ajax_observer()) exit; // e107::js('core','core/admin.js','prototype'); //e107::getJs()->requireCoreLib('core/admin.js'); class news_admin extends e_admin_dispatcher { protected $modes = array( 'main' => array( 'controller' => 'news_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'news_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ), 'cat' => array( 'controller' => 'news_cat_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'news_cat_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ), 'sub' => array( 'controller' => 'news_sub_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'news_sub_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ) ); protected $adminMenu = array( 'main/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_LIST, 'perm' => 'H'), 'main/create' => array('caption'=> NWSLAN_45, 'perm' => 'H'), // Create/Edit News Item // 'cat/list' => array('caption'=> NWSLAN_46, 'perm' => '7'), // Category List 'cat/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_CATEGORIES, 'perm' => 'H'), // Create Category. 'cat/create' => array('caption'=> "Create Category", 'perm' => 'H'), // Category List 'main/settings' => array('caption'=> LAN_PREFS, 'perm' => '0'), // Preferences // 'main/submitted' => array('caption'=> "Old Submitted ", 'perm' => 'N'), // Submitted News 'sub/list' => array('caption'=> NWSLAN_47, 'perm' => 'N'), // Submitted News // 'main/maint' => array('caption'=> LAN_NEWS_55, 'perm' => '0') // Maintenance ); protected $adminMenuAliases = array( 'main/edit' => 'main/list', 'cat/edit' => 'cat/list' ); protected $menuTitle = "News"; } class news_cat_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = ADLAN_0; // "News" protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "news_category"; protected $pid = "category_id"; protected $perPage = 0; //no limit protected $batchDelete = false; protected $sortField = 'category_order'; protected $listOrder = "category_order ASC"; protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'category_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'category_icon' => array('title'=> LAN_ICON, 'type' => 'icon', 'data' => 'str', 'width' => '100px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center', 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>FALSE, 'batch' => FALSE, 'filter'=>FALSE), 'category_name' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE, 'validate' => true, 'inline' => true), 'category_meta_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'textarea', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left','readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=150&bb=1', 'readonly'=>FALSE), 'category_meta_keywords' => array('title'=> LAN_KEYWORDS, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE), 'category_sef' => array('title'=> LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'readonly'=>FALSE), // Display name 'category_manager' => array('title'=> "Manage Permissions",'type' => 'userclass', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'data' => 'int','batch'=>TRUE, 'filter'=>TRUE), 'category_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class'=> 'right' ), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center', 'sort' => true) ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes', 'category_icon', 'category_id', 'category_name', 'category_description','category_manager', 'category_order', 'options'); protected $newspost; function init() { $this->newspost = new admin_newspost; } // function createPage() // { // $this->newspost->show_categories(); // } public function beforeCreate($new_data) { if(empty($new_data['category_sef'])) { $new_data['category_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['category_name']); } else { $new_data['category_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($new_data['category_sef']); } $sef = e107::getParser()->toDB($new_data['category_sef']); if(e107::getDb()->count('news_category', '(*)', "category_sef='{$sef}'")) { e107::getMessage()->addError('Please choose unique SEF URL string for this category'); return false; } if(empty($new_data['category_order'])) { $c = e107::getDb()->count('news_category'); $new_data['category_order'] = $c ? $c : 0; } return $new_data; } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { if(empty($new_data['category_sef'])) { $new_data['category_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($new_data['category_name']); } $sef = e107::getParser()->toDB($new_data['category_sef']); if(e107::getDb()->count('news_category', '(*)', "category_sef='{$sef}' AND category_id!=".intval($id))) { e107::getMessage()->addError('Please choose unique SEF URL string for this category'); return false; } return $new_data; } } class news_cat_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { } // Submitted News Area. class news_sub_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = ADLAN_0; // "News" protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "submitnews"; protected $pid = "submitnews_id"; protected $perPage = 10; //no limit protected $batchDelete = true; protected $formQuery = "mode=main&action=create"; protected $listOrder = "submitnews_id desc"; // submitnews_id submitnews_name submitnews_email submitnews_title submitnews_category submitnews_item submitnews_datestamp submitnews_ip submitnews_auth submitnews_file protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'type' => null, 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'thclass'=>'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'submitnews_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'width' =>'5%', 'forced'=> TRUE, 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_title' => array('title'=> LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => '35%', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_datestamp' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_32, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y'), 'submitnews_category' => array('title'=> LAN_CATEGORY, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>FALSE), // 'submitnews_item' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left','readParms' => 'expand=...&truncate=150&bb=1', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_name' => array('title'=> LAN_AUTHOR, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_ip' => array('title'=> "IP", 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left', 'readonly'=>TRUE), 'submitnews_auth' => array('title'=> "User", 'type' => 'user', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'right', 'class'=> 'right' ), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => "method", 'width' => '10%', 'forced'=>TRUE, 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center') ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes', 'submitnews_id', 'submitnews_title', 'submitnews_category', 'options'); protected $newspost; protected $cats; function init() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT category_id,category_name FROM #news_category"); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $cat = $row['category_id']; $this->cats[$cat] = $row['category_name']; } asort($this->cats); $this->fields['submitnews_category']['writeParms'] = $this->cats; $this->newspost = new admin_newspost; } // function createPage() // { // $this->newspost->show_categories(); // } public function beforeCreate($new_data) { } public function beforeUpdate($new_data, $old_data, $id) { } } class news_sub_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { function submitnews_title($cur,$val) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $row = $this->getController()->getListModel(); $submitnews_id = $row->get('submitnews_id'); $submitnews_title = $row->get('submitnews_title'); $submitnews_file = $row->get('submitnews_file'); $submitnews_item = $row->get('submitnews_item'); // $text .= ""; $text .= ""; $text .= $tp->toHTML($submitnews_title,FALSE,'emotes_off, no_make_clickable'); $text .= ''; $text .= ' '; return $text; } // Override the default Options field. function options($parms, $value, $id, $attributes) { if($attributes['mode'] == 'read') { $text = "
"; $approved = $this->getController()->getListModel()->get('submitnews_auth'); // approved; if($approved == 0) { //$text = $this->submit_image('submitnews['.$id.']', 1, 'execute', NWSLAN_58); $text = "".ADMIN_EXECUTE_ICON.""; // NWSLAN_103; } else // Already submitted; { } $text .= $this->submit_image('etrigger_delete['.$id.']', $id, 'delete', LAN_DELETE.' [ ID: '.$id.' ]', array('class' => 'btn btn-large action delete'.$delcls)); $text .= "
"; return $text; } } } // Main News Area. class news_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = ADLAN_0; // "News" protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "news"; protected $pid = "news_id"; protected $perPage = 10; //no limit protected $batchDelete = true; protected $batchCopy = true; protected $batchLink = true; protected $listOrder = "news_id desc"; // true for 'vars' value means use same var protected $url = array( 'route'=>'news/view/item', 'name' => 'news_title', 'description' => 'news_summary', 'vars'=> array('news_id' => true, 'news_sef' => true, 'category_id' => 'news_category', 'category_sef' => true) // FIXME category_sef missing, we have to retrieve category data on the list view ); // 'link' only needed if profile not provided. protected $listQry = "SELECT n.*,u.user_id,u.user_name FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author = u.user_id "; // without any Order or Limit. protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title' => '', 'type' => null, 'width' => '3%', 'thclass' => 'center first', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'toggle' => 'news_selected', 'forced' => TRUE), 'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_ID, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'link=sef&target=blank'), 'news_thumbnail' => array('title' => NWSLAN_67, 'type' => 'method', 'width' => '110px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => "center", 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','readonly'=>false), 'news_title' => array('title' => LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_summary' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_27, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_meta_keywords' => array('title' => LAN_KEYWORDS, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_meta_description' => array('title' => LAN_DESCRIPTION,'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_sef' => array('title' => LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'user_name' => array('title' => LAN_AUTHOR, 'type' => 'text', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'noedit' => true), 'news_datestamp' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_32, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y', 'filter'=>true), 'news_category' => array('title' => NWSLAN_6, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data' => 'int', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_start' => array('title' => "Start", 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y'), 'news_end' => array('title' => "End", 'type' => 'datestamp', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y'), 'news_class' => array('title' => LAN_VISIBILITY, 'type' => 'userclasses', 'data' => 'int', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_render_type' => array('title' => LAN_TEMPLATE, 'type' => 'comma', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_sticky' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_28, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data' => 'int' , 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true), 'news_allow_comments' => array('title' => NWSLAN_15, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data' => 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false,'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true,'readParms'=>'reverse=1','writeParms'=>'reverse=1'), 'news_comment_total' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_60, 'type' => 'number', 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'options' => array('title' => LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'forced' => TRUE) ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes','news_id', 'news_thumbnail', 'news_title', 'news_datestamp', 'news_category', 'options'); protected $cats = array(); protected $newspost; protected $news_renderTypes = array( '0' => "Default", '1' => "Default - Title", '4' => "Default - Title/Summary", '2' => "Sidebar - Othernews", '3' => "Sidebar - Othernews 2", //'5' => "Featurebox" ); function init() { // Ping Changes to Services. $pingServices = e107::getPref('news_ping_services'); //TODO Use Ajax with progress-bar. if(vartrue($_POST['news_ping'],false) && (count($pingServices)>0) && ($_POST['news_userclass'] == e_UC_PUBLIC)) { include (e_HANDLER.'xmlrpc/xmlrpc.inc.php'); include (e_HANDLER.'xmlrpc/xmlrpcs.inc.php'); include (e_HANDLER.'xmlrpc/xmlrpc_wrappers.inc.php'); $extendedServices = array('blogsearch.google.com'); $port = 80; foreach($pingServices as $fullUrl) { $fullUrl = str_replace("http://","", trim($fullUrl)); list($server,$path) = explode("/",$fullUrl, 2); $path = "/".$path; $weblog_name = SITENAME; $weblog_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP; $changes_url = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_HTTP."news.php?extend.".$_POST['news_id']; $cat_or_rss = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].e_PLUGIN_ABS."rss_menu/rss.php?1.2"; $extended = (in_array($server, $extendedServices)) ? true : false; $this->ping($server, $port, $path, $weblog_name, $weblog_url, $changes_url, $cat_or_rss, $extended); } } $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->gen("SELECT category_id,category_name FROM #news_category"); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $cat = $row['category_id']; $this->cats[$cat] = $row['category_name']; } asort($this->cats); $this->fields['news_category']['writeParms'] = $this->cats; $this->fields['news_render_type']['writeParms'] = $this->news_renderTypes; // array(NWSLAN_75,NWSLAN_76,NWSLAN_77,NWSLAN_77." 2","Featurebox"); $this->newspost = new admin_newspost; $this->newspost->news_renderTypes = $this->news_renderTypes; $this->newspost->observer(); } /* Multi-purpose ping for any XML-RPC server that supports the Weblogs.Com interface. */ function ping($xml_rpc_server, $xml_rpc_port, $xml_rpc_path, $weblog_name, $weblog_url, $changes_url, $cat_or_rss='', $extended = false) { $name_param = new xmlrpcval($weblog_name, 'string'); $url_param = new xmlrpcval($weblog_url, 'string'); $changes_param = new xmlrpcval($changes_url, 'string'); $cat_or_rss_param = new xmlrpcval($cat_or_rss, 'string'); $method_name = ($extended) ? "weblogUpdates.extendedPing" : "weblogUpdates.ping"; if ($cat_or_rss != "") { $params = array($name_param, $url_param, $changes_param, $cat_or_rss_param); $call_text = "$method_name(\"$weblog_name\", \"$weblog_url\", \"$changes_url\", \"$cat_or_rss\")"; } else { if ($changes_url != "") { $params = array($name_param, $url_param, $changes_param); $call_text = "$method_name(\"$weblog_name\", \"$weblog_url\", \"$changes_url\")"; } else { $params = array($name_param, $url_param); $call_text = "$method_name(\"$weblog_name\", \"$weblog_url\")"; } } // create the message $message = new xmlrpcmsg($method_name, $params); $client = new xmlrpc_client($xml_rpc_path, $xml_rpc_server, $xml_rpc_port); $response = $client->send($message); $this->log_ping("Request: " . $call_text); $this->log_ping($message->serialize(), true); if ($response == 0) { $error_text = "Error: " . $xml_rpc_server . ": " . $client->errno . " " . $client->errstring; $this->report_error($error_text); $this->log_ping($error_text); return false; } if ($response->faultCode() != 0) { $error_text = "Error: " . $xml_rpc_server . ": " . $response->faultCode() . " " . $response->faultString(); $this->report_error($error_text); return false; } $response_value = $response->value(); if ($this->debug) { $this->report_error($response_value->serialize()); } $this->log_ping($response_value->serialize(), true); $fl_error = $response_value->structmem('flerror'); $message = $response_value->structmem('message'); // read the response if ($fl_error->scalarval() != false) { $error_text = "Error: " . $xml_rpc_server . ": " . $message->scalarval(); $this->report_error($error_text); $this->log_ping($error_text); return false; } return true; } // save ping data to a log file function log_ping($message, $xml_data = false) { $message = $xml_data." ".$message; file_put_contents(e_LOG."news_ping.log", $message, FILE_APPEND); } // sDisplay Ping errors. function report_error($message) { e107::getMessage()->addError($message); } function createPage() { // print_a($_POST); if(isset($_GET['sub'])) { $id = intval($_GET['sub']); $this->loadSubmitted($id); } else { $this->preCreate(); } $this->newspost->show_create_item(); } function categoryPage() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $this->newspost->show_categories(); // $newspost->show_create_item(); } function submittedPage() { $this->newspost->show_submitted_news(); } function maintPage() { } function settingsPage() { return $this->newspost->show_news_prefs(); } function noPermissions($qry = '') { $url = e_SELF.($qry ? '?'.$qry : ''); if($qry !== e_QUERY) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $this->show_message('Insufficient permissions!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, true); session_write_close(); header('Location: '.$url); } exit; } function loadSubmitted($id) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if ($sql->select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_id=".intval($id))) { //list($id, $submitnews_name, $submitnews_email, $_POST['news_title'], $submitnews_category, $_POST['news_body'], $submitnews_datestamp, $submitnews_ip, $submitnews_auth, $submitnews_file) = $sql->fetch(); $row = $sql->fetch(); $_POST['news_title'] = $row['submitnews_title']; $_POST['news_body'] = $row['submitnews_item']; $_POST['cat_id'] = $row['submitnews_category']; // if (defsettrue('e_WYSIWYG')) // { // if (substr($_POST['news_body'],-7,7) == '[/html]') $_POST['news_body'] = substr($_POST['news_body'],0,-7); // if (substr($_POST['news_body'],0,6) == '[html]') $_POST['news_body'] = substr($_POST['news_body'],6); // $_POST['news_body'] .= "
".NWSLAN_49." {$row['submitnews_name']}"; // $_POST['news_body'] .= ($row['submitnews_file'])? "

": ''; // } // else { $_POST['news_body'] .= "\n[[b]".NWSLAN_49." {$row['submitnews_name']}[/b]]"; if($row['submitnews_file']) { $files = explode(",",$row['submitnews_file']); foreach($files as $f) { if($bbpath = e107::getMedia()->importFile($f,'news')) { $_POST['news_body'] .= "\n\n[img]".$bbpath."[/img]"; } } } } $_POST['data'] = $tp->dataFilter($_POST['data']); // Filter any nasties $_POST['news_title'] = $tp->dataFilter($_POST['news_title']); } } function preCreate() { if($_GET['action'] == "edit" && !$_POST['preview']) { if(!isset($_POST['submit_news'])) { if(e107::getDb()->select('news', '*', 'news_id='.intval($_GET['id']))) { $row = e107::getDb()->fetch(); // if(!isset($this->news_categories[$row['news_category']])) { // $this->noPermissions(); } $_POST['news_title'] = $row['news_title']; $_POST['news_sef'] = $row['news_sef']; $_POST['news_body'] = $row['news_body']; $_POST['news_author'] = $row['news_author']; $_POST['news_extended'] = $row['news_extended']; $_POST['news_allow_comments'] = $row['news_allow_comments']; $_POST['news_class'] = $row['news_class']; $_POST['news_summary'] = $row['news_summary']; $_POST['news_sticky'] = $row['news_sticky']; $_POST['news_datestamp'] = ($_POST['news_datestamp']) ? $_POST['news_datestamp'] : $row['news_datestamp']; $_POST['cat_id'] = $row['news_category']; $_POST['news_start'] = $row['news_start']; $_POST['news_end'] = $row['news_end']; $_POST['comment_total'] = e107::getDb()->db_Count("comments", "(*)", " WHERE comment_item_id={$row['news_id']} AND comment_type='0'"); $_POST['news_render_type'] = $row['news_render_type']; $_POST['news_thumbnail'] = $row['news_thumbnail']; $_POST['news_meta_keywords'] = $row['news_meta_keywords']; $_POST['news_meta_description'] = $row['news_meta_description']; } } } } } class news_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { function news_thumbnail($curval,$mode) { if(!vartrue($curval)) return; if($curval[0] != "{") { $curval = "{e_IMAGE}newspost_images/".$curval; } $url = e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($curval,'aw=80'); $link = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($curval); return "{$curval}"; } function news_title($value, $mode) { if($mode == 'read') { $news_item = $this->getController()->getListModel()->toArray(); $url = e107::getUrl()->create('news/view/item', $news_item); return "".$value.""; } return $value; } } new news_admin(); require_once(e_ADMIN."auth.php"); e107::getAdminUI()->runPage(); if(!e_AJAX_REQUEST) require_once("footer.php"); exit; function headerjs() { return; $newspost = e107::getRegistry('_newspost_admin'); /* $ret .= ""; */ // TODO - REMOVE $ret .= " "; if($newspost->getAction() == 'cat') { $ret .= " "; } elseif ($newspost->getAction() == 'pref') { $ret .= " "; } $ret .= $newspost->_cal->load_files(); return $ret; } $e_sub_cat = 'news'; require_once('auth.php'); /* * Observe for delete action */ $newspost->observer(); /* * Show requested page */ $newspost->show_page(); /* OLD JS? Can't find references to this func echo " \n"; */ require_once("footer.php"); exit; class admin_newspost { var $_request = array(); var $_cal = array(); var $_pst; var $_fields; var $_sort_order; var $_sort_link; var $fieldpref; var $news_categories; public $news_renderTypes = array(); public $error = false; function __construct($qry='') { global $user_pref; $qry = ""; $this->parseRequest($qry); require_once(e_HANDLER."cache_handler.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."news_class.php"); $this->fieldpref = varset($user_pref['admin_news_columns'], array('news_id', 'news_title', 'news_author', 'news_render_type', 'options')); $this->fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title' => '', 'type' => null, 'data'=> false, 'width' => '3%', 'thclass' => 'center first', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'toggle' => 'news_selected', 'forced' => TRUE), 'news_id' => array('title' => LAN_ID, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => '5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false), 'news_thumbnail' => array('title' => NWSLAN_67, 'type' => 'image', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => '110px', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => "center", 'nosort' => false, 'readParms'=>'thumb=60&thumb_urlraw=0&thumb_aw=60','writeParams' => 'path={e_MEDIA}','readonly'=>false), 'news_title' => array('title' => LAN_TITLE, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_summary' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_27, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_meta_keywords' => array('title' => LAN_KEYWORDS, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_meta_description' => array('title' => LAN_DESCRIPTION,'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_sef' => array('title' => LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'user_name' => array('title' => LAN_AUTHOR, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_datestamp' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_32, 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y'), 'category_name' => array('title' => NWSLAN_6, 'type' => 'text', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_start' => array('title' => "Start", 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y'), 'news_end' => array('title' => "End", 'type' => 'datestamp', 'data'=> 'str','width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false, 'parms' => 'mask=%A %d %B %Y'), 'news_class' => array('title' => LAN_VISIBILITY, 'type' => 'userclass', 'data'=> 'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_render_type' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_49, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'data'=> 'comma', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'news_sticky' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_28, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false), 'news_allow_comments' => array('title' => NWSLAN_15, 'type' => 'boolean', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => false), 'news_comment_total' => array('title' => LAN_NEWS_60, 'type' => 'number', 'data'=> 'int', 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => '', 'class' => null, 'nosort' => false), 'options' => array('title' => LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'data'=> false, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class' => 'center', 'nosort' => true, 'forced' => TRUE) ); /* $ren_type = array(NWSLAN_75,NWSLAN_76,NWSLAN_77,NWSLAN_77." 2"); $r_array = array(); foreach($ren_type as $key=>$value) { $this->news_renderTypes[$key] = $value; }*/ // $this->news_renderTypes = array('0'=>NWSLAN_75,'1'=>NWSLAN_76,'2'=>NWSLAN_77,'3'=>NWSLAN_77." 2",'4'=>"Featurebox"); // $this->news_renderTypes = array('0'=>"FrontPage",'1'=>"FrontPage - Linkonly",'2'=>"Othernews Sidebar",'3'=>"Othernews Sidebar"." 2",'4'=>"Featurebox"); } function parseRequest($qry) { $tmp = explode(".", $qry); $action = varsettrue($tmp[0], 'main'); $sub_action = varset($tmp[1], ''); $id = isset($tmp[2]) && is_numeric($tmp[2]) ? intval($tmp[2]) : 0; $this->_sort_order = isset($tmp[2]) && !is_numeric($tmp[2]) ? $tmp[2] : 'desc'; $from = intval(varset($tmp[3],0)); unset($tmp); $action = vartrue($_GET['action'],'main'); $sub_action = varset($_GET['sub'],''); $id = isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0; $this->_sort_order = isset($_GET['id']) && !is_numeric($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : 'desc'; $from = intval(varset($_GET['frm'],0)); if ($this->_sort_order != 'asc') $this->_sort_order = 'desc'; $this->_sort_link = ($this->_sort_order) == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; $sort_order = 'desc'; $this->_request = array($action, $sub_action, $id, $sort_order, $from); } function getAction() { return $this->_request[0]; } /** * @param string $action * @return admin_newspost */ function setAction($action) { $this->_request[0] = $action; return $this; } function getSubAction() { return $this->_request[1]; } /** * @param string $action * @return admin_newspost */ function setSubAction($action) { $this->_request[1] = $action; return $this; } function getId() { return $this->_request[2]; } /** * @param integer $id * @return admin_newspost */ function setId($id) { $this->_request[2] = intval($id); return $this; } function getSortOrder() { return $this->_request[3]; } function getFrom() { return $this->_request[4]; } function clear_cache() { $ecache = e107::getCache(); $ecache->clear("news.php"); //TODO change it to 'news_*' everywhere $ecache->clear("news_", false, true); //NEW global news cache prefix //$ecache->clear("nq_news_"); - supported by cache::clear() now //$ecache->clear("nomd5_news_"); supported by cache::clear() now $ecache->clear("othernews"); //TODO change it to 'news_othernews' everywhere $ecache->clear("othernews2"); //TODO change it to 'news_othernews2' everywhere return $this; } function clear_rwcache($sefstr = '') { // obsolete } function set_rwcache($sefstr, $data) { // obsolete } function ajax_observer() { $method = 'ajax_exec_'.$this->getAction(); if(e_AJAX_REQUEST && method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->$method(); return true; } return false; } function observer() { e107::getDb()->db_Mark_Time('News Administration'); $this->news_categories = array(); if(e107::getDb()->select('news_category', '*', (getperms('0') ? '' : 'category_manager IN ('.USERCLASS_LIST.')'))) { $this->news_categories = e107::getDb()->db_getList('ALL', FALSE, FALSE, 'category_id'); } //Required on create & savepreset action triggers if(isset($_POST['news_userclass']) && is_array($_POST['news_userclass'])) { $_POST['news_class'] = implode(",", $_POST['news_userclass']); unset($_POST['news_userclass']); } $main = getperms('0'); if(isset($_POST['delete']) && is_array($_POST['delete'])) { $this->_observe_delete(); } elseif(isset($_POST['execute_batch'])) { $this->process_batch($_POST['news_selected']); } elseif(isset($_POST['submit_news'])) { $this->_observe_submit_item($this->getSubAction(), $this->getId()); } elseif($main && isset($_POST['create_category'])) { $this->_observe_create_category(); } elseif($main && isset($_POST['update_category'])) { $this->_observe_update_category(); } elseif($main && isset($_POST['multi_update_category'])) { $this->_observe_multi_create_category(); } elseif($main && isset($_POST['save_prefs'])) { $this->_observe_save_prefs(); } elseif(isset($_POST['submitupload'])) { $this->_observe_upload(); } elseif(isset($_POST['news_comments_recalc'])) { $this->_observe_newsCommentsRecalc(); } if(isset($_POST['etrigger_ecolumns'])) //elseif fails. { // $this->_observe_saveColumns(); } } function show_page() { // print_a($POST); switch ($this->getAction()) { case 'create': $this->_pst->read_preset('admin_newspost'); //only works here because $_POST is used. $this->show_create_item(); break; case 'cat': if(!getperms('0|7')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $this->show_categories(); break; case 'sn': $this->show_submitted_news(); break; case 'pref': if(!getperms('0')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $this->show_news_prefs(); break; case 'maint' : if(!getperms('0')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $this->showMaintenance(); break; default: $this->show_existing_items(); break; } } function _observe_delete() { $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); //FIXME - SEF URL cache $tmp = array_keys($_POST['delete']); list($delete, $del_id) = explode("_", $tmp[0]); $del_id = intval($del_id); if(!$del_id) return false; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); switch ($delete) { case 'main': if ($sql->count('news','(*)',"news_id={$del_id}")) { e107::getEvent()->trigger("newsdel", $del_id); if($sql->delete("news", "news_id={$del_id}")) { $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_01',$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $this->show_message(NWSLAN_31." #".$del_id." ".NWSLAN_32, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->clear_cache(); $data = array('method'=>'delete', 'table'=>'news', 'id'=>$del_id, 'plugin'=>'news', 'function'=>'delete'); $this->show_message(e107::getEvent()->triggerHook($data), E_MESSAGE_WARNING); admin_purge_related("news", $del_id); } } break; case 'category': if(!getperms('0|7')) $this->noPermissions(); if (($count = $sql->count('news','(news_id)',"news_category={$del_id}")) === false || $count > 0) { $this->show_message('Category is in used in '.$count.' news items and cannot be deleted.', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return false; } if ($sql->count('news_category','(*)',"category_id={$del_id}")) { e107::getEvent()->trigger("newscatdel", $del_id); if ($sql->delete("news_category", "category_id={$del_id}")) { $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_02',$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $this->show_message(NWSLAN_33." #".$del_id." ".NWSLAN_32, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->clear_cache(); } } break; case 'sn': if ($sql->delete("submitnews", "submitnews_id={$del_id}")) { $admin_log->log_event('NEWS_03',$del_id,E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); $this->show_message(NWSLAN_34." #".$del_id." ".NWSLAN_32); $this->clear_cache(); } break; default: return false; } return true; } // In USE. function _observe_submit_item($sub_action, $id) { // ##### Format and submit item to DB $ix = new news; // jQuery UI temporary date-time fix - inputdatetime -> inputdate $_POST['news_start'] = vartrue(e107::getDate()->convert($_POST['news_start'],'inputdate'), 0); if($_POST['news_start']) { // $_POST['news_start'] = e107::getDate()->convert($_POST['news_start']); } else { // $_POST['news_start'] = 0; } if($_POST['news_end']) { $_POST['news_end'] = e107::getDate()->convert($_POST['news_end'],'inputdate'); } else { $_POST['news_end'] = 0; } if($_POST['news_datestamp']) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = e107::getDate()->convert($_POST['news_datestamp'],'inputdate'); } else { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } /* $matches = array(); if(preg_match('#(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?) (.*?):(.*?):(.*?)$#', $_POST['news_datestamp'], $matches)) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[1], $matches[3]); } else { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } if($_POST['update_datestamp']) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } */ if ($id && $sub_action != "sn" && $sub_action != "upload") { $_POST['news_id'] = $id; } else { e107::getDb()->db_Update('submitnews', "submitnews_auth=1 WHERE submitnews_id ={$id}"); e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('NEWS_07', $id, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); } if (!isset($_POST['cat_id'])) { $_POST['cat_id'] = 0; } $_POST['news_category'] = $_POST['cat_id']; if(!isset($this->news_categories[$_POST['news_category']])) { $this->noPermissions(); } /*if(isset($_POST['news_thumbnail'])) { $_POST['news_thumbnail'] = urldecode(basename($_POST['news_thumbnail'])); }*/ $_POST['news_render_type'] = implode(",",$_POST['news_render_type']); // print_a($_POST); // exit; $tmp = explode(chr(35), $_POST['news_author']); $_POST['news_author'] = $tmp[0]; $ret = $ix->submit_item($_POST, !vartrue($_POST['create_edit_stay'])); if($ret['error']) { e107::getMessage()->mergeWithSession() //merge with session messages ->add(($id ? LAN_UPDATED_FAILED : LAN_CREATED_FAILED), E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $_POST['news_sef'] = $ret['data']['news_sef']; return false; } $this->clear_cache(); if(isset($_POST['create_edit_stay']) && !empty($_POST['create_edit_stay'])) { if($this->getAction() != 'edit') { session_write_close(); $rurl = e_SELF.(vartrue($ret['news_id']) ? '?mode='.$_GET['mode'].'&action=edit&id='.$ret['news_id'] : ''); header('Location: '.$rurl); exit; } } else { session_write_close(); header('Location:'.e_SELF); exit; } } function _observe_create_category() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { $this->noPermissions(); } //FIXME - lan, e_model based news administration model $this->error = false; if(empty($_POST['category_name'])) { $this->show_message('Validation Error: Missing Category name', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $this->error = true; if(!empty($_POST['category_sef'])) { $_POST['category_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($_POST['category_sef']); } } else { // first format sef... if(empty($_POST['category_sef'])) { $_POST['category_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($_POST['category_name']); } else { $_POST['category_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($_POST['category_sef']); } } // ...then check it if(empty($_POST['category_sef'])) { $this->error = true; $this->show_message('Validation error: News Category SEF URL value is required field and can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } elseif(e107::getDb()->db_Count('news_category', '(category_id)', "category_sef='".e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['category_sef'])."'")) { $this->error = true; $this->show_message('Validation error: News Category SEF URL is unique field - current value already in use! Please choose another SEF URL value.', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } if (!$this->error) { $inserta = array(); $inserta['data']['category_icon'] = $_POST['category_icon']; $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_icon'] = 'todb'; $inserta['data']['category_name'] = $_POST['category_name']; $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_name'] = 'todb'; $inserta['data']['category_sef'] = $_POST['category_sef']; $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_sef'] = 'todb'; $inserta['data']['category_meta_description'] = eHelper::formatMetaDescription($_POST['category_meta_description']); $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_meta_description'] = 'todb'; $inserta['data']['category_meta_keywords'] = eHelper::formatMetaKeys($_POST['category_meta_keywords']); $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_meta_keywords'] = 'todb'; $inserta['data']['category_manager'] = $_POST['category_manager']; $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_manager'] = 'int'; $inserta['data']['category_order'] = $_POST['category_order']; $inserta['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_order'] = 'int'; $id = e107::getDb()->db_Insert('news_category', $inserta); if($id) { $inserta['data']['category_id'] = $id; //admin log now supports DB array and method chaining e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('NEWS_04', $inserta, E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); $this->show_message(NWSLAN_35, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->clear_cache(); //TODO - add to WIKI docs e107::getEvent()->trigger("newscatpost", array_merge($inserta['data'], $rwinserta['data'])); } else { //debug + error message if(e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber()) { $this->error = true; $this->show_message('mySQL Error detected!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); e107::getMessage()->addDebug('mySQL error #'.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber().': '.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText()); } } } } function _observe_update_category() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $this->setId(intval($_POST['category_id'])); if(!$this->getId()) { return; } //FIXME - lan, e_model based news administration model $this->error = false; if(empty($_POST['category_name'])) { $this->show_message('Validation Error: Missing Category name', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $this->error = true; if(!empty($_POST['category_sef'])) { $_POST['category_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($_POST['category_sef']); } } else { // first format sef... if(empty($_POST['category_sef'])) { $_POST['category_sef'] = eHelper::title2sef($_POST['category_name']); } else { $_POST['category_sef'] = eHelper::secureSef($_POST['category_sef']); } } // ...then check it if(empty($_POST['category_sef'])) { $this->error = true; $this->show_message('Validation error: News Category SEF URL value is required field and can\'t be empty!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } elseif(e107::getDb()->db_Count('news_category', '(category_id)', "category_id<>".$this->getId()." AND category_sef='".(e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['category_sef'])."'"))) { $this->error = true; $this->show_message('Validation error: News Category SEF URL is unique field - current value already in use! Please choose another SEF URL value.', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } if (!$this->error) { $updatea = array(); $updatea['data']['category_icon'] = $_POST['category_icon']; $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_icon'] = 'todb'; $updatea['data']['category_name'] = $_POST['category_name']; $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_name'] = 'todb'; $updatea['data']['category_sef'] = $_POST['category_sef']; $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_sef'] = 'todb'; $updatea['data']['category_meta_description'] = strip_tags($_POST['category_meta_description']); $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_meta_description'] = 'str'; $updatea['data']['category_meta_keywords'] = $_POST['category_meta_keywords']; $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_meta_keywords'] = 'str'; $updatea['data']['category_manager'] = $_POST['category_manager']; $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_manager'] = 'int'; $updatea['data']['category_order'] = $_POST['category_order']; $updatea['_FIELD_TYPES']['category_order'] = 'int'; $updatea['WHERE'] = 'category_id='.$this->getId(); $inserta = array(); $rid = 0; $upcheck = e107::getDb()->db_Update("news_category", $updatea); $rwupcheck = false; if($upcheck || !e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber()) { if ($upcheck || $rwupcheck) { //admin log now supports DB array and method chaining $updatea['data']['category_id'] = $this->getId(); if($upcheck) e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('NEWS_05', $updatea['data'], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); if($rwupcheck && $inserta['data']) e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('NEWS_10', $inserta['data'], E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); $this->show_message(NWSLAN_36, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->clear_cache(); //TODO - add to WIKI docs e107::getEvent()->trigger("newscatupd", array_merge($updatea['data'], $inserta['data'])); } else { $this->show_message(LAN_NO_CHANGE); } $this->setId(0); } else { $this->error = true; $this->setSubAction('edit'); $this->show_message('mySQL Error detected!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $this->show_message('#'.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber().': '.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText(), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); return; } } } function _observe_multi_create_category() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $cnt = 0; foreach ($_POST['multi_category_manager'] as $cid => $val) { $order = $_POST['multi_category_order'][$cid]; $cnt += (int) e107::getDb()->db_Update('news_category', 'category_manager='.intval($val).', category_order='.intval($order).' WHERE category_id='.intval($cid)); } if($cnt) e107::getMessage()->addSuccess(LAN_UPDATED); } function _observe_save_prefs() { if(!getperms('0')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $temp = array(); $temp['newsposts'] = intval($_POST['newsposts']); $temp['newsposts_archive'] = intval($_POST['newsposts_archive']); $temp['newsposts_archive_title'] = e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['newsposts_archive_title']); $temp['news_cats'] = intval($_POST['news_cats']); $temp['nbr_cols'] = intval($_POST['nbr_cols']); $temp['subnews_attach'] = intval($_POST['subnews_attach']); $temp['subnews_resize'] = intval($_POST['subnews_resize']); $temp['subnews_class'] = intval($_POST['subnews_class']); $temp['subnews_htmlarea'] = intval($_POST['subnews_htmlarea']); $temp['news_subheader'] = e107::getParser()->toDB($_POST['news_subheader']); $temp['news_newdateheader'] = intval($_POST['news_newdateheader']); $temp['news_unstemplate'] = intval($_POST['news_unstemplate']); $temp['news_editauthor'] = intval($_POST['news_editauthor']); $temp['news_ping_services'] = explode("\n",$_POST['news_ping_services']); $temp['news_sefbase'] = preg_replace('#[^\w\pL\-]#u', '', $_POST['news_sefbase']); e107::getConfig()->updatePref($temp); if(e107::getConfig()->save(false)) { e107::getAdminLog()->logArrayDiffs($temp, e107::getPref(), 'NEWS_06'); $this->clear_cache(); } } function _observe_upload() { //$pref['upload_storagetype'] = "1"; require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); $uploaded = file_upload(e_NEWSIMAGE); foreach($_POST['uploadtype'] as $key=>$uploadtype) { if($uploadtype == "thumb") { rename(e_NEWSIMAGE.$uploaded[$key]['name'],e_NEWSIMAGE."thumb_".$uploaded[$key]['name']); } if($uploadtype == "file") { rename(e_NEWSIMAGE.$uploaded[$key]['name'],e_DOWNLOAD.$uploaded[$key]['name']); } if ($uploadtype == "resize" && $_POST['resize_value']) { require_once(e_HANDLER."resize_handler.php"); resize_image(e_NEWSIMAGE.$uploaded[$key]['name'], e_NEWSIMAGE.$uploaded[$key]['name'], $_POST['resize_value'], "copy"); } } } /* function _observe_saveColumns() { global $user_pref,$admin_log; $user_pref['admin_news_columns'] = $_POST['e-columns']; save_prefs('user'); $this->fieldpref = $user_pref['admin_news_columns']; } function show_existing_items() { $user_pref = e107::getUser()->getPref(); $sql = e107::getDb(); if(!getperms('H')) { return; } //require_once(e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); $frm = e107::getForm(true); //enable inner tabindex counter // Effectively toggle setting for headings $amount = 10;//TODO - pref if(!is_array($user_pref['admin_news_columns'])) { $user_pref['admin_news_columns'] = array("news_id","news_title","news_author","news_render_type"); } $field_columns = $this->fields; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); // ------ Search Filter ------ $text .= "
\n"; $text .= ""; $text .= $frm->admin_button('searchsubmit', NWSLAN_63, 'search'); $text .= "
"; // -------------------------------------------- $query = " SELECT n.*, nc.*, u.user_name, u.user_id FROM #news AS n LEFT JOIN #news_category AS nc ON n.news_category=nc.category_id LEFT JOIN #user AS u ON n.news_author=u.user_id "; $check_perms = !getperms('0') ? " nc.category_manager IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") " : ''; // Quick qry fix. $check_perms .= (vartrue($_GET['filter'])) ? " n.news_category = ".intval($_GET['filter'])." " : ""; if (vartrue($_GET['srch'])) { $query .= "WHERE {$check_perms}n.news_title REGEXP('".$_GET['srch']."') OR n.news_body REGEXP('".$_GET['srch']."') OR n.news_extended REGEXP('".$_GET['srch']."') ORDER BY n.news_datestamp DESC"; } else { $ordfield = 'n.news_datestamp'; if($this->getSubAction() == 'user_name') { $ordfield = "u.user_name"; } elseif(strpos($this->getSubAction(), 'category_')) { $ordfield = 'nc.'.$this->getSubAction(); } elseif($this->getSubAction()) { $ordfield = 'n.'.$this->getSubAction(); } $query .= ($check_perms ? "WHERE {$check_perms}" : '')."ORDER BY {$ordfield} ".strtoupper($this->_sort_order); } $newsposts = $sql->db_Select_gen($query); //echo "sql=".$query; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($query." LIMIT ".$this->getFrom().", {$amount}")) { $newsarray = $e107->sql->db_getList(); $text .= "
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"; $text .= "
"; $text .= "
"; } else { $tmp = NWSLAN_43; if(vartrue($_GET['srch'])) { $tmp = sprintf(NWSLAN_121, '"'.$_GET['srch'])."" « ".LAN_BACK.""; } $text = "
"; } // $newsposts = $sql->count('news'); if ($newsposts > $amount) { // $parms = $newsposts.",".$amount.",".$this->getFrom().",".e_SELF."?".$this->getAction().'.'.($this->getSubAction() ? $this->getSubAction() : 0).'.'.$this->_sort_order.".[FROM]"; $parms = $newsposts.",".$amount.",".$this->getFrom().",".e_SELF."?action=".$this->getAction().'&sub='.($this->getSubAction() ? $this->getSubAction() : 0).'&id='.$this->_sort_order.'&filter='.intval($_GET['filter']).'&srch='.$_GET['srch']."&frm=[FROM]"; $nextprev = $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); if ($nextprev) $text .= "
"; } e107::getRender()->tablerender(NWSLAN_4, e107::getMessage()->render().$text); } function show_batch_options() { $classes = e107::getUserClass()->uc_get_classlist(); // Grab news Category Names; e107::getDb()->select('news_category', '*'); $newscatarray = e107::getDb()->db_getList(); $news_category = $news_manage = array(); foreach($newscatarray as $val) { $news_category[$val['category_id']] = $val['category_name']; $news_manage[$val['category_id']] = $val['category_manager']; } $comments_array = array('Allow Comments', 'Disable Comments', 'Reverse Allow/Disalow'); $sticky_array = array(1 => 'Sticky', 0 => 'Not Sticky', 2 => 'Reverse Them'); // more proper controls order return e107::getForm()->batchoptions( array( 'delete_selected' => LAN_DELETE, 'category' => array('Modify Category', $news_category), 'sticky_selected' => array('Modify Sticky', $sticky_array), 'rendertype' => array('Modify Render-type', $this->news_renderTypes), 'comments' => array('Modify Comments', $comments_array), '__check_class' => array('category' => $news_manage) ), array( 'userclass' => array('Assign Visibility...',$classes), ) ); } function batch_category($ids, $value) { if(!isset($this->news_categories[$value])) { $this->noPermissions(); } $sql = e107::getDb(); $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_category = ".$value." WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } function batch_comments($ids, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $value = intval($value); if(2 === $value) //reverse it { $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_allow_comments=1-news_allow_comments WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } else //set it { $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_allow_comments=".$value." WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } } function batch_rendertype($ids, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_render_type = ".$value." WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } function batch_userclass($ids, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_class = ".$value." WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } function batch_delete($ids, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $count = $sql->db_Delete("news","news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } function batch_subdelete($ids, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $count = $sql->db_Delete("submitnews","submitnews_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } function batch_subcategory($ids, $value) { if(!isset($this->news_categories[$value])) { $this->noPermissions(); } $sql = e107::getDb(); $count = $sql->db_Update("submitnews","submitnews_category = ".$value." WHERE submitnews_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } function batch_sticky($ids, $value) { $sql = e107::getDb(); $value = intval($value); if(2 === $value) //reverse it { $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_sticky=1-news_sticky WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } else //set it { $count = $sql->db_Update("news","news_sticky=".$value." WHERE news_id IN (".implode(",",$ids).") "); } } function process_batch($id_array) { list($type, $tmp, $value) = explode("_",$_POST['execute_batch']); $method = "batch_".$type; if (method_exists($this,$method) && isset($id_array) ) { $this->$method($id_array,$value); } } */ // In Use. function _pre_create() { if($this->getSubAction() == "edit" && !$_POST['preview']) { if(!isset($_POST['submit_news'])) { if(e107::getDb()->select('news', '*', 'news_id='.intval($this->getId()))) { $row = e107::getDb()->fetch(); if(!isset($this->news_categories[$row['news_category']])) { $this->noPermissions(); } $_POST['news_title'] = $row['news_title']; $_POST['news_sef'] = $row['news_sef']; $_POST['news_body'] = $row['news_body']; $_POST['news_author'] = $row['news_author']; $_POST['news_extended'] = $row['news_extended']; $_POST['news_allow_comments'] = $row['news_allow_comments']; $_POST['news_class'] = $row['news_class']; $_POST['news_summary'] = $row['news_summary']; $_POST['news_sticky'] = $row['news_sticky']; $_POST['news_datestamp'] = ($_POST['news_datestamp']) ? $_POST['news_datestamp'] : $row['news_datestamp']; $_POST['cat_id'] = $row['news_category']; $_POST['news_start'] = $row['news_start']; $_POST['news_end'] = $row['news_end']; $_POST['comment_total'] = e107::getDb()->db_Count("comments", "(*)", " WHERE comment_item_id={$row['news_id']} AND comment_type='0'"); $_POST['news_render_type'] = $row['news_render_type']; $_POST['news_thumbnail'] = $row['news_thumbnail']; $_POST['news_meta_keywords'] = $row['news_meta_keywords']; $_POST['news_meta_description'] = $row['news_meta_description']; } } } } function show_create_item() { $pref = e107::getPref(); $this->_pre_create(); require_once(e_HANDLER."userclass_class.php"); $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = ''; /// if (isset($_POST['preview'])) // Deprecated // { // $text = $this->preview_item($this->getId()); // } $sub_action = $this->getSubAction(); $id = $this->getSubAction() != 'sn' && $this->getSubAction() != 'upload' ? $this->getId() : 0; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); if ($sub_action == "sn" && !varset($_POST['preview'])) { if ($sql->select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_id=".$this->getId(), TRUE)) { //list($id, $submitnews_name, $submitnews_email, $_POST['news_title'], $submitnews_category, $_POST['news_body'], $submitnews_datestamp, $submitnews_ip, $submitnews_auth, $submitnews_file) = $sql->fetch(); $row = $sql->fetch(); $_POST['news_title'] = $row['submitnews_title']; $_POST['news_body'] = $row['submitnews_item']; $_POST['cat_id'] = $row['submitnews_category']; if (defsettrue('e_WYSIWYG')) { if (substr($_POST['news_body'],-7,7) == '[/html]') $_POST['news_body'] = substr($_POST['news_body'],0,-7); if (substr($_POST['news_body'],0,6) == '[html]') $_POST['news_body'] = substr($_POST['news_body'],6); $_POST['news_body'] .= "
".NWSLAN_49." {$row['submitnews_name']}"; $_POST['news_body'] .= ($row['submitnews_file'])? "

": ''; } else { $_POST['news_body'] .= "\n[[b]".NWSLAN_49." {$row['submitnews_name']}[/b]]"; $_POST['news_body'] .= ($row['submitnews_file'])?"\n\n[img]{e_NEWSIMAGE}{$row['submitnews_file']}[/img]": ""; } $_POST['data'] = $tp->dataFilter($_POST['data']); // Filter any nasties $_POST['news_title'] = $tp->dataFilter($_POST['news_title']); } } /* if ($sub_action == "upload" && !varset($_POST['preview'])) { if ($sql->select('upload', '*', "upload_id=".$this->getId())) { $row = $sql->fetch(); $post_author_id = substr($row['upload_poster'], 0, strpos($row['upload_poster'], ".")); $post_author_name = substr($row['upload_poster'], (strpos($row['upload_poster'], ".")+1)); $match = array(); //XXX DB UPLOADS STILL SUPPORTED? $upload_file = "pub_" . (preg_match('#Binary\s(.*?)\/#', $row['upload_file'], $match) ? $match[1] : $row['upload_file']); $_POST['news_title'] = LAN_UPLOAD.": ".$row['upload_name']; $_POST['news_body'] = $row['upload_description']."\n[b]".NWSLAN_49." [link=".$e107->url->create('user/profile/view', 'id='.$post_author_id.'&name='.$post_author_name)."]".$post_author_name."[/link][/b]\n\n[file=request.php?".$upload_file."]{$row['upload_name']}[/file]\n"; } } */ $text .= "
".LAN_NEWS_52." "; // -------- News Author --------------------- $text .=" \n"; // ----- $text .= ""; //----------- /* $text .= " "; /* /* $text .= " "; */ $text .= "
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".LAN_TITLE.": post_toForm(vartrue($_POST['news_title']))."\" class='tbox' style='width:90%' required='required' /> ". // TOO short -> $frm->text('news_title', $tp->post_toForm($_POST['news_title']),200,array('size'=>300)). "
".LAN_NEWS_27.": post_toForm(vartrue($_POST['news_summary']))."\" class='tbox' style='width:90%' /> ". // $frm->text('news_summary', $tp->post_toForm($_POST['news_summary']), 250). "
".LAN_TEMPLATE.": "; //XXX multiple -selections at once. (comma separated) - working $text .= $frm->select('news_render_type', $this->news_renderTypes, vartrue($_POST['news_render_type']), "multiple=1")."
".LAN_AUTHOR.": "; if(!getperms('0') && !check_class($pref['news_editauthor'])) { $auth = ($_POST['news_author']) ? intval($_POST['news_author']) : USERID; $sql->select("user", "user_name", "user_id={$auth} LIMIT 1"); $row = $sql->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); $text .= ""; $text .= "".$row['user_name'].""; } else // allow master admin to { $text .= $frm->select_open('news_author'); $qry = "SELECT user_id,user_name FROM #user WHERE user_perms = '0' OR user_perms = '0.' OR user_perms REGEXP('(^|,)(H)(,|$)') "; if($pref['subnews_class'] && $pref['subnews_class']!= e_UC_GUEST && $pref['subnews_class']!= e_UC_NOBODY) { if($pref['subnews_class']== e_UC_MEMBER) { $qry .= " OR user_ban != 1"; } elseif($pref['subnews_class']== e_UC_ADMIN) { $qry .= " OR user_admin = 1"; } else { $qry .= " OR FIND_IN_SET(".intval($pref['subnews_class']).", user_class) "; } } $sql->db_Select_gen($qry); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { if(vartrue($_POST['news_author'])) { $sel = ($_POST['news_author'] == $row['user_id']); } else { $sel = (USERID == $row['user_id']); } $text .= $frm->option($row['user_name'], $row['user_id'].chr(35).$row['user_name'], $sel); } $text .= " "; } $text .= "
\n"; $text .= '
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Friendly URL string: ".$frm->text('news_sef', $tp->post_toForm(vartrue($_POST['news_sef'])), 255)."
If left empty will be automatically created from current News Title based on your current URL settings
".LAN_KEYWORDS.": ".$frm->tags('news_meta_keywords', $tp->post_toForm(vartrue($_POST['news_meta_keywords'])), 255)."
Keywords/tags associated to associate with this news item
Meta description: ".$frm->textarea('news_meta_description', $tp->post_toForm(vartrue($_POST['news_meta_description'])), 7)."
Notify Ping Services: ".$frm->checkbox('news_ping',1, 1)."
"; //BEGIN Options block $text .= "
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"; */ $text .= "
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".LAN_NEWS_28.": ".$frm->checkbox('news_sticky', '1', vartrue($_POST['news_sticky']), array('label' => LAN_NEWS_29))."
".LAN_NEWS_34.": ".LAN_NEWS_35."
"; // ".$frm->admin_button('preview', isset($_POST['preview']) ? NWSLAN_24 : NWSLAN_27 , 'other')." $text .= $frm->admin_button('submit_news', ($id && $sub_action != "sn" && $sub_action != "upload") ? NWSLAN_25 : NWSLAN_26 , 'update'); $text .= '
"; $mes = e107::getMessage(); echo $mes->render().$text; // $e107->ns->tablerender($this->getSubAction() == 'edit' ? NWSLAN_29a : NWSLAN_29, $emessage->render().$text); } function preview_item($id) { $ix = new news; $e107 = &e107::getInstance(); $_POST['news_title'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['news_title']); $_POST['news_summary'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['news_summary']); $_POST['news_id'] = $id; if($_POST['news_start']) { $tmp = explode("/", $_POST['news_start']); $_POST['news_start'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); } else { $_POST['news_start'] = 0; } if($_POST['news_end']) { $tmp = explode("/", $_POST['news_end']); $_POST['news_end'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp[1], $tmp[0], $tmp[2]); } else { $_POST['news_end'] = 0; } $matches = array(); if(preg_match("#(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*?) (.*?):(.*?):(.*?)$#", $_POST['news_datestamp'], $matches)) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[1], $matches[3]); } else { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } if($_POST['update_datestamp']) { $_POST['news_datestamp'] = time(); } $sql->select("news_category", "*", "category_id='".intval($_POST['cat_id'])."'"); list($_POST['category_id'], $_POST['category_name'], $_POST['category_icon']) = $sql->fetch(); list($_POST['user_id'],$_POST['user_name']) = explode(chr(35), $_POST['news_author']); $_POST['news_author'] = $_POST['user_id']; $_POST['comment_total'] = $id ? $sql->count("comments", "(*)", " WHERE comment_item_id={$id} AND comment_type='0'") : 0; $_PR = $_POST; $_PR['news_body'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_body'],FALSE); $_PR['news_title'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_title'],FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $_PR['news_summary'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_summary']); $_PR['news_extended'] = $tp->post_toHTML($_PR['news_extended']); $_PR['news_file'] = $_POST['news_file']; $_PR['news_thumbnail'] = basename($_POST['news_thumbnail']); //$ix->render_newsitem($_PR); return "
".$tp->parseTemplate('{NEWSINFO}').$ix->render_newsitem($_PR, 'return')."
"; } function ajax_exec_cat() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { exit; } //require_once (e_HANDLER.'js_helper.php'); $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $category = array(); if ($sql->select("news_category", "*", "category_id=".$this->getId())) { $category = $sql->fetch(); } if(empty($category)) { e_jshelper::sendAjaxError(404, 'Page not found!', 'Requested news category was not found in the DB.', true); } $jshelper = new e_jshelper(); $jshelper->addResponseAction('fill-form', $category); //show cancel and update, hide create buttons; disable create button (just in case) $jshelper->addResponseAction('element-invoke-by-id', array( 'show' => 'category-clear,update-category', 'disabled,1' => 'create-category', 'hide' => 'create-category', 'newsScrollToMe' => 'core-newspost-cat-create' )); //Send the prefered response type $jshelper->sendResponse('XML'); } function ajax_exec_cat_list_refresh() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { exit; } echo $this->show_categoriy_list(); } function ajax_exec_catorder() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { exit; } //interactive category order $check = e107::getDb()->db_Update('news_category', 'category_order='.intval($this->getId()).' WHERE category_id='.intval($this->getSubAction())); if(e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber()) { echo 'mySQL Error #'.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber().': '.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText(); return; } if($check) { e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('NEWS_05', 'category_id='.intval($this->getSubAction()).', category_order='.intval($this->getId()), E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); } } function ajax_exec_catmanager() { if(!getperms('0|7')) { exit; } //interactive category manage permissions $check = e107::getDb()->db_Update('news_category', 'category_manager='.intval($this->getId()).' WHERE category_id='.intval($this->getSubAction())); if(e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber()) { echo 'mySQL Error #'.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorNumber().': '.e107::getDb()->getLastErrorText(); retrun; } if($check) { $class_name = e107::getUserClass()->uc_get_classname($this->getId()); e107::getAdminLog()->log_event('NEWS_05', 'category_id='.intval($this->getSubAction()).', category_manager='.intval($this->getId()).' ('.$class_name.')', E_LOG_INFORMATIVE, ''); } } function show_categories() { $frm = e107::getForm(false, true); $category = array(); if ($this->getSubAction() == "edit" && !isset($_POST['update_category'])) { if (e107::getDb()->select("news_category", "*", "category_id=".$this->getId())) { $category = e107::getDb()->fetch(); } } if($this->error && (isset($_POST['update_category']) || isset($_POST['create_category']))) { foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v) { if(strpos($k, 'category_') === 0) { $category[$k] = e107::getParser()->post_toForm($v); continue; } if(strpos($k, 'news_rewrite_') === 0) { $category_rewrite[$k] = e107::getParser()->post_toForm($v); continue; } } } //FIXME - lan $text = "
".NWSLAN_52." ".$frm->text('category_name', $category['category_name'], 200)."
Required field
Category friendly URL string ".$frm->text('category_sef', $category['category_sef'], 200)."
If left empty will be automatically created from current Category Title based on your current URL settings
Category meta keywords ".$frm->text('category_meta_keywords', $category['category_meta_keywords'], 255)."
Used on news categoty list page
Category meta description ".$frm->textarea('category_meta_description', $category['category_meta_description'], 5)."
Used on news categoty list page
Category management permissions ".$frm->uc_select('category_manager', vartrue($category['category_manager'], e_UC_ADMIN), 'main,admin,classes')."
Which group of site administrators are able to manage this category related news
".NWSLAN_53." ".$frm->iconpicker('category_icon', $category['category_icon'], NWSLAN_54)." ".$frm->hidden('category_order', $category['category_order'])."
"; if($this->getId()) { $text .= " ".$frm->admin_button('update_category', NWSLAN_55, 'update')." ".$frm->admin_button('category_clear', LAN_CANCEL, 'cancel')." ".$frm->hidden("category_id", $this->getId())." "; } else { $text .= " ".$frm->admin_button('create_category', NWSLAN_56, 'create')." ".$frm->admin_button('update_category', NWSLAN_55, 'update', '', 'other=style="display:none"')." ".$frm->admin_button('category_clear', LAN_CANCEL, 'cancel', '', 'other=style="display:none"')." ".$frm->hidden("category_id", 0)." "; } $text .= "
"; echo e107::getMessage()->render().$text; // e107::getRender()->tablerender(NWSLAN_46a, e107::getMessage()->render().$text); } function show_categoriy_list() { $frm = e107::getForm(); //FIXME - lan $text = "
".NWSLAN_51." "; if ($category_total = e107::getDb()->gen("SELECT ncat.* FROM #news_category AS ncat ORDER BY ncat.category_order ASC")) { $tindex = 100; while ($category = e107::getDb()->fetch()) { $icon = ''; if ($category['category_icon']) { $icon = (strstr($category['category_icon'], "images/") ? THEME_ABS.$category['category_icon'] : (strpos($category['category_icon'], '{') === 0 ? e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($category['category_icon'], 'abs') : e_IMAGE_ABS."icons/".$category['category_icon'])); $icon = ""; } $url = ''.$category['category_name'].''; $text .= " "; $tindex++; } $text .= "
".LAN_ID." ".LAN_ICON." ".NWSLAN_6." Manage Permissions ".LAN_OPTIONS." Order
{$category['category_id']} {$icon} {$url} ".$frm->uc_select('multi_category_manager['.$category['category_id'].']', vartrue($category['category_manager'], e_UC_ADMIN), 'main,admin,classes')." "; $text .= "".defset('ADMIN_EDIT_ICON', 'Edit').""; // $text .= "".defset('ADMIN_EDIT_ICON', 'Edit').""; $text .= " ".$frm->submit_image("delete[category_{$category['category_id']}]", $category['category_id'], 'delete', e107::getParser()->toJS(NWSLAN_37." [ID: {$category['category_id']} ]"))." ".$frm->text('multi_category_order['.$category['category_id'].']', $category['category_order'], 3, 'size=2&tabindex='.$tindex)."
".$frm->admin_button('multi_update_category', LAN_UPDATE, 'update e-hide-if-js')." ".$frm->admin_button('trigger_list_refresh', 'Refresh List', 'refresh')."
"; } else { $text .= "
"; } $text .= "
"; return $text; } function _optrange($num, $zero = true) { $tmp = range(0, $num < 0 ? 0 : $num); if(!$zero) unset($tmp[0]); return $tmp; } function ajax_exec_pref_archnum() { $frm = e107::getForm(); echo $frm->select('newsposts_archive', $this->_optrange(intval($this->getSubAction()) - 1), intval(e107::getPref('newsposts_archive')), 'class=tbox&tabindex='.intval($this->getId())); } /* function ajax_exec_searchValue() { $frm = e107::getForm(); echo $frm->filterValue($_POST['filtertype'], $this->fields); } */ function show_news_prefs() { $pref = e107::getPref(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $sefbaseDiz = str_replace(array("[br]","[","]"), array("
","",""), NWSLAN_128 ); $pingOpt = array('placeholder'=>'eg. blogsearch.google.com/ping/RPC2'); $text = "
".NWSLAN_90." "; // ##### ADDED FOR NEWS ARCHIVE -------------------------------------------------------------------- // the possible archive values are from "0" to "< $pref['newsposts']" // this should really be made as an onchange event on the selectbox for $pref['newsposts'] ... //SecretR - Done $text .= " "; // ##### END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $text .= "
".NWSLAN_127." ".$frm->text('news_sefbase', $pref['news_sefbase'])."
".$sefbaseDiz.''.SITEURL.($pref['news_sefbase'] ? $pref['news_sefbase'].'/' : '')."
Ping Services ".$frm->textarea('news_ping_services', implode("\n",$pref['news_ping_services']), 4, 100,$pingOpt)."
Notify these services when you create/update news items.
One per line.
".NWSLAN_86." ".$frm->radio_switch('news_cats', $pref['news_cats'])."
".NWSLAN_87." ".$frm->select('nbr_cols', $this->_optrange(6, false), $pref['nbr_cols'], 'class=tbox')."
".NWSLAN_88." ".$frm->select('newsposts', $this->_optrange(50, false), $pref['newsposts'], 'class=tbox')."
".NWSLAN_115." ".$frm->select('newsposts_archive', $this->_optrange(intval($pref['newsposts']) - 1), intval($pref['newsposts_archive']), 'class=tbox')."
".NWSLAN_117." ".$frm->text('newsposts_archive_title', $pref['newsposts_archive_title'])."
".LAN_NEWS_51." ".$frm->uc_select('news_editauthor', vartrue($pref['news_editauthor']), 'nobody,main,admin,classes')."
".NWSLAN_106." ".$frm->uc_select('subnews_class', $pref['subnews_class'], 'nobody,public,guest,member,admin,classes')."
".NWSLAN_107." ".$frm->radio_switch('subnews_htmlarea', $pref['subnews_htmlarea'])."
".NWSLAN_100." ".$frm->radio_switch('subnews_attach', $pref['subnews_attach'])."
".NWSLAN_101." ".$frm->number('subnews_resize', $pref['subnews_resize'], 5, 'size=6&class=tbox')."
".$frm->radio_switch('news_newdateheader', $pref['news_newdateheader'])."
".$frm->radio_switch('news_unstemplate', vartrue($pref['news_unstemplate']))."
".NWSLAN_120." ".$frm->bbarea('news_subheader', stripcslashes(vartrue($pref['news_subheader'])), 2, 'helpb')."
".$frm->admin_button('save_prefs', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
"; return e107::getMessage()->render().$text; // e107::getRender()->tablerender(NWSLAN_90, e107::getMessage()->render().$text); } function show_submitted_news() { //TODO - image upload path should be e_MEDIA and using generic upload handler on submitnews.php. $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $newsCat = array(); $sql->select('news_category'); while($row = $sql->fetch()) { $newsCat[$row['category_id']] = $tp->toHTML($row['category_name'],FALSE,'TITLE'); } if ($sql->select("submitnews", "*", "submitnews_id !='' ORDER BY submitnews_id DESC")) { $text .= "
".NWSLAN_47." "; while ($row = $sql->fetch()) { $buttext = ($row['submitnews_auth'] == 0)? NWSLAN_58 : NWSLAN_103; if (substr($row['submitnews_item'], -7, 7) == '[/html]') $row['submitnews_item'] = substr($row['submitnews_item'], 0, -7); if (substr($row['submitnews_item'],0 , 6) == '[html]') $row['submitnews_item'] = substr($row['submitnews_item'], 6); $text .= " "; $text .= " "; } $text .= "
{$row['submitnews_id']} "; $text .= $tp->toHTML($row['submitnews_title'],FALSE,'TITLE'); $text .= ''; // $text .= [ '.NWSLAN_104.' '.$submitnews_name.' '.NWSLAN_108.' '.date('D dS M y, g:ia', $submitnews_datestamp).']
'; $text .= "
".date('D jS M, Y, g:ia', $row['submitnews_datestamp'])." ipDecode($row['submitnews_ip'])."'>".$row['submitnews_name']." ".$newsCat[$row['submitnews_category']]." ".($row['submitnews_auth'] == 0 ? "-" : ADMIN_TRUE_ICON)."
".$frm->admin_button("category_view_{$row['submitnews_id']}", NWSLAN_27, 'action', '', array('id'=>false, 'other'=>"onclick=\"expandit('submitted_".$row['submitnews_id']."')\""))." ".$frm->admin_button("category_edit_{$row['submitnews_id']}", $buttext, 'action', '', array('id'=>false, 'other'=>"onclick=\"document.location='".e_SELF."?create.sn.{$row['submitnews_id']}'\""))." ".$frm->admin_button("delete[sn_{$row['submitnews_id']}]", LAN_DELETE, 'delete', '', array('id'=>false, 'title'=>$tp->toJS(NWSLAN_38." [".LAN_ID.": {$row['submitnews_id']} ]")))."
"; $text .= "
"; $text .= e107::getForm()->batchoptions(array( 'subdelete_selected' => LAN_DELETE, 'subcategory' => array('Modify Category', $newsCat) )); $text .= "
"; } else { $text .= "
"; } e107::getRender()->tablerender(NWSLAN_47, e107::getMessage()->render().$text); } function showMaintenance() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = "
".LAN_NEWS_56." ".$frm->checkbox('newsdeletecomments', '1', '0').LAN_NEWS_61." ".$frm->admin_button('news_comments_recalc', LAN_NEWS_57, 'update')."
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(LAN_NEWS_59, e107::getMessage()->render().$text); } function _observe_newsCommentsRecalc() { if(!getperms('0')) { $this->noPermissions(); } $qry = "SELECT COUNT(`comment_id`) AS c_count, `news_id`, `news_comment_total`, `news_allow_comments` FROM `#news` LEFT JOIN `#comments` ON `news_id`=`comment_item_id` WHERE (`comment_type`='0') OR (`comment_type`='news') GROUP BY `comment_item_id`"; $deleteCount = 0; $updateCount = 0; $canDelete = isset($_POST['newsdeletecomments']); if ($result = e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while ($row = e107::getDb()->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if ($canDelete && ($row['news_allow_comments'] != 0) && ($row['c_count'] > 0)) // N.B. sense of 'news_allow_comments' is 0 = allow!!! { // Delete comments e107::getDb('sql2')->db_Delete('comments', 'comment_item_id='.$row['news_id']); $deleteCount = $deleteCount + $row['c_count']; $row['c_count'] = 0; // Forces update of news table if necessary } if ($row['news_comment_total'] != $row['c_count']) { e107::getDb('sql2')->db_Update('news', 'news_comment_total = '.$row['c_count'].' WHERE news_id='.$row['news_id']); $updateCount++; } } $this->show_message(str_replace(array('--UPDATE--', '--DELETED--'), array($updateCount, $deleteCount), LAN_NEWS_58), E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { $this->show_message(LAN_NEWS_62, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); } } function show_message($message, $type = E_MESSAGE_INFO, $session = false) { // ##### Display comfort --------- e107::getMessage()->add($message, $type, $session); } function noPermissions($qry = '') { $url = e_SELF.($qry ? '?'.$qry : ''); if($qry !== e_QUERY) { $this->show_message('Insufficient permissions!', E_MESSAGE_ERROR, true); session_write_close(); header('Location: '.$url); } exit; } /* function show_options() { $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $var['main']['text'] = NWSLAN_44; $var['main']['link'] = e_SELF; $var['main']['perm'] = "H"; $var['create']['text'] = NWSLAN_45; $var['create']['link'] = e_SELF."?action=create"; $var['create']['perm'] = "H"; $var['cat']['text'] = NWSLAN_46; $var['cat']['link'] = e_SELF."?action=cat"; $var['cat']['perm'] = "7"; $var['pref']['text'] = NWSLAN_90; $var['pref']['link'] = e_SELF."?action=pref"; $var['pref']['perm'] = "0"; //TODO remove commented code before release. // $c = $sql->count('submitnews'); // if ($c) { $var['sn']['text'] = NWSLAN_47." ({$c})"; $var['sn']['link'] = e_SELF."?action=sn"; $var['sn']['perm'] = "N"; // } if (getperms('0')) { $var['maint']['text'] = LAN_NEWS_55; $var['maint']['link'] = e_SELF."?action=maint"; $var['maint']['perm'] = "N"; } e107::getNav()->admin(NWSLAN_48, $this->getAction(), $var); } */ } function newspost_adminmenu() { // e107::getRegistry('_newspost_admin')->show_options(); }