$res[] = intval($v);
return implode(',',$res);
* Called to initialise data selection routine.
* Needs to save any queries or other information into internal variables, do initial DB queries as appropriate.
* Could in principle read all addresses and buffer them for later routines, if this is more convenient
* @param string $selectVals - array of selection criteria as returned by returnSelectors()
* @return integer Return number of records available (or 1 if unknown) on success, FALSE on failure
public function selectInit($selectVals = FALSE)
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (($selectVals === FALSE) || ($selectVals == ''))
return 0; // No valid selector - so no valid records
$where = array();
$qry = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email, u.user_loginname, u.user_sess, u.user_lastvisit FROM `#event_subs` AS es';
$qry .= ' LEFT JOIN `#user` AS u ON es.`event_subid` = u.`user_id` WHERE es.`event_cat` IN (\''.$selectVals.'\') AND u.`user_id` IS NOT NULL';
$qry .= ' GROUP BY u.`user_id`';
// echo "Selector query: ".$qry.'
if (!( $this->mail_count = $sql->db_Select_gen($qry))) return FALSE;
$this->selectorActive = TRUE;
$this->mail_read = 0;
return $this->mail_count;
* Return an email address to add to the recipients list. Return FALSE if no more addresses to add
* @return array|boolean FALSE if no more addresses available; else an array:
* 'mail_recipient_id' - non-zero if a registered user, zero if a non-registered user. (Always non-zero from this class)
* 'mail_recipient_name' - user name
* 'mail_recipient_email' - email address to use
* 'mail_target_info' - array of info which might be substituted into email, usually using the codes defined by the editor.
* Array key is the code within '|...|', value is the string for substitution
public function selectAdd()
$sql = e107::getDb();
if (!$this->selectorActive) return FALSE;
if (!($row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC))) return FALSE;
$ret = array('mail_recipient_id' => $row['user_id'],
'mail_recipient_name' => $row['user_name'], // Should this use realname?
'mail_recipient_email' => $row['user_email'],
'mail_target_info' => array(
'USERID' => $row['user_id'],
'DISPLAYNAME' => $row['user_name'],
'SIGNUP_LINK' => $row['user_sess'],
'USERNAME' => $row['user_loginname'],
'USERLASTVISIT' => $row['user_lastvisit']
return $ret;
* Called once all email addresses read, to do any housekeeping needed
* @return none
public function select_close()
// Nothing to do here
* Called to show current selection criteria, and optionally allow edit
* @param boolean $allow_edit is TRUE to allow user to change the selection; FALSE to just display current settings
* @param string $selectVals is the current selection information - in the same format as returned by returnSelectors()
* @return array Returns array which is displayed in a table cell.
public function showSelect($allow_edit = FALSE, $selectVals = FALSE)
$sql = e107::getDb();
$frm = e107::getForm();
$var = array();
// $ret = "
".$row['event_cat_name']." | |
".LAN_EC_MAIL_03." | ".$row['event_cat_name']." |