Calibrate($this); } } /** * @return float Time difference * @param time $tStart Start time - unexploded microtime result * @param time $tStop Finish time - unexploded microtime result * @desc Calculate time difference between to microtimes * @access public */ function TimeDelta($tStart, $tFinish) { $tFrom = explode(' ', $tStart); $tTo = explode(' ', $tFinish); $tTot = ((float) $tTo[0] + (float) $tTo[1]) - ((float) $tFrom[0] + (float) $tFrom[1]); return $tTot; } /** * @return float Absolute time from microtime * @param time $tStart time - unexploded microtime result * @desc Return absolute time * @access public */ function TimeAbs($tStart) { $tFrom = explode(' ', $tStart); return (float) $tFrom[0] + (float) $tFrom[1]; } /** * @return void * @param string $sWhat what to count * @param time $tStart Start time - unexploded microtime result * @param time $tStop Finish time - unexploded microtime result * @desc Count one of anything, optionally with time used * @access public */ function Bump($sWhat, $tStart = 0, $tFinish = 0) { $x = microtime(); // on my system: // 0 err: $e=microtime(); $eTraffic->Bump('foo',$b,$e); // ~15 usec err: $eTraffic->Bump('foo',$b,microtime()); // ~25 usec err: $eTraffic->Bump('foo',$b); if (!defined("E107_DBG_TRAFFIC") || !E107_DBG_TRAFFIC) { return; } if ($tStart) { $vName = 'aTrafficTimed'; $bTimed = TRUE; } else { $vName = 'aTraffic'; $bTimed = FALSE; } if (!isset($this-> {$vName} [$sWhat])) { $this-> {$vName} [$sWhat] = array(); $t = &$this-> {$vName} [$sWhat]; $t['Count'] = 0; if ($bTimed) { $t['Time'] = 0.0; $t['Min'] = 999999999.0; $t['Max'] = 0.0; } } $this-> {$vName} [$sWhat]['Count']++; if ($bTimed) { $t = &$this->aTrafficTimed[$sWhat]; if (!$tFinish) { $tFinish = $x; $offset = $this->calPassOne; } else { $offset = $this->calPassBoth; } $time = $this->TimeDelta($tStart, $tFinish) - $offset; $this->calTime += $offset; $t['Time'] += $time; if ($time < $t['Min']) $t['Min'] = $time; if ($time > $t['Max']) $t['Max'] = $time; } } /** * @return void * @param string $sWhat what to count * @param int $level who to record: default caller. 1-999=N levels up the call tree * @param time $tStart Start time - unexploded microtime result * @param time $tStop Finish time - unexploded microtime result * @desc Count one of anything, optionally with time used. * @access public */ function BumpWho($sWhat, $level = 0, $tStart = 0, $tFinish = 0) { $x = microtime(); if (!defined("E107_DBG_TRAFFIC") || !E107_DBG_TRAFFIC) { return; } $this->Bump($sWhat, $tStart, ($tFinish ? $tFinish : $x)); if (!isset($this->aTrafficWho[$sWhat])) { $this->aTrafficWho[$sWhat] = array(); } $aTrace = debug_backtrace(); if ($level >= count($aTrace)) { $level = count($aTrace) - 1; } $sFile = $aTrace[$level]['file']; $sLine = $aTrace[$level]['line']; $this->aTrafficWho[$sWhat][] = "$sFile($sLine)"; } function Calibrate($tObject, $count = 10) { if (!defined("E107_DBG_TRAFFIC") || !E107_DBG_TRAFFIC) { return; } if ($tObject != $this) { message_handler("CRITICAL_ERROR", "Bad traffic object", __LINE__ - 2, __FILE__); } if ($count <= 0) return; // no calibration $this->calPassBoth = $this->calPassOne = 0.0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $b = microtime(); $e = microtime(); $tObject->Bump('TRAF_CAL1', $b, $e); // emulate the normal non-insider call $b = microtime(); $tObject->Bump('TRAF_CAL2', $b); } $t = $tObject->aTrafficTimed['TRAF_CAL1']; $this->calPassBoth = $t['Time'] / $t['Count']; $t = $tObject->aTrafficTimed['TRAF_CAL2']; $this->calPassOne = $t['Time'] / $t['Count']; } function Display() { if (!defined("E107_DBG_TRAFFIC") || !E107_DBG_TRAFFIC || E107_DBG_BASIC) // 'Basic' should not display Traffic. { return ''; } $text = ''; @ include_once (e_HANDLER.'traffic_class_display.php'); return $text; } } // // This is a set of quick-n-simple tools to measure ONE bit of render time, // without any need for debug to be working. You can copy to somewhere else if needed // such as before this class has been loaded if (!isset($qTimeOn)) { $qTimeOn = 0; $qTimeTotal = 0; function eQTimeOn() { $GLOBALS['qTimeOn'] = explode(' ', microtime()); } function eQTimeOff() { $e = explode(' ', microtime()); $diff = ((float) $e[0] + (float) $e[1]) - ((float) $qTimeOn[0] + (float) $qTimeOn[1]); $GLOBALS['qTimeTotal'] += $diff; } function eQTimeElapsed() { // return elapsed time so far, as text in microseconds, or blank if zero if (isset($GLOBALS['qTimeTotal'])) { return number_format($GLOBALS['qTimeTotal'] * 1000000.0, 1); } else { return ''; } } }