makePDF($text); } else { echo 'PDF generation not supported in this section'; } } else { echo 'file missing: '.e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/e_emailprint.php'; exit; } } else { if($source == 'news') { $con = new convert; $sql->db_Select('news', '*', 'news_id='.intval($parms)); $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $news_body = $tp->toHTML($row['news_body'], TRUE); $news_extended = $tp->toHTML($row['news_extended'], TRUE); if ($row['news_author'] == 0) { $a_name = 'e107'; $category_name = 'e107 welcome message'; } else { $sql->db_Select('news_category', 'category_id, category_name', 'category_id='.intval($row['news_category'])); list($category_id, $category_name) = $sql->db_Fetch(); $sql->db_Select('user', 'user_id, user_name', 'user_id='.intval($row['news_author'])); list($a_id, $a_name) = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_NUM); } $row['news_datestamp'] = $con->convert_date($row['news_datestamp'], "long"); $row['news_title'] = $tp -> toHTML($row['news_title'], TRUE, 'parse_sc'); //remove existing links from news title $search = array(); $replace = array(); $search[0] = "/\(.*?)<\/a>/si"; $replace[0] = '\\2'; $search[1] = "/\(.*?)<\/a>/si"; $replace[1] = '\\2'; $search[2] = "/\(.*?)<\/a>/si"; $replace[2] = '\\2'; $search[3] = "/\(.*?)<\/a>/si"; $replace[3] = '\\2'; $search[4] = "/\(.*?)<\/a>/si"; $replace[4] = '\\2'; $row['news_title'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $row['news_title']); $text = " ".$row['news_title']."
".$a_name.", ".$row['news_datestamp']."

"; if ($row['news_extended'] != ""){ $text .= "

".$row['news_extended']; } if ($row['news_source'] != ""){ $text .= "

".$row['news_source']; } if ($row['news_url'] != ""){ $text .= "
".$row['news_url']; } $text = $text; //define text $creator = SITENAME; //define creator $author = $a_name; //define author $title = $row['news_title']; //define title $subject = $category_name; //define subject $keywords = ''; //define keywords //define url and logo to use in the header of the pdf file $url = SITEURL.'news.php?item.'.$row['news_id']; //always return an array with the following data: $text = array($text, $creator, $author, $title, $subject, $keywords, $url); $pdf->makePDF($text); } } ?>