pref = e107::getPref(); $this->cacheRefreshTime = vartrue($this->pref['news_cache_timeout'],false); // $this->interval = $this->pref['newsposts']-$this>pref['newsposts_archive']; require_once(e_HANDLER."news_class.php"); if(isset($NEWSHEADER)) { return false; } $this->nobody_regexp = "'(^|,)(".str_replace(",", "|", e_UC_NOBODY).")(,|$)'"; $this->ix = new news; $this->setConstants(); $this->setActions(); $this->setRoute(); $this->detect(); $this->setBreadcrumb(); return null; } private function setBreadcrumb() { $breadcrumb = array(); $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> LAN_PLUGIN_NEWS_NAME, 'url'=>e107::url('news', 'index')); $categoryName = e107::getParser()->toHTML($this->currentRow['category_name'],true, 'TITLE'); switch($this->route) { case "news/list/all": case "news/list/item": $breadcrumb[0]['url'] = null; break; case "news/view": $itemName = e107::getParser()->toHTML($this->currentRow['news_title'],true, 'TITLE'); $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> $categoryName, 'url'=>e107::getUrl()->create('news/list/category', $this->currentRow)); $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> $itemName, 'url'=> null); break; case 'news/list/category': case 'news/list/short': $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> $categoryName, 'url'=>null); break; case 'news/list/tag': $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> defset('LAN_NEWS_309', "Tag"), 'url'=>null); $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> $this->tagAuthor, 'url'=>null); break; case 'news/list/author': $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> LAN_AUTHOR, 'url'=>null); $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> $this->tagAuthor, 'url'=>null); break; case 'news/list/month': case 'news/list/day': $breadcrumb[] = array('text'=> LAN_DATE, 'url'=>null); $breadcrumb[] = array('text' => $this->dayMonth, 'url'=>null); break; default: if(ADMIN) { $breadcumb[] = array('text'=> "Missing News breadcrumb for route: ".$this->route); } break; } e107::breadcrumb($breadcrumb); } private function detect() { if ($this->action === 'cat' || $this->action === 'all' || $this->action === 'tag' || $this->action === 'author') { // --> Cache $this->text = $this->renderListTemplate(); $this->text .= $this->render_newscats(); return null; } if ($this->action == 'extend') { // --> Cache $this->text = $this->renderViewTemplate(); $this->text .= $this->render_newscats(); return null; } if(!empty($this->pref['nfp_display']) && intval($this->pref['nfp_display']) === 1) // top position { $this->text .= $this->renderNewForumPosts(); } $this->text .= $this->renderDefaultTemplate(); if(!empty($this->pref['nfp_display']) && intval($this->pref['nfp_display']) === 2) // bottom position { $this->text .= $this->renderNewForumPosts(); } $this->text .= $this->show_newsarchive(); $this->text .= $this->render_newscats(); return null; } /** * BC replacement for newforumposts_main * @return string */ private function renderNewForumPosts() { if(deftrue('THEME_LEGACY') && !empty($this->pref['nfp_display'])) { $parms = array('layout'=>'main', 'display'=>$this->pref['nfp_amount']); if(!empty($this->pref['nfp_layer']) && !empty($this->pref['nfp_layer_height'])) { $parms['scroll'] = $this->pref['nfp_layer_height']; } return e107::getMenu()->renderMenu('forum','newforumposts_menu', $parms, true); } return null; } private function getRenderId() { $tmp = explode('/',$this->route); if(!empty($this->templateKey)) { $tmp[] = $this->templateKey; } $unique = implode('-',$tmp); return $unique; } /** * When the template contains a 'caption' - tablerender() is used, otherwise a simple echo is used. * @return bool */ public function render($return = false) { $unique = $this->getRenderId(); if(defset('THEME_VERSION') === 2.3 || $this->caption !== null) // always use tablerender with 2.3 theme spec { $this->addDebug("tablerender ID", $unique); e107::getRender()->setUniqueId($unique)->tablerender($this->caption, $this->text, 'news'); if(!empty($this->comments)) { echo $this->renderComments($this->comments); } return true; } $this->addDebug("tablerender ID (not used)", $unique); echo $this->text; if(!empty($this->comments)) { echo $this->renderComments($this->comments); } return null; } private function setActions() { $this->defaultTemplate = e107::getPref('news_default_template'); $opt = array('default'=>'', 'list'=>'all'); if (e_QUERY) //TODO add support for $_GET['cat'] and $_GET['mode'] and phase-out the x.x.x format. { $tmp = explode(".",e_QUERY); $action = $tmp[0]; // At least one parameter here $sub_action = varset($tmp[1],''); // Usually a numeric category, or numeric news item number, but don't presume yet // $id = varset($tmp[2],''); // ID of specific news item where required $this->from = intval(varset($tmp[2],0)); // Item number for first item on multi-page lists $this->cacheString = 'news.php_'.e_QUERY; if($action === 'default') { $action = $action = varset($opt[$this->defaultTemplate],''); } } else { $action = varset($opt[$this->defaultTemplate],''); $sub_action = ''; $tmp = array(); } //$newsfrom = (!is_numeric($action) || !e_QUERY ? 0 : ($action ? $action : e_QUERY)); // Usually the first query parameter is the action. // For any of the 'list' modes (inc month, day), the action being second is a legacy situation // .... which can hopefully go sometime //SecretR: Gone, gone... if (is_numeric($action) && isset($tmp[1]) && (($tmp[1] == 'list') || ($tmp[1] == 'month') || ($tmp[1] == 'day'))) { $action = $tmp[1]; $sub_action = varset($tmp[0],''); } if ($action == 'all' || $action == 'cat') { $sub_action = intval(varset($tmp[1],0)); } if(!empty($_GET['tag'])) { $action = 'tag'; $sub_action = $_GET['tag']; } if(!empty($_GET['author'])) { $action = 'author'; $sub_action = $_GET['author']; } $this->action = $action; $this->subAction= e107::getParser()->filter($sub_action); if(defined('NEWS_LAYOUT')) { $this->templateKey = NEWS_LAYOUT; } } private function setRoute() { $this->newsUrlparms = array('page' => '--FROM--'); if($this->subAction) { switch ($this->action) { case 'list': $this->newsUrlparms['id'] = $this->subAction; $newsRoute = 'list/category'; break; case 'cat': $this->newsUrlparms['id'] = $this->subAction; $newsRoute = 'list/short'; break; case 'day': case 'month': $this->newsUrlparms['id'] = $this->subAction; $newsRoute = 'list/'.$this->action; break; case 'item': case 'extend': $newsRoute = 'view/item'; break; default: $newsRoute = 'list/items'; break; } } elseif($this->action == 'all') { $newsRoute = 'list/all'; $this->newsUrlparms['id'] = $this->subAction; } else { $newsRoute = 'list/items'; } $this->route = 'news/'.$newsRoute; $tp = e107::getParser(); if(vartrue($_GET['tag']) || substr($this->action,0,4) == 'tag=') { $this->route = 'news/list/tag'; if(!vartrue($_GET['tag'])) { list($this->action,$word) = explode("=",$this->action,2); $_GET['tag'] = $word; unset($word,$tmp); } $this->newsUrlparms['tag'] = $tp->filter($_GET['tag']); $this->from = intval(varset($_GET['page'],0)); } if(!empty($_GET['author']) || substr($this->action,0,4) == 'author=') { $this->route = 'news/list/author'; if(!vartrue($_GET['author'])) { list($action,$author) = explode("=",$this->action,2); $_GET['author'] = $author; unset($author,$tmp); } $this->newsUrlparms['author'] = $tp->filter($_GET['author']); $this->from = intval(varset($_GET['page'],0)); } // New in v2.3.1 Pagination with "Page" instead of "Record". if(!empty($this->pref['news_pagination']) && $this->pref['news_pagination'] === 'page' && !empty($_GET['page'])) { $this->from = (int) ($_GET['page'] - 1) * ITEMVIEW; } } private function setConstants() { if (!defined('ITEMVIEW')) { define('ITEMVIEW', varset($this->pref['newsposts'],15)); } // ?all and ?cat.x and ?tag are the same listing functions - just filtered differently. // NEWSLIST_LIMIT is suitable for all if(!defined("NEWSLIST_LIMIT")) { define("NEWSLIST_LIMIT", varset($this->pref['news_list_limit'],15)); } } public function debug() { $title = e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getMetaTitle(); echo "
"; echo "

News Debug Info

"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; foreach($this->debugInfo as $key=>$val) { echo ""; } echo "
"; } private function addDebug($key,$message) { if(is_array($message)) { $this->debugInfo[$key] = print_a($message,true); } else { $this->debugInfo[$key] = $message; } } // ----------- old functions ------------------------ private function show_newsarchive() { // do not show the news archive on the news.php?item.X page (but only on the news mainpage) if(empty($this->defaultTemplate) || !empty($this->action) || empty($this->pref['newsposts_archive'])) { return null; } global $NEWSARCHIVE; $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $query = $this->getQuery(); if($newsarchive = $this->checkCache('newsarchive')) { $this->addDebug("News Archive Cache", 'active'); return $newsarchive; } $newsAr = array(); if ($sql->gen($query)) { $newsAr = $sql -> db_getList(); } // $i = $this->interval; $sc = e107::getScBatch('news_archive'); if(!$NEWSARCHIVE) { $NEWSARCHIVE ="
"; } $text = ''; foreach($newsAr as $row) { $sc->setVars($row); $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($NEWSARCHIVE, FALSE, $sc); } $ret = $ns->tablerender($this->pref['newsposts_archive_title'], $text, 'news_archive', true); $this->setNewsCache('newsarchive', $ret); return $ret; } /** * @param array $news news and category table row. ie. news_id, news_title, news_sef ... category_id etc. * @param string $type */ private function setNewsFrontMeta($news, $type='news') { $tp = e107::getParser(); $this->addDebug('setNewsFrontMeta (type)',$type); // $this->addDebug('setNewsFrontMeta (data)',$news); switch($type) { case "all": e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); e107::route('news/list/items'); e107::canonical($this->route, $news); break; case "tag": e107::title($this->subAction); e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); e107::route('news/list/tag'); e107::canonical('news/list/tag', array('tag'=> str_replace(' ','-',$this->subAction))); break; case "author": e107::title($this->subAction); e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); e107::route('news/list/author'); e107::canonical('news/list/author', $news); break; case "list": $title = $tp->toHTML($news['category_name'],false,'TITLE_PLAIN'); e107::title($title); e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); e107::route('news/list/category'); // $category = array('id' => $this->news_item['category_id'], 'name' => $this->news_item['category_sef'] ); e107::canonical('news/list/category', $news); break; case "day": case "month": $item = intval($this->subAction).'20000101'; $year = substr($item, 0, 4); $month = substr($item, 4,2); $day = substr($item, 6, 2); $unix = strtotime($year.'-'.$month.'-'.$day); $format = ($type === 'day') ? 'dd MM yyyy' : 'MM yyyy'; $title = e107::getParser()->toDate($unix, $format); $title = strip_tags($title); $this->dayMonth = $title; e107::title($title); e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); if($type == 'day') { e107::route('news/list/day'); e107::canonical('news/list/day', $news); } else { e107::route('news/list/month'); e107::canonical('news/list/month', $news); } break; case "news": e107::canonical($this->route, $news); e107::route('news/view/item'); break; default: // e107::meta('robots', 'noindex'); e107::route('news/list/items'); e107::canonical($this->route, $news); // e107::canonical('news'); } if($type == 'news') { if(!empty($news['news_meta_robots'])) { e107::meta('robots', $news['news_meta_robots']); } if($news['news_title']) { e107::title($news['news_title']); e107::meta('og:type','article'); e107::meta('twitter:card', 'summary'); } if($news['news_meta_description'] && !defined('META_DESCRIPTION')) { e107::meta('description',$news['news_meta_description']); e107::meta('og:description',$news['news_meta_description']); e107::meta('twitter:description',$news['news_meta_description']); //define('META_DESCRIPTION', $news['news_meta_description']); // deprecated } elseif($news['news_summary']) // BC compatibility { e107::meta('og:description', $news['news_summary']); e107::meta('twitter:description', $news['news_summary']); } // include news-thumbnail/image in meta. - always put this one first. if($news['news_thumbnail']) { $iurl = (substr($news['news_thumbnail'],0,3)=="{e_") ? $news['news_thumbnail'] : SITEURL.e_IMAGE."newspost_images/".$news['news_thumbnail']; $tmp = explode(",", $iurl); foreach($tmp as $mimg) { if(substr($mimg,-8) == '.youtube' || empty($mimg)) { continue; } $metaImg = $tp->thumbUrl($mimg,'w=1200',false,true) ; e107::meta('og:image',$metaImg); e107::meta('og:image:width', 1200); e107::meta('twitter:image', $metaImg); e107::meta('twitter:card', 'summary_large_image'); } } // grab all images in news-body and add to meta. $images = e107::getBB()->getContent('img',$news['news_body'],SITEURL.e_IMAGE."newspost_images/"); $c =1; foreach($images as $im) { if($c == 4){ break; } e107::meta('og:image',$im); $c++; } // grab all youtube videos in news-body and add thumbnails to meta. $youtube = e107::getBB()->getContent('youtube',$news['news_body']); $c = 1; foreach($youtube as $yt) { if($c == 3){ break; } list($img,$tmp) = explode("?",$yt); e107::meta('og:image',"".$img."/0.jpg"); $c++; } $modifiedTime = strtotime('30 minutes ago'); e107::meta('og:updated_time', $modifiedTime); e107::meta('article:section', $news['category_name']); e107::meta('article:published_time', date('c', $news['news_datestamp'])); e107::meta('article:modified_time', date('c', $modifiedTime)); if($news['news_meta_keywords'] && !defined('META_KEYWORDS')) { e107::meta('keywords',$news['news_meta_keywords']); $tmp = explode(",",$news['news_meta_keywords']); foreach($tmp as $t) { e107::meta('article:tag', trim($t)); } // define('META_KEYWORDS', $news['news_meta_keywords']); // deprecated } /* Facebook reference. * */ return; } if($news['category_name'] && $type == 'cat') { e107::title($tp->toHTML($news['category_name'],false,'TITLE_PLAIN')); } if($news['category_meta_keywords'] && !defined('META_KEYWORDS')) { define('META_KEYWORDS', $news['category_meta_keywords']); } if($news['category_meta_description'] && !defined('META_DESCRIPTION')) { define('META_DESCRIPTION', $news['category_meta_description']); } } private function setNewsCache($cache_tag, $cache_data, $rowData=array()) { $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $e107cache->setMD5(null,true); $e107cache->set($cache_tag, $cache_data); $e107cache->set($cache_tag."_caption", $this->caption); $e107cache->set($cache_tag."_title", e107::getSingleton('eResponse')->getMetaTitle()); $e107cache->set($cache_tag."_diz", defined("META_DESCRIPTION") ? META_DESCRIPTION : ''); $e107cache->set($cache_tag."_rows", e107::serialize($rowData,'json')); } /** * @param $cache_tag * @param string $type 'title' or 'diz' or 'rows' or empty for html. */ private function getNewsCache($cachetag, $type=null) { if(!empty($type)) { $cachetag .= "_".$type; } $this->addDebug('CaheString lookup', $cachetag); e107::getDebug()->log('Retrieving cache string:' . $cachetag); $ret = e107::getCache()->setMD5(null)->retrieve($cachetag); if($type == 'rows') { return e107::unserialize($ret); } return $ret; } /** * @param $cacheString * @return bool|string */ private function checkCache($cacheString) { $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $this->addDebug("checkCache", 'true'); $e107cache->setMD5(null); $cache_data = $e107cache->retrieve($cacheString, $this->cacheRefreshTime); $cache_title = $e107cache->retrieve($cacheString."_title", $this->cacheRefreshTime); $cache_diz = $e107cache->retrieve($cacheString."_diz", $this->cacheRefreshTime); $etitle = ($cache_title != "e_PAGETITLE") ? $cache_title : ""; $ediz = ($cache_diz != "META_DESCRIPTION") ? $cache_diz : ""; if($etitle) { e107::title($etitle); } if($ediz) { define("META_DESCRIPTION",$ediz); } if ($cache_data) { return $cache_data; } else { return false; } } private function renderCache($caption, $text) { global $pref,$tp,$sql,$CUSTOMFOOTER, $FOOTER,$cust_footer,$ph; global $db_debug,$ns,$eTimingStart, $error_handler, $db_time, $sql2, $mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb,$e107; $this->text = $text; $this->caption = $caption; $this->addDebug("Cache", 'active'); return $this->text; } private function render_newscats() // -- CNN Style Categories. ---- { $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns = e107::getRender(); if (isset($this->pref['news_cats']) && $this->pref['news_cats'] == '1') { $text3 = $tp->toHTML("{NEWS_CATEGORIES}", TRUE, 'TITLE'); return $ns->tablerender(LAN_NEWS_23, $text3, 'news_cat', true); } } private function renderListTemplate() { $this->addDebug("Method",'renderListTemplate()'); $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); global $NEWSLISTSTYLE, $NEWSLISTTITLE; if($newsCachedPage = $this->checkCache($this->cacheString)) { $caption = $this->getNewsCache($this->cacheString,'caption'); return $this->renderCache($caption, $newsCachedPage); } else { $this->addDebug("Cache", 'inactive: '.$this->cacheString); } $category = intval($this->subAction); if ($this->action == 'cat' && $category != 0) { $gen = new convert; $sql->select("news_category", "*", "category_id='{$category}'"); $row = $sql->fetch(); extract($row); // still required for the table-render. :( } if ($this->action == 'all') // show archive of all news items using list-style template. { $renTypeQry = ''; if(!empty($this->pref['news_list_templates']) && is_array($this->pref['news_list_templates'])) { $renTypeQry = " AND (n.news_render_type REGEXP '(^|,)(".implode("|", $this->pref['news_list_templates']).")(,|$)')"; } // $news_total = $sql->count("news", "(*)", "WHERE news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (news_class REGEXP ".$nobody_regexp.") AND news_start < ".time()." AND (news_end=0 || news_end>".time().")". str_replace("", "news", $renTypeQry)); $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") "; $query .= $renTypeQry; $query .= " ORDER BY n.news_sticky DESC, n.news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".deftrue('NEWSALL_LIMIT', NEWSLIST_LIMIT); // NEWSALL_LIMIT just for BC. NEWSLIST_LIMIT is sufficient. $category_name = ($this->defaultTemplate == 'list') ? LAN_PLUGIN_NEWS_NAME : "All"; unset($renTypeQry); } elseif ($this->action == 'cat') // show archive of all news items in a particular category using list-style template. { // $news_total = $sql->count("news", "(*)", "WHERE news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (news_class REGEXP ".$nobody_regexp.") AND news_start < ".time()." AND (news_end=0 || news_end>".time().") AND news_category=".intval($sub_action)); $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_category=".intval($this->subAction)." AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") ORDER BY n.news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".NEWSLIST_LIMIT; } elseif($this->action === 'tag') { $tagsearch = e107::getParser()->filter($_GET['tag']); $tagsearch2 = str_replace('-', ' ',$tagsearch); $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE (n.news_meta_keywords LIKE '%".$tagsearch."%' OR n.news_meta_keywords LIKE '%".$tagsearch2."%') AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") ORDER BY n.news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".NEWSLIST_LIMIT; $category_name = defset('LAN_NEWS_309','Tag').': "'.$tagsearch.'"'; $tagsearch = $tagsearch2; $this->tagAuthor = $tagsearch; } elseif($this->action === 'author') { $authorSearch = e107::getParser()->filter($_GET['author']); $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE u.user_name = '".$authorSearch."' AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") ORDER BY n.news_datestamp DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".NEWSLIST_LIMIT; $category_name = LAN_AUTHOR.': "'.$authorSearch.'"'; $this->tagAuthor = $authorSearch; } $newsList = array(); if(!empty($query) && $sql->gen($query)) { $news_total = $sql->foundRows(); $newsList = $sql->db_getList(); $ogImageCount = 0; foreach($newsList as $row) { if(!empty($row['news_thumbnail'])) { $iurl = (substr($row['news_thumbnail'],0,3)=="{e_") ? $row['news_thumbnail'] : SITEURL.e_IMAGE."newspost_images/".$row['news_thumbnail']; $tmp = explode(",", $iurl); if($tp->isImage($tmp[0])) { if($ogImageCount > 6) { break; } e107::meta('og:image',$tp->thumbUrl($tmp[0],'w=500',false,true) ); $ogImageCount++; } } } } else { $this->addDebug("Query",str_replace('#',MPREFIX, $query)); } $this->setNewsFrontMeta($newsList[1], $this->action); // elseif($category_name) // { // define('e_PAGETITLE', $tp->toHTML($category_name,FALSE,'TITLE')); // } $currentNewsAction = $this->action; $action = $currentNewsAction; if(!deftrue('THEME_LEGACY')) // v2.x { $template = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news', 'list'); } else // v1.x { if(empty($NEWSLISTSTYLE)) { $NEWSLISTSTYLE = "
{SETIMAGE: w=55&h=55&crop=1} {NEWSTHUMBNAIL}
\n"; } $template = array('start'=>'', 'item'=>$NEWSLISTSTYLE, 'end'=>''); } // Legacy Styling.. $param = array(); $param['itemlink'] = (defined("NEWSLIST_ITEMLINK")) ? NEWSLIST_ITEMLINK : ""; $param['thumbnail'] =(defined("NEWSLIST_THUMB")) ? NEWSLIST_THUMB : "border:0px"; $param['catlink'] = (defined("NEWSLIST_CATLINK")) ? NEWSLIST_CATLINK : ""; $param['caticon'] = (defined("NEWSLIST_CATICON")) ? NEWSLIST_CATICON : defset('ICONSTYLE',''); $param['current_action'] = $action; $param['template_key'] = 'news/list'; // NEW - allow news batch shortcode override (e.g. e107::getScBatch('news', 'myplugin', true); ) e107::getEvent()->trigger('news_list_parse', $newsList); $text = ''; if(!empty($template['start'])) { $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['start'], true); } if(!empty($newsList)) { $c = 1; foreach($newsList as $row) { $tpl = ($c === 1 && !empty($template['first']) && $this->from === 0) ? $template['first'] : $template['item']; $text .= $this->ix->render_newsitem($row, 'return', '', $tpl, $param); $this->currentRow = $row; $c++; } } else // No News - empty. { $text .= "
".(strpos(e_QUERY, "month") !== false ? LAN_NEWS_462 : LAN_NEWS_83)."
"; } $icon = ($row['category_icon']) ? "" : ""; $amount = NEWSLIST_LIMIT; $nitems = defined('NEWS_NEXTPREV_NAVCOUNT') ? '&navcount='.NEWS_NEXTPREV_NAVCOUNT : '' ; $url = rawurlencode(e107::getUrl()->create($this->route, $this->newsUrlparms)); $parms = 'tmpl_prefix='.deftrue('NEWS_NEXTPREV_TMPL', 'default').'&total='.$news_total.'&amount='.$amount.'¤t='.$this->from.$nitems.'&url='.$url; $this->addDebug('newsUrlParms',$this->newsUrlparms); $paginationSC = false; if(!empty($template['end'])) { e107::setRegistry('core/news/pagination', $parms); $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($template['end'], true); if(strpos($template['end'], '{NEWS_PAGINATION') !== false) { $paginationSC = true; $this->addDebug("Pagination Shortcode", 'true'); } } if($paginationSC === false) // BC Fix { $text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); $this->addDebug("Pagination Shortcode", 'false'); } if(isset($template['caption'])) // v2.x { $NEWSLISTTITLE = str_replace("{NEWSCATEGORY}",$tp->toHTML($category_name,FALSE,'TITLE'), $template['caption']); } elseif(empty($NEWSLISTTITLE)) // default { $NEWSLISTTITLE = LAN_NEWS_82." '".$tp->toHTML($category_name,FALSE,'TITLE')."'"; } else // v1.x { $NEWSLISTTITLE = str_replace("{NEWSCATEGORY}",$tp->toHTML($category_name,FALSE,'TITLE'),$NEWSLISTTITLE); } if($this->defaultTemplate != 'list' && ($paginationSC === false)) { $text .= ""; } $this->caption = $NEWSLISTTITLE; $this->templateKey = 'list'; $cache_data = $text; // e107::getRender()->tablerender($NEWSLISTTITLE, $text, 'news', true); $this->setNewsCache($this->cacheString, $cache_data); return $cache_data; } private function renderViewTemplate() { global $NEWSSTYLE; // v1.x backward compatibility. $this->addDebug("Method",'renderViewTemplate()'); if($newsCachedPage = $this->checkCache($this->cacheString)) { $this->addDebug("Cache",'active'); $rows = $this->getNewsCache($this->cacheString,'rows'); $caption = $this->getNewsCache($this->cacheString,'caption'); e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_news_item_viewed', $rows); $this->addDebug("Event-triggered:user_news_item_viewed", $rows); $this->setNewsFrontMeta($rows); $text = $this->renderCache($caption, $newsCachedPage); // This exits if cache used $this->comments = $rows; return $text; } else { $this->addDebug("Cache",'inactive'); } $sql = e107::getDb(); // <-- Cache /* if(isset($this->pref['trackbackEnabled']) && $this->pref['trackbackEnabled']) { $query = " SELECT COUNT(tb.trackback_pid) AS tb_count, n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id LEFT JOIN #trackback AS tb ON tb.trackback_pid = n.news_id WHERE n.news_id=".intval($this->subAction)." AND n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") GROUP by n.news_id"; } else {*/ $query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, u.user_login, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND n.news_id=".intval($this->subAction); // } if ($sql->gen($query)) { $news = $sql->fetch(); $id = $news['news_category']; // Use category of this news item to generate next/prev links e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_news_item_viewed', $news); $this->addDebug("Event-triggered:user_news_item_viewed", $news); //***NEW [SecretR] - comments handled inside now e107::setRegistry('news/page_allow_comments', !$news['news_allow_comments']); if(!$news['news_allow_comments'] && isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) { $pid = intval(varset($_POST['pid'], 0)); // ID of the specific comment being edited (nested comments - replies) $clean_authorname = $_POST['author_name']; $clean_comment = $_POST['comment']; $clean_subject = $_POST['subject']; e107::getSingleton('comment')->enter_comment($clean_authorname, $clean_comment, 'news', $this->subAction, $pid, $clean_subject); } //More SEO $this->setNewsFrontMeta($news); $currentNewsAction = $this->action; $action = $currentNewsAction; $param = array(); $param['current_action'] = $action; $param['template_key'] = 'news/view'; $param['return'] = true; $caption = null; $render = false; if(deftrue('THEME_LEGACY') && !empty($NEWSSTYLE)) { $template = $NEWSSTYLE; } elseif(deftrue('THEME_LEGACY') && function_exists("news_style")) // BC { $template = news_style($news, 'extend', $param); } else { $tmp = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news', 'view'); if(empty($tmp)) { $this->addDebug('template', "news_view_template.php"); $newsViewTemplate = !empty($news['news_template']) ? $news['news_template'] : 'default'; $tmp = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news_view', $newsViewTemplate); $param['template_key'] = 'news_view/'.$newsViewTemplate; } else { $this->addDebug('template', "news_template.php"); } $template = $tmp['item']; if(defset('THEME_VERSION') === 2.3 || (isset($tmp['caption']) && $tmp['caption'] !== null)) // to initiate tablerender() usage. { $this->addDebug('Internal Route', $this->route); $this->route = 'news/view'; // used for tablerender id. $this->templateKey = $newsViewTemplate; // used for tablerender id. $nsc = e107::getScBatch('news')->setScVar('news_item', $news); // Allow any news shortcode to be used in the 'caption'. $caption = e107::getParser()->parseTemplate($tmp['caption'], true, $nsc); $render = true; } unset($tmp); } $this->currentRow = $news; $cache_data = $this->ix->render_newsitem($news, 'extend', '', $template, $param); $this->setNewsCache($this->cacheString, $cache_data, $news); if($render === true) { $unique = $this->getRenderId(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $ns->setUniqueId($unique); $ns->setContent('title', $news['news_title']); $ns->setContent('text', $news['news_summary']); $ns->setUniqueId(null); // prevent other tablerenders from using this content. // TODO add 'image' and 'icon'? $this->caption = $caption; $text = $cache_data; } else { $text = $cache_data; } $this->comments = $news; return $text; } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found",true,404); require_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/lan_error.php"); $text = e107::getMessage()->setTitle(LAN_ERROR_7, E_MESSAGE_INFO)->addInfo(LAN_NEWS_308)->render(); // Perhaps you're looking for one of the news items below? $this->action = 'all'; $text .= $this->renderListTemplate(); return $text; } } private function renderComments($news) { $this->addDebug("Calling", "renderComments()"); // if(e107::getRegistry('news/page_allow_comments')) if(isset($news['news_allow_comments']) && empty($news['news_allow_comments'])) // ie. comments active { global $comment_edit_query; //FIXME - kill me $comment_edit_query = ''.$news['news_id']; $text = e107::getComment()->compose_comment('news', 'comment', $news['news_id'], null, $news['news_title'], false, 'html'); if(!empty($text)) { return $text; } } else { // Only show message if global comments are enabled, but current news item comments are disabled if(e107::getPref('comments_disabled') == 0 && $news['news_allow_comments'] == 1) { if(ADMIN && deftrue('e_DEBUG')) { if(defined('BOOTSTRAP') && BOOTSTRAP) { return e107::getMessage()->addDebug(LAN_NEWS_13)->render(); } else { return "
"; } } } } $this->addDebug("Failed", "renderComments()"); return ''; } private function getQuery() { $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description, nc.category_template FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND (FIND_IN_SET('0', n.news_render_type) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, n.news_render_type)) ORDER BY n.news_sticky DESC, ".$this->order." DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".ITEMVIEW; return $query; } private function renderDefaultTemplate() { $this->addDebug("Method",'renderDefaultTemplate()'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $interval = $this->pref['newsposts']; global $NEWSSTYLE; switch ($this->action) { case "list" : $sub_action = intval($this->subAction); // $news_total = $sql->db_Count("news", "(*)", "WHERE news_category={$sub_action} AND news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (news_class REGEXP ".$nobody_regexp.") AND news_start < ".time()." AND (news_end=0 || news_end>".time().")"); $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description, nc.category_template FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND n.news_category={$sub_action} ORDER BY n.news_sticky DESC,".$this->order." DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".ITEMVIEW; $noNewsMessage = LAN_NEWS_463; break; case "item" : $sub_action = intval($this->subAction); $news_total = 1; /* if(isset($this->pref['trackbackEnabled']) && $this->pref['trackbackEnabled']) { $query = " SELECT COUNT(tb.trackback_pid) AS tb_count, n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description, nc.category_template FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id LEFT JOIN #trackback AS tb ON tb.trackback_pid = n.news_id WHERE n.news_id=".$this->subAction." AND n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") GROUP by n.news_id"; } else {*/ $query = " SELECT n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description, nc.category_template FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_id=".$this->subAction." AND n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().")"; // } $noNewsMessage = LAN_NEWS_83; break; case "month" : case "day" : $item = $tp -> toDB($this->subAction).'20000101'; $year = substr($item, 0, 4); $month = substr($item, 4,2); if ($this->action == 'day') { $day = substr($item, 6, 2); $lastday = $day; $startdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); } else { // A month's worth $day = 1; $startdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $lastday = date("t", $startdate); } $enddate = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $lastday, $year); $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description, nc.category_template FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id WHERE n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND (FIND_IN_SET('0', n.news_render_type) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, n.news_render_type)) AND n.news_datestamp BETWEEN {$startdate} AND {$enddate} ORDER BY ".$this->order." DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".ITEMVIEW; if($this->action == 'month') { $noNewsMessage = LAN_NEWS_462; } else { $noNewsMessage = LAN_NEWS_464; } break; case 'default' : default : //$action = ''; $this->cacheString = 'news.php_default_'; // Make sure its sensible // $news_total = $sql->db_Count("news", "(*)", "WHERE news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (news_class REGEXP ".$nobody_regexp.") AND news_start < ".time()." AND (news_end=0 || news_end>".time().") AND news_render_type<2" ); if(!isset($this->pref['newsposts_archive'])) { $this->pref['newsposts_archive'] = 0; } $interval = $this->pref['newsposts']-$this->pref['newsposts_archive']; // Number of 'full' posts to show // Get number of news item to show /* if(isset($this->pref['trackbackEnabled']) && $this->pref['trackbackEnabled']) { $query = " SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS COUNT(tb.trackback_pid) AS tb_count, n.*, u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_customtitle, u.user_image, nc.category_id, nc.category_name, nc.category_sef, nc.category_icon, nc.category_meta_keywords, nc.category_meta_description, nc.category_template, COUNT(*) AS tbcount FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category = nc.category_id LEFT JOIN #trackback AS tb ON tb.trackback_pid = n.news_id WHERE n.news_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND NOT (n.news_class REGEXP ".$this->nobody_regexp.") AND n.news_start < ".time()." AND (n.news_end=0 || n.news_end>".time().") AND (FIND_IN_SET('0', n.news_render_type) OR FIND_IN_SET(1, n.news_render_type)) GROUP by n.news_id ORDER BY news_sticky DESC, ".$this->order." DESC LIMIT ".intval($this->from).",".ITEMVIEW; } else {*/ $query = $this->getQuery(); // } $noNewsMessage = LAN_NEWS_83; } // END - switch($action) if($newsCachedPage = $this->checkCache($this->cacheString)) // normal news front-page - with cache. { //if(!$this->action) // { // Removed, themes should use {FEATUREBOX} shortcode instead // if (isset($this->pref['fb_active'])) // { // require_once(e_PLUGIN."featurebox/featurebox.php"); // } // Removed, legacy // if (isset($this->pref['nfp_display']) && $this->pref['nfp_display'] == 1) // { // require_once(e_PLUGIN."newforumposts_main/newforumposts_main.php"); // } // } //news archive if ($this->action != "item" && $this->action != 'list' && $this->pref['newsposts_archive']) { $sql = e107::getDb(); if ($sql->gen($query)) { $newsAr = $sql -> db_getList(); if($newsarchive = $this->checkCache('newsarchive')) { $newsCachedPage = $newsCachedPage.$newsarchive; } //else // { // $this->show_newsarchive($newsAr,$interval); // } } } $this->renderCache($this->caption, $newsCachedPage); return null; } if (!($news_total = $sql->gen($query))) // No news items { $this->setNewsFrontMeta(null,$this->action); return "
"; } $newsAr = $sql -> db_getList(); $news_total=$sql->total_results; $p_title = ($this->action == "item") ? $newsAr[1]['news_title'] : $tp->toHTML($newsAr[1]['category_name'],FALSE,'TITLE'); switch($this->action) { case 'item': $this->setNewsFrontMeta($newsAr[1]); break; case 'list': default: $this->setNewsFrontMeta($newsAr[1], $this->action); break; } $currentNewsAction = $this->action; $action = $currentNewsAction; //if(!$action) // { // Removed, themes should use {FEATUREBOX} shortcode instead // if (isset($this->pref['fb_active'])){ // --->feature box // require_once(e_PLUGIN."featurebox/featurebox.php"); // } // Removed, legacy // if (isset($this->pref['nfp_display']) && $this->pref['nfp_display'] == 1){ // require_once(e_PLUGIN."newforumposts_main/newforumposts_main.php"); // } // } /** * @deprecated - for BC only. May be removed in future without further notice. */ if(isset($this->pref['news_unstemplate']) && $this->pref['news_unstemplate'] && file_exists(THEME."news_template.php")) { // theme specific template required ... $this->addDebug("Template Mode",'News Preferences: Non-standard Template (Legacy)'); $ALTERNATECLASSES = null; $NEWSCLAYOUT = null; require_once(THEME."news_template.php"); if(!empty($ALTERNATECLASS1)) { return true; } $newscolumns = (isset($NEWSCOLUMNS) ? $NEWSCOLUMNS : 1); $newspercolumn = (isset($NEWSITEMSPERCOLUMN) ? $NEWSITEMSPERCOLUMN : 10); $newsdata = array(); $loop = 1; $param = array(); $param['current_action'] = $action; foreach($newsAr as $news) { if(is_array($ALTERNATECLASSES)) { $newsdata[$loop] .= "
".$this->ix->render_newsitem($news, "return", '', '', $param)."
"; $ALTERNATECLASSES = array_reverse($ALTERNATECLASSES); } else { $newsdata[$loop] .= $this->ix->render_newsitem($news, 'return', '', '', $param); } $loop ++; if($loop > $newscolumns) { $loop = 1; } } $loop = 1; $items = array(); foreach($newsdata as $data) { $var = "ITEMS".$loop; // $$var = $data; $items[$var] = $data; $loop ++; } $text = $tp->parseTemplate($NEWSCLAYOUT, false, $items); // $text = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $NEWSCLAYOUT); // Deprecated // $parms = $news_total.",".ITEMVIEW.",".$newsfrom.",".$e107->url->getUrl('core:news', 'main', "action=nextprev&to_action=".($action ? $action : 'default' )."&subaction=".($sub_action ? $sub_action : "0")); // $sub_action = intval($sub_action); // $parms = $news_total.",".ITEMVIEW.",".$newsfrom.",".e_SELF.'?'.($action ? $action : 'default' ).($sub_action ? ".".$sub_action : ".0").".[FROM]"; $amount = ITEMVIEW; $nitems = defined('NEWS_NEXTPREV_NAVCOUNT') ? '&navcount='.NEWS_NEXTPREV_NAVCOUNT : '' ; $url = rawurlencode(e107::getUrl()->create($this->route, $this->newsUrlparms)); $parms = 'tmpl_prefix='.deftrue('NEWS_NEXTPREV_TMPL', 'default').'&total='.$news_total.'&amount='.$amount.'¤t='.$this->from.$nitems.'&url='.$url; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); // This section is deprecated so no pagination shortcode support should be added. // echo $text; $this->setNewsCache($this->cacheString, $text); return $text; } else { ob_start(); $newpostday = 0; $thispostday = 0; $this->pref['newsHeaderDate'] = 1; $gen = new convert(); /* if(vartrue($NEWSLISTSTYLE)) $template = $NEWSLISTSTYLE; v1.x doesn't do this.. so no point doing it here. else { $tmp = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news', 'list'); $template = $tmp['item']; unset($tmp); } */ //@todo remove if (!defined("DATEHEADERCLASS")) { define("DATEHEADERCLASS", "nextprev"); // if not defined in the theme, default class nextprev will be used for new date header } // #### normal newsitems, rendered via render_newsitem(), the $query is changed above (no other changes made) --------- $param = array(); $param['current_action'] = $action; $param['template_key'] = 'news/default'; // Get Correct Template // XXX we use $NEWSLISTSTYLE above - correct as we are currently in list mode - XXX No this is not NEWSLISTSTYLE - which provides only summaries. // TODO requires BC testing if we comment this one if(vartrue($NEWSSTYLE)) { $template = $NEWSSTYLE; } else // v2.x { $layout = e107::getTemplate('news', 'news'); $catTemplate = $newsAr[1]['category_template']; // v2.1.7 load the category template if found. if(!empty($this->templateKey)) // predefined by NEWS_LAYOUT; { $this->addDebug("Template Mode",'NEWS_LAYOUT constant'); $tmpl = $layout[$this->templateKey]; $param['template_key'] = 'news/'.$this->templateKey; } elseif(!empty($newsAr[1]['category_template']) && !empty($layout[$catTemplate])) // defined by news_category field. { $this->addDebug("Template Mode",'news_category database field'); $this->templateKey = $catTemplate; $tmpl = $layout[$this->templateKey]; $param['template_key'] = 'news/'.$this->templateKey; } elseif($this->action === 'list' && isset($layout['category']) && !isset($layout['category']['body'])) // make sure it's not old { $this->addDebug("Template Mode","'category' key defined in template file"); $tmpl = $layout['category']; $this->templateKey = 'category'; $param['template_key'] = 'news/category'; } elseif(!empty($layout[$this->defaultTemplate])) // defined by default template 'news' pref. (newspost.php?mode=main&action=settings) { $this->addDebug("Template Mode",'News Preferences: Default template'); $tmpl = $layout[$this->defaultTemplate]; $this->templateKey = $this->defaultTemplate; } else // fallback. { $this->addDebug("Template Mode",'Fallback'); $tmpl = $layout['default'] ; $this->defaultTemplate = 'default'; $this->templateKey = 'default'; } $this->currentRow = $newsAr[1]; $this->addDebug('Template key',$this->templateKey); $template = $tmpl['item']; } if(isset($tmpl['caption'])) { $row = $newsAr[1]; $this->currentRow = $row; if(empty($this->action)) // default page. { $row['category_name'] = LAN_PLUGIN_NEWS_NAME; } $nsc = e107::getScBatch('news')->setScVar('news_item', $row)->setScVar('param', $param); $this->caption = $tp->parseTemplate($tmpl['caption'], true, $nsc); } if(!empty($tmpl['start'])) //v2.1.5 { $nsc = e107::getScBatch('news')->setScVar('news_item', $newsAr[1])->setScVar('param', $param); echo $tp->parseTemplate($tmpl['start'],true,$nsc); } elseif($sub_action && 'list' == $action && vartrue($newsAr[1]['category_name'])) //old v1.x stuff { // we know category name - pass it to the nexprev url $category_name = $newsAr[1]['category_name']; if(vartrue($newsAr[1]['category_sef'])) $newsUrlparms['name'] = $newsAr[1]['category_sef']; if(!isset($NEWSLISTCATTITLE)) { $NEWSLISTCATTITLE = "


"; } else { $NEWSLISTCATTITLE = str_replace("{NEWSCATEGORY}",$tp->toHTML($category_name,FALSE,'TITLE'),$NEWSLISTCATTITLE); } echo $NEWSLISTCATTITLE; } $i= 1; $socialInstalled = e107::isInstalled('social'); while(isset($newsAr[$i]) && $i <= $interval) { $news = $newsAr[$i]; if(!isset($this->newsUrlparms['category_sef']) && !empty($news['category_sef'])) { $this->newsUrlparms['category_sef'] = $news['category_sef']; } // Set the Values for the social shortcode usage. if($socialInstalled == true) { $socialArray = array('url'=>e107::getUrl()->create('news/view/item', $news, 'full=1'), 'title'=>$tp->toText($news['news_title']), 'tags'=>$news['news_meta_keywords']); $socialObj = e107::getScBatch('social'); if(is_object($socialObj)) { $socialObj->setVars($socialArray); } } if(function_exists("news_style")) // BC { $template = news_style($news, $action, $param); } // render new date header if pref selected ... $thispostday = e_date::strftime("%j", $news['news_datestamp']); if ($newpostday != $thispostday && (isset($this->pref['news_newdateheader']) && $this->pref['news_newdateheader'])) { echo "
".e_date::strftime("%A %d %B %Y", $news['news_datestamp'])."
"; } $newpostday = $thispostday; $news['category_id'] = $news['news_category']; if ($action == "item") { unset($news['news_render_type']); e107::getEvent()->trigger('user_news_item_viewed', $news); //e107::getDebug()->log($news); } // $template = false; $this->ix->render_newsitem($news, 'default', '', $template, $param); $i++; } $amount = ITEMVIEW; $nitems = defined('NEWS_NEXTPREV_NAVCOUNT') ? '&navcount='.NEWS_NEXTPREV_NAVCOUNT : '' ; $url = rawurlencode(e107::getUrl()->create($this->route, $this->newsUrlparms)); $this->addDebug('News Pagination Parms', $this->newsUrlparms); // Example of passing route data instead building the URL outside the shortcode - for a reference only // $url = rawurlencode('url::'.$newsRoute.'::'.http_build_query($newsUrlparms, null, '&')); $parms = 'tmpl_prefix='.deftrue('NEWS_NEXTPREV_TMPL', 'default').'&total='.$news_total.'&amount='.$amount.'¤t='.$this->from.$nitems.'&url='.$url; $paginationSC = false; if(!empty($tmpl['end'])) { e107::setRegistry('core/news/pagination', $parms); $nsc = e107::getScBatch('news')->setScVar('news_item', $newsAr[1])->setScVar('param', $param); echo $tp->parseTemplate($tmpl['end'], true, $nsc); if(strpos($tmpl['end'], '{NEWS_PAGINATION') !== false) // BC fix. { $paginationSC = true; $this->addDebug("Pagination Shortcode", 'true'); } } if($paginationSC === false) // BC Fix. { echo $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); $this->addDebug("Pagination Shortcode", 'false'); } $cache_data = ob_get_clean(); $this->setNewsCache($this->cacheString, $cache_data); return $cache_data; } } } $newsObj = new news_front; //$content = e107::getRender()->getContent(); // get tablerender content require_once(HEADERF); //e107::getRender()->setContent($content,null); // reassign tablerender content if HEADERF uses render. $newsObj->render(); if(E107_DBG_BASIC && ADMIN) { $newsObj->debug(); } require_once(FOOTERF);