$val) { if (preg_match("#(.*?)_(\d+)_x#", $key, $matches)) { $act = $matches[1]; // print_a($matches); return; $id = (int)$matches[2]; switch ($act) { case 'lock': $e107->sql->db_Update('forum_thread', 'thread_active=0 WHERE thread_id='.$id); return FORLAN_CLOSE; break; case 'unlock': $e107->sql->db_Update('forum_thread', 'thread_active=1 WHERE thread_id='.$id); return FORLAN_OPEN; break; case 'stick': $e107->sql->db_Update('forum_thread', 'thread_sticky=1 WHERE thread_id='.$id); return FORLAN_STICK; break; case 'unstick': $e107->sql->db_Update('forum_thread', 'thread_sticky=0 WHERE thread_id='.$id); return FORLAN_UNSTICK; break; case 'deleteThread': return forumDeleteThread($id); break; case 'deletePost': return forumDeletePost($id); break; } } } } function forumDeleteThread($threadId) { require_once (e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_class.php'); $f = &new e107forum; $ret = $f->threadDelete($threadId); return FORLAN_6.' and '.$ret.' '.FORLAN_7.'.'; } function forumDeletePost($postId) { require_once (e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_class.php'); $f = &new e107forum; $ret = $f->postDelete($postId); return FORLAN_6.' and '.$ret.' '.FORLAN_7.'.'; } ?>