setRequest('listBooks'); require_once(HEADERF); // $tmp = $e107CorePage->listPages(); $tmp = $e107CorePage->listBooks(); // $text = $tp->parseTemplate("{PAGE_NAVIGATION=book=2}",true); if(is_array($tmp)) { $ns->tablerender($tmp['title'], $text, 'cpage'); } require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } elseif(vartrue($_GET['bk'])) // List Chapters within a specific Book { $e107CorePage->setRequest('listChapters'); require_once(HEADERF); $text = $e107CorePage->listChapters($_GET['bk']); $ns->tablerender('', $text, 'cpage'); // TODO FIXME Caption eg. "book title" require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } elseif(vartrue($_GET['ch'])) // List Pages within a specific Chapter { $e107CorePage->setRequest('listPages'); require_once(HEADERF); $text = $e107CorePage->listPages($_GET['ch'],$template); $ns->tablerender('', $text, 'cpage'); // TODO FIXME Caption eg. "book title" require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { $e107CorePage->setRequest('showPage'); $e107CorePage->processViewPage(); require_once(HEADERF); echo $e107CorePage->showPage(); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } /* EOF */ class pageClass { public $bullet; /* bullet image */ public $pageText; /* main text of selected page, not parsed */ public $multipageFlag; /* flag - true if multiple page page, false if not */ public $pageTitles; /* array containing page titles */ public $pageID; /* id number of page to be displayed */ public $pageSelected; /* selected page of multiple page page */ public $pageToRender; /* parsed page to be sent to screen */ public $debug; /* temp debug flag */ public $title; /* title of page, it if has one (as defined in [newpage=title] tag */ public $page; /* page DB data */ public $batch; /* shortcode batch object */ public $template; /* current template array */ protected $authorized; /* authorized status */ public $cacheString; /* current page cache string */ public $cacheTitleString; /* current page title and comment flag cache string */ public $cacheData = null; /* cache data */ function __construct($debug=FALSE) { /* constructor */ if(!vartrue($_GET['id'])) // legacy URLs /page.php?x { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $this->pageID = intval($tmp[0]); $this->pageSelected = (isset($tmp[1]) ? intval($tmp[1]) : 0); $this->pageTitles = array(); $this->bullet = ''; } else // NEW URLS /page.php?id=x // TODO Complete and test. { $tmp = explode(".", e_QUERY); $this->pageID = intval($_GET['id']); $this->pageSelected = (isset($tmp[1]) ? intval($tmp[1]) : 0); // Not sure what this is? $this->pageTitles = array(); $this->bullet = ''; // deprecated - use CSS instead. } // TODO nq_ (no query) cache string $this->cacheString = 'page_'.$this->pageID.'_'.$this->pageSelected; $this->cacheTitleString = 'page-t_'.$this->pageID.'_'.$this->pageSelected; if(defined('BULLET')) { $this->bullet = ""; } elseif(file_exists(THEME.'images/bullet2.gif')) { $this->bullet = ""; } elseif(file_exists(THEME.'images/bullet2.png')) { $this->bullet = ""; } $this->debug = $debug; if($this->debug) { $this->debug = "PageID ".$this->pageID."
"; $this->debug .= "pageSelected ".$this->pageSelected."
"; } } // XXX temporary solution - upcoming page rewrite public function setRequest($request) { switch ($request) { case 'listChapters': $id = intval($_GET['bk']); break; case 'listPages': $id = intval($_GET['ch']); break; case 'showPage': $id = $this->pageID; break; case 'listBooks': default: $id = 0; break; } e107::setRegistry('core/pages/request', array('action' => $request, 'id' => $id)); } /** * @todo Check userclasses * @todo sef urls */ function listBooks() { $sql = e107::getDb('sql2'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = ""; if(e107::getPref('listBooks',false) && $sql->select("page_chapters", "*", "chapter_parent ='0' ORDER BY chapter_order ASC ")) { $layout = e107::getPref('listBooksTemplate','default'); $tml = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter','', true, true); // always merge $tmpl = varset($tml[$layout]); $template = $tmpl['listBooks']; $text = $template['start']; while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $var = array( 'BOOK_NAME' => $tp->toHtml($row['chapter_name']), 'BOOK_ANCHOR' => $frm->name2id($row['chapter_name']), 'BOOK_ICON' => $this->chapterIcon($row['chapter_icon']), 'BOOK_DESCRIPTION' => $tp->toHtml($row['chapter_meta_description'],true,'BODY'), 'CHAPTERS' => $this->listChapters(intval($row['chapter_id'])), 'BOOK_URL' => e_BASE."page.php?bk=".intval($row['chapter_id']) // FIXME SEF-URL ); $text .= $tp->simpleParse($template['item'],$var); } } if(e107::getPref('listPages',false)) { $text .= "

Other Articles

"; // Book Title. $text .= $this->listPages(0); // Pages unassigned to Book/Chapters. } // if($text) { $caption = varset($template['caption'],"Articles"); e107::getRender()->tablerender($caption, $text, "cpage_list"); } else { message_handler("MESSAGE", LAN_PAGE_1); require_once(FOOTERF); // prevent message from showing twice and still listing chapters exit; } } /** * Parse the Book/Chapter "listChapters' template */ function listChapters($book=1) { $sql = e107::getDb('chap'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $frm = e107::getForm(); // retrieve the template to use for this book if(!$layout = $sql->retrieve('page_chapters','chapter_template','chapter_id = '.intval($book).' LIMIT 1')) { $layout = 'default'; } $tml = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter','', true, true); // always merge $tmpl = varset($tml[$layout]); $template = $tmpl['listChapters']; if($sql->select("page_chapters", "*", "chapter_parent = ".intval($book)." ORDER BY chapter_order ASC ")) { $text .= $template['start']; while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $var = array( 'CHAPTER_NAME' => $tp->toHtml($row['chapter_name']), 'CHAPTER_ANCHOR' => $frm->name2id($row['chapter_name']), 'CHAPTER_ICON' => $this->chapterIcon($row['chapter_icon']), 'CHAPTER_DESCRIPTION' => $tp->toHtml($row['chapter_meta_description'],true,'BODY'), 'PAGES' => $this->listPages(intval($row['chapter_id'])), 'CHAPTER_URL' => e_BASE."page.php?ch=".intval($row['chapter_id']) // FIXME SEF-URL ); $text .= $tp->simpleParse($template['item'],$var); } $text .= $template['end']; } else { $text = e107::getMessage()->addInfo("There are no chapters in this book")->render(); } return $text; } /** * Handle Chapter Icon Glyphs. */ private function chapterIcon($icon) { $tp = e107::getParser(); if(!vartrue($icon)) { return; } if($glyph = $tp->toGlyph($icon)) { return $glyph; } else { return $tp->toIcon($icon); } } function listPages($chapt=0) { $sql = e107::getDb('pg'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $this->batch = e107::getScBatch('page',null,'cpage'); // retrieve the template to use for this chapter. if(!$layout = $sql->retrieve('page_chapters','chapter_template','chapter_id = '.intval($chapt).' LIMIT 1')) { $layout = 'default'; } $tml = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter','', true, true); // always merge $tmpl = varset($tml[$layout]); // $tmpl = e107::getCoreTemplate('chapter','docs', true, true); // always merge $template = $tmpl['listPages']; if(!$count = $sql->select("page", "*", "page_title !='' AND page_chapter=".intval($chapt)." AND page_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") ORDER BY page_order ASC ")) { return e107::getMessage()->addInfo(LAN_PAGE_2)->render(); // $text = ""; } else { $pageArray = $sql->db_getList(); $text .= $template['start']; foreach($pageArray as $page) { $data = array( 'title' => $page['page_title'], 'text' => $tp->toHtml($page['page_text'],true) ); $this->page = $page; $this->batch->setVars(new e_vars($data))->setScVar('page', $this->page); $url = e107::getUrl()->create('page/view', $page, 'allow=page_id,page_sef'); // $text .= "
  • ".$tp->toHtml($page['page_title'])."
  • "; $text .= e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($template['item'], true, $this->batch); } $text .= $template['end']; // $caption = ($title !='')? $title: LAN_PAGE_11; // e107::getRender()->tablerender($caption, $text,"cpage_list"); } return $text; } function processViewPage() { if($this->checkCache()) { return; } $sql = e107::getDb(); $query = "SELECT p.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, user_login FROM #page AS p LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON p.page_author = u.user_id WHERE p.page_id=".intval($this->pageID); // REMOVED AND p.page_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") - permission check is done later if(!$sql->gen($query)) { $ret['title'] = LAN_PAGE_12; // ***** CHANGED $ret['sub_title'] = ''; $ret['text'] = LAN_PAGE_3; $ret['comments'] = ''; $ret['rating'] = ''; $ret['np'] = ''; $ret['err'] = TRUE; $ret['cachecontrol'] = false; $this->authorized = 'nf'; $this->template = e107::getCoreTemplate('page', 'default'); $this->batch = e107::getScBatch('page',null,'cpage')->setVars(new e_vars($ret))->setScVar('page', array()); define("e_PAGETITLE", $ret['title']); return; } $this->page = $sql->fetch(); $this->template = e107::getCoreTemplate('page', vartrue($this->page['page_template'], 'default'), false, true); // setting override to true breaks default. // $this->template = e107::getCoreTemplate('page', 'default',true,true); // print_a($this->template); if(empty($this->template)) { $this->template = e107::getCoreTemplate('page', 'default'); } $this->batch = e107::getScBatch('page',null,'cpage'); $this->pageText = $this->page['page_text']; $this->pageCheckPerms($this->page['page_class'], $this->page['page_password'], $this->page['page_title']); if($this->debug) { echo "pageText ".$this->pageText."
    "; } $this->parsePage(); $pagenav = $rating = $comments = ''; if($this->authorized === true) { $pagenav = $this->pageIndex(); $rating = $this->pageRating($this->page['page_rating_flag']); $comments = $this->pageComment($this->page['page_comment_flag']); } $ret['title'] = $this->page['page_title']; $ret['sub_title'] = $this->title; $ret['text'] = $this->pageToRender; $ret['np'] = $pagenav; $ret['rating'] = $rating; $ret['comments'] = $comments; $ret['err'] = FALSE; $ret['cachecontrol'] = (isset($this->page['page_password']) && !$this->page['page_password'] && $this->authorized === true); // Don't cache password protected pages $this->batch->setVars(new e_vars($ret))->setScVar('page', $this->page); define('e_PAGETITLE', eHelper::formatMetaTitle($ret['title'])); if($this->page['page_metadscr']) define('META_DESCRIPTION', eHelper::formatMetaDescription($this->page['page_metadscr'])); if($this->page['page_metakeys']) define('META_KEYWORDS', eHelper::formatMetaKeys($this->page['page_metakeys'])); //return $ret; } public function checkCache() { $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $cacheData = $e107cache->retrieve($this->cacheString); if(false !== $cacheData) { $this->cacheData = array(); $this->cacheData['PAGE'] = $cacheData; list($pagetitle, $comment_flag, $meta_keys, $meta_dscr) = explode("^^^",$e107cache->retrieve($this->cacheTitleString), 4); $this->cacheData['TITLE'] = $pagetitle; $this->cacheData['COMMENT_FLAG'] = $comment_flag; $this->cacheData['META_KEYS'] = $meta_keys; $this->cacheData['META_DSCR'] = $meta_dscr; } } public function setCache($data, $title, $comment_flag) { $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $e107cache->set($this->cacheString, $data); $e107cache->set($this->cacheTitleString, $title."^^^".$this->page['page_comment_flag']."^^^".$this->page['page_metakeys']."^^^".$this->page['page_metadscr']); } public function renderCache() { $comments = ''; if($this->cacheData['COMMENT_FLAG']) { $vars = new e_vars(array('comments' => $this->pageComment(true))); $comments = e107::getScBatch('page',null,'cpage')->setVars($vars)->cpagecomments(); } define('e_PAGETITLE', eHelper::formatMetaTitle($this->cacheData['TITLE'])); define('META_DESCRIPTION', $this->cacheData['META_DSCR']); define('META_KEYWORDS', $this->cacheData['META_KEYS']); if($this->debug) { echo "Reading page from cache
    "; } return str_replace('[[PAGECOMMENTS]]', $comments, $this->cacheData['PAGE']); } public function showPage() { if(null !== $this->cacheData) { return $this->renderCache(); } if(true === $this->authorized) { $vars = $this->batch->getParserVars(); $template = str_replace('{PAGECOMMENTS}', '[[PAGECOMMENTS]]', $this->template['start'].$this->template['body'].$this->template['end']); $ret = $this->renderPage($template); if(!empty($this->template['page'])) { $ret = str_replace(array('{PAGE}', '{PAGECOMMENTS}'), array($ret, '[[PAGECOMMENTS]]'), $this->template['page']); } $ret = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($ret, true, $this->batch); if($vars->cachecontrol) $this->setCache($ret, $this->batch->sc_cpagetitle(), $this->page['page_comment_flag']); return str_replace('[[PAGECOMMENTS]]', $this->batch->cpagecomments(), $ret); } $extend = new e_vars; $vars = $this->batch->getParserVars(); // reset batch data $this->batch->setVars(null)->setScVar('page', array()); // copy some data $extend->title = $vars->title; $extend->message = e107::getMessage()->render(); switch ($this->authorized) { case 'class': $extend->text = LAN_PAGE_6; $template = $this->template['start'].$this->template['restricted'].$this->template['end']; break; case 'pw': $frm = e107::getForm(); $extend->caption = LAN_PAGE_8; $extend->label = LAN_PAGE_9; $extend->password = $frm->password('page_pw'); $extend->icon = e_IMAGE_ABS.'generic/password.png'; $extend->submit = $frm->submit('submit_page_pw', LAN_PAGE_10); // FIXME - add form open/close e_form methods $extend->form_open = '
    '; $extend->form_close = '
    '; $template = $this->template['start'].$this->template['authorize'].$this->template['end']; break; case 'nf': default: $extend->text = $vars->text; $template = $this->template['start'].$this->template['notfound'].$this->template['end']; break; } return $this->renderPage($template, $extend); } public function renderPage($template, $vars = null) { if(null === $vars) { $ret = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($template, true, $this->batch); $vars = $this->batch->getParserVars(); } else { $ret = e107::getParser()->simpleParse($template, $vars); } // if(vartrue($this->template['noTableRender'])) //XXX Deprecated - use tablerender $mode instead. eg. cpage-templatename : echo $text; // { // return $ret; // } $mode = vartrue($this->template['tableRender'], 'cpage-'.$template); $title = $vars->title; return e107::getRender()->tablerender($title, $ret, $mode, true); } public function parsePage() { $tp = e107::getParser(); e107::getBB()->setClass("page"); $this->pageTitles = array(); // Notice removal if(preg_match_all("/\[newpage.*?\]/si", $this->pageText, $pt)) { if (substr($this->pageText, 0, 6) == '[html]') { // Need to strip html bbcode from wysiwyg on multi-page docs (handled automatically on single pages) if (substr($this->pageText, -7, 7) == '[/html]') { $this->pageText = substr($this->pageText, 6, -7); } else { $this->pageText = substr($this->pageText, 6); } } $pages = preg_split("/\[newpage.*?\]/si", $this->pageText, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $this->multipageFlag = TRUE; } else { $this->pageToRender = $tp->toHTML($this->pageText, TRUE, 'BODY'); return; } foreach($pt[0] as $title) { $this->pageTitles[] = $title; } if(!trim($pages[0])) { $count = 0; foreach($pages as $page) { $pages[$count] = $pages[($count+1)]; $count++; } unset($pages[(count($pages)-1)]); } $pageCount = count($pages); $titleCount = count($this->pageTitles); /* if the vars above don't match, page 1 has no [newpage] tag, so we need to create one ... */ if($pageCount != $titleCount) { array_unshift($this->pageTitles, "[newpage]"); } /* ok, titles now match pages, rename the titles if needed ... */ $count =0; foreach($this->pageTitles as $title) { $titlep = preg_replace("/\[newpage=(.*?)\]/", "\\1", $title); $this->pageTitles[$count] = ($titlep == "[newpage]" ? LAN_PAGE_13." ".($count+1) : $tp->toHTML($titlep, TRUE, 'TITLE')); $count++; } $this->pageToRender = $tp->toHTML($pages[$this->pageSelected], TRUE, 'BODY'); $this->title = (substr($this->pageTitles[$this->pageSelected], -1) == ";" ? "" : $this->pageTitles[$this->pageSelected]); if($this->debug) { echo "multipageFlag ".$this->multipageFlag."
    "; if($this->multipageFlag) { echo "
    "; print_r($pages); echo "
    "; echo "pageCount ".$pageCount."
    "; echo "titleCount ".$titleCount."
    "; echo "
    "; print_r($this->pageTitles); echo "
    "; } } e107::getBB()->clearClass(); } function pageIndex() { // Use always nextprev shortcode (with a special default 'page' tempalte) $titles = implode("|",$this->pageTitles); $total_items = count($this->pageTitles); //$parms = $total_items.",1,".$this->pageSelected.",".e_SELF."?".$this->pageID.".[FROM],,$titles"; $row = $this->page; $row['page'] = '--FROM--'; $url = rawurlencode(e107::getUrl()->create('page/view', $row, 'allow=page_id,page_title,page_sef,page')); $parms = 'nonavcount&bullet='.rawurlencode($this->bullet.' ').'&caption=&'.'pagetitle='.rawurlencode($titles).'&tmpl_prefix='.deftrue('PAGE_NEXTPREV_TMPL', 'page').'&total='.$total_items.'&amount=1¤t='.$this->pageSelected.'&url='.$url; $itext = ($total_items) ? e107::getParser()->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}") : ""; return $itext; } // FIXME most probably will fail when cache enabled function pageRating($page_rating_flag) { if($page_rating_flag) { return "
    ".e107::getRate()->render("page", $this->pageID,array('label'=>LAN_PAGE_4))."
    "; /* $rate_text = ''; // Notice removal require_once(e_HANDLER."rate_class.php"); $rater = new rater; $rate_text = "
    "; if ($ratearray = $rater->getrating("page", $this->pageID)) { if ($ratearray[2] == "") { $ratearray[2] = 0; } $rate_text .= "\n"; $rate_text .= " ".$ratearray[1].".".$ratearray[2]." - ".$ratearray[0]." "; $rate_text .= ($ratearray[0] == 1 ? "vote" : "votes"); } else { $rating .= LAN_PAGE_dl_13; } $rate_text .= ""; if (!$rater->checkrated("page", $this->pageID) && USER) { $rate_text .= $rater->rateselect("     ".LAN_PAGE_4."", "page", $this->pageID); } else if(!USER) { $rate_text .= " "; } else { $rate_text .= LAN_PAGE_5; } $rate_text .= "
    "; */ } // return $rate_text; } function pageComment($page_comment_flag) { if($page_comment_flag) { require_once(e_HANDLER."comment_class.php"); $cobj = new comment; if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) { $cobj->enter_comment($_POST['author_name'], $_POST['comment'], "page", $this->pageID, $pid, $_POST['subject']); $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $e107cache->clear("".$this->pageID); $e107cache->clear($this->cacheString); } return $cobj->compose_comment("page", "comment", $this->pageID, 0, $this->title, false, true); } } function pageCheckPerms($page_class, $page_password, $page_title=" ") { global $ns, $tp, $pref, $HEADER, $FOOTER, $sql; // $tp added - also $pref - used by footer if (!check_class($page_class)) { $this->authorized = 'class'; return false; } if (!$page_password) { $this->authorized = true; $cookiename = $this->getCookieName(); if(isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) cookie($cookiename, '', (time() - 2592000)); return true; } if(isset($_POST['submit_page_pw'])) { if($_POST['page_pw'] == $page_password) { $this->setPageCookie(); $this->authorized = true; return true; } else { e107::getMessage()->addError(LAN_PAGE_7); } } else { // TODO - e_COOKIE $cookiename = $this->getCookieName(); if(isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename]) && ($_COOKIE[$cookiename] == md5($page_password.USERID))) { $this->authorized = true; return TRUE; } // Invalid/empty password here } $this->authorized = 'pw'; return false; } function getCookieName() { return e_COOKIE.'_page_'.$this->pageID; } function setPageCookie() { if(!$this->pageID || !vartrue($_POST['page_pw'])) return; $pref = e107::getPref(); $pref['pageCookieExpire'] = max($pref['pageCookieExpire'], 120); $hash = md5($_POST['page_pw'].USERID); cookie($this->getCookieName(), $hash, (time() + $pref['pageCookieExpire'])); //header("location:".e_SELF."?".e_QUERY); //exit; } } ?>