notify_prefs = $sysprefs->get('notify_prefs'); $this->notify_prefs = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($this->notify_prefs); foreach ($this->notify_prefs['event'] as $id => $status) { if ($status['class'] != 255) { $e_event->register($id, 'notify_'.$id); } } include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_notify.php'); } function send($id, $subject, $message) { global $sql, $tp; e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail.php'); $subject = SITENAME.': '.$subject; if ($this->notify_prefs['event'][$id]['class'] == e_UC_MAINADMIN) { sendemail(SITEADMINEMAIL, $tp->toEmail($subject), $tp->toEmail($message)); } elseif (is_numeric($this -> notify_prefs['event'][$id]['class'])) { if ($this->notify_prefs['event'][$id]['class'] == e_UC_ADMIN) { $sql->db_Select('user', 'user_email', "user_admin = 1 AND user_ban = 0"); } elseif ($this->notify_prefs['event'][$id]['class'] == e_UC_MEMBER) { $sql->db_Select('user', 'user_email', 'user_ban = 0'); } else { $sql->db_Select('user', 'user_email', "user_ban = 0 AND user_class REGEXP '(^|,)(".$this->notify_prefs['event'][$id]['class'].")(,|$)'"); } while ($email = $sql->db_Fetch()) { sendemail($email['user_email'], $tp->toEmail($subject), $tp->toEmail($message)); } } elseif ($this->notify_prefs['event'][$id]['class'] == 'email') { sendemail($this->notify_prefs['event'][$id]['email'], $tp->toEmail($subject), $tp->toEmail($message)); } } } //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->notify caught by __get() global $nt; $nt = e107::getNotify(); //TODO - find & replace $nt, $e107->notify function notify_usersup($data) { global $nt; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if($key != "password1" && $key != "password2" && $key != "email_confirm" && $key != "register") { if(is_array($value)) // show user-extended values. { foreach($value as $k => $v) { $message .= str_replace("user_","",$k).': '.$v.'
'; } } else { $message .= $key.': '.$value.'
'; } } } $nt->send('usersup', NT_LAN_US_1, $message); } function notify_userveri($data) { global $nt, $e107; $msgtext = NT_LAN_UV_2.$data['user_id']."\n"; $msgtext .= NT_LAN_UV_3.$data['user_loginname']."\n"; $msgtext .= NT_LAN_UV_4.$e107->getip(); $nt->send('userveri', NT_LAN_UV_1, $msgtext); } function notify_login($data) { global $nt; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $message .= $key.': '.$value.'
'; } $nt->send('login', NT_LAN_LI_1, $message); } function notify_logout() { global $nt; $nt->send('logout', NT_LAN_LO_1, USERID.'. '.USERNAME.' '.NT_LAN_LO_2); } function notify_flood($data) { global $nt; $nt->send('flood', NT_LAN_FL_1, NT_LAN_FL_2.': '.$data); } function notify_subnews($data) { global $nt,$tp; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $message .= $key.': '.$value.'
'; } $nt->send('subnews', NT_LAN_SN_1, $message); } function notify_newspost($data) { global $nt; $message = ''.$data['news_title'].'



'.$data['news_extended']; $nt->send('newspost', $data['news_title'], $message); } function notify_newsupd($data) { global $nt; $message = ''.$data['news_title'].'



'.$data['news_extended']; $nt->send('newsupd', NT_LAN_NU_1.': '.$data['news_title'], $message); } function notify_newsdel($data) { global $nt; $nt->send('newsdel', NT_LAN_ND_1, NT_LAN_ND_2.': '.$data); } function notify_fileupload($data) { global $nt; $message = ''.$data['upload_name'].'



'.$data['upload_user']; $nt->send('fileupload', $data['upload_name'], $message); } if (isset($nt->notify_prefs['plugins'])) { foreach ($nt->notify_prefs['plugins'] as $plugin_id => $plugin_settings) { if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_id.'/e_notify.php')) { require_once(e_PLUGIN.$plugin_id.'/e_notify.php'); } } } ?>