e107_dirs = $e107_paths; $this->set_paths(); $this->file_path = $this->fix_windows_paths($e107_root_path)."/"; } function set_base_path() { global $pref; $this->base_path = ($pref['ssl_enabled']==1 ? $this->https_path : $this->http_path); } function set_paths(){ global $DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY, $ADMIN_DIRECTORY, $IMAGES_DIRECTORY, $THEMES_DIRECTORY, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY, $FILES_DIRECTORY, $HANDLERS_DIRECTORY, $LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY, $HELP_DIRECTORY, $CACHE_DIRECTORY, $NEWSIMAGES_DIRECTORY, $CUSTIMAGES_DIRECTORY, $UPLOADS_DIRECTORY; $path = ""; $i = 0; while (!file_exists("{$path}class2.php")) { $path .= "../"; $i++; } if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == "") { $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; } $http_path = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $http_path = explode("/", $http_path); $http_path = array_reverse($http_path); $j = 0; while ($j < $i) { unset($http_path[$j]); $j++; } $http_path = array_reverse($http_path); $this->server_path = implode("/", $http_path)."/"; $this->server_path = $this->fix_windows_paths($this->server_path); if ($this->server_path == "//") { $this->server_path = "/"; } $this->relative_base_path = $path; $this->http_path = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$this->server_path}"; $this->https_path = "https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$this->server_path}"; $this->file_path = $path; if(!defined("e_HTTP") || !defined("e_ADMIN") ) { define("e_HTTP", $this->server_path); define("e_BASE", $this->relative_base_path); // // HTTP relative paths // define("e_ADMIN", e_BASE.$ADMIN_DIRECTORY); define("e_IMAGE", e_BASE.$IMAGES_DIRECTORY); define("e_THEME", e_BASE.$THEMES_DIRECTORY); define("e_PLUGIN", e_BASE.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY); define("e_FILE", e_BASE.$FILES_DIRECTORY); define("e_HANDLER", e_BASE.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY); define("e_LANGUAGEDIR", e_BASE.$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY); define("e_DOCS", e_BASE.$HELP_DIRECTORY); // // HTTP absolute paths // define("e_ADMIN_ABS", e_HTTP.$ADMIN_DIRECTORY); define("e_IMAGE_ABS", e_HTTP.$IMAGES_DIRECTORY); define("e_THEME_ABS", e_HTTP.$THEMES_DIRECTORY); define("e_PLUGIN_ABS", e_HTTP.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY); define("e_FILE_ABS", e_HTTP.$FILES_DIRECTORY); define("e_HANDLER_ABS", e_HTTP.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY); define("e_LANGUAGEDIR_ABS", e_HTTP.$LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY); if(isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { define("e_DOCROOT", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/"); } else { define("e_DOCROOT", false); } define("e_DOCS_ABS", e_HTTP.$HELP_DIRECTORY); if($CACHE_DIRECTORY) { define("e_CACHE", e_BASE.$CACHE_DIRECTORY); } else { define("e_CACHE", e_BASE.$FILES_DIRECTORY."cache/"); } if($NEWSIMAGES_DIRECTORY) { define("e_NEWSIMAGE", e_BASE.$NEWSIMAGES_DIRECTORY); } else { define("e_NEWSIMAGE", e_IMAGE."newspost_images/"); } if($CUSTIMAGES_DIRECTORY) { define("e_CUSTIMAGE", e_BASE.$CUSTIMAGES_DIRECTORY); } else { define("e_CUSTIMAGE", e_IMAGE."custom/"); } if ($DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY{0} == "/") { define("e_DOWNLOAD", $DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY); } else { define("e_DOWNLOAD", e_BASE.$DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY); } if(!$UPLOADS_DIRECTORY) { $UPLOADS_DIRECTORY = e_FILE."public/"; } if ($UPLOADS_DIRECTORY{0} == "/") { define("e_UPLOAD", $UPLOADS_DIRECTORY); } else { define("e_UPLOAD", e_BASE.$UPLOADS_DIRECTORY); } } } function fix_windows_paths($path) { $fixed_path = str_replace(array('\\\\', '\\'), array('/', '/'), $path); $fixed_path = (substr($fixed_path, 1, 2) == ":/" ? substr($fixed_path, 2) : $fixed_path); return $fixed_path; } /** * Check if current user is banned * */ function ban() { global $sql, $e107, $tp, $pref; $ban_count = $sql->db_Count("banlist"); if($ban_count) { $ip = $this->getip(); $tmp = explode(".",$ip); $wildcard = $tmp[0].".".$tmp[1].".".$tmp[2].".*"; $wildcard2 = $tmp[0].".".$tmp[1].".*.*"; if(varsettrue($pref['enable_rdns'])) { $tmp = $e107->get_host_name(getenv('REMOTE_ADDR')); preg_match("/[\w]+\.[\w]+$/si", $tmp, $match); $bhost = (isset($match[0]) ? " OR banlist_ip='".$tp -> toDB($match[0], true)."'" : ""); } else { $bhost = ""; } if ($ip != '') { if ($sql->db_Select("banlist", "*", "banlist_ip='".$tp -> toDB($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], true)."' OR banlist_ip='".USEREMAIL."' OR banlist_ip='{$ip}' OR banlist_ip='{$wildcard}' OR banlist_ip='{$wildcard2}' {$bhost}")) { header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden", true); // enter a message here if you want some text displayed to banned users ... exit(); } } } } /** * Get the current user's IP address * * @return string */ function getip() { if(!$this->_ip_cache){ if (getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR')) { $ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (preg_match("/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/", getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'), $ip3)) { $ip2 = array('#^0\..*#', '#^127\..*#', // Local loopbacks '#^192\.168\..*#', // RFC1918 - Private Network '#^172\.(?:1[6789]|2\d|3[01])\..*#', // RFC1918 - Private network '#^10\..*#', // RFC1918 - Private Network '#^169\.254\..*#', // RFC3330 - Link-local, auto-DHCP '#^2(?:2[456789]|[345][0-9])\..*#' // Single check for Class D and Class E ); $ip = preg_replace($ip2, $ip, $ip3[1]); } } else { $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } if ($ip == "") { $ip = "x.x.x.x"; } $this->_ip_cache = $ip; } return $this->_ip_cache; } function get_host_name($ip_address) { if(!$this->_host_name_cache[$ip_address]) { $this->_host_name_cache[$ip_address] = gethostbyaddr($ip_address); } return $this->_host_name_cache[$ip_address]; } /** * Get the current memory usage of the code * * @return string memory usage */ function get_memory_usage(){ if(function_exists("memory_get_usage")){ $memusage = memory_get_usage(); $memunit = 'b'; if ($memusage > 65536){ $memusage = $memusage / 1024; // more than 64k, show in k $memunit = 'kb'; } if ($memusage > 1024){ /* 1.002 mb, etc */ $memusage = $memusage / 1024; $memunit = 'mb'; } if ($memusage > 1024){ /* show in GB if >1GB */ $memusage = $memusage / 1024; $memunit = 'gb'; } return (number_format($memusage, ($memunit=='b'? 0 : 3)).$memunit); } else { return ('Unknown'); } } } ?>