calendar_file = e_PACK_ABS.'calendar/calendar_stripped.js'; $this->calendar_setup_file = e_PACK_ABS.'calendar/calendar-setup_stripped.js'; } else { $this->calendar_file = e_PACK_ABS.'calendar/calendar.js'; $this->calendar_setup_file = e_PACK_ABS.'calendar/calendar-setup.js'; } if(file_exists(e_WEB_PACK.'calendar/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'.js')) { $this->calendar_lang_file = e_PACK_ABS.'calendar/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'.js'; } else { $this->calendar_lang_file = e_PACK_ABS.'calendar/languages/English.js'; } if(defined('CALENDAR_IMG')) { $this->calendar_img = CALENDAR_IMG; } else { $this->calendar_img = ""; } if(file_exists(THEME."calendar.css")) { $this->calendar_theme_file = THEME_ABS."calendar.css"; } else { $this->calendar_theme_file = e_PACK_ABS."calendar/css/calendar.css"; } $this->calendar_options = array('ifFormat' => '%Y/%m/%d', 'daFormat' => '%Y/%m/%d'); } function set_option($name, $value) { $this->calendar_options[$name] = $value; } function load_files() { //return $this->get_load_files_code(); // JS and CSS are now sent on the fly - see make_input_field() return ''; } function get_load_files_code() { $code = ( '' . self::$NEWLINE ); $code .= ( '' . self::$NEWLINE ); $code .= ( '' . self::$NEWLINE ); $code .= ( '' . self::$NEWLINE ); return $code; } function _make_calendar($other_options = array(), $script_tag = true) { $js_options = $this->_make_js_hash(array_merge($this->calendar_options, $other_options)); $code = $script_tag ? ( '' ) : 'Calendar.setup({' . $js_options . '});'; return $code; } function make_input_field($cal_options = array(), $field_attributes = array()) { $ret = ""; $id = $this->_gen_id(); $attrstr = $this->_make_html_attr(array_merge($field_attributes, array('id' => $this->_field_id($id), 'type' => 'text'))); $ret .= ' '; //TODO perhaps make an admin-pref option for this. Default should be without the trigger-image. // $ret .= "".$this->calendar_img.""; // $options = array_merge($cal_options, array('inputField' => $this->_field_id($id), 'button' => $this->_trigger_id($id))); $options = array_merge($cal_options, array('inputField' => $this->_field_id($id), 'button' => null)); e107::getJs()->footerInline($this->_make_calendar($options, false)); //JS manager to send JS to header if possible, if not - footer e107::getJs() ->tryHeaderFile($this->calendar_file) ->tryHeaderFile($this->calendar_setup_file) ->tryHeaderFile($this->calendar_lang_file) ->otherCSS($this->calendar_theme_file); // send CSS to the site header return $ret; } /// PRIVATE SECTION function _field_id($id) { return 'f-calendar-field-' . $id; } function _trigger_id($id) { return 'f-calendar-trigger-' . $id; } function _gen_id() { static $id = 0; return ++$id; } function _make_js_hash($array) { $jstr = ''; reset($array); while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) { if (is_bool($val)) { $val = $val ? 'true' : 'false'; } elseif (!is_numeric($val)) { $val = '"'.$val.'"'; } if ($jstr) { $jstr .= ','; } $jstr .= '"' . $key . '":' . $val; } return $jstr; } function _make_html_attr($array) { $attrstr = ''; reset($array); while (list($key, $val) = each($array)) { $attrstr .= $key . '="' . $val . '" '; } return $attrstr; } } ?>