registerShortcode($classFunc, $codes, $path, $force); } /** * FIXME: to be removed */ function setScVar($className, $scVarName, $value) { return e107::getScParser()->setScVar($className, $scVarName, $value); } /** * FIXME: to be removed */ function callScFunc($className, $scFuncName, $param = '') { return e107::getScParser()->callScFunc($className, $scFuncName, $param); } /** * FIXME: to be removed */ function initShortcodeClass($class, $force = false, $eVars = null) { return e107::getScParser()->initShortcodeClass($class, $eVars, $force); } class e_parse_shortcode { protected $scList = array(); // The actual code - added by parsing files or when plugin codes encountered. Array key is the shortcode name. protected $parseSCFiles; // True if individual shortcode files are to be used protected $addedCodes; // Apparently not used protected $registered_codes = array(); // Shortcodes added by plugins TODO make it private protected $scClasses = array(); // Batch shortcode classes - TODO make it private protected $scOverride = array(); // Array of codes found in override/ dir /** * @var e_vars */ protected $eVars = null; function __construct() { $this->parseSCFiles = true; // Default probably never used, but make sure its defined. $this->loadOverrideShortcodes(); $this->loadThemeShortcodes(); $this->loadPluginShortcodes(); $this->loadPluginSCFiles(); $this->loadCoreShortcodes(); } /** * Register shortcode * $classFunc could be function name, class name or object * $code could be 'true' when class name/object is passed to automate the * registration of shortcode methods * * @param mixed $classFunc * @param mixed $codes * @param string $path * @param boolean $force override * @return e_parse_shortcode */ function registerShortcode($classFunc, $codes, $path = '', $force = false) { //If codes is set to true, let's go get a list of shortcode methods if ($codes === true) { $codes = array(); $tmp = get_class_methods($classFunc); foreach ($tmp as $c) { if (strpos($c, 'sc_') === 0) { $codes[] = substr($c, 3); } } unset($tmp); } //Register object feature $classObj = null; if (is_object($classFunc)) { $classObj = $classFunc; $classFunc = get_class($classObj); } //We only register these shortcodes if they have not already been registered in some manner //ie theme or other plugin .sc files if (is_array($codes)) { foreach ($codes as $code) { $code = strtoupper($code); if ((!$this->isRegistered($code) || $force == true) && !$this->isOverride($code)) { $this->registered_codes[$code] = array('type' => 'class', 'path' => $path, 'class' => $classFunc); } } //register object if required if (null !== $classObj && (!$this->isScClass($classFunc) || $force == true)) { $this->scClasses[$classFunc] = $classObj; } } else { $codes = strtoupper($codes); if ((!$this->isRegistered($code) || $force == true) && !$this->isOverride($code)) { $this->registered_codes[$codes] = array('type' => 'func', 'path' => $path, 'function' => $classFunc); } } return $this; } /** * Add value to already registered SC object * * @param string $className * @param string $scVarName * @param mixed $value * @return e_parse_shortcode */ public function setScVar($className, $scVarName, $value) { if ($this->isScClass($className)) { // new way - batch should extend e_shortcode class if (method_exists($this->scClasses[$className], 'setScVar')) { $this->scClasses[$className]->setScVar($scVarName, $value); } else // Old - DEPRECATED { $this->scClasses[$className]->$scVarName = $value; } } return $this; } /** * Call function on an already registered SC object * * @param string $className * @param string $scFuncName * @param mixed $param - passed to function * * @return mixed|boolean - NULL if class/method doesn't exist; otherwise whatever the function returns. */ public function callScFunc($className, $scFuncName, $param = '') { if ($this->isScClass($className)) { return method_exists($this->scClasses[$className], $scFuncName) ? call_user_func(array($this->scClasses[$className], $scFuncName), $param) : null; } return null; } /** * same as e_parse_shortcode::callScFunc(), but passes the last argument (array) * to the called method as multiple arguments * * @param string $className * @param string $scFuncName * @param array $param - arguments passed to function * * @return mixed|boolean - NULL if class/method doesn't exist; otherwise whatever the function returns. */ protected function callScFuncA($className, $scFuncName, $args = array()) { if ($this->isScClass($className)) { // avoid warnings return method_exists($this->scClasses[$className], $scFuncName) ? call_user_func_array(array($this->scClasses[$className], $scFuncName), $args) : null; } return null; } /** * Create shortcode object - don't forget you still can use e_shortcode.php * * @param string $class * @param boolean $force * @return e_shortcode */ public function initShortcodeClass($class, $force = false) { if (class_exists($class, false) && ($force || !$this->isScClass($className))) { $this->scClasses[$class] = new $class(); return $this->scClasses[$class]; } return null; } /*public function getScObject($className) { if (isset($this->scClasses[$className])) { return $this->scClasses[$className]; } // TODO - throw exception? return null; }*/ /** * Get registered SC object * Normally you would use the proxy of this method - e107::getScBatch() * DRAFT! * * getScObject('news_shortcodes'); * * // plugin override - e107_plugins/myplug/core/shortcodes/batch/news_shortcodes.php -> class plugin_myplug_news_shortcodes * e107::getScParser()->getScObject('news_shortcodes', 'myplug', true); * * // more complex plugin override * // e107_plugins/myplug/core/shortcodes/batch/news2_shortcodes.php -> class plugin_myplug_news2_shortcodes * e107::getScParser()->getScObject('news_shortcodes', 'myplug', 'news2_shortcodes'); * * @param string $className * @param string $plugName * @param string $overrideClass if true, $className is used * @return e_shortcode */ public function getScObject($className, $pluginName = null, $overrideClass = null) { $_class_fname = $className; // plugin override if($overrideClass) { if(true === $overrideClass) { $overrideClass = $className; } // e.g. class plugin_myplug_news_shortcodes $_class_fname = $overrideClass; $className = 'plugin_'.$pluginName.'_'.$overrideClass; } elseif($pluginName) { $className = 'plugin_'.$pluginName.'_'.$className; } if ($this->isScClass($className)) { return $this->scClasses[$className]; } $path = ($pluginName ? e_PLUGIN.$pluginName.'/core/shortcodes/batch/' : e_CORE.'shortcodes/batch/').$_class_fname.'.php'; if (is_readable($path)) { require_once($path); if (class_exists($className, false)) // don't allow __autoload() { // register instance directly to allow override $this->scClasses[$className] = new $className(); $this->registerClassMethods($className); return $this->scClasses[$className]; } } // TODO - throw exception? return null; } /** * Register any shortcode from the override/shortcodes/ directory * * @return e_parse_shortcode */ protected function loadOverrideShortcodes() { if (e107::getPref('sc_override')) { $tmp = explode(',', e107::getPref('sc_override')); foreach ($tmp as $code) { $code = strtoupper(trim($code)); $this->registered_codes[$code]['type'] = 'override'; $this->scOverride[] = $code; } } return $this; } /** * Register any shortcodes that were registered by the theme * $register_sc[] = 'MY_THEME_CODE' * * @return e_parse_shortcode */ public function loadThemeShortcodes() { global $register_sc; if (isset($register_sc) && is_array($register_sc)) { foreach ($register_sc as $code) { if (!$this->isRegistered($code)) { $code = strtoupper($code); $this->registered_codes[$code]['type'] = 'theme'; } } } return $this; } /** * Register all .sc files found in plugin directories (via pref) * * @return e_parse_shortcode */ protected function loadPluginSCFiles() { $pref = e107::getPref('shortcode_list'); if ($pref) { foreach ($pref as $path => $namearray) { foreach ($namearray as $code => $uclass) { if ($code == 'shortcode_config') { include_once(e_PLUGIN.$path.'/shortcode_config.php'); } else { $code = strtoupper($code); if (!$this->isRegistered($code)) { $this->registered_codes[$code]['type'] = 'plugin'; $this->registered_codes[$code]['path'] = $path; $this->registered_codes[$code]['perms'] = $uclass; // XXX how we get this? } } } } } return $this; } /** * Register Plugin Shortcode Batch files (e_shortcode.php) for use site-wide. * Equivalent to multiple .sc files in the plugin's folder. * * @return e_parse_shortcode */ protected function loadPluginShortcodes() { $pref = e107::getPref('e_shortcode_list'); if (!$pref) { return $this; } foreach ($pref as $key => $val) { $path = e_PLUGIN.$key.'/e_shortcode.php'; $classFunc = $key.'_shortcodes'; if (!include_once($path)) { continue; } $this->registerClassMethods($classFunc, $path, false); } return $this; } /** * Common Auto-Register function for class methods. * @return e_parse_shortcode */ protected function registerClassMethods($class, $path, $force = false) { $tmp = get_class_methods($class); $className = is_object($class) ? get_class($class) : $class; foreach ($tmp as $c) { if (strpos($c, 'sc_') === 0) { $sc_func = substr($c, 3); $code = strtoupper($sc_func); if ($force || !$this->isRegistered($code)) { $this->registered_codes[$code] = array('type' => 'class', 'path' => $path, 'class' => $className); } } } return $this; } /** * Register Core Shortcode Batches. * FIXME - make it smarter - currently loaded all the time (even on front-end) * * @return e_parse_shortcode */ function loadCoreShortcodes() { $coreBatchList = array('admin_shortcodes'); foreach ($coreBatchList as $cb) { $path = e_CORE.'shortcodes/batch/'.$cb.".php"; if (include_once($path)) { $this->registerClassMethods($cb, $path); } } return $this; } function isRegistered($code) { return in_array($code, $this->registered_codes); } public function resetScClass($className, $object) { if(null === $object) { unset($this->scClasses[$className]); } elseif ($this->isScClass($className)) { $this->scClasses[$className] = $object; } return $this; } function isScClass($className) { return isset($this->scClasses[$className]); } function isOverride($code) { return in_array($code, $this->scOverride); } function parseCodes($text, $useSCFiles = true, $extraCodes = null, $eVars = null) { $saveParseSCFiles = $this->parseSCFiles; // In case of nested call $this->parseSCFiles = $useSCFiles; $saveVars = $this->eVars; // In case of nested call $this->eVars = $eVars; //object support if (is_object($extraCodes)) { $classname = get_class($extraCodes); //register once if (!$this->isScClass($classname)) { $this->registerShortcode($extraCodes, true); } //always overwrite object $this->scClasses[$classname] = $extraCodes; // auto-register eVars if possible - call it manually? // $this->callScFunc($classname, 'setParserVars', $this->eVars); } elseif (is_array($extraCodes)) { foreach ($extraCodes as $sc => $code) { $this->scList[$sc] = $code; } } $ret = preg_replace_callback('#\{(\S[^\x02]*?\S)\}#', array(&$this, 'doCode'), $text); $this->parseSCFiles = $saveParseSCFiles; // Restore previous value $this->eVars = $saveVars; // restore eVars return $ret; } function doCode($matches) { global $pref, $e107cache, $menu_pref, $sc_style, $parm, $sql; if ($this->eVars) { if ($this->eVars->isVar($matches[1])) { return $this->eVars->$matches[1]; } } if (strpos($matches[1], E_NL) !== false) { return $matches[0]; } if (strpos($matches[1], '=')) { list($code, $parm) = explode('=', $matches[1], 2); } else { $code = $matches[1]; $parm = ''; } //look for the $sc_mode if (strpos($code, '|')) { list($code, $sc_mode) = explode("|", $code, 2); $code = trim($code); $sc_mode = trim($sc_mode); } else { $sc_mode = ''; } $parm = trim($parm); $parm = str_replace(array('[[', ']]'), array('{', '}'), $parm); if (E107_DBG_BBSC || E107_DBG_SC || E107_DBG_TIMEDETAILS) { global $db_debug; $sql->db_Mark_Time("SC $code"); $db_debug->logCode(2, $code, $parm, ""); } if (E107_DBG_SC) { echo ""; echo '{'; echo $code; echo($parm) ? '='.htmlentities($parm) : ""; echo '}'; echo ""; // trigger_error('starting shortcode {'.$code.'}', E_USER_ERROR); // no longer useful - use ?[debug=bbsc] } $scCode = ''; $scFile = ''; // Check to see if we've already loaded the .sc file contents if (array_key_exists($code, $this->scList)) { $scCode = $this->scList[$code]; } else { //.sc file not yet loaded, or shortcode is new function type if ($this->parseSCFiles == true) { if (array_key_exists($code, $this->registered_codes)) { //shortcode is registered, let's proceed. if (isset($this->registered_codes[$code]['perms'])) { if (!check_class($this->registered_codes[$code]['perms'])) { return ''; } } switch ($this->registered_codes[$code]['type']) { case 'class': //It is batch shortcode. Load the class and call the method $_class = $this->registered_codes[$code]['class']; $_method = 'sc_'.strtolower($code); if (!$this->isScClass($_class)) { if (!class_exists($_class) && $this->registered_codes[$code]['path']) { include_once($this->registered_codes[$code]['path']); } $this->initShortcodeClass($_class, false); if(!$this->isScClass($_class)) { return ''; } // egister passed eVars object on init - call it manually? // $this->callScFunc($_class, 'setVars', $this->eParserVars); } // FIXME - register passed eVars object - BAD solution - called on EVERY sc method call // XXX - removal candidate - I really think it should be done manually (outside the parser) // via e107::getScBatch(name)->setParserVars($eVars); // $this->callScFunc($_class, 'setParserVars', $this->eVars); $ret = $this->callScFuncA($_class, $_method, array($parm, $sc_mode)); /*if (method_exists($this->scClasses[$_class], $_method)) { $ret = $this->scClasses[$_class]->$_method($parm, $sc_mode); } else { echo $_class.'::'.$_method.' NOT FOUND!
'; }*/ break; case 'func': //It is a function, so include the file and call the function $_function = $this->registered_codes[$code]['function']; if ($this->registered_codes[$code]['path']) { include_once($this->registered_codes[$code]['path'].strtolower($code).'.php'); } if (function_exists($_function)) { $ret = call_user_func($_function, $parm, $sc_mode); } break; case 'plugin': $scFile = e_PLUGIN.strtolower($this->registered_codes[$code]['path']).'/'.strtolower($code).'.sc'; break; case 'override': $scFile = e_CORE.'override/shortcodes/'.strtolower($code).'.sc'; break; case 'theme': $scFile = THEME.strtolower($code).'.sc'; break; } } else { // Code is not registered, let's look for .sc or .php file // .php file takes precedence over .sc file if (is_readable(e_CORE.'shortcodes/single/'.strtolower($code).'.php')) { $_function = strtolower($code).'_shortcode'; $_class = strtolower($code); include_once(e_CORE.'shortcodes/single/'.strtolower($code).'.php'); if (class_exists($_class, false)) // prevent __autoload - performance { $ret = call_user_func(array($_class, $_function), $parm); } elseif (function_exists($_function)) { $ret = call_user_func($_function, $parm); } } else { $scFile = e_CORE.'shortcodes/single/'.strtolower($code).'.sc'; } } if ($scFile && file_exists($scFile)) { $scCode = file_get_contents($scFile); $this->scList[$code] = $scCode; } } if (!isset($scCode)) { if (E107_DBG_BBSC) { trigger_error('shortcode not found:{'.$code.'}', E_USER_ERROR); } return $matches[0]; } if (E107_DBG_SC && $scFile) { // echo (isset($scFile)) ? "
sc_file= ".str_replace(e_CORE.'shortcodes/single/', '', $scFile).'
' : ''; // echo "
sc= $code"; } } if ($scCode) { $ret = eval($scCode); } if (isset($ret) && ($ret != '' || is_numeric($ret))) { //if $sc_mode exists, we need it to parse $sc_style if ($sc_mode) { $code = $code.'|'.$sc_mode; } if (isset($sc_style) && is_array($sc_style) && array_key_exists($code, $sc_style)) { if (isset($sc_style[$code]['pre'])) { $ret = $sc_style[$code]['pre'].$ret; } if (isset($sc_style[$code]['post'])) { $ret = $ret.$sc_style[$code]['post']; } } } if (E107_DBG_SC || E107_DBG_TIMEDETAILS) { $sql->db_Mark_Time("(After SC {$code})"); } return isset($ret) ? $ret : ''; } function parse_scbatch($fname, $type = 'file') { global $e107cache, $eArrayStorage; $cur_shortcodes = array(); if ($type == 'file') { $batch_cachefile = 'nomd5_scbatch_'.md5($fname); // $cache_filename = $e107cache->cache_fname("nomd5_{$batchfile_md5}"); $sc_cache = $e107cache->retrieve_sys($batch_cachefile); if (!$sc_cache) { $sc_batch = file($fname); } else { $cur_shortcodes = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($sc_cache); $sc_batch = ""; } } else { $sc_batch = $fname; } if ($sc_batch) { $cur_sc = ''; foreach ($sc_batch as $line) { if (trim($line) == 'SC_END') { $cur_sc = ''; } if ($cur_sc) { $cur_shortcodes[$cur_sc] .= $line; } if (preg_match('#^SC_BEGIN (\w*).*#', $line, $matches)) { $cur_sc = $matches[1]; $cur_shortcodes[$cur_sc] = varset($cur_shortcodes[$cur_sc], ''); } } if ($type == 'file') { $sc_cache = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($cur_shortcodes, false); $e107cache->set_sys($batch_cachefile, $sc_cache); } } foreach (array_keys($cur_shortcodes) as $cur_sc) { if (array_key_exists($cur_sc, $this->registered_codes)) { if ($this->registered_codes[$cur_sc]['type'] == 'plugin') { $scFile = e_PLUGIN.strtolower($this->registered_codes[$cur_sc]['path']).'/'.strtolower($cur_sc).'.sc'; } else { $scFile = THEME.strtolower($cur_sc).'.sc'; } if (is_readable($scFile)) { $cur_shortcodes[$cur_sc] = file_get_contents($scFile); } } } return $cur_shortcodes; } } class e_shortcode { /** * Stores passed to shortcode handler simple parser object * @var e_vars */ protected $eParserVars = null; /** * Storage for shortcode values * @var e_vars */ protected $scVars = null; public function __construct() { $this->scVars = new e_vars(); } /** * Set external simple parser object * * @param e_vars $eVars * @return e_shortcode */ public function setParserVars($eVars) { $this->eParserVars = $eVars; return $this; } /** * Get external simple parser object * * @return e_vars */ public function getParserVars() { if(null === $this->eParserVars) $this->eParserVars = new e_vars(); return $this->eParserVars; } /** * Add shortcode value * e107::getScObject('class_name')->setScVar('some_property', $some_value); * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return e_shortcode */ public function setScVar($name, $value) { $this->scVars->$name = $value; return $this; } /** * Retrieve shortcode value * $some_value = e107::getScObject('class_name')->getScVar('some_property'); * * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function getScVar($name) { return $this->scVars->$name; } /** * Check if shortcode variable is set * if(e107::getScObject('class_name')->issetScVar('some_property')) * { * //do something * } * * @param string $name * @return boolean */ public function issetScVar($name) { return isset($this->scVars->$name); } /** * Unset shortcode value * e107::getScObject('class_name')->unsetScVar('some_property'); * * @param string $name * @return void */ public function unsetScVar($name) { $this->scVars->$name = null; unset($this->scVars->$name); } /** * Magic setter - bind to eVars object * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this->setScVar($name, $value); } /** * Magic getter - bind to eVars object * * @param string $name * @return mixed value or null if key not found */ public function __get($name) { return $this->getScVar($name); } /** * Magic method - bind to eVars object * NOTE: works on PHP 5.1.0+ * * @param string $name * @return boolean */ public function __isset($name) { return $this->issetScVar($name); } /** * Magic method - bind to eVars object * NOTE: works on PHP 5.1.0+ * * @param string $name */ public function __unset($name) { $this->unsetScVar($name); } }