"; } /** * For inserting default database content during install after table has been created by the blank_sql.php file. */ function install_post($var) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $e107_blank = array( 'blank_id' =>'1', 'blank_icon' =>'{e_PLUGIN}_blank/images/blank_32.png', 'blank_type' =>'type_1', 'blank_name' =>'My Name', 'blank_folder' =>'Folder Value', 'blank_version' =>'1', 'blank_author' =>'bill', 'blank_authorURL' =>'http://e107.org', 'blank_date' =>'1352871240', 'blank_compatibility' =>'2', 'blank_url' =>'http://e107.org' ); if($sql->insert('blank',$e107_blank)) { $mes->add("Custom - Install Message.", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { $mes->add("Custom - Failed to add default table data.", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } } function uninstall_options() { $listoptions = array(0=>'option 1',1=>'option 2'); $options = array(); $options['mypref'] = array( 'label' => 'Custom Uninstall Label', 'preview' => 'Preview Area', 'helpText' => 'Custom Help Text', 'itemList' => $listoptions, 'itemDefault' => 1 ); return $options; } function uninstall_post($var) { // print_a($var); } function upgrade_post($var) { // $sql = e107::getDb(); } } ?>