mediaSelect($_GET['for'],$tag,$bbcodeMode); // require_once(e_ADMIN."footer.php"); exit; } require(e_HANDLER.'phpthumb/'); // For resizing on import. $e_sub_cat = 'image'; // $frm = new e_form(); //new form handler $mes = e107::getMessage(); class media_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher { protected $modes = array( 'main' => array( 'controller' => 'media_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'media_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ), 'dialog' => array( 'controller' => 'media_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'media_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ), 'cat' => array( 'controller' => 'media_cat_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'media_cat_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ) ); protected $adminMenu = array( 'main/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_IMA_M_01, 'perm' => 'A'), // 'main/create' => array('caption'=> "Add New Media", 'perm' => 'A'), // Should be handled in Media-Import. 'main/import' => array('caption'=> LAN_IMA_M_02, 'perm' => 'A|A2'), 'cat/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_IMA_M_03, 'perm' => 'A'), 'cat/create' => array('caption'=> LAN_IMA_M_04, 'perm' => 'A'), // is automatic. // 'main/settings' => array('caption'=> LAN_PREFS, 'perm' => 'A'), // legacy 'main/prefs' => array('caption'=> LAN_PREFS, 'perm' => 'A'), 'main/avatar' => array('caption'=> LAN_IMA_M_05, 'perm' => 'A') ); /* $var['main']['text'] = IMALAN_7; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['avatars']['text'] = IMALAN_23; $var['avatars']['link'] = e_SELF."?avatars"; $var['editor']['text'] = "Image Manipulation (future release)"; $var['editor']['link'] = e_SELF."?editor";*/ protected $adminMenuAliases = array( 'main/edit' => 'main/list' ); protected $menuTitle = LAN_MEDIAMANAGER; } class media_cat_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = LAN_IMA_M_03; protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "core_media_cat"; protected $pid = "media_cat_id"; protected $perPage = 0; //no limit protected $batchDelete = false; public $ownerCount = array(); // protected $listQry = "SELECT * FROM #core_media_cat"; // without any Order or Limit. protected $listOrder = 'media_cat_owner asc'; // protected $editQry = "SELECT * FROM #faq_info WHERE faq_info_id = {ID}"; protected $fields = array( //'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'media_cat_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'width' =>'5%', 'nolist'=>true, 'forced'=> TRUE, 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'media_cat_image' => array('title'=> LAN_IMAGE, 'type' => 'image', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '100px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>FALSE, 'batch' => FALSE, 'filter'=>FALSE), 'media_cat_owner' => array('title'=> LAN_OWNER, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE), 'media_cat_type' => array('title'=> LAN_TYPE, 'type' => 'radio', 'data'=>false, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'validate' => true, 'nolist'=>true), 'media_cat_category' => array('title'=> LAN_CATEGORY, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'media_cat_title' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE, 'validate' => true), 'media_cat_sef' => array('title'=> LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE), 'media_cat_diz' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'bbarea', 'width' => '30%', 'readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=150&bb=1','readonly'=>FALSE), // Display name 'media_cat_class' => array('title'=> LAN_VISIBILITY, 'type' => 'userclass', 'width' => 'auto', 'data' => 'int'), 'media_cat_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class'=> 'right' ), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => 'method', 'noedit'=>true, 'width' => '10%', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center') ); function init() { $restricted = array( "_common" => "_common", "_icon" => "_icon", "news" => "news", "page" => "page", "download" => "download" ); // FIXME lan $this->fields['media_cat_type']['writeParms'] = array('image' => 'Image', 'file' => 'File', 'video' => 'Video'); if($this->getAction() == 'list') { $this->fields['media_cat_owner']['writeParms'] = $restricted; } if($this->getAction() == 'create') { $this->fields['media_cat_category']['noedit'] = true; } elseif($this->getAction() == 'edit') { $this->fields['media_cat_type']['noedit'] = true; } $sql = e107::getDb(); if($sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT media_cat_owner, count(media_cat_id) as number FROM `#core_media_cat` GROUP BY media_cat_owner")) { while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $this->ownerCount[$row['media_cat_owner']] = $row['number']; $own = $row['media_cat_owner']; if(!in_array($own,$restricted)) { $this->fields['media_cat_owner']['writeParms'][$own] = $own; } } } if(!varset($this->fields['media_cat_owner']['writeParms'])) { $this->fields['media_cat_owner']['writeParms'] = array('', ''); } } public function beforeCreate($new_data) { // XXX temporary disable when there is no owners, discuss if(!$new_data['media_cat_owner']) { e107::getMessage()->addError('No media owner found.'); // FIXME lan return false; } //$replace = array("_"," ","'",'"',"."); //FIXME Improve //$new_data['media_cat_category'] = str_replace($replace,"-",$new_data['media_cat_category']); $type = $this->getRequest()->getPosted('media_cat_type', 'image').'_'; $increment = ($this->ownerCount[$new_data['media_cat_owner']] +1); $new_data['media_cat_category'] = $new_data['media_cat_owner'].'_'.$type.$increment; if(empty($new_data['media_cat_sef'])) $new_data['media_cat_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['media_cat_title']); return $new_data; } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); if($new_data['media_cat_owner'] != "gallery") { $mes->addError(LAN_IMA_001); return FALSE; } if(empty($new_data['media_cat_sef'])) $new_data['media_cat_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['media_cat_title']); return $new_data; } } class media_cat_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { protected $restrictedOwners = array( '_common', 'news', 'page', 'download', '_icon' ); function options($parms, $value, $id) { if($_GET['action'] == 'create' || $_GET['action'] == 'edit') { return; } $owner = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('media_cat_owner'); if(!in_array($owner,$this->restrictedOwners)) { return $this->renderValue('options',$value,'',$id); } // $save = ($_GET['bbcode']!='file') ? "e-dialog-save" : ""; // e-dialog-close } } class media_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { function init() { /*$sql = e107::getDb(); // $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT media_cat_title, media_title_nick FROM #core_media as m LEFT JOIN #core_media_cat as c ON m.media_category = c.media_cat_owner GROUP BY m.media_category"); $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT media_cat_title, media_cat_owner FROM #core_media_cat"); while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $cat = $row['media_cat_owner']; $this->cats[$cat] = $row['media_cat_title']; } asort($this->cats);*/ // require(e_HANDLER.'phpthumb/'); // For resizing on import. if(varset($_POST['multiselect']) && varset($_POST['e__execute_batch']) && (varset($_POST['etrigger_batch']) == 'options__rotate_cw' || varset($_POST['etrigger_batch']) == 'options__rotate_ccw')) { $type = str_replace('options__','',$_POST['etrigger_batch']); $ids = implode(",",$_POST['multiselect']); $this->rotateImages($ids,$type); } if(varset($_POST['multiselect']) && varset($_POST['e__execute_batch']) && (varset($_POST['etrigger_batch']) == 'options__resize_2048' )) { $type = str_replace('options__','',$_POST['etrigger_batch']); $ids = implode(",",$_POST['multiselect']); $this->resizeImages($ids,$type); } } function resize_method($curval) { $frm = e107::getForm(); $options = array( 'gd1' => 'gd1', 'gd2' => 'gd2', 'ImageMagick' => 'ImageMagick' ); return $frm->selectbox('resize_method',$options,$curval)."
"; } public function rotateImages($ids,$type) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); ini_set('memory_limit', '150M'); ini_set('gd.jpeg_ignore_warning', 1); $degrees = ($type == 'rotate_cw') ? 270 : 90; // $mes->addDebug("Rotate Mode Set: ".$type); //TODO GIF and PNG rotation. if($sql->db_Select("core_media","media_url","media_id IN (".$ids.") AND media_type = 'image/jpeg' ")) { while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $original = $tp->replaceConstants($row['media_url']); $mes->addDebug("Attempting to rotate by {$degrees} degrees: ".basename($original)); $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($original); try { $rotate = imagerotate($source, $degrees, 0); } catch (Exception $e) { $mes->addError(LAN_IMA_002.": ".basename($original)); } $srch = array(".jpg",".jpeg"); $cacheFile = str_replace($srch,"",strtolower(basename($original)))."_(.*)\.cache\.bin"; try { imagejpeg($rotate,$original,80); $mes->addSuccess(LAN_IMA_002.": ".basename($original)); e107::getCache()->clearAll('image',$cacheFile); $mes->addDebug("Clearing Image cache with mask: ".$cacheFile); } catch (Exception $e) { $mes->addError(LAN_IMA_002.": ".basename($original)); } } } } /** * Resize a single image. * @param string * @param int * @param int */ public function resizeImage($oldpath,$img_import_w,$img_import_h) { try { $thumb = PhpThumbFactory::create($oldpath); $thumb->setOptions(array('correctPermissions' => true)); } catch (Exception $e) { $mes->addError($e->getMessage()); return FALSE; // return $this; } if($WM) // TODO Add watermark prefs for alpha and position. { $thumb->resize($img_import_w,$img_import_h)->addWatermark($watermark, 'rightBottom', 30, 0, 0)->save($oldpath); } else { if($thumb->resize($img_import_w,$img_import_h)->save($oldpath)) { return TRUE; } } } public function resizeImages($ids,$type) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $fl = e107::getFile(); // Max size is 6 megapixel. $img_import_w = 2816; $img_import_h = 2112; if($sql->db_Select("core_media","media_id,media_url","media_id IN (".$ids.") AND media_type = 'image/jpeg' ")) { while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $path = $tp->replaceConstants($row['media_url']); $mes->addDebug("Attempting to resize: ".basename($path)); if($this->resizeImage($path,$img_import_w,$img_import_h)) { $info = $fl->get_file_info($path); $mes->addSuccess(LAN_IMA_004.": ".basename($path)); $mes->addSuccess(print_a($info,true)); $dim = intval($info['img-width'])." x ".intval($info['img-height']); $sql2->db_Update("core_media","media_dimensions = '".$dim."', media_size = '".intval($info['fsize'])."' WHERE media_id = ".intval($row['media_id'])." LIMIT 1"); } else { $mes->addError(LAN_IMA_004.": ".basename($path)); } } } } public function resize_dimensions($curval) // ie. never manually resize another image again! { $text = ""; $frm = e107::getForm(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $options = array( "news-image" => "News Images", // TODO LAN. "news-bbcode" => "News [img] bbcode", "page-bbcode" => "Page [img] bbcode", // "featurebox-image" => "Featurebox Images", // "featurebox-bbcode" => "Featurebox [img] bbcode", ); if(vartrue($pref['e_imageresize']) && is_array($pref['e_imageresize'])) { foreach($pref['e_imageresize'] as $k=>$val) { $options[$k] = ucfirst($k). " [img] bbcode"; } } $options = $pref['resize_dimensions']; foreach($options as $key=>$title) { $title = ucwords(str_replace("-"," ",$key)); $valW = vartrue($curval[$key]['w']); $valH = vartrue($curval[$key]['h']); $text .= "
".$title.": "; $text .= " X "; $text .= ""; $text .= "
"; // $text .= $frm->text("resize_dimensions[{$key}]",$val, 5, array('size'=>'5')).$title."
"; } // $text .= "

Warning: This feature is experimental.
"; return $text; } function options($parms, $value, $id) { //return print_a($_GET,true); if($value == 'batch') { return array( "resize_2048" => "Reduce Oversized Images", "rotate_cw" => "Rotate 90° cw", "rotate_ccw" => "Rotate 90° ccw" ); } if($_GET['action'] == 'edit') { return; } $tagid = vartrue($_GET['tagid']); $path = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('media_url'); $title = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('media_name'); $id = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('media_id'); $preview = basename($path); $bbcode = (vartrue($_GET['bbcode']) == 'file') ? "file" : ""; // $save = ($_GET['bbcode']!='file') ? "e-dialog-save" : ""; // e-dialog-close // File Picker. if($_GET['action'] == 'dialog') { $text = ""; } $text .= $this->renderValue('options',$value,'',$id); return "
"; } /* function media_category($curVal,$mode) // not really necessary since we can use 'dropdown' - but just an example of a custom function. { $curVal = explode(",",$curVal); if($mode == 'read') { return $this->getController()->getMediaCategory($curVal); //return $this->cats[$curVal]; } if($mode == 'batch') // Custom Batch List for release_type { return $this->getController()->getMediaCategory(); } if($mode == 'filter') // Custom Filter List for release_type { return $this->getController()->getMediaCategory(); } $text = ""; return $text; }*/ } class media_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = LAN_MEDIAMANAGER; protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "core_media"; protected $listQry = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS m.*,u.user_id,u.user_name FROM #core_media AS m LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON m.media_author = u.user_id "; // without any Order or Limit. // //protected $editQry = "SELECT * FROM #comments WHERE comment_id = {ID}"; protected $pid = "media_id"; protected $perPage = 10; protected $batchDelete = true; // protected $defaultOrder = 'desc'; protected $listOrder = 'm.media_id desc'; // show newest images first. public $deleteConfirmScreen = true; public $deleteConfirmMessage = 'You are about to delete [x] records and ALL CORRESPONDING FILES! Please confirm to continue!'; //TODO - finish 'user' type, set 'data' to all editable fields, set 'noedit' for all non-editable fields /* * We need a column with a preview that is generated from the path of another field. * ie. the preview column should show a thumbnail which is generated from the media_url column. * It needs to also take into consideration the type of media (image, video etc) which comes from another field. */ protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'data'=> null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'media_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'nolist'=>TRUE), 'media_url' => array('title'=> 'Preview', 'type' => 'image', 'data'=> 'str', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>TRUE, 'writeParms'=>'thumb=180&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=180', 'width' => '110px'), 'media_category' => array('title'=> LAN_CATEGORY, 'type' => 'comma', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'filter' => true, 'batch' => true), // Upload should be managed completely separately via upload-handler. // 'media_upload' => array('title'=> "Upload File", 'type' => 'upload', 'data'=> false, 'readParms' => 'hidden', 'writeParms' => 'disable_button=1', 'width' => '10%', 'nolist' => true), 'media_name' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'), 'media_caption' => array('title'=> "Caption", 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'), // media_description is type = textarea until bbarea can be reduced to not include youtube etc 'media_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'textarea', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left first', 'readParms' => 'truncate=100', 'writeParms' => 'counter=0'), 'media_type' => array('title'=> "Mime Type", 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'noedit'=>TRUE), 'media_author' => array('title'=> LAN_USER, 'type' => 'user', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center','readParms' => 'link=1', 'filter' => true, 'batch' => true, 'noedit'=>TRUE ), 'media_datestamp' => array('title'=> LAN_DATESTAMP, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => '10%', 'noedit'=>TRUE), // User date 'media_size' => array('title'=> "Size", 'type' => 'number', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'noedit'=>TRUE), 'media_dimensions' => array('title'=> "Dimensions", 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => '5%', 'readonly'=>TRUE, 'class'=>'nowrap','noedit'=>TRUE), 'media_userclass' => array('title'=> LAN_USERCLASS, 'type' => 'userclass', 'data'=> 'str', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center','filter'=>TRUE,'batch'=>TRUE ), 'media_tags' => array('title'=> "Tags/Keywords", 'type' => 'tags', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => '10%', 'filter'=>TRUE,'batch'=>TRUE ), 'media_usedby' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'nolist'=>true, 'readonly'=>TRUE ), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => 'method', 'data'=> null, 'forced'=>TRUE, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center', 'batch'=>true, 'noedit'=>true) ); protected $mimePaths = array( 'text' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'multipart' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'application' => e_MEDIA_FILE, // 'audio' => e_MEDIA_AUDIO, 'image' => e_MEDIA_IMAGE, 'video' => e_MEDIA_VIDEO, 'other' => e_MEDIA_FILE ); // protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes','media_url', 'media_id', 'media_thumb', 'media_title', 'media_caption', 'media_description', 'media_category', 'media_datestamp','media_userclass', 'options'); protected $prefs = array( 'image_post' => array('title'=> IMALAN_1, 'type'=>'boolean', 'data'=>'int', 'writeParms'=>'help=IMALAN_2'), 'image_post_class' => array('title'=> IMALAN_10, 'type' => 'userclass', 'data'=>'int', 'writeParms'=>'help=IMALAN_11&classlist=public,guest,nobody,member,admin,main,classes' ), 'image_post_disabled_method' => array('title'=> IMALAN_12, 'type' => 'boolean','writeParms'=>'enabled=IMALAN_15&disabled=IMALAN_14'), 'resize_method' => array('title'=> IMALAN_3, 'type'=>'method', 'data'=>'str'), 'im_width' => array('title'=> "Avatar Width", 'type'=>'number', 'data'=>'int', 'writeParms'=>'help=Avatar images will be constrained to these dimensions (in pixels)'), //TODO LAN 'im_height' => array('title'=> "Avatar Height", 'type'=>'number', 'data'=>'int', 'writeParms'=>'help=Avatar images will be constrained to these dimensions (in pixels)'), 'resize_dimensions' => array('title'=> "Resize-Image Dimensions", 'type'=>'method', 'data'=>'str'), 'watermark_activate' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Activation', 'type' => 'number', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>'All images with a width or height greater than this value will be given a watermark during resizing.'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_text' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Text', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>'Optional Watermark Text'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_font' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Font', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>'Optional Watermark Font. Upload more .ttf fonts to the /fonts folder in your theme directory.'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_size' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Size', 'type' => 'number', 'data' => 'int', 'help'=>'Size of the font in pts'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_pos' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Position', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>'Watermark Position'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_margin' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Margin', 'type' => 'number', 'data' => 'int', 'help'=>'The distance that watermark will appear from the edge of the image.'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_color' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Color', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>'Color of the watermark eg. 000000'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_shadowcolor' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Shadow-Color', 'type' => 'text', 'data' => 'str', 'help'=>'Shadow Color of the watermark eg. ffffff '), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), 'watermark_opacity' => array('title'=> 'Watermark Opacity', 'type' => 'number', 'data' => 'int', 'help'=>'Enter a number between 1 and 100'), // 'validate' => 'regex', 'rule' => '#^[\d]+$#i', 'help' => 'allowed characters are a-zA-Z and underscore')), ); /* ".IMALAN_1."
".$frm->checkbox('image_post', 1, $pref['image_post'])."
".IMALAN_10." ".r_userclass('image_post_class',$pref['image_post_class'],"off","public,guest,nobody,member,admin,main,classes")."
".IMALAN_12." ".$frm->select_open('image_post_disabled_method')." ".$frm->option(IMALAN_14, '0', ($pref['image_post_disabled_method'] == "0"))." ".$frm->option(IMALAN_15, '1', ($pref['image_post_disabled_method'] == "1"))." ".$frm->select_close()."
"; list($img_import_w,$img_import_h) = explode("x",$pref['img_import_resize']); //TODO LANS $text .= " Resize images during media import
Leave empty to disable
".$frm->text('img_import_resize_w', $img_import_w,4)."px X ".$frm->text('img_import_resize_h', $img_import_h,4)."px ".IMALAN_3."
".IMALAN_54." {$gd_version}
".$frm->select_open('resize_method')." ".$frm->option('gd1', 'gd1', ($pref['resize_method'] == "gd1"))." ".$frm->option('gd2', 'gd2', ($pref['resize_method'] == "gd2"))." ".$frm->option('ImageMagick', 'ImageMagick', ($pref['resize_method'] == "ImageMagick"))." ".$frm->select_close()."
"; */ protected $cats = array(); protected $owner = array(); protected $ownercats = array(); function init() { $sql = e107::getDb(); // $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT media_cat_title, media_title_nick FROM #core_media as m LEFT JOIN #core_media_cat as c ON m.media_category = c.media_cat_owner GROUP BY m.media_category"); $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT media_cat_title, media_cat_owner, media_cat_category FROM #core_media_cat"); while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $cat = $row['media_cat_category']; $owner = $row['media_cat_owner']; $this->owner[$owner] = $owner; $this->ownercats[$owner.'|'.$cat] = $row['media_cat_title']; $this->cats[$cat] = $row['media_cat_title']; } asort($this->cats); $this->fields['media_category']['writeParms'] = $this->cats; $pref = e107::getPref(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $path = e_THEME.$pref['sitetheme']."/fonts/"; $fDir = $fl->get_files(e_THEME.$pref['sitetheme']."/fonts/",".ttf",'',2); $fonts = array(0=>'None'); foreach($fDir as $f) { $id = $tp->createConstants($f['path'].$f['fname'],'rel'); $fonts[$id] = $f['fname']; } $this->prefs['watermark_font']['writeParms'] = $fonts; $this->prefs['watermark_font']['readParms'] = $fonts; $wm_pos = array( 'BR' => "Bottom Right", 'BL' => "Bottom Left", 'TR' => "Top Right", 'TL' => "Top Left", 'C' => "Center", 'R' => "Right", 'L' => "Left", 'T' => "Top", 'B' => "Bottom", '*' => "Tile" ); $this->prefs['watermark_pos']['writeParms'] = $wm_pos; $this->prefs['watermark_pos']['readParms'] = $wm_pos; //FIXME TODO - clear thumbnail cache when prefs are saved/updated. // e107::getCache()->clearAll('image'); // print_a($_GET); if($_GET['action'] == 'nav' ) { //echo $this->navPage();\ // $this->getResponse()->setIframeMod(); // disable header/footer menus etc. // print_a($_GET); } if(varset($_POST['batch_import_selected'])) { $this->batchImport(); } if(varset($_POST['batch_import_delete'])) { $this->batchDelete(); } if(varset($_POST['update_options'])) { $this->updateSettings(); } // filepicker stuff. if($this->getQuery('mode') == 'dialog')//TODO Check this actually does something, as it was changed to 'action'. { if(!ADMIN){ exit; } } if($this->getQuery('iframe')) { e107::js('tinymce','tiny_mce_popup.js'); $this->getResponse()->setIframeMod(); // disable header/footer menus etc. if(!$this->getQuery('for')) { $this->setPosted('media_category', "_common"); $this->getModel()->set('media_category', "_common"); } elseif($this->getMediaCategory($this->getQuery('for'))) { $this->setPosted('media_category', $this->getQuery('for')); if(!$this->getId()) { $this->getModel()->set('media_category', $this->getQuery('for')); } } } // // if($this->getQuery('for') && $this->getMediaCategory($this->getQuery('for'))) // { // // $this->setPosted('media_category', $this->getQuery('for')); // if(!$this->getId()) // { // $this->getModel()->set('media_category', $this->getQuery('for')); // } // } // } function navPage() // no functioning correctly - see e_AJAX_REQUEST above. { $bbcodeMode = ($this->getQuery('bbcode')=='img') ? 'bbcode=img' : FALSE; if($_GET['from']) { $bbcodeMode .= "&from=".intval($_GET['from']); } $bbcodeMode .= "&nav=1"; $tag = ($bbcodeMode) ? "" : $this->getQuery('tagid'); echo e107::getMedia()->mediaSelect($this->getQuery('for'),$this->getQuery('tagid'),$bbcodeMode); // eg. news, news-thumbnail return; } function dialogPage() // Popup dialogPage for Image Selection. { $cat = $this->getQuery('for'); $file = (substr($cat,-5) == "_file") ? TRUE : FALSE; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->addDebug("For:".$cat); if($file) { $cat = e107::getParser()->toDB($cat); if(!isset($this->cats[$cat])) { return; } $this->listQry = "SELECT m.*,u.user_id,u.user_name FROM #core_media AS m LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON m.media_author = u.user_id WHERE m.media_category = '".$cat."' "; // without any Order or Limit. unset($this->fields['checkboxes']); $this->fields['options']['type'] = 'method'; $this->fields['media_category']['nolist'] = true; $this->fields['media_userclass']['nolist'] = true; $this->fields['media_dimensions']['nolist'] = true; $this->fields['media_description']['nolist'] = true; $this->fields['media_type']['nolist'] = true; foreach($this->fields as $k=>$v) { $this->fields[$k]['filter'] = false; } echo $this->mediaSelectUpload('file'); } else { echo $this->mediaSelectUpload(); } } function uploadPage() { if(!ADMIN){ exit; } //TODO check for upload-access in perms. // if 'for' has no value, files are placed in /temp and not added to the db. $text = '

No HTML5 support.

'; return $text; } function mediaSelectUpload($type='image') { $frm = e107::getForm(); $options = array(); $options['bbcode'] = ($this->getQuery('bbcode')=='img') ? 'img' : FALSE; $text = "
"; $tag = ($options['bbcode']) ? "" : $this->getQuery('tagid'); if(varset($_GET['w'])) { $options['w'] = intval($_GET['w']); } if($type == 'file') { $this->perPage = 0; $this->getTreeModel()->setParam('db_query', $this->_modifyListQry(false, false, false, false, $this->listQry))->load(); $text .= $this->getUI()->getList(); } else { $text .= e107::getMedia()->mediaSelect($this->getQuery('for'),$this->getQuery('tagid'), $options); // eg. news, news-thumbnail } $text .= "
Upload"; $this->fields['media_category']['readonly'] = TRUE; $this->fields['media_url']['noedit'] = TRUE; $this->fields['media_userclass']['noedit'] = TRUE; $text .= $this->uploadPage(); // To test upload script with plupload // $text .= $this->CreatePage(); // comment me out to test plupload $text .= "
"; /* In BBCODE-Mode this dialog rerturns an [img] bbcode to the 'tagid' container with the appropriate parms generated. * eg. [img style=float:left;margin-right:3px]{e_MEDIA_IMAGE}someimage.jpg[/img] * Then the dialog may be used as a bbcode img popup and within TinyMce also. * */ if($options['bbcode']) { $text .= "
Dimensions: px X px
Text flow: ".$frm->selectbox('float', array('default'=>'Default','left'=>"Left",'right'=>'Right'))."
Margin-Left: px
Margin-Right: px
Margin-Top: px
Margin-Bottom: px
"; } $text .= "
"; // For BBCODE mode. //TODO image-float. if($options['bbcode']) { $text .= "
"; // TODO to eventually be hidden. $type = (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) ? "text" : "hidden"; $br = (E107_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0) ? "
" : ""; $text .= " ".$br." ".$br." ".$br." ".$br." "; } return $text; } function importPage() { $this->batchImportForm(); } function settingsPage() { global $pref; $frm = e107::getForm(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd_info = gd_info(); $gd_version = $gd_info['GD Version']; } else { $gd_version = " ".IMALAN_55.""; } if($pref['resize_method'] == "ImageMagick" && (!vartrue(e107::getFolder('imagemagick')))) { $mes->addWarning('Please add: $IMAGEMAGICK_DIRECTORY="'.$pref['im_path'].'"; to your e107_config.php file'); } //$IM_NOTE = ""; $im_path = vartrue(e107::getFolder('imagemagick')); if($im_path != "") { $im_file = $im_path.'convert'; if(!file_exists($im_file)) { //$IM_NOTE = "".IMALAN_52.""; $mes->addWarning(IMALAN_52); } else { $cmd = "{$im_file} -version"; $tmp = `$cmd`; if(strpos($tmp, "ImageMagick") === FALSE) { //$IM_NOTE = "".IMALAN_53.""; $mes->addWarning(IMALAN_53); } } } $text = "
".IMALAN_7." "; list($img_import_w,$img_import_h) = explode("x",$pref['img_import_resize']); //TODO LANS $text .= " "; /* $text .= " // Removed to prevent mod_security blocks, and show only when relevant (non-GD2 users) "; // Removed as IE6 should no longer be supported. A 3rd-party plugin can be made for this functionality if really needed. $text .= " "; */ $text .= "
".$frm->checkbox('image_post', 1, $pref['image_post'])."
".IMALAN_10." ".r_userclass('image_post_class',$pref['image_post_class'],"off","public,guest,nobody,member,admin,main,classes")."
".IMALAN_12." ".$frm->select_open('image_post_disabled_method')." ".$frm->option(IMALAN_14, '0', ($pref['image_post_disabled_method'] == "0"))." ".$frm->option(IMALAN_15, '1', ($pref['image_post_disabled_method'] == "1"))." ".$frm->select_close()."
Resize images during media import
Leave empty to disable
".$frm->text('img_import_resize_w', $img_import_w,4)."px X ".$frm->text('img_import_resize_h', $img_import_h,4)."px
".IMALAN_54." {$gd_version}
".$frm->select_open('resize_method')." ".$frm->option('gd1', 'gd1', ($pref['resize_method'] == "gd1"))." ".$frm->option('gd2', 'gd2', ($pref['resize_method'] == "gd2"))." ".$frm->option('ImageMagick', 'ImageMagick', ($pref['resize_method'] == "ImageMagick"))." ".$frm->select_close()."
".$frm->text('im_path', $pref['im_path'])."
".$frm->checkbox('enable_png_image_fix', 1, ($pref['enable_png_image_fix']))."
".IMALAN_36." ".$frm->admin_button('check_avatar_sizes', ADLAN_145)."
".$frm->admin_button('update_options', IMALAN_8, 'update')."
"; echo $mes->render().$text; return; // $ns->tablerender(LAN_MEDIAMANAGER." :: ".IMALAN_7, $mes->render().$text); } function avatarPage() { show_avatars(); } function iconsPage() { // $this->icon_editor(); } /** * Invoked just before item create event * @return array */ public function beforeCreate($new_data) { // print_a($_POST); // return data to be merged with posted model data $this->getRequest()->setPosted('media_upload', null); //$dataFields = $this->getModel()->getDataFields(); //unset($dataFields['media_upload']); //$this->getModel()->setDataFields($dataFields); if($this->getQuery('for') && $this->getMediaCategory($this->getQuery('for'))) { $new_data['media_category'] = $this->getQuery('for'); } return $this->observeUploaded($new_data); } /** * Same as beforeCreate() but invoked on edit * @return TBD */ public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { // return data to be merged with posted model data // $new_data['media_category'] = implode(",",$new_data['media_category']); $this->fields['media_category']['data'] = 'str'; //XXX Quick fix for 'comma' incompatibility in Db-Update routines. return $new_data; // return $this->observeUploaded($new_data); } public function mediaData($sc_path) { if(!$sc_path) return array(); $path = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($sc_path); $info = e107::getFile()->get_file_info($path,true); return array( 'media_type' => $info['mime'], 'media_datestamp' => time(), 'media_url' => e107::getParser()->createConstants($path, 'rel'), 'media_size' => filesize($path), 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_dimensions' => $info['img-width']." x ".$info['img-height'] ); } // XXX - strict mysql error on Create without UPLOAD! function observeUploaded($new_data) { $fl = e107::getFile(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(vartrue($_FILES['file_userfile'])) // CREATE { $pref['upload_storagetype'] = "1"; require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); //TODO - still not a class! // $uploaded = process_uploaded_files(e_MEDIA.'temp/'); //FIXME doesn't handle xxx.JPG (uppercase) $uploaded = process_uploaded_files(e_TEMP); //FIXME doesn't handle xxx.JPG (uppercase) $upload = array_shift($uploaded); if(vartrue($upload['error'])) { $mes->addError($upload['message']); return FALSE; } if(!$typePath = $this->getPath($upload['type'])) { $mes->addError("Couldn't generated path from upload data"); return FALSE; } $mes->addDebug(print_a($upload,TRUE)); // $oldpath = e_MEDIA."temp/".$upload['name']; $oldpath = e_TEMP.$upload['name']; $newpath = $this->checkDupe($oldpath,$typePath.'/'.$upload['name']); if(!rename($oldpath, e_MEDIA.$newpath)) { $mes->add("Couldn't move file from ".$oldpath." to ".$newpath, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; }; $img_data = $this->mediaData($newpath); // Basic File Info only $img_data['media_name'] = $new_data['name']; $img_data['media_caption'] = $new_data['media_caption']; $img_data['media_category'] = $new_data['media_category']; $img_data['media_description'] = $new_data['media_description']; $img_data['media_tags'] = $new_data['media_tags']; $img_data['media_userclass'] = 0; $img_data['media_author'] = USERID; if(!varset($img_data['media_name'])) { $img_data['media_name'] = $upload['name']; } $mes->addDebug(print_a($img_data,TRUE)); return $img_data; } else // Update Only ? { $img_data = $this->mediaData($new_data['media_url']); if(!($typePath = $this->getPath($img_data['media_type']))) { $mes->addError("Couldn't get path ".$typePath); return FALSE; } $fname = basename($new_data['media_url']); // move to the required place if(strpos($new_data['media_url'], '{e_TEMP}') !== FALSE) // if(strpos($new_data['media_url'], '{e_MEDIA}temp/') !== FALSE) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $oldpath = $tp->replaceConstants($new_data['media_url']); $newpath = $this->checkDupe($oldpath,$typePath.'/'.$fname); if(!rename($oldpath, $newpath)) { $mes->add("Couldn't move file from ".$oldpath." to ".str_replace('../', '', $newpath), E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } $img_data['media_url'] = $tp->createConstants($newpath, 'rel'); } if(!varset($new_data['media_name'])) { $img_data['media_name'] = basename($new_data['media_url']); } return $img_data; } } // Check for existing image path in db and rename if found. function checkDupe($oldpath,$newpath) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $f = e107::getFile()->get_file_info($oldpath,TRUE); $mes->addDebug("checkDupe(): newpath=".$newpath."
".print_r($upload,TRUE)); if(file_exists($newpath) || e107::getDb()->db_Select("core_media","*","media_url = '".$tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel')."' LIMIT 1") ) { $mes->addWarning($newpath." already exists."); $file = $f['pathinfo']['filename']."_.".$f['pathinfo']['extension']; $newpath = $this->getPath($f['mime']).'/'.$file; return false; } return $newpath; } function beforeDelete($data, $id) // call before 'delete' is executed. - return false to prevent delete execution (e.g. some dependencies check) { return true; } function afterDelete($deleted_data, $id) // call after 'delete' is successfully executed. - delete the file with the db record (optional pref) { } function getPath($mime) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); list($pmime,$tmp) = explode('/',$mime); if(!vartrue($this->mimePaths[$pmime])) { $mes->add("Couldn't detect mime-type($mime). Upload failed.", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } $dir = $this->mimePaths[$pmime].date("Y-m"); if(!is_dir($dir)) { if(!mkdir($dir, 0755)) { $mes->add("Couldn't create folder ($dir).", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; }; } return $dir; } function batchImportForm() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $fl->setFileInfo('all'); $rejectArray = array('^\.ftpquota$','^index\.html$','^null\.txt$','\.bak$','^.tmp','.*\.xml$','^\.$','^\.\.$','^\/$','^CVS$','thumbs\.db','.*\._$','^\.htaccess$','index\.html','null\.txt'); $fl->setFileFilter($rejectArray); // $files = $fl->get_files(e_MEDIA."temp/"); $files = $fl->get_files(e_TEMP); // e107::js('core','core/admin.js','prototype'); //TODO Detect XML file, and if found - read that instead of the directory. if(!vartrue($_POST['batch_import_selected'])) { $mes->add("Scanning for new media (images, videos, files) in folder: ".e_UPLOAD."", E_MESSAGE_INFO); } if(!count($files)) { if(!vartrue($_POST['batch_import_selected'])) { $mes->add("No media Found! Please upload some files.", E_MESSAGE_INFO); } $text = $this->uploadPage(); echo $mes->render().$text; return; } $text = "
".DBLAN_20." "; // $c = 0; foreach($files as $f) { $default = $this->getFileXml($f['fname']); $f = $fl->cleanFileName($f,true); $c = md5($f['path'].$f['fname']); if($f['error']) { $mes->addWarning($f['fname']." couldn't be renamed. Check file perms."); } $large = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($f['path'].$f['fname'], 'w=800', true); $text .= " \n"; // $c++; $lastMime = $f['mime']; } // if(!isset($_POST['batch_category']) && substr($lastMime,0,5)=='image') { $_POST['batch_category'] = "_common_image"; } $text .= "
".e107::getForm()->checkbox_toggle('e-column-toggle', 'batch_selected')." Preview ".LAN_FILE." Title (internal use) Caption (seen by public) Author Mime Type File Size ".LAN_DATESTAMP." Dimensions
".$frm->checkbox("batch_selected[".$c."]",$f['fname'])." ".$this->preview($f)." ".$f['fname']." ".$frm->text('batch_import_name['.$c.']', ($_POST['batch_import_name'][$c] ? $_POST['batch_import_name'][$c] : $default['title']))." ".$default['authorName']."
".$f['mime']." ".$f['fsize']." ".e107::getDateConvert()->convert_date($f['modified'])." ".$f['img-width']." x ".$f['img-height']."
".$frm->textarea('batch_import_diz['.$c.']', ($_POST['batch_import_diz'][$c] ? $_POST['batch_import_diz'][$c] : $default['description']))."
Import into Category: ".$frm->selectbox('batch_category',$this->cats, $_POST['batch_category']); // $waterMarkPath = e_THEME.e107::getPref('sitetheme')."/images/watermark.png"; // Now performed site-wide dynamically. if(is_readable($waterMarkPath)) { // $text .= $frm->checkbox_label("Add Watermark", 'batch_import_watermark',1); } $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('batch_import_selected', "Import Selected Files", 'import') .$frm->admin_button('batch_import_delete', "Delete Selected Files", 'delete'); $text .= "
"; echo $mes->render().$text; } // Check for matching XML file name and if found, return data from it during import. function getFileXml($imgFile) { list($file,$ext) = explode(".",$imgFile); $xmlFile = e_UPLOAD.$file.".xml"; if(is_readable($xmlFile)) { $data = file_get_contents($xmlFile); $tmp = preg_match("/(.*)<\/title>/i",$data,$title); $tmp = preg_match("/(.*)<\/description>/i",$data,$diz); return array( 'title' => $title[1], 'description' => $diz[1], 'authorName' => $authorName[1], 'authorEmail' => $authorEmail[1] ); } return array('title'=>basename($file),'description'=>'','authorName'=>'','authorEmail'=>''); /* Example: matchingfilename.xml (ie. same name as jpg|.gif|.png etc) Title of File Description of File */ } function deleteFileXml($imgFile) { list($file,$ext) = explode(".",$imgFile); $xmlFile = e_UPLOAD.$file.".xml"; if(file_exists($xmlFile)) { unlink($xmlFile); } } function batchDelete() { foreach($_POST['batch_selected'] as $key=>$file) { if(trim($file) == '') { continue; } // $oldpath = e_MEDIA."temp/".$file; $oldpath = e_TEMP.$file; if(file_exists($oldpath)) { unlink($oldpath); } } } function batchImport() { $fl = e107::getFile(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if(!count($_POST['batch_selected'])) { $mes->addError("Please check at least one file."); return; } list($img_import_w,$img_import_h) = explode("x",e107::getPref('img_import_resize')); if(vartrue($_POST['batch_import_watermark'])) { $WM = TRUE; $watermarkPath = e_THEME.e107::getPref('sitetheme')."/images/watermark.png"; $watermark = PhpThumbFactory::create($watermarkPath); } else { $WM = FALSE; } // Disable resize-on-import and watermark for now. $img_import_w = 2816; $img_import_h = 2112; foreach($_POST['batch_selected'] as $key=>$file) { // $oldpath = e_MEDIA."temp/".$file; $oldpath = e_TEMP.$file; // Resize on Import Routine ------------------------ if(vartrue($img_import_w) && vartrue($img_import_h)) { // $this->resizeImage($file,$img_import_w,$img_import_h); } // End Resize routine. --------------------- $f = $fl->get_file_info($oldpath); if(!$f['mime']) { $mes->add("Couldn't get file info from : ".$oldpath, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); // $mes->add(print_a($f,true), E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $f['mime'] = "other/file"; } $newpath = $this->checkDupe($oldpath,$this->getPath($f['mime']).'/'.$file); $newname = $tp->toDB($_POST['batch_import_name'][$key]); $newdiz = $tp->toDB($_POST['batch_import_diz'][$key]); $f['fname'] = $file; /* if(file_exists($newpath) || $sql->db_Select("core_media","media_url = '".$tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel')."' LIMIT 1") ) { $mes->addWarning($newpath." already exists and was renamed during import."); $file = $f['pathinfo']['filename']."_.".$f['pathinfo']['extension']; $newpath = $this->getPath($f['mime']).'/'.$file; } */ if(rename($oldpath,$newpath)) { $insert = array( 'media_caption' => $newdiz, 'media_description' => '', 'media_category' => $_POST['batch_category'], 'media_datestamp' => $f['modified'], 'media_url' => $tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel'), 'media_userclass' => '0', 'media_name' => $newname, 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_size' => $f['fsize'], 'media_dimensions' => $f['img-width']." x ".$f['img-height'], 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_type' => $f['mime'] ); if($sql->db_Insert("core_media",$insert)) { $mes->add("Importing Media: ".$f['fname'], E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->deleteFileXml($f['fname']); } else { rename($newpath,$oldpath); //move it back. } } } } function preview($f) { list($type,$tmp) = explode("/",$f['mime']); if($type == 'image') { $url = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($f['path'].$f['fname'], 'w=100', true); $large = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($f['path'].$f['fname'], 'w=800', true); //echo $url; return "\"".$f['name']."\""; } else { return; //TODO generic icon/image for no preview. } } public function getMediaCategory($id = false) { if(is_array($id)) { $text = ""; foreach($id as $val) { $text .= (isset($this->cats[$val]) ? "".$this->cats[$val]."
" : ''); } return $text; } if($id) return (isset($this->cats[$id]) ? $this->cats[$id] : 0); return $this->cats; } /* * UPDATE IMAGE OPTIONS - MAIN SCREEN */ function updateSettings() { global $pref,$admin_log,$tp; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tmp = array(); $tmp['image_post'] = intval($_POST['image_post']); $tmp['resize_method'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['resize_method']); $tmp['im_path'] = trim($tp->toDB($_POST['im_path'])); $tmp['image_post_class'] = intval($_POST['image_post_class']); $tmp['image_post_disabled_method'] = intval($_POST['image_post_disabled_method']); $tmp['enable_png_image_fix'] = intval($_POST['enable_png_image_fix']); if($_POST['img_import_resize_w'] && $_POST['img_import_resize_h']) { $tmp['img_import_resize'] = intval($_POST['img_import_resize_w'])."x".intval($_POST['img_import_resize_h']); } if ($admin_log->logArrayDiffs($tmp, $pref, 'IMALAN_04')) { save_prefs(); // Only save if changes $mes->add(IMALAN_9, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { $mes->add(IMALAN_20, E_MESSAGE_INFO); } } } new media_admin(); require_once(e_ADMIN."auth.php"); e107::getAdminUI()->runPage(); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $action = e_QUERY; if(varset($_GET['action']) == "icons") { // icon_editor(); } if(varset($_GET['action']) == "avatars") { // show_avatars(); } if(varset($_GET['action']) == 'settings') { // main_config(); } /* * DELETE CHECKED AVATARS - SHOW AVATAR SCREEN */ if (isset($_POST['submit_show_delete_multi'])) { if(varset($_POST['multiaction'])) { $tmp = array(); $tmp1 = array(); $message = array(); foreach ($_POST['multiaction'] as $todel) { $todel = explode('#', $todel); $todel[1] = basename($todel[1]); $image_type = 2; if(strpos($todel[1], '-upload-') === 0) { $image_type = 1; $todel[1] = substr($todel[1], strlen('-upload-')); } //delete it from server @unlink(e_UPLOAD."avatars/".$todel[1]); //admin log & sysmessage $message[] = $todel[1]; //It's owned by an user if($todel[0]) { switch ($image_type) { case 1: //avatar $tmp[] = intval($todel[0]); break; case 2: //photo $tmp1[] = intval($todel[0]); break; } } } //Reset all deleted user avatars with one query if(!empty($tmp)) { $sql->db_Update("user", "user_image='' WHERE user_id IN (".implode(',', $tmp).")"); } //Reset all deleted user photos with one query if(!empty($tmp1)) { $sql->db_Update("user", "user_sess='' WHERE user_id IN (".implode(',', $tmp1).")"); } unset($tmp, $tmp1); //Format system message if(!empty($message)) { $admin_log->log_event('IMALAN_01', implode('[!br!]', $message), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); $mes->addSuccess(implode(', ', $message).' '.IMALAN_28); } } } /* * DELETE ALL UNUSED IMAGES - SHOW AVATAR SCREEN */ if (isset($_POST['submit_show_deleteall'])) { $handle = opendir(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD); $dirlist = array(); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (!is_dir(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD.$file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != "index.html" && $file != "null.txt" && $file != '/' && $file != 'CVS' && $file != 'Thumbs.db') { $dirlist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); if(!empty($dirlist)) { $imgList = ''; $count = 0; foreach ($dirlist as $image_name) { $image_name = basename($image_name); $image_todb = $tp->toDB($image_name); if (!$sql->db_Count('user', '(*)', "WHERE user_image='-upload-{$image_todb}' OR user_sess='{$image_todb}'")) { unlink(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD.$image_name); $imgList .= '[!br!]'.$image_name; $count++; } } $message = $count." ".IMALAN_26; $mes->addSuccess($message); $admin_log->log_event('IMALAN_02', $message.$imgList,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); unset($imgList); } } /* * DELETE ALL CHECKED BAD IMAGES - VALIDATE SCREEN */ if (isset($_POST['submit_avdelete_multi'])) { require_once(e_HANDLER."avatar_handler.php"); $avList = array(); $tmp = array(); $uids = array(); //Sanitize $_POST['multiaction'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['multiaction']); //sql queries significant reduced if(!empty($_POST['multiaction']) && $sql->db_Select("user", 'user_id, user_name, user_image', "user_id IN (".implode(',', $_POST['multiaction']).")")) { $search_users = $sql->db_getList('ALL', FALSE, FALSE, 'user_id'); foreach($_POST['multiaction'] as $uid) { if (varsettrue($search_users[$uid])) { $avname = avatar($search_users[$uid]['user_image']); if (strpos($avname, "http://") === FALSE) { // Internal file, so unlink it @unlink($avname); } $uids[] = $uid; $tmp[] = $search_users[$uid]['user_name']; $avList[] = $uid.':'.$search_users[$uid]['user_name'].':'.$search_users[$uid]['user_image']; } } //sql queries significant reduced if(!empty($uids)) { $sql->db_Update("user", "user_image='' WHERE user_id IN (".implode(',', $uids).")"); } $mes->addSuccess(IMALAN_51.''.implode(', ', $tmp).' '.IMALAN_28); $admin_log->log_event('IMALAN_03', implode('[!br!]', $avList), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); unset($search_users); } unset($avList, $tmp, $uids); } /* * SHOW AVATARS SCREEN */ function show_avatars() { global $e107, $pref; $ns = e107::getRender(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $avFiles = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_MEDIA."avatars/",".jpg|.png|.gif|.jpeg|.JPG|.GIF|.PNG",null,2); $dirlist = array(); foreach($avFiles as $f) { $dirlist[] = str_replace(e_MEDIA."avatars/","",$f['path']). $f['fname']; } $text = ''; if (empty($dirlist)) { $text .= IMALAN_29; } else { $tmp = $sql->retrieve('user','user_image','user_image !="" ', true); $imageUsed = array(); foreach($tmp as $val) { $imageUsed[] = $val['user_image']; } $text = "
"; $count = 0; while (list($key, $image_name) = each($dirlist)) { //$users = IMALAN_21." | "; $row = array('user_id' => ''); $image_pre = ''; $disabled = false; /* if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_image='-upload-".$tp->toDB($image_name)."' OR user_sess='".$tp->toDB($image_name)."'")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if($row['user_image'] == '-upload-'.$image_name) $image_pre = '-upload-'; $users .= "{$row['user_name']} (".($row['user_sess'] == $image_name ? IMALAN_24 : IMALAN_23).")"; } else { } */ // : $users = (in_array(basename($image_name),$imageUsed)) ? "Image in use" : 'Not in use'; //directory? if(is_dir(e_MEDIA."avatars/".$image_name)) { //File info $users = "".IMALAN_66.": {$image_name} ".IMALAN_69.""; //Friendly UI - click text to select a form element $img_src = ''.IMALAN_70.''; $disabled = true; } else { //File info // $users = "".IMALAN_66.": {$image_name} ".$users; // Control over the image size (design) // $image_size = getimagesize(e_MEDIA."avatars/".$image_name); //Friendly UI - click text to select a form element // Resized on-the-fly - avatar-size no longer an issue. $attr = "aw=".$pref['im_width']."&ah=".$pref['im_height']; $img_path = $tp->thumbUrl(e_MEDIA_ABS."avatars/".$image_name,$attr); $type = dirname($image_name); if($prevType != $type) { $text .= "
"; } $for = $frm->name2id('multiaction-'.$image_name); $img_src = ""; $prevType = $type; } //style attribute allowed here - server side width/height control //autocheck class - used for JS selectors (see eCoreImage object) $text .= "
".$frm->checkbox('multiaction[]', "{$row['user_id']}#{$image_pre}{$image_name}", false, array('id' => false, 'disabled' => $disabled))."
"; $count++; } $text .= "
".$frm->admin_button('e_check_all', LAN_CHECKALL, 'action')." ".$frm->admin_button('e_uncheck_all', LAN_UNCHECKALL, 'action')." ".$frm->admin_button('submit_show_delete_multi', LAN_DELCHECKED, 'delete')." ".$frm->admin_button('submit_show_deleteall', "Delete all unused images", 'delete')."
"; // $frm->admin_button('submit_cancel_show', IMALAN_68, 'cancel') } echo $mes->render().$text; return; // $ns->tablerender(LAN_MEDIAMANAGER." :: ".IMALAN_18, $mes->render().$text); } /* * CHECK AVATARS SCREEN */ if (isset($_POST['check_avatar_sizes'])) { // Set up to track what we've done // $iUserCount = 0; $iAVinternal = 0; $iAVexternal = 0; $iAVnotfound = 0; $iAVtoobig = 0; require_once(e_HANDLER."avatar_handler.php"); $text = "
".CACLAN_3." "; // // Loop through avatar field for every user // $iUserCount = $sql->db_Count("user"); $found = false; $allowedWidth = intval($pref['im_width']); $allowedHeight = intval($pref['im_width']); if ($sql->db_Select("user", "*", "user_image!=''")) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { //Check size $avname=avatar($row['user_image']); if (strpos($avname,"http://")!==FALSE) { $iAVexternal++; $bAVext=TRUE; } else { $iAVinternal++; $bAVext=FALSE; } $image_stats = getimagesize($avname); $sBadImage=""; if (!$image_stats) { $iAVnotfound++; // allow delete $sBadImage=IMALAN_42; } else { $imageWidth = $image_stats[0]; $imageHeight = $image_stats[1]; if ( ($imageHeight > $allowedHeight) || ($imageWidth > $allowedWidth) ) { // Too tall or too wide $iAVtoobig++; if ($imageWidth > $allowedWidth) { $sBadImage = IMALAN_40." ($imageWidth)"; } if ($imageHeight > $allowedHeight) { if (strlen($sBadImage)) { $sBadImage .= ", "; } $sBadImage .= IMALAN_41." ($imageHeight)"; } } } //If not found or too large, allow delete if (strlen($sBadImage)) { $found = true; $text .= " "; } } } //Nothing found if(!$found) { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
".$row['user_name']." ".$sBadImage." ".$avname."
".$frm->admin_button('check_all', LAN_CHECKALL, 'action')." ".$frm->admin_button('uncheck_all', LAN_UNCHECKALL, 'action')." ".$frm->admin_button('submit_avdelete_multi', LAN_DELCHECKED, 'delete')."
".IMALAN_38." {$allowedWidth}
".IMALAN_39." {$allowedHeight}
".IMALAN_45." {$iAVnotfound}
".IMALAN_46." {$iAVtoobig}
".IMALAN_47." {$iAVinternal}
".IMALAN_48." {$iAVexternal}
".IMALAN_49." ".($iAVexternal+$iAVinternal)." (".(int)(100.0*(($iAVexternal+$iAVinternal)/$iUserCount)).'%, '.$iUserCount." ".IMALAN_50.")
"; $ns->tablerender(IMALAN_37, $mes->render().$text); } //Just in case... if(!e_AJAX_REQUEST) require_once("footer.php"); ?>