gitPull(); $mes->addSuccess($return); if(unlink(e_BASE."install.php")) { $mes->addDebug("Removed install.php"); } if(!deftrue('e_DEVELOPER')) // Leave development files intact if developer mode is active. { $fl->removeDir(e_BASE.'e107_tests'); $fl->removeDir(e_BASE.'.github'); unlink(e_BASE."composer.json"); unlink(e_BASE."composer.lock"); } } else { $mes->addError(LAN_CRON_66); } $fl->chmod(e_BASE."cron.php",0755); $fl->chmod(e_HANDLER."bounce_handler.php",0755); e107::getCache()->clearAll('system'); e107::getCache()->clearAll('css'); e107::getCache()->clearAll('js'); e107::getCache()->clearAll('library'); e107::getCache()->clearAll('browser'); } /** * Update the current Theme Repo * When using private repos on Github, you'll need to get a personal access token @see * (with 'repo' access) and then modify the .git/config file : * @example: * [remote "origin"] * url = https://[TOKEN][USER]/[REPO].git */ function gitrepoTheme() { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $theme = e107::getPref('sitetheme'); if(is_dir(e_THEME.$theme."/.git")) // Check it's a Git Repo { $return = $fl->gitPull($theme, 'theme'); $mes->addSuccess($return); } else { $mes->addError(LAN_CRON_67); } } /** * Burnsy - This is just a test * */ function checkCoreUpdate () // Check if there is an e107 Core update and email Site Admin if so { if(!$data = e107::coreUpdateAvailable()) { return false; } $pref = e107::getPref(); $message = "

There is a new version of e107 available.
Please visit ".$data['infourl']." for further details.

Download v".$data['version'].""; $eml = array( 'subject' => "e107 v".$data['version']." is now available.", 'sender_name' => SITENAME . " Automation", 'html' => true, 'template' => 'default', 'body' => $message ); e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($pref['siteadminemail'], $pref['siteadmin'], $eml); return null; } function sendEmail() // Test Email. { global $pref, $_E107; if($_E107['debug']) { echo "
sendEmail() executed"; } // require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $message = "Your Cron test worked correctly. Sent on ".date("r")."."; $message .= "

Environment Variables

"; $userCon = get_defined_constants(true); ksort($userCon['user']); $userVars = array(); foreach($userCon['user'] as $k=>$v) { if(substr($k,0,2) == 'e_') { $userVars[$k] = $v; } } $message .= "

e107 PATHS

"; $message .= $this->renderTable($userVars); $message .= "


"; $message .= $this->renderTable($_SERVER); $message .= "


"; $message .= $this->renderTable($_ENV); $message .= "


"; $message .= "
".print_r(error_get_last(), true)."
"; $message .= "


"; $message .= "
"; // $message .= "

Included Files

"; /* $included_files = get_included_files(); foreach ($included_files as $filename) { $message .= $filename."
"; }*/ $eml = array( 'subject' => "TEST Email Sent by cron. ".date("r"), // 'sender_email' => $email, 'sender_name' => SITENAME . " Automation", // 'replyto' => $email, 'html' => true, 'template' => 'default', 'body' => $message ); e107::getEmail()->sendEmail($pref['siteadminemail'], $pref['siteadmin'], $eml); // sendemail($pref['siteadminemail'], "e107 - TEST Email Sent by cron.".date("r"), $message, $pref['siteadmin'],SITEEMAIL, $pref['siteadmin']); } private function renderTable($array) { $text = ""; foreach($array as $k=>$v) { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$k." ".print_a($v,true)."
"; return $text; } /** * Process the Mail Queue * First create a mail queue then debug with the following: require_once(e_HANDLER."cron_class.php"); $cron = new _system_cron; $cron->procEmailQueue(true); * @param bool $debug */ function procEmailQueue($debug= false) { $sendPerHit = e107::getConfig()->get('mail_workpertick',5); $pauseCount = e107::getConfig()->get('mail_pause',5); $pauseTime = e107::getConfig()->get('mail_pausetime',2); if (CRON_MAIL_DEBUG) { e107::getLog()->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'DEBUG','CRON Email','Email run started',FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } $mailManager = e107::getBulkEmail(); if($debug === true) { $mailManager->controlDebug(1); } $mailManager->doEmailTask($sendPerHit,$pauseCount,$pauseTime); if (CRON_MAIL_DEBUG) { e107::getLog()->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'DEBUG','CRON Email','Email run completed',FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } } function procEmailBounce() { //global $pref; if (CRON_MAIL_DEBUG) { $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $e107->admin_log->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'DEBUG','CRON Bounce','Bounce processing started',FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } require_once(e_HANDLER.'pop_bounce_handler.php'); $mailBounce = new pop3BounceHandler(); $mailBounce->processBounces(); if (CRON_MAIL_DEBUG) { $e107->admin_log->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'DEBUG','CRON Bounce','Bounce processing completed',FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } } function procBanRetrigger() { //global $pref; if (CRON_RETRIGGER_DEBUG) { $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $e107->admin_log->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'DEBUG','CRON Ban retrigger','Retrigger processing started',FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } require_once(e_HANDLER.'iphandler_class.php'); $ipManager = new banlistManager(); $ipManager->banRetriggerAction(); if (CRON_RETRIGGER_DEBUG) { e107::getLog()->addEvent(10,debug_backtrace(),'DEBUG','CRON Ban Retrigger','Retrigger processing completed',FALSE,LOG_TO_ROLLING); } } /** * Creates a backup of the entire database and gzips it into the backup folder. * Also works with large databases. * @return null|void */ public function dbBackup() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $file = $sql->backup('*', null, array('gzip'=>true)); if(empty($file)) { e107::getLog()->addError(LAN_CRON_55)->save('BACKUP'); return; } elseif(file_exists($file)) { e107::getLog()->addSuccess(LAN_CRON_56." ".basename($file))->save('BACKUP'); } return null; } } /* $Id$ */ /**####################################################################################################**\ Version: V1.01 Release Date: 12 Sep 2005 Licence: GPL By: Nikol S Please send bug reports to \**####################################################################################################**/ /* This class is based on the concept in the CronParser class written by Mick Sear * The following functions are direct copies from or based on the original class: * getLastRan(), getDebug(), debug(), expand_ranges() * * Who can use this class? * This class is idea for people who can not use the traditional Unix cron through shell. * One way of using is embedding the calling script in a web page which is often visited. * The script will work out the last due time, by comparing with run log timestamp. The scrip * will invoke any scripts needed to run, be it deleting older table records, or updating prices. * It can parse the same cron string used by Unix. */ /* Usage example: $cron_str0 = "0,12,30-51 3,21-23,10 1-25 9-12,1 0,3-7"; require_once("CronParser.php"); $cron = new CronParser(); $cron->calcLastRan($cron_str0); // $cron->getLastRanUnix() returns an Unix timestamp echo "Cron '$cron_str0' last due at: " . date('r', $cron->getLastRanUnix()) . "

"; // $cron->getLastRan() returns last due time in an array print_r($cron->getLastRan()); echo "Debug:
" . nl2br($cron->getDebug()); $cron_str1 = "3 12 * * *"; if ($cron->calcLastRan($cron_str1)) { echo "

Cron '$cron_str1' last due at: " . date('r', $cron->getLastRanUnix()) . "

"; print_r($cron->getLastRan()); } else { echo "Error parsing"; } echo "Debug:
" . nl2br($cron->getDebug()); *####################################################################################################### */ class CronParser { var $bits = Array(); //exploded String like 0 1 * * * var $now = Array(); //Array of cron-style entries for time() var $lastRan; //Timestamp of last ran time. var $taken; var $debug; var $year; var $month; var $day; var $hour; var $minute; var $minutes_arr = array(); //minutes array based on cron string var $hours_arr = array(); //hours array based on cron string var $months_arr = array(); //months array based on cron string function getLastRan() { return explode(",", strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", $this->lastRan)); //Get the values for now in a format we can use } function getLastRanUnix() { return $this->lastRan; } function getDebug() { return $this->debug; } function debug($str) { if (is_array($str)) { $this->debug .= "\nArray: "; foreach($str as $k=>$v) { $this->debug .= "$k=>$v, "; } } else { $this->debug .= "\n$str"; } //echo nl2br($this->debug); } /** * Assumes that value is not *, and creates an array of valid numbers that * the string represents. Returns an array. */ function expand_ranges($str) { if (strpos($str, ",") !== false) { $arParts = explode(',', $str); foreach ($arParts AS $part) { if (strpos($part, '-') !== false) { $arRange = explode('-', $part); for ($i = $arRange[0]; $i <= $arRange[1]; $i++) { $ret[] = $i; } } else { $ret[] = $part; } } } elseif (strpos($str, '-') !== false) { $arRange = explode('-', $str); for ($i = $arRange[0]; $i <= $arRange[1]; $i++) { $ret[] = $i; } } else { $ret[] = $str; } $ret = array_unique($ret); sort($ret); return $ret; } function daysinmonth($month, $year) { return date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); } /** * Calculate the last due time before this moment */ function calcLastRan($string) { $tstart = microtime(true); $this->debug = ""; $this->lastRan = 0; $this->year = NULL; $this->month = NULL; $this->day = NULL; $this->hour = NULL; $this->minute = NULL; $this->hours_arr = array(); $this->minutes_arr = array(); $this->months_arr = array(); $string = preg_replace('/[\s]{2,}/', ' ', $string); if (preg_match('/[^-,* \\d]/', $string) !== 0) { $this->debug("Cron String contains invalid character"); return false; } $this->debug("Working on cron schedule: $string"); $this->bits = @explode(" ", $string); if (count($this->bits) != 5) { $this->debug("Cron string is invalid. Too many or too little sections after explode"); return false; } //put the current time into an array $t = strftime("%M,%H,%d,%m,%w,%Y", time()); $this->now = explode(",", $t); $this->year = $this->now[5]; $arMonths = $this->_getMonthsArray(); do { $this->month = array_pop($arMonths); } while ($this->month > $this->now[3]); if ($this->month === NULL) { $this->year = $this->year - 1; $this->debug("Not due within this year. So checking the previous year " . $this->year); $arMonths = $this->_getMonthsArray(); $this->_prevMonth($arMonths); } elseif ($this->month == $this->now[3]) //now Sep, month = array(7,9,12) { $this->debug("Cron is due this month, getting days array."); $arDays = $this->_getDaysArray($this->month, $this->year); do { $this->day = array_pop($arDays); } while ($this->day > $this->now[2]); if ($this->day === NULL) { $this->debug("Smallest day is even greater than today"); $this->_prevMonth($arMonths); } elseif ($this->day == $this->now[2]) { $this->debug("Due to run today"); $arHours = $this->_getHoursArray(); do { $this->hour = array_pop($arHours); } while ($this->hour > $this->now[1]); if ($this->hour === NULL) // now =2, arHours = array(3,5,7) { $this->debug("Not due this hour and some earlier hours, so go for previous day"); $this->_prevDay($arDays, $arMonths); } elseif ($this->hour < $this->now[1]) //now =2, arHours = array(1,3,5) { $this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute(); } else // now =2, arHours = array(1,2,5) { $this->debug("Due this hour"); $arMinutes = $this->_getMinutesArray(); do { $this->minute = array_pop($arMinutes); } while ($this->minute > $this->now[0]); if ($this->minute === NULL) { $this->debug("Not due this minute, so go for previous hour."); $this->_prevHour($arHours, $arDays, $arMonths); } else { $this->debug("Due this very minute or some earlier minutes before this moment within this hour."); } } } else { $this->debug("Cron was due on " . $this->day . " of this month"); $this->hour = $this->_getLastHour(); $this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute(); } } else //now Sep, arrMonths=array(7, 10) { $this->debug("Cron was due before this month. Previous month is: " . $this->year . '-' . $this->month); $this->day = $this->_getLastDay($this->month, $this->year); if ($this->day === NULL) { //No scheduled date within this month. So we will try the previous month in the month array $this->_prevMonth($arMonths); } else { $this->hour = $this->_getLastHour(); $this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute(); } } $tend = microtime(true); $this->taken = $tend - $tstart; $this->debug("Parsing $string taken " . $this->taken . " seconds"); //if the last due is beyond 1970 if ($this->minute === NULL) { $this->debug("Error calculating last due time"); return false; } else { $this->debug("LAST DUE: " . $this->hour . ":" . $this->minute . " on " . $this->day . "/" . $this->month . "/" . $this->year); $this->lastRan = mktime($this->hour, $this->minute, 0, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year); return true; } } //get the due time before current month function _prevMonth($arMonths) { $this->month = array_pop($arMonths); if ($this->month === NULL) { $this->year = $this->year -1; if ($this->year <= 1970) { $this->debug("Can not calculate last due time. At least not before 1970.."); } else { $this->debug("Have to go for previous year " . $this->year); $arMonths = $this->_getMonthsArray(); $this->_prevMonth($arMonths); } } else { $this->debug("Getting the last day for previous month: " . $this->year . '-' . $this->month); $this->day = $this->_getLastDay($this->month, $this->year); if ($this->day === NULL) { //no available date schedule in this month $this->_prevMonth($arMonths); } else { $this->hour = $this->_getLastHour(); $this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute(); } } } //get the due time before current day function _prevDay($arDays, $arMonths) { $this->debug("Go for the previous day"); $this->day = array_pop($arDays); if ($this->day === NULL) { $this->debug("Have to go for previous month"); $this->_prevMonth($arMonths); } else { $this->hour = $this->_getLastHour(); $this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute(); } } //get the due time before current hour function _prevHour($arHours, $arDays, $arMonths) { $this->debug("Going for previous hour"); $this->hour = array_pop($arHours); if ($this->hour === NULL) { $this->debug("Have to go for previous day"); $this->_prevDay($arDays, $arMonths); } else { $this->minute = $this->_getLastMinute(); } } //not used at the moment function _getLastMonth() { $months = $this->_getMonthsArray(); $month = array_pop($months); return $month; } function _getLastDay($month, $year) { //put the available days for that month into an array $days = $this->_getDaysArray($month, $year); $day = array_pop($days); return $day; } function _getLastHour() { $hours = $this->_getHoursArray(); $hour = array_pop($hours); return $hour; } function _getLastMinute() { $minutes = $this->_getMinutesArray(); $minute = array_pop($minutes); return $minute; } //remove the out of range array elements. $arr should be sorted already and does not contain duplicates function _sanitize ($arr, $low, $high) { $count = count($arr); for ($i = 0; $i <= ($count - 1); $i++) { if ($arr[$i] < $low) { $this->debug("Remove out of range element. {$arr[$i]} is outside $low - $high"); unset($arr[$i]); } else { break; } } for ($i = ($count - 1); $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($arr[$i] > $high) { $this->debug("Remove out of range element. {$arr[$i]} is outside $low - $high"); unset ($arr[$i]); } else { break; } } //re-assign keys sort($arr); return $arr; } //given a month/year, list all the days within that month fell into the week days list. function _getDaysArray($month, $year = 0) { if ($year == 0) { $year = $this->year; } $days = array(); //return everyday of the month if both bit[2] and bit[4] are '*' if ($this->bits[2] == '*' AND $this->bits[4] == '*') { $days = $this->getDays($month, $year); } else { //create an array for the weekdays if ($this->bits[4] == '*') { for ($i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) { $arWeekdays[] = $i; } } else { $arWeekdays = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[4]); $arWeekdays = $this->_sanitize($arWeekdays, 0, 7); //map 7 to 0, both represents Sunday. Array is sorted already! if (in_array(7, $arWeekdays)) { if (in_array(0, $arWeekdays)) { array_pop($arWeekdays); } else { $tmp[] = 0; array_pop($arWeekdays); $arWeekdays = array_merge($tmp, $arWeekdays); } } } $this->debug("Array for the weekdays"); $this->debug($arWeekdays); if ($this->bits[2] == '*') { $daysmonth = $this->getDays($month, $year); } else { $daysmonth = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[2]); // so that we do not end up with 31 of Feb $daysinmonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year); $daysmonth = $this->_sanitize($daysmonth, 1, $daysinmonth); } //Now match these days with weekdays foreach ($daysmonth AS $day) { $wkday = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); if (in_array($wkday, $arWeekdays)) { $days[] = $day; } } } $this->debug("Days array matching weekdays for $year-$month"); $this->debug($days); return $days; } //given a month/year, return an array containing all the days in that month function getDays($month, $year) { $daysinmonth = $this->daysinmonth($month, $year); $this->debug("Number of days in $year-$month : $daysinmonth"); $days = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $daysinmonth; $i++) { $days[] = $i; } return $days; } function _getHoursArray() { if (empty($this->hours_arr)) { $hours = array(); if ($this->bits[1] == '*') { for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++) { $hours[] = $i; } } else { $hours = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[1]); $hours = $this->_sanitize($hours, 0, 23); } $this->debug("Hour array"); $this->debug($hours); $this->hours_arr = $hours; } return $this->hours_arr; } function _getMinutesArray() { if (empty($this->minutes_arr)) { $minutes = array(); if ($this->bits[0] == '*') { for ($i = 0; $i <= 60; $i++) { $minutes[] = $i; } } else { $minutes = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[0]); $minutes = $this->_sanitize($minutes, 0, 59); } $this->debug("Minutes array"); $this->debug($minutes); $this->minutes_arr = $minutes; } return $this->minutes_arr; } function _getMonthsArray() { if (empty($this->months_arr)) { $months = array(); if ($this->bits[3] == '*') { for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $months[] = $i; } } else { $months = $this->expand_ranges($this->bits[3]); $months = $this->_sanitize($months, 1, 12); } $this->debug("Months array"); $this->debug($months); $this->months_arr = $months; } return $this->months_arr; } } /** * Class cronScheduler. * * @see cron.php * * TODO: * - Log error in admin log. * - Pref for sending email to Administrator. * - LANs */ class cronScheduler { /** * Cron parser class. * * @var \CronParser. */ private $cron; /** * Debug mode. * * @var bool */ private $debug; /** * System preferences. * * @var array|mixed */ private $pref; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { global $_E107, $pref; $this->cron = new CronParser(); $this->debug = $_E107['debug']; $this->pref = $pref; } /** * Runs all cron jobs. * * @return bool */ public function run() { $valid = $this->validateToken(); if(!$valid) { return false; } @file_put_contents(e_CACHE . 'cronLastLoad.php', time()); // Get active cron jobs. $cron_jobs = $this->getCronJobs(true); if($this->debug && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { echo "

Cron Lists

"; print_a($cron_jobs); } foreach($cron_jobs as $job) { $this->runJob($job); } return null; } /** * Runs a cron job. * * @param array $job * Contains the current cron job. Each element is an array with following * properties: * - 'path' string '_system' or plugin name. * - 'active' int 1 if active, 0 if inactive * - 'tab' string cron tab * - 'function' string function name * - 'class' string class name * * @return bool $status */ public function runJob($job) { $status = false; if(empty($job['active'])) { return $status; } // Calculate the last due time before this moment. $this->cron->calcLastRan($job['tab']); $due = $this->cron->getLastRanUnix(); if($this->debug) { echo "
Cron: " . $job['function']; } if($due <= (time() - 45)) { return $status; } if($job['path'] != '_system' && !is_readable(e_PLUGIN . $job['path'] . "/e_cron.php")) { return $status; } if($this->debug) { echo "
Running Now...
path: " . $job['path']; } // This is correct. if($job['path'] != '_system') { include_once(e_PLUGIN . $job['path'] . "/e_cron.php"); } $class = $job['class'] . "_cron"; if(!class_exists($class, false)) { if($this->debug) { echo "
Couldn't find class: " . $class; } return $status; } $obj = new $class; if(!method_exists($obj, $job['function'])) { if($this->debug) { echo "
Couldn't find method: " . $job['function']; } return $status; } if($this->debug) { echo "
Method Found: " . $class . "::" . $job['function'] . "()"; } // Exception handling. $method = $job['function']; try { $status = $obj->$method(); } catch(Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getFile() . ' ' . $e->getLine(); $msg .= "\n\n" . $e->getCode() . '' . $e->getMessage(); $msg .= "\n\n" . implode("\n", $e->getTrace()); $mail = array( 'to_mail' => $this->pref['siteadminemail'], 'to_name' => $this->pref['siteadmin'], 'from_mail' => $this->pref['siteadminemail'], 'from_name' => $this->pref['siteadmin'], 'message' => $msg, 'subject' => 'e107 - Cron Schedule Exception', ); $this->sendMail($mail); } // If task returns value which is not boolean (BC), it will be used as a // message (send email, logs). if($status && true !== $status) { if($this->debug) { echo "
Method returned message: [{$class}::" . $job['function'] . '] ' . $status; } $msg = 'Method returned message: [{' . $class . '}::' . $job['function'] . '] ' . $status; $mail = array( 'to_mail' => $this->pref['siteadminemail'], 'to_name' => $this->pref['siteadmin'], 'from_mail' => $this->pref['siteadminemail'], 'from_name' => $this->pref['siteadmin'], 'message' => $msg, 'subject' => 'e107 - Cron Schedule Task Report', ); $this->sendMail($mail); } return $status; } /** * Validate Cron Token. * * @return bool */ public function validateToken() { $pwd = ($this->debug && $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : trim($_SERVER['argv'][1]); if(!empty($_GET['token'])) { $pwd = e107::getParser()->filter($_GET['token']); } else { $pwd = str_replace('token=', '', $pwd); } if(($this->pref['e_cron_pwd'] != $pwd) || empty($this->pref['e_cron_pwd'])) { if(!empty($pwd)) { $msg = "Your Cron Schedule is not configured correctly. Your passwords do not match."; $msg .= "

"; $msg .= "Sent from cron: " . $pwd; $msg .= "
"; $msg .= "Stored in e107: " . $this->pref['e_cron_pwd']; $msg .= "

"; $msg .= "You should regenerate the cron command in admin and enter it again in your server configuration."; $msg .= "

" . "Debug Info" . "

"; $msg .= "


"; $msg .= print_a($_SERVER, true); $msg .= "


"; $msg .= print_a($_ENV, true); $msg .= "


"; $msg .= print_a($_GET, true); $mail = array( 'to_mail' => $this->pref['siteadminemail'], 'to_name' => $this->pref['siteadmin'], 'from_mail' => $this->pref['siteadminemail'], 'from_name' => $this->pref['siteadmin'], 'message' => $msg, 'subject' => 'e107 - Cron Schedule Misconfigured', ); $this->sendMail($mail); } return false; } return true; } /** * Get available Cron jobs. * * @param bool $only_active * Set to TRUE for active cron jobs. * * @return array * Array contains cron jobs. */ public function getCronJobs($only_active = false) { $list = array(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $where = '1'; if($only_active === true) { $where = 'cron_active = 1'; } if($sql->select("cron", 'cron_function,cron_tab,cron_active', $where)) { while($row = $sql->fetch()) { list($class, $function) = explode("::", $row['cron_function'], 2); $key = $class . "__" . $function; $list[$key] = array( 'path' => $class, 'active' => $row['cron_active'], 'tab' => $row['cron_tab'], 'function' => $function, 'class' => $class, ); } } return $list; } /** * Helper method to send email message. * * @param array $mail */ public function sendMail($mail) { require_once(e_HANDLER . "mail.php"); sendemail($mail['to_mail'], $mail['subject'], $mail['message'], $mail['to_name'], $mail['from_mail'], $mail['from_name']); } }