'create', 'mismatch' => 'alter', 'missing_field' => 'insert', 'missing_index' => 'index', 'mismatch_index' => '', // TODO ); var $errors = array(); /** * Setup */ function __construct() { $pref = e107::getPref(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $this->backUrl = e_SELF; $core_data = file_get_contents(e_CORE.'sql/core_sql.php'); $this->tables['core'] = $this->getTables($core_data); $this->sqlLanguageTables = $this->getSqlLanguages(); if(varset($pref['e_sql_list'])) { foreach($pref['e_sql_list'] as $path => $file) { $filename = e_PLUGIN.$path.'/'.$file.'.php'; if(is_readable($filename)) { $id = str_replace('_sql','',$file); $data = file_get_contents($filename); $this->currentTable = $id; $this->tables[$id] = $this->getTables($data); unset($data); } else { $message = str_replace("[x]",$filename,DBVLAN_22); $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); } } } } /** * Main Routine for checking and rendering results. */ function verify() { if(vartrue($_POST['verify_table'])) { $this->runComparison($_POST['verify_table']); } else { if(isset($_POST['runfix'])) { $this->runFix($_POST['fix']); } $this->renderTableSelect(); } } function runComparison($fileArray) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); foreach($fileArray as $tab) { $this->compare($tab); foreach($this->sqlLanguageTables as $lng=>$lantab) { $this->compare($tab,$lng); } } if($cnt = count($this->errors)) { $message = str_replace("[x]",$cnt,DBVLAN_26); // Found [x] issues. $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); $this->renderResults(); } else { if($this->internalError === false) { $mes->addSuccess(DBLAN_111); $mes->addSuccess("".LAN_BACK.""); } //$debug = "
"; //$mes->add($debug,E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); //$text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('back', DBVLAN_17, 'back')."
"; echo $mes->render(); // $ns->tablerender("Okay",$mes->render().$text); } } // $this->sqlTables = $this->sqlTableList(); // print_a($this->tables); // $this->renderTableSelect(); // print_a($field); // print_a($match[2]); // echo "
"; /** * Check core tables and installed plugin tables * @param $exclude - array of plugins to exclude. */ function compareAll($exclude = null) { if(is_array($exclude)) { foreach($exclude as $val) { unset($this->tables[$val]); } } $dtables = array_keys($this->tables); foreach($dtables as $tb) { $this->compare($tb); } if(!empty($this->sqlLanguageTables)) // language tables. { foreach($this->sqlLanguageTables as $lng=>$lantab) { foreach($dtables as $tb) { $this->compare($tb,$lng); } } } } function compare($selection,$language='') { $this->currentTable = $selection; if(empty($this->tables[$selection]['tables'])) { //$this->internalError = true; e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Couldn't read table data for ".$selection); return false; } foreach($this->tables[$selection]['tables'] as $key=>$tbl) { //$this->errors[$tbl]['_status'] = 'ok'; // default table status $rawSqlData = $this->getSqlData($tbl,$language); if($rawSqlData === false) { if($language) continue; $this->errors[$tbl]['_status'] = 'missing_table'; $this->results[$tbl]['_file'] = $selection; // echo "missing table: $tbl"; continue; } // echo "


"; // print_a($rawSqlData); // $this->currentTable = $tbl;v $sqlDataArr = $this->getTables($rawSqlData); // echo "


"; // print_a($sqlDataArr); $fileFieldData = $this->getFields($this->tables[$selection]['data'][$key]); $sqlFieldData = $this->getFields($sqlDataArr['data'][0]); $fileIndexData = $this->getIndex($this->tables[$selection]['data'][$key]); $sqlIndexData = $this->getIndex($sqlDataArr['data'][0]); /* $debugA = print_r($fileFieldData,TRUE); // Extracted Field Arrays $debugA .= "


"; $debugA .= print_r($fileIndexData,TRUE); $debugB = print_r($sqlFieldData,TRUE); // Extracted Field Arrays $debugB .= "


"; $debugB .= print_r($sqlIndexData,TRUE); */ $debugA = $this->tables[$selection]['data'][$key]; // Extracted Raw Field Text // $debugB = $rawSqlData; $debugB = $sqlDataArr['data'][0]; // Extracted Raw Field Text if(isset($debugA) && (e_PAGE == 'db.php')) { $debug = "
FILE: ".$tbl." (key=".$key.") SQL: ".$tbl."
"; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->add($debug,E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } if($language) { $tbl = "lan_".$language."_".$tbl; } // Check Field Data. foreach($fileFieldData as $field => $info ) { $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_status'] = 'ok'; if(!is_array($sqlFieldData[$field])) { // echo "


 - ".print_r($sqlFieldData[$field],TRUE)."
"; $this->errors[$tbl]['_status'] = 'error'; // table status $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_status'] = 'missing_field'; // field status $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_valid'] = $info; $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_file'] = $selection; } elseif(count($off = array_diff_assoc($info,$sqlFieldData[$field]))) { $this->errors[$tbl]['_status'] = 'mismatch'; $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_status'] = 'mismatch'; $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_diff'] = $off; $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_valid'] = $info; $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_invalid'] = $sqlFieldData[$field]; $this->results[$tbl][$field]['_file'] = $selection; } } // print_a($fileIndexData); // print_a($sqlIndexData); // Check Index data foreach($fileIndexData as $field => $info ) { if(!is_array($sqlIndexData[$field])) // missing index. { // print_a($info); // print_a($sqlIndexData[$field]); $this->errors[$tbl]['_status'] = 'error'; // table status $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_status'] = 'missing_index'; // index status $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_valid'] = $info; $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_file'] = $selection; } elseif(count($offin = array_diff_assoc($info,$sqlIndexData[$field]))) // missmatch data { // print_a($info); // print_a($sqlIndexData[$field]); $this->errors[$tbl]['_status'] = 'mismatch_index'; $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_status'] = 'mismatch'; $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_diff'] = $offin; $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_valid'] = $info; $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_invalid'] = $sqlIndexData[$field]; $this->indices[$tbl][$field]['_file'] = $selection; } // TODO Check for additional fields in SQL that should be removed. // TODO Add support for MYSQL 5 table layout .eg. journal_id INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , } unset($data); } } /** * Compile Results into a complete list of Fixes that could be run without the need of a form selection. */ function compileResults() { foreach($this->results as $tabs => $field) { $file = varset($this->results[$tabs]['_file']); if(varset($this->errors[$tabs]['_status']) == 'missing_table') // Missing Table { $this->fixList[$file][$tabs]['all'][] = 'create'; } elseif($this->errors[$tabs] != 'ok') // All Other Issues.. { foreach($field as $k=>$f) { if($f['_status']=='ok') continue; $this->fixList[$f['_file']][$tabs][$k][] = $this->modes[$f['_status']]; } } } // Index if(count($this->indices)) { foreach($this->indices as $tabs => $field) { if($this->errors[$tabs] != 'ok') { foreach($field as $k=>$f) { if($f['_status']=='ok') continue; $this->fixList[$f['_file']][$tabs][$k][] = $this->modes[$f['_status']]; } } } } } /** * Returns the number of errors */ public function errors() { return count($this->errors); } function renderResults() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $text = "
".DBVLAN_16." "; $info = array( 'missing_table' => DBVLAN_13, 'mismatch' => DBVLAN_8, 'missing_field' => DBVLAN_11, 'ok' => ADMIN_TRUE_ICON, 'missing_index' => DBVLAN_25, ); foreach($this->results as $tabs => $field) { if($this->errors[$tabs]['_status'] == 'missing_table') // Missing Table { $text .= " "; } elseif($this->errors[$tabs] != 'ok') // All Other Issues.. { foreach($field as $k=>$f) { if($f['_status']=='ok') continue; $fstat = $info[$f['_status']]; $text .= " "; } } } // Indices if(count($this->indices)) { foreach($this->indices as $tabs => $field) { if($this->errors[$tabs] != 'ok') { foreach($field as $k=>$f) { if($f['_status']=='ok') continue; $fstat = $info[$f['_status']]; $text .= " "; } } } } $text .= "
".DBVLAN_4.": {$k} ".DBVLAN_5." ".DBVLAN_6." ".DBVLAN_7." ".DBVLAN_19."
".$this->renderTableName($tabs)."   ".$info[$this->errors[$tabs]['_status']]."   ".$this->fixForm($this->results[$tabs]['_file'],$tabs, 'all', '', 'create') . "
".$this->renderTableName($tabs)." ".$k."  ".$fstat." ".$this->renderNotes($f)."  ".$this->fixForm($f['_file'],$tabs, $k, $f['_valid'], $this->modes[$f['_status']]) . "
".$this->renderTableName($tabs)." ".$k."  ".$fstat." ".$this->renderNotes($f,'index')."  ".$this->fixForm($f['_file'],$tabs, $k, $f['_valid'], $this->modes[$f['_status']]) . "

"; $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('runfix', DBVLAN_21, 'execute', '', array('id'=>false))." ".$frm->admin_button('check_all', 'jstarget:fix', 'action', LAN_CHECKALL, array('id'=>false))." ".$frm->admin_button('uncheck_all', 'jstarget:fix', 'action', LAN_UNCHECKALL, array('id'=>false))."
"; $ns->tablerender(DBVLAN_23.' - '.DBVLAN_16, $mes->render().$text); } function renderTableName($tabs) { if(substr($tabs,0,4)=="lan_") { list($tmp,$lang,$table) = explode("_",$tabs,3); return $table. " (".ucfirst($lang).")"; } return $tabs; } function fixForm($file,$table,$field, $newvalue,$mode,$after ='') { $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = $frm->checkbox("fix[$file][$table][$field][]", $mode, false, array('id'=>false)); return $text; } function renderNotes($data,$mode='field') { // return "
"; $v = $data['_valid']; $i = $data['_invalid']; $valid = $this->toMysql($v,$mode); $invalid = $this->toMysql($i,$mode); $text = ""; if($invalid) { $text .= "".DBVLAN_9."
"; } $text .= "".DBVLAN_10."
"; return $text; } function toMysql($data,$mode = 'field') { if(!$data) return; if($mode == 'index') { // print_a($data); if($data['type']) { return $data['type']." (".$data['field'].");"; } else { return "INDEX `".$data['keyname']."` (".$data['field'].");"; } } if(!in_array(strtolower($data['type']), $this->fieldTypes)) { return $data['type']."(".$data['value'].") ".$data['attributes']." ".$data['null']." ".$data['default']; } else { return $data['type']." ".$data['attributes']." ".$data['null']." ".$data['default']; } } // returns the previous Field function getPrevious($array,$cur) { $fkeys = array_keys($array); foreach($fkeys as $fields) { if($fields == $cur) { $current = prev($fkeys); // required. $previous = prev($fkeys); return $previous; } } } /** * get the key ID for the current table which is being Fixed. */ function getId($tabl,$cur) { $key = array_flip($tabl); if(substr($cur,0,4)=="lan_") // language table adjustment. { list($tmp,$lang,$cur) = explode("_",$cur,3); } if(isset($key[$cur])) { return $key[$cur]; } } /** * Fix tables * FixArray eg. [core][table][field] = alter|create|index| etc. */ function runFix($fixArray='') { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $log = e107::getAdminLog(); if(!is_array($fixArray)) { $fixArray = $this->fixList; // Fix All } foreach($fixArray as $j=>$file) { foreach($file as $table=>$val) { $id = $this->getId($this->tables[$j]['tables'],$table); foreach($val as $field=>$fixes) { foreach($fixes as $mode) { if(substr($mode,0,5)== 'index') { $fdata = $this->getIndex($this->tables[$j]['data'][$id]); $newval = $this->toMysql($fdata[$field],'index'); } else { $fdata = $this->getFields($this->tables[$j]['data'][$id]); $newval = $this->toMysql($fdata[$field]); } switch($mode) { case 'alter': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` CHANGE `$field` `$field` $newval"; break; case 'insert': $after = ($aft = $this->getPrevious($fdata,$field)) ? " AFTER {$aft}" : ""; $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` ADD `$field` $newval{$after}"; break; case 'drop': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` DROP `$field` "; break; case 'index': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` ADD $newval "; break; case 'indexdrop': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` DROP INDEX `$field`"; break; case 'create': $query = "CREATE TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` (".$this->tables[$j]['data'][$id].") ENGINE=MyISAM;"; break; } // $mes->addDebug("Query: ".$query); // continue; if(e107::getDb()->gen($query) !== false) { $log->addDebug(LAN_UPDATED.' ['.$query.']'); } else { $log->addWarning(LAN_UPDATED_FAILED.' ['.$query.']'); $log->addWarning(e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText()); // PDO compatible. /*if(mysql_errno()) { $log->addWarning('SQL #'.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error()); }*/ } } } } // } $log->flushMessages("Database Table(s) Modified"); } function getTables($sql_data) { if(!$sql_data) { e107::getMessage()->addError("No SQL Data found in file"); return false; } $ret = array(); $sql_data = preg_replace("#\/\*.*?\*\/#mis", '', $sql_data); // remove comments // echo "


"; // print_a($sql_data); // $regex = "/CREATE TABLE `?([\w]*)`?\s*?\(([\s\w\+\-_\(\),'\. `]*)\)\s*(ENGINE|TYPE)\s*?=\s?([\w]*)[\w =]*;/i"; $regex = "/CREATE TABLE (?:IF NOT EXISTS )?`?([\w]*)`?\s*?\(([\s\w\+\-_\(\),:'\. `]*)\)\s*(ENGINE|TYPE)\s*?=\s?([\w]*)[\w =]*;/i"; $table = preg_match_all($regex,$sql_data,$match); $tables = array(); foreach($match[1] as $c=>$k) { if(substr($k,0, 5) == 'e107_') // remove prefix if found in sql dump. { $k = substr($k, 5); } $tables[$c] = $k; } $ret['tables'] = $tables; $ret['data'] = $match[2]; $ret['engine'] = $match[4]; if(empty($ret['tables'])) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Unable to parse ".$this->currentTable."_sql.php file data. Possibly missing a ';' at the end?"); e107::getMessage()->addDebug(print_a($regex,true)); } return $ret; } function getFields($data, $print = false) { // Clean $data and add ` ` arond field-names - prevents issues when field == field-type. $tmp = explode("\n",$data); $newline = array(); foreach($tmp as $line) { $line = trim($line); $newline[] = preg_replace("/^([^`A-Z\s][a-z_]*)/","`$1`", $line); } $data = implode("\n",$newline); // -------------------- $mes = e107::getMessage(); // $regex = "/`?([\w]*)`?\s*?(".implode("|",$this->fieldTypes)."|".implode("|",$this->fieldTypeNum).")\s?(?:\([\s]?([0-9,]*)[\s]?\))?[\s]?(unsigned)?[\s]?.*?(?:(NOT NULL|NULL))?[\s]*(auto_increment|default .*)?[\s]?(?:PRIMARY KEY)?[\s]*?,?\s*?\n/im"; $regex = "/^\s*?`?([\w]*)`?\s*?(".implode("|",$this->fieldTypes)."|".implode("|",$this->fieldTypeNum).")\s?(?:\([\s]?([0-9,]*)[\s]?\))?[\s]?(unsigned)?[\s]?.*?(?:(NOT NULL|NULL))?[\s]*(auto_increment|default|AUTO_INCREMENT|DEFAULT [\w'\s.\(:\)-]*)?[\s]?(comment [\w\s'.-]*)?[\s]?(?:PRIMARY KEY)?[\s]*?,?\s*?\n/im"; if(e_DEBUG) { // e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Regex: ".print_a($data,true)); // e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Regex: ".$regex); } // echo $regex."

"; // $regex = "/`?([\w]*)`?\s*(int|varchar|tinyint|smallint|text|char|tinyint) ?(?:\([\s]?([0-9]*)[\s]?\))?[\s]?(unsigned)?[\s]?.*?(NOT NULL|NULL)?[\s]*(auto_increment|default .*)?[\s]?,/i"; // $regex = "/^\s*?`?([\w]*)`?\s*?(".implode("|",$this->fieldTypes)."|".implode("|",$this->fieldTypeNum).")\s?(?:\([\s]?([0-9,]*)[\s]?\))?[\s]?(unsigned)?[\s]?.*?(?:(NOT NULL|NULL))?[\s]*?(auto_increment|default [\w'\".-]*)?[\s]?(?:PRIMARY KEY)?[\s]*?,?\n/im"; //$regex = "/^\s*?`?([\w]*)`?\s*?(date|time|timestamp|datetime|year|tinyblob|blob|mediumblob|longblob|tinytext|mediumtext|longtext|text|bit|tinyint|smallint|mediumint|integer|int|bigint|real|double|float|decimal|numeric|varchar|char|binary|varbinary|enum|set)\s?(?:\([\s]?([0-9,]*)[\s]?\))?[\s]?(unsigned)?[\s]*?(?:(NOT NULL|NULL))?[\s]*?(auto_increment|default [\w'\".-]*)?[\s]?(?:PRIMARY KEY)?[\s]*?,?\n/im"; // $mes->addDebug($regex); //$regex = "/^\s*?`?([\w]*)`?\s*?(date|time|timestamp|datetime|year|text|bit|tinyint|smallint|mediumint|integer|int|bigint|real|double|float|decimal|numeric|varchar|char|binary|varbinary|enum|set)\s?(?:\([\s]?([0-9,]*)[\s]?\))?[\s]?(unsigned)?[\s]*?(?:(NOT NULL|NULL))?[\s]*?(auto_increment|default [\w'.-]*)?[\s]?(?:PRIMARY KEY)?[\s]*?,?\n/i"; // echo "reg=".$regex; preg_match_all($regex,$data,$m); $ret = array(); if($print) var_dump($regex, $m); foreach($m[1] as $k=>$val) { $ret[$val] = array( 'type' => trim(strtoupper($m[2][$k])), 'value' => $m[3][$k], 'attributes' => strtoupper($m[4][$k]), 'null' => strtoupper($m[5][$k]), 'default' => strtoupper($m[6][$k]) ); } return $ret; } function getIndex($data, $print = false) { // $regex = "/(?:(PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FULLTEXT))?[\s]*?KEY (?: ?`?([\w]*)`?)[\s]* ?(?:\([\s]?`?([\w,]*[\s]?)`?\))?,?/i"; $regex = "/(?:(PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FULLTEXT))?[\s]*?KEY (?: ?`?([\w]*)`?)[\s]* ?(?:\([\s]?([\w\s,`]*[\s]?)`?\))?,?/i"; preg_match_all($regex,$data,$m); $ret = array(); if($print) var_dump($regex, $m); // Standard Detection Method. foreach($m[3] as $k=>$val) { if(!$val) continue; $val = str_replace("`","",$val); $ret[$val] = array( 'type' => strtoupper($m[1][$k]), 'keyname' => (vartrue($m[2][$k])) ? str_replace("`","",$m[2][$k]) : str_replace("`","",$m[3][$k]), 'field' => str_replace("`","",$m[3][$k]) ); } //Alternate Index detection method. // eg. `table_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , $regex = "/`?([\w]*)`? .*((?:AUTO_INCREMENT))\s?(PRIMARY|UNIQUE|FULLTEXT)\s?KEY\s?,/i"; preg_match_all($regex,$data,$m); foreach($m[1] as $k=>$val) { if(!$val) continue; $ret[$val] = array( 'type' => strtoupper($m[3][$k]), 'keyname' => $m[1][$k], 'field' => str_replace("`","",$m[1][$k]) ); } return $ret; } function getSqlData($tbl,$language='') { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $prefix = MPREFIX; if($language) { if(!in_array($tbl,$this->sqlLanguageTables[$language])) { return FALSE; } $prefix .= "lan_".$language."_"; // $mes->addDebug("

Retrieving Language Table Data: ".$prefix . $tbl."

"); } $sql = e107::getDb(); if(!$sql->isTable($tbl)) { $mes->addDebug('Missing table on db-verify: '.$tbl); return false; } $sql->gen('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1'); // mysql_query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1'); $qry = 'SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $prefix . $tbl . "`"; // $z = mysql_query($qry); $z = $sql->gen($qry); if($z) { // $row = mysql_fetch_row($z); $row = $sql->fetch('num'); //return $row[1]; return stripslashes($row[1]).';'; // backticks needed. // return str_replace("`", "", stripslashes($row[1])).';'; } else { $mes->addDebug('Failed: '.$qry); $this->internalError = true; return FALSE; } } function getSqlLanguages() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $list = $sql->db_TableList('lan'); $array = array(); foreach($list as $tb) { list($tmp,$lang,$table) = explode("_",$tb,3); $array[$lang][] = $table; } return $array; } function renderTableSelect() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $text = "
".DBVLAN_14." "; foreach(array_keys($this->tables) as $t=>$x) { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$frm->checkbox('verify_table['.$t.']', $x, false, array('label'=>$x))."
".$frm->admin_button('db_verify', DBVLAN_15)." ".$frm->admin_button('db_tools_back', LAN_BACK, 'back')."
"; $ns->tablerender(DBVLAN_23.' - '.DBVLAN_16, $mes->render().$text); } } /* function check_tables($what) { global $tablines, $table_list, $frm, $emessage; $cur = 0; $table_list = ""; read_tables($what); $fix_active = FALSE; // Flag set as soon as there's a fix - enables 'Fix it' button $text = "
".DBVLAN_16." - $what ".DBVLAN_18." "; foreach(array_keys($table_list) as $k) { // $k is the DB table name (less prefix) $ttcount = 0; $ttext = " "; $prefix = MPREFIX; $current_tab = get_current($k, $prefix); // Get list of fields and keys from actual table unset($fields); unset($xfields); $xfield_errors = 0; if ($current_tab) { $lines = explode("\n", $current_tab); // Actual table - create one element of $lines per field or other line of info $fieldnum = 0; foreach($tablines[$k] as $x) { // $x is a line of the DB definition from the *_sql.php file $x = str_replace(' ',' ',$x); // Remove double spaces $fieldnum++; $ffound = 0; list($fname, $fparams) = explode(' ', $x, 2); // Pull out first word of definition if ($fname == 'UNIQUE' || $fname == 'FULLTEXT') { list($key, $key1, $keyname, $keyparms) = explode(' ', $x, 4); $fname = $key." ".$key1." ".$keyname; $fparams = $keyparms; } elseif ($fname == 'KEY') { list($key, $keyname, $keyparms) = explode(' ', $x, 3); $fname = $key." ".$keyname; $fparams = $keyparms; } elseif ($fname == 'PRIMARY') { // Nothing to do ATM } else { // Must be a field name $fname = str_replace('`','',$fname); // Just remove back ticks if present } $fields[$fname] = 1; $fparams = ltrim(rtrim($fparams)); $fparams = preg_replace("/\r?\n$|\r[^\n]$|,$/", '', $fparams); if(stristr($k, "lan_") !== FALSE && $cur != 1) { $cur = 1; } $head_txt = " "; $xfieldnum = -1; $body_txt = ''; foreach($lines as $l) { $xfieldnum++; list($xl, $tmp) = explode("\n", $l, 2); // $tmp should be null $xl = ltrim(rtrim(stripslashes($xl))); $xl = preg_replace('/\r?\n$|\r[^\n]$/', '', $xl); $xl = str_replace(' ',' ',$xl); // Remove double spaces list($xfname, $xfparams) = explode(" ", $xl, 2); // Field name and the rest if ($xfname == 'UNIQUE' || $xfname == 'FULLTEXT') { list($key, $key1, $keyname, $keyparms) = explode(" ", $xl, 4); $xfname = $key." ".$key1." ".$keyname; $xfparams = $keyparms; } elseif ($xfname == "KEY") { list($key, $keyname, $keyparms) = explode(" ", $xl, 3); $xfname = $key." ".$keyname; $xfparams = $keyparms; } if ($xfname != "CREATE" && $xfname != ")") { $xfields[$xfname] = 1; } $xfparams = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $xfparams); $fparams = preg_replace('/,$/', '', $fparams); if ($xfname == $fname) { // Field names match - or it could be the word 'KEY' and its name which matches $ffound = 1; //echo "Field: ".$xfname." Actuals: ".$xfparams." Expected: ".$fparams."
"; $xfsplit = explode(' ',$xfparams); $fsplit = explode(' ',$fparams); $skip = FALSE; $i = 0; $fld_err = FALSE; foreach ($xfsplit as $xf) { if ($skip) { $skip = FALSE; // echo " Unskip: ".$xf."
"; } elseif (strcasecmp(trim($xf),'collate') == 0) { // Strip out the collation definition $skip = TRUE; // cho "Skip = ".$xf; } else { // echo "Compare: ".$xf." - ".$fsplit[$i]."
"; // Since VARCHAR and CHAR are interchangeable, convert to CHAR (strictly, VARCHAR(3) and smalller becomes CHAR() ) if (stripos($xf,'VARCHAR') === 0) $xf = substr($xf,3); if (stripos($fsplit[$i],'VARCHAR') === 0) $fsplit[$i] = substr($fsplit[$i],3); if (strcasecmp(trim($xf),trim($fsplit[$i])) != 0) { $fld_err = TRUE; //echo "Mismatch: ".$xf." - ".$fsplit[$i]."
"; } $i++; } } if ($fld_err) { $body_txt .= " "; $fix_active = TRUE; $xfield_errors++; } /* FIXME - can't stay if there is no way of fixing the field numbers (e.g. AFTER query) elseif ($fieldnum != $xfieldnum) { // Field numbers different - missing field? $body_txt .= " "; } // DISABLED for now (show only errors), could be page setting // else // { // $body_txt .= " // // // // "; // } // } } // Finished checking one field if ($ffound == 0) { $prev_fname = $fname; //FIXME - wrong $prev_fname! $body_txt .= " "; $fix_active = TRUE; $xfield_errors++; } if($xfield_errors && $body_txt) { $ttext .= $head_txt.$body_txt." "; } } foreach(array_keys($xfields) as $tf) { if (!$fields[$tf] && $k != "user_extended") { $fix_active = TRUE; $xfield_errors++; $ttext .= " "; } } } else { // Table Missing. $ttext .= " "; $fix_active = TRUE; $xfield_errors++; } if(!$xfield_errors) { //no errors, so no table rows yet $ttext .= " "; } $ttext .= "
".DBVLAN_4.": {$k} ".DBVLAN_5." ".DBVLAN_6." ".DBVLAN_7." ".DBVLAN_19."
{$k} {$fname} "; if (strpos($fparams, 'KEY') !== FALSE) { $head_txt .= " {$fparams} aa"; } $head_txt .= "".DBVLAN_8." ".DBVLAN_9."
".fix_form($k, $fname, $fparams, "alter")."".DBVLAN_5." ".DBVLAN_8." ".DBVLAN_9.": #{$xfieldnum}
".DBVLAN_10.": #{$fieldnum}
 OK  ".DBVLAN_11." ".DBVLAN_10."
".fix_form($k, $fname, $fparams, "insert", $prev_fname)."
$k $tf ".DBVLAN_12."   ".fix_form($k, $tf, $fparams, "drop")."
{$k}   ".DBVLAN_13."   ".fix_form($k, $tf, $tablines[$k], "create") . "
Table status OK

"; //FIXME - add 'show_if_ok' switch if($xfield_errors || (!$xfield_errors && varsettrue($_GET['show_if_ok']))) { $text .= $ttext; $ttcount++; } } if(!$fix_active) { //Everything should be OK $emessage->add('DB successfully verified - no problems were found.', E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); if(!$ttcount) { //very tired and sick of this page, so quick and dirty $text .= " "; } } if($fix_active) { $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('do_fix', DBVLAN_21, 'execute', '', array('id'=>false))." ".$frm->admin_button('check_all', 'jstarget:fix_active', 'action', LAN_CHECKALL, array('id'=>false))." ".$frm->admin_button('uncheck_all', 'jstarget:fix_active', 'action', LAN_UNCHECKALL, array('id'=>false))."
"; } foreach(array_keys($_POST) as $j) { $match = array(); if (preg_match('/table_(.*)/', $j, $match)) { $lx = $match[1]; $text .= "
\n"; } } $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('back', DBVLAN_17, 'back')."
"; return $text; } global $table_list; // -------------------- Table Fixing ------------------------------ if(isset($_POST['do_fix'])) { //$emessage->add(DBVLAN_20); foreach( $_POST['fix_active'] as $key=>$val) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC == TRUE) { $table = stripslashes($_POST['fix_table'][$key][0]); $newval = stripslashes($_POST['fix_newval'][$key][0]); $mode = stripslashes($_POST['fix_mode'][$key][0]); $after = stripslashes($_POST['fix_after'][$key][0]); } else { $table = $_POST['fix_table'][$key][0]; $newval = $_POST['fix_newval'][$key][0]; $mode = $_POST['fix_mode'][$key][0]; $after = $_POST['fix_after'][$key][0]; } $field= $key; switch($mode) { case 'alter': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` CHANGE `$field` `$field` $newval"; break; case 'insert': if($after) $after = " AFTER {$after}"; $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` ADD `$field` $newval{$after}"; break; case 'drop': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` DROP `$field` "; break; case 'index': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` ADD INDEX `$field` ($newval)"; break; case 'indexalt': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` ADD $field ($newval)"; break; case 'indexdrop': $query = "ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` DROP INDEX `$field`"; break; case 'create': $query = "CREATE TABLE `".MPREFIX.$table."` ({$newval}"; if (!preg_match('#.*?\s+?(?:TYPE|ENGINE)\s*\=\s*(.*?);#is', $newval)) { $query .= ') TYPE=MyISAM;'; } break; } return $query; //FIXME - db handler!!! if(mysql_query($query)) $emessage->add(LAN_UPDATED.' [ '.$query.' ]', E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); else { $emessage->add(LAN_UPDATED_FAILED.' [ '.$query.' ]', E_MESSAGE_WARNING); if(mysql_errno()) { $emessage->add('     SQL #'.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error(), E_MESSAGE_WARNING); } } } } $text = "
".DBVLAN_14." "; foreach(array_keys($tables) as $x) { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$frm->checkbox_toggle('check-all-verify', 'table_').LAN_CHECKALL.' | '.LAN_UNCHECKALL."
".$frm->checkbox('table_'.$x, $x).$frm->label($x, 'table_'.$x, $x)."
".$frm->admin_button('db_verify', DBVLAN_15)." ".$frm->admin_button('db_tools_back', DBVLAN_17, 'back')."
"; $e107->ns->tablerender(DBVLAN_23.' - '.DBVLAN_16, $emessage->render().$text); require_once(e_ADMIN."footer.php"); exit; // -------------------------------------------------------------- function fix_form($table,$field, $newvalue,$mode,$after ='') { global $frm; if($mode == 'create') { $newvalue = implode("\n",$newvalue); $field = $table; // Value for $field may be rubbish! } else { if(stristr($field, 'KEY ') !== FALSE) { $field = chop(str_replace('KEY ','',$field)); $mode = ($mode == 'drop') ? 'indexdrop' : 'index'; $search = array('(', ')'); $newvalue = str_replace($search,'',$newvalue); $after = ''; } if($mode == 'index' && (stristr($field, 'FULLTEXT ') !== FALSE || stristr($field, 'UNIQUE ') !== FALSE)) { $mode = 'indexalt'; } elseif($mode == 'indexdrop' && (stristr($field, 'FULLTEXT ') !== FALSE || stristr($field, 'UNIQUE ') !== FALSE)) { $field = trim(str_replace(array('FULLTEXT ', 'UNIQUE '), '', $field)); } $field = trim($field, '`'); } $text .= "\n\n"; $text .= $frm->checkbox("fix_active[$field][]", 1, false, array('id'=>false)); $text .= "\n"; $text .= "\n"; $text .= "\n"; $text .= ($after) ? "\n" : ""; $text .= "\n\n"; return $text; } function table_list() { // grab default language lists. global $mySQLdefaultdb; $exclude[] = "banlist"; $exclude[] = "banner"; $exclude[] = "cache"; $exclude[] = "core"; $exclude[] = "online"; $exclude[] = "parser"; $exclude[] = "plugin"; $exclude[] = "user"; $exclude[] = "upload"; $exclude[] = "userclass_classes"; $exclude[] = "rbinary"; $exclude[] = "session"; $exclude[] = "tmp"; $exclude[] = "flood"; $exclude[] = "stat_info"; $exclude[] = "stat_last"; $exclude[] = "submit_news"; $exclude[] = "rate"; $exclude[] = "stat_counter";$exclude[] = "user_extended"; $exclude[] = "user_extended_struct"; $exclude[] = "pm_messages"; $exclude[] = "pm_blocks"; $replace = array(); $lanlist = explode(",",e_LANLIST); foreach($lanlist as $lang) { if($lang != $pref['sitelanguage']) { $replace[] = "lan_".strtolower($lang)."_"; } } $tables = mysql_list_tables($mySQLdefaultdb); while (list($temp) = mysql_fetch_array($tables)) { $prefix = MPREFIX."lan_"; $match = array(); if(strpos($temp,$prefix)!==FALSE) { $e107tab = str_replace(MPREFIX, "", $temp); $core = str_replace($replace,"",$e107tab); if (str_replace($exclude, "", $e107tab)) { $tabs[$core] = $e107tab; } } } return $tabs; } */ ?>