db_Delete("generic", "gen_datestamp='".intval($_POST['mail_id'])."' "); $text = "

".LAN_MAILOUT_66; // Cancelled Successfully; $text .= "

"; $ns -> tablerender(LAN_MAILOUT_59, $text); echo ""; exit; } ob_implicit_flush(); if (e_QUERY) { $tmp = explode('.',e_QUERY); $mail_id = intval(varset($tmp[0],0)); // ID in 'generic' table corresponding to the recipient entries $mail_text_id = intval(varset($tmp[1],0)); // Record number in 'generic' table corresponding to the email data } else { $mail_id = intval(varset($_POST['mail_id'],0)); // ID in 'generic' table corresponding to the recipient entries $mail_text_id = intval(varset($_POST['mail_text_id'],0)); // ID in 'generic' table corresponding to the recipient entries } if (($mail_id == 0) || ($mail_text_id == 0)) { echo "Invalid parameters: {$mail_id}, {$mail_text_id}!
"; exit; } // Get the email itself from the 'generic' table $qry = "SELECT * FROM #generic WHERE `gen_id` = {$mail_text_id} AND gen_type='savemail' and gen_datestamp = '".$mail_id."' "; if (!$sql -> db_Select_gen($qry)) { echo "Email not found
"; exit; } if (!$row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { echo "Can't read email
"; exit; } $email_info = unserialize($row['gen_chardata']); // Gives us sender_name, sender_email, email_body //-------------------------------------------------- // Configure mailout handler (PHPMailer or other) //-------------------------------------------------- require(e_HANDLER."phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = varsettrue($email_info['sender_email'],$pref['siteadminemail']); $mail->FromName = varsettrue($email_info['sender_name'], $pref['siteadmin']); // $mail->Host = "smtp1.site.com;smtp2.site.com"; if ($pref['mailer']== 'smtp') { $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = varsettrue($pref['smtp_keepalive']) ? TRUE : FALSE; if($pref['smtp_server']) { $mail->Host = $pref['smtp_server']; } if($pref['smtp_username'] && $pref['smtp_password']) { $mail->SMTPAuth = TRUE; $mail->Username = $pref['smtp_username']; $mail->Password = $pref['smtp_password']; $mail->PluginDir = e_HANDLER."phpmailer/"; } } elseif ($pref['mailer']== 'sendmail') { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $mail->Sendmail = ($pref['sendmail']) ? $pref['sendmail'] : "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -r ".$pref['siteadminemail']; } else { $mail->Mailer = "mail"; } $message_subject = stripslashes($tp -> toHTML($email_info['email_subject'],FALSE,RAWTEXT)); $mail->WordWrap = 50; $mail->CharSet = CHARSET; $mail->IsHTML(TRUE); $mail->SMTPDebug = (e_MENU == "debug") ? TRUE : FALSE; if($email_info['copy_to']) { $tmp = explode(",",$email_info['copy_to']); foreach($tmp as $addc) { $mail->AddCC(trim($addc)); } } if($email_info['bcopy_to']) { $tmp = explode(",",$email_info['bcopy_to']); foreach($tmp as $addc) { $mail->AddBCC(trim($addc)); } } if($pref['mail_bounce_email'] !='') { $mail->Sender = $pref['mail_bounce_email']; } $attach = trim($email_info['attach']); if(is_readable(e_DOWNLOAD.$attach)) { $attach_link = e_DOWNLOAD.$attach; } else { $attach_link = e_FILE.'public/'.$attach; } if (($temp = strrchr($attach,'/')) !== FALSE) { // Just specify filename as attachment - no path $attach = substr($temp,1); } if ($attach != "" && !$mail->AddAttachment($attach_link, $attach)) { $mss = LAN_MAILOUT_58."
{$attach_link}->{$attach}"; // problem with attachment. $ns->tablerender("Error", $mss); exit; } // ---------------------------- Setup the Email -----------------------------> $mail_head = "\n"; $mail_head .= "\n"; $mail_head .= "\n"; if (varsettrue($email_info['use_theme'])) { $theme = $THEMES_DIRECTORY.$pref['sitetheme']."/"; $style_css = file_get_contents(e_THEME.$pref['sitetheme']."/style.css"); $mail_head .= ""; $message_body = $mail_head; $message_body .= "\n\n"; $message_body .= "
\n"; $message_body .= $tp -> toEmail($email_info['email_body'])."
"; } else { $message_body = $mail_head; $message_body .= "\n\n"; $message_body .= $tp -> toEmail($email_info['email_body']).""; $message_body = str_replace(""", '"', $message_body); $message_body = str_replace('src="', 'src="'.SITEURL, $message_body); } $message_body = stripslashes($message_body); // ---------------- Display Progress and Send Emails. -----------------------> echo "
"; // $qry = "SELECT g.*,u.* FROM #generic AS g LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON g.gen_user_id = u.user_id WHERE g.gen_type='sendmail' and g.gen_datestamp = '".intval($_POST['mail_id'])."' "; // All the user info is in the generic table now - simplifies the query a bit $qry = "SELECT g.* FROM #generic AS g WHERE g.gen_type='sendmail' and g.gen_datestamp = '".$mail_id."' "; $count = $sql -> db_Select_gen($qry); // echo date("H:i:s d.m.y")." Start of mail run by ".USERNAME." - {$count} emails to go. ID: {$mail_id}. Subject: ".$mail_subject."
"; if(!$count) { echo "

"; echo ""; echo "
"; exit; } $c = 0; $d=0; $cur = 0; $send_ok = 0; $send_fail = 0; $pause_count = 1; $pause_amount = ($pref['mail_pause']) ? $pref['mail_pause'] : 10; $pause_time = ($pref['mail_pausetime']) ? $pref['mail_pausetime'] : 1; $unit = (1/$count)* 100; // Percentage 'weight' of each email echo "
"; echo "
".($c+1)." / ".$count." (" . $cur . "%)  ".LAN_MAILOUT_117."
"; stopwatch(); // Debug/mailout log if ($logenable) { $logfilename = MAIL_LOG_PATH.'mailoutlog.txt'; $loghandle = fopen($logfilename, 'a'); // Always append to file fwrite($loghandle,"=====----------------------------------------------------------------------------------=====\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle,date("H:i:s d.m.y")." Start of mail run by ".USERNAME." - {$count} emails to go. ID: {$mail_id}. Subject: ".$mail_subject."\r\n"); if ($add_email) { fwrite($loghandle, "From: ".$mail->From.' ('.$mail->FromName.")\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle, "Subject: ".$mail->Subject."\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle, "CC: ".$email_info['copy_to']."\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle, "BCC: ".$email_info['bcopy_to']."\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle, "Attach: ".$attach."\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle, "Body: ".$email_info['email_body']."\r\n"); fwrite($loghandle,"-----------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); } } while($row = $sql-> db_Fetch()) { //------------------------------- // Send one email //------------------------------- $mail_info = unserialize($row['gen_chardata']); // Has most of the info needed $activator = (substr(SITEURL, -1) == "/" ? SITEURL."signup.php?activate.".$row['gen_user_id'].".".$mail_info['user_signup'] : SITEURL."/signup.php?activate.".$row['gen_user_id'].".".$mail_info['user_signup']); $signup_link = ($mail_info['user_signup']) ? "{$activator}" : ""; // Allow username in subject $mail_subject = str_replace(array('|USERNAME|','{USERNAME}'),$mail_info['user_name'],$message_subject); $mail->Subject = $mail_subject; // Allow username, userID, signup link in body $search = array('|USERNAME|','|USERID|','|SIGNUP_LINK|'); $replace = array($mail_info['user_name'],$row['gen_user_id'],$signup_link); $mes_body = str_replace($search,$replace,$message_body); $alt_body = str_replace($search,$replace,stripslashes($tp->toText($email_info['email_body']))); $mail->Body = $mes_body; $mail->AltBody = $alt_body; $mail->AddAddress($mail_info['user_email'], $mail_info['user_name']); if ($row['gen_user_id']) { $mail_custom = $row['gen_user_id']; } else { $mail_custom = md5($mail_info['user_name'].$mail_info['user_email']); } $mail_custom = "X-e107-id: ".$mail_id.'/'.$mail_custom; $mail->AddCustomHeader($mail_custom); $debug_message = ''; if (($logenable == 0) || ($logenable == 2)) { // Actually send email $mail_result = $mail->Send(); } else { // Debug mode - decide result of email here $mail_result = TRUE; if (($logenable == 3) && (($c % 7) == 4)) $mail_result = FALSE; // Fail one email in 7 for testing $debug_message = 'Debug'; } if ($mail_result) { $send_ok++; $sql2->db_Delete('generic',"gen_id={$row['gen_id']}"); // Mail sent - delete from database } else { $send_fail++; $mail_info['send_result'] = 'Fail: '.$mail->ErrorInfo.$debug_message; $temp = serialize($mail_info); // Log any error info we can $sql2->db_Update('generic',"`gen_chardata`='{$temp}' WHERE gen_id={$row['gen_id']}"); } if ($logenable) { fwrite($loghandle,date("H:i:s d.m.y")." Send to {$mail_info['user_name']} at {$mail_info['user_email']} Mail-ID={$mail_custom} - {$mail_result}\r\n"); } $mail->ClearAddresses(); $mail->ClearCustomHeaders(); // --------- One email sent $cur = round((($c / $count) * 100) + $unit); // Do we need next line? // echo str_pad(' ',4096)."
\n"; // Put out lots of spaces and a newline - works wonders for XHTML compliance! // $d = ($c==0) ? 10 : round($width + $d); // Line doesn't do anything // echo "
".($c+1)." / ".$count." (" . $cur . "%)  ".LAN_MAILOUT_117."
"; echo "\n"; /* if($cur != $prev) { // Update 'completed' segment of progress bar echo "\n"; } $prev = $cur; */ ob_flush(); flush(); if($pause_count > $pause_amount) { sleep($pause_time); $pause_count = 1; } // Default sleep to reduce server-load: 1 second. sleep(1); $c++; $pause_count++; } ob_end_flush(); echo "

"; echo LAN_MAILOUT_62." ".$send_ok."
"; echo LAN_MAILOUT_63." ".$send_fail."
"; echo LAN_MAILOUT_64." ".stopwatch()." ".LAN_MAILOUT_65."
"; echo "
"; // Complete - need to log something against the mailshot entry, and maybe write an admin log entry. $log_string = date("H:i:s d.m.y")." End of ".($logenable == 1 ? 'debug ' : '')."mail run by ".USERNAME." - {$send_ok} succeeded, {$send_fail} failed. Subject: ".$mail_subject; if (!is_array($email_info['send_results'])) $email_info['send_results'] = array(); $email_info['send_results'][] = $log_string; $sql->db_Update('generic',"`gen_chardata`='".serialize($email_info)."' WHERE `gen_id` = {$mail_text_id} AND `gen_type`='savemail' and `gen_datestamp` = '".$mail_id."' "); $mail->ClearAttachments(); if ($pref['mailer']== 'smtp') { $mail->SmtpClose(); } echo "

"; echo ""; if ($logenable) { fwrite($loghandle,$log_string."\r\n"); fclose($loghandle); } function headerjs(){ $text = " "; $text .= " "; return $text; } function stopwatch(){ static $mt_previous = 0; list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); $mt_current = (float)$usec + (float)$sec; if (!$mt_previous) { $mt_previous = $mt_current; return ""; } else { $mt_diff = ($mt_current - $mt_previous); $mt_previous = $mt_current; return round(sprintf('%.16f',$mt_diff),2); } } ?>