."\b#", USERVIEWED)) { $newflag = TRUE; } } if ($newflag) { if ($forumInfo['thread_total_replies'] >= $pref['forum_popular']) { $iconfile = 'new_popular.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L17; } else { $iconfile = 'new.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L18; } } else { if ($forumInfo['thread_total_replies'] >= $pref['forum_popular']) { $iconfile = 'nonew_popular.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L19; } else { $iconfile = 'nonew.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L20; } if ($forumInfo['thread_s'] == 1) { if ($forumInfo['thread_active']) { $iconfile = 'sticky.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L21; } else { $iconfile = 'sticky_closed.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L22; } } elseif($forumInfo['thread_s'] == 2) { $iconfile = 'announce.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L23; } elseif(!$forumInfo['thread_active']) { $iconfile = 'closed.png'; $iconalt = NFPM_L24; } } $ICON = "".$iconalt.""; $x = explode(chr(1), $thread_user); $tmp = explode(".", $x[0], 2); if($user_name) { $POSTER = "$user_name"; } else { if($tmp[1]) { $POSTER = $tmp[1]; } else { $POSTER = NFPM_L16; } } $THREAD = "$thread_name"; $FORUM = "$forum_name"; $VIEWS = $thread_views; $REPLIES = $thread_total_replies; $text .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $NEWFORUMPOSTSTYLE_MAIN); } $text .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $NEWFORUMPOSTSTYLE_FOOTER); $text = ($pref['nfp_layer'] ? "
" : $text); if($results) { $ns->tablerender($pref["nfp_caption"], $text, 'nfp'); }