$fp) { if (in_array($fk, $class_list)) { // Debateable whether we should append $query - we may be redirecting to a custom page, for example if (strpos($fp, '{') !== FALSE) { $location = $tp->replaceConstants($fp).$query; } else { $location = ((strpos($fp, 'http') === FALSE) ? e_BASE : '').$fp.$query; } break; } } } if (!$location) { // Try and use the 'old' method (this bit can go later) if (ADMIN) { $location = ((strpos($pref['frontpage'][e_UC_ADMIN], 'http') === FALSE) ? e_BASE : '').$pref['frontpage'][e_UC_ADMIN].$query; } elseif (USER) { // This is the key bit - what to do for a 'normal' logged in user // We have USERCLASS_LIST - comma separated. Also e_CLASS_REGEXP foreach ($class_list as $fp_class) { $inclass = false; if (!$inclass && check_class($fp_class['userclass_id'])) { $location = ((strpos($pref['frontpage'][$fp_class['userclass_id']], 'http') === FALSE) ? e_BASE : '').$pref['frontpage'][$fp_class['userclass_id']].$query; $inclass = true; } } $location = $location ? $location : ((strpos($pref['frontpage'][e_UC_MEMBER], 'http') === FALSE) ? e_BASE : '').$pref['frontpage'][e_UC_MEMBER].$query; } else { $location = ((strpos($pref['frontpage'][e_UC_GUEST], 'http') === FALSE) ? e_BASE : '').$pref['frontpage'][e_UC_GUEST].$query; } } if (!trim($location)) $location = 'news.php'; list($page, $str) = explode("?", $location."?"); // required to prevent infinite looping when queries are used on index.php. if ($page == "index.php") // Welcome Message is the front-page. { require_once (HEADERF); require_once (FOOTERF); exit; } else { // redirect to different frontpage. header("Location: {$location}"); } exit(); ?>