savePref('core-infopanel-mye107', $_POST['e-mye107']); $this->savePref('core-infopanel-menus', $_POST['e-mymenus']); } $this->iconlist = e107::getNav()->adminLinks(); } /** * Save preferences. * * @param $key * @param $value */ public function savePref($key, $value) { // Get "Apply dashboard preferences to all administrators" setting. $adminPref = e107::getConfig()->get('adminpref', 0); // If "Apply dashboard preferences to all administrators" is checked. // Save as $pref. if($adminPref == 1) { e107::getConfig() ->setPosted($key, $value) ->save(); } // Save as $user_pref. else { e107::getUser() ->getConfig() ->set($key, $value) ->save(); } } /** * Get preferences. * * @return mixed */ public function getUserPref() { // Get "Apply dashboard preferences to all administrators" setting. $adminPref = e107::getConfig()->get('adminpref', 0); // If "Apply dashboard preferences to all administrators" is checked. // Get $pref. if($adminPref == 1) { $user_pref = e107::getPref(); } // Get $user_pref. else { $user_pref = e107::getUser()->getPref(); } return $user_pref; } /** * Allow to get Icon List. */ function getIconList() { return $this->iconlist; } function render() { $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns = e107::getRender(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $pref = e107::getPref(); $frm = e107::getForm(); // XXX Check Bootstrap bug is fixed. /* echo ' '; */ $user_pref = $this->getUserPref(); // ---------------------- Start Panel -------------------------------- // $text = "
"; $myE107 = varset($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'], array()); if(empty($myE107)) // Set default icons. { $defArray = array( 0 => 'e-administrator', 1 => 'e-cpage', 2 => 'e-frontpage', 3 => 'e-mailout', 4 => 'e-image', 5 => 'e-menus', 6 => 'e-meta', 7 => 'e-newspost', 8 => 'e-plugin', 9 => 'e-prefs', 10 => 'e-links', 11 => 'e-theme', 12 => 'e-userclass2', 13 => 'e-users', 14 => 'e-wmessage' ); $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'] = $defArray; } // "
"; $tp->parseTemplate("{SETSTYLE=core-infopanel}"); // Personalized Panel // Rendering the saved configuration. $mainPanel = "
"; /* $mainPanel .= '
'; */ // print_a($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107']); $mainPanel .= "
"; foreach ($this->iconlist as $key=>$val) { if (!vartrue($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107']) || in_array($key, $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'])) { $mainPanel .= e107::getNav()->renderAdminButton($val['link'], $val['title'], $val['caption'], $val['perms'], $val['icon_32'], "div"); } } // $mainPanel .= "
"; $mainPanel .= "
"; $caption = $tp->lanVars(LAN_CONTROL_PANEL, ucwords(USERNAME)); $text = $ns->tablerender($caption, $mainPanel, "core-infopanel_mye107",true); // ------------------------------- e107 News -------------------------------- $newsTabs = array(); $newsTabs['coreFeed'] = array('caption'=>LAN_GENERAL,'text'=>"
"); $newsTabs['pluginFeed'] = array('caption'=>LAN_PLUGIN,'text'=>"
"); $newsTabs['themeFeed'] = array('caption'=>LAN_THEMES,'text'=>"
"); $text2 = $ns->tablerender(LAN_LATEST_e107_NEWS,e107::getForm()->tabs($newsTabs, array('active'=>'coreFeed')),"core-infopanel_news",true); // ---------------------Latest Stuff --------------------------- //require_once (e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/admin_shortcodes.php"); e107::getScBatch('admin'); $text2 .= $ns->tablerender(LAN_WEBSITE_STATUS, $this->renderWebsiteStatus(),"",true); // $text .= $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_LAT_1,$tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_LATEST=norender}"),"core-infopanel_latest",true); // $text .= $ns->tablerender(LAN_STATUS,$tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_STATUS=norender}"),"core-infopanel_latest",true); /* $text .= "
  • ".$tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_LATEST=norender}"). $tp->parseTemplate("{ADMIN_STATUS=norender}")."
  • "; */ $text .= $this->renderLatestComments(); // ---------------------- Who's Online ------------------------ // TODO Could use a new _menu item instead. // $text2 .= $ns->tablerender('Visitors Online : '.vartrue($nOnline), $panelOnline,'core-infopanel_online',true); // --------------------- User Selected Menus ------------------- if(varset($user_pref['core-infopanel-menus'])) { foreach($user_pref['core-infopanel-menus'] as $val) { // Custom menu (core). if(is_numeric($val)) { $inc = e107::getMenu()->renderMenu($val, null, null, true); } // Plugin defined menu. else { $inc = $tp->parseTemplate("{PLUGIN=$val|TRUE}"); } $text .= $inc; } } // $text .= "
    "; $text .= $this->render_infopanel_options(); // $text .= ""; if(vartrue($_GET['mode']) != 'customize') { // $ns->tablerender(ADLAN_47." ".ADMINNAME, $emessage->render().$text); echo $mes->render().'
    '; } else { echo $frm->open('infopanel','post', e_SELF); echo $this->render_infopanel_options(true); echo $frm->close(); } } private function renderChart() { // REQUIRES Log Plugin to be installed. if (e107::isInstalled('log')) { return $this->renderStats('log'); } elseif(e107::isInstalled('awstats')) { return $this->renderStats('awstats'); } else { return $this->renderStats('demo'); } } function renderWebsiteStatus() { $tp = e107::getParser(); /* // Settings button if needed.
    */ $tab = array(); $tab['e-stats'] = array('caption'=>$tp->toGlyph('fa-signal').' '.LAN_STATS, 'text'=>$this->renderChart()); $tab['e-online'] = array('caption'=>$tp->toGlyph('fa-user').' '.LAN_ONLINE.' ('.$this->renderOnlineUsers('count').')', 'text'=>$this->renderOnlineUsers()); if($plugs = e107::getAddonConfig('e_dashboard',null, 'chart')) { foreach($plugs as $plug => $val) { foreach($val as $item) { if(!empty($item)) { $tab[] = $item; } } } } return e107::getForm()->tabs($tab); } function renderOnlineUsers($data=false) { $ol = e107::getOnline(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $multilan = e107::getPref('multilanguage'); $panelOnline = " "; $panelOnline .= (!empty($multilan)) ? "" : ""; $panelOnline .= " "; $panelOnline .= (!empty($multilan)) ? "" : ""; $panelOnline .= " "; $online = $ol->userList() + $ol->guestList(); if($data == 'count') { return count($online); } // echo "Users: ".print_a($online); $lng = e107::getLanguage(); foreach ($online as $val) { $panelOnline .= " "; $panelOnline .= (!empty($multilan)) ? "" : ""; $panelOnline .= " "; } $panelOnline .= "
    ".e107::getDateConvert()->convert_date($val['user_currentvisit'],'%H:%M:%S')." ".$this->renderOnlineName($val['online_user_id'])." ".e107::getIPHandler()->ipDecode($val['user_ip'])." ".$tp->html_truncate(basename($val['user_location']),50,"...")." ".$this->browserIcon($val)."convert($val['user_language'])."\">".$val['user_language']."
    "; return $panelOnline; } function browserIcon($row) { $types = array( "ie" => "MSIE", 'chrome' => 'Chrome', 'firefox' => 'Firefox', 'seamonkey' => 'Seamonkey', // 'Chromium/xyz 'safari' => "Safari", 'opera' => "Opera" ); if($row['user_bot'] === true) { return ""; } foreach($types as $icon=>$b) { if(strpos($row['user_agent'], $b)!==false) { return ""; } } return ""; // FIXME find a default icon. } function renderOnlineName($val) { if($val==0) { return LAN_GUEST; } return $val; } function renderLatestComments() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if(!check_class('B')) // XXX problems? { // return; } if(!$rows = $sql->retrieve('comments','*','comment_blocked=2 ORDER BY comment_id DESC LIMIT 25',true) ) { return null; } $sc = e107::getScBatch('comment'); $text = '
    '; // $text .= "Note: Not fully functional at the moment."; $ns = e107::getRender(); return $ns->tablerender(LAN_LATEST_COMMENTS,$text,'core-infopanel_online',true); } function render_info_panel($caption, $text) { return "
    "; } function render_infopanel_options($render = false) { $frm = e107::getForm(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $ns = e107::getRender(); if($render == false){ return ""; } $text2 = $ns->tablerender(LAN_PERSONALIZE_ICONS, $this->render_infopanel_icons(),'personalize',true); $text2 .= "
    "; $text2 .= $ns->tablerender(LAN_PERSONALIZE_MENUS, $this->render_infopanel_menu_options(),'personalize',true); $text2 .= "
    "; $text2 .= "
    "; $text2 .= $frm->admin_button('submit-mye107', LAN_SAVE, 'create'); $text2 .= "
    "; return $mes->render().$text2; } function render_infopanel_icons() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $user_pref = $this->getUserPref(); $text = "
    "; $myE107 = varset($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'], array()); if(empty($myE107)) // Set default icons. { $defArray = array( 0 => 'e-administrator', 1 => 'e-cpage', 2 => 'e-frontpage', 3 => 'e-mailout', 4 => 'e-image', 5 => 'e-menus', 6 => 'e-meta', 7 => 'e-newspost', 8 => 'e-plugin', 9 => 'e-prefs', 10 => 'e-links', 11 => 'e-theme', 12 => 'e-userclass2', 13 => 'e-users', 14 => 'e-wmessage' ); $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'] = $defArray; } foreach ($this->iconlist as $key=>$icon) { if (getperms($icon['perms'])) { $checked = (varset($user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107']) && in_array($key, $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'])) ? true : false; $text .= "
    ".$icon['icon'].' '.$frm->checkbox_label($icon['title'], 'e-mye107[]', $key, $checked)."
    "; } } if (isset($pluglist) && is_array($pluglist)) { foreach ($pluglist as $key=>$icon) { if (getperms($icon['perms'])) { $checked = (in_array('p-'.$key, $user_pref['core-infopanel-mye107'])) ? true : false; $text .= "
    ".$icon['icon'].$frm->checkbox_label($icon['title'], 'e-mye107[]', $key, $checked)."
    "; } } } $text .= "
    "; return $text; } function render_infopanel_menu_options() { if(!getperms('0')) { return; } $frm = e107::getForm(); $user_pref = $this->getUserPref(); $text = "
    "; $menu_qry = 'SELECT * FROM #menus WHERE menu_id!= 0 GROUP BY menu_name ORDER BY menu_name'; $settings = varset($user_pref['core-infopanel-menus'],array()); if (e107::getDb()->gen($menu_qry)) { while ($row = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch()) { // Custom menu (core). if(is_numeric($row['menu_path'])) { $path_to_menu = $row['menu_path']; } // Plugin defined menu. else { $path_to_menu = $row['menu_path'].$row['menu_name']; } $label = str_replace("_menu","",$row['menu_name']); $checked = ($settings && in_array($path_to_menu, $settings)) ? true : false; $text .= "\n
    "; $text .= $frm->checkbox_label($label, "e-mymenus[]",$path_to_menu, $checked); $text .= "
    "; } } $text .= "
    "; return $text; } private function getStats($type) { if(file_exists(e_PLUGIN."awstats/awstats.graph.php")) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."awstats/awstats.graph.php"); $stat = new awstats; if($data = $stat->getData()) { return $data; } // return; } if($type == 'demo') { $data = array(); $months = e107::getDate()->terms('month'); $data['labels'] = array($months[0], //"January", $months[1], //"February", $months[2], //"March", $months[3], //"April", $months[4], //"May", $months[5], //"June", $months[6] //"July" ); $data['datasets'][] = array( 'fillColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)", 'strokeColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'pointColor ' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff", 'data' => array(65,59,90,81,56,55,40), 'title' => ADLAN_168// "Visits" ); $data['datasets'][] = array( 'fillColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", 'strokeColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,1)", 'pointColor ' => "rgba(151,187,205,1)", 'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff", 'data' => array(28,48,40,19,96,27,100), 'title' => ADLAN_169 //"Unique Visits" ); return $data; } $sql = e107::getDB(); $td = date("Y-m-j", time()); $dayarray[$td] = array(); $pagearray = array(); $qry = " SELECT * from #logstats WHERE log_id REGEXP('[[:digit:]]+\-[[:digit:]]+\-[[:digit:]]+') ORDER BY CONCAT(LEFT(log_id,4), SUBSTRING(log_id, 6, 2), LPAD(SUBSTRING(log_id, 9), 2, '0')) DESC LIMIT 0,9 "; if($amount = $sql->gen($qry)) { $array = $sql->db_getList(); $ttotal = 0; $utotal = 0; foreach($array as $key => $value) { extract($value); $log_id = substr($log_id, 0, 4).'-'.substr($log_id, 5, 2).'-'.str_pad(substr($log_id, 8), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); if(is_array($log_data)) { $entries[0] = $log_data['host']; $entries[1] = $log_data['date']; $entries[2] = $log_data['os']; $entries[3] = $log_data['browser']; $entries[4] = $log_data['screen']; $entries[5] = $log_data['referer']; } else { $entries = explode(chr(1), $log_data); } $dayarray[$log_id]['daytotal'] = $entries[0]; $dayarray[$log_id]['dayunique'] = $entries[1]; unset($entries[0]); unset($entries[1]); foreach($entries as $entry) { if($entry) { list($url, $total, $unique) = explode("|", $entry); if(strstr($url, "/")) { $urlname = preg_replace("/\.php|\?.*/", "", substr($url, (strrpos($url, "/")+1))); } else { $urlname = preg_replace("/\.php|\?.*/", "", $url); } $dayarray[$log_id][$urlname] = array('url' => $url, 'total' => $total, 'unique' => $unique); if (!isset($pagearray[$urlname]['total'])) $pagearray[$urlname]['total'] = 0; if (!isset($pagearray[$urlname]['unique'])) $pagearray[$urlname]['unique'] = 0; $pagearray[$urlname]['total'] += $total; $pagearray[$urlname]['unique'] += $unique; $ttotal += $total; $utotal += $unique; } } } } $logfile = e_LOG.'logp_'.date('z.Y', time()).'.php'; // was logi_ ?? if(is_readable($logfile)) { require($logfile); } if(vartrue($pageInfo)) { foreach($pageInfo as $fkey => $fvalue) { $dayarray[$td][$fkey]['total'] += $fvalue['ttl']; $dayarray[$td][$fkey]['unique'] += $fvalue['unq']; $dayarray[$td]['daytotal'] += $fvalue['ttl']; $dayarray[$td]['dayunique'] += $fvalue['unq']; $pagearray[$fkey]['total'] += $fvalue['ttl']; $pagearray[$fkey]['unique'] += $fvalue['unq']; $ttotal += $fvalue['ttl']; $utotal += $fvalue['unq']; } } $visitors = array(); $unique = array(); ksort($dayarray); foreach($dayarray as $k=>$v) { $unix = strtotime($k); $visitors[] = intval(vartrue($v['daytotal'])); $unique[] = intval(vartrue($v['dayunique'])); $label[] = "'".date("D",$unix)."'"; } $data = array(); $data['labels'] = $label; //visitors $data['datasets'][] = array( 'fillColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)", 'strokeColor' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'pointColor ' => "rgba(220,220,220,1)", 'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff", 'data' => $visitors ); //Unique Visitors $data['datasets'][] = array( 'fillColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", 'strokeColor' => "rgba(151,187,205,1)", 'pointColor ' => "rgba(151,187,205,1)", 'pointStrokeColor' => "#fff", 'data' => $unique ); return $data; } private function renderStats($type) { $data = $this->getStats($type); $cht = e107::getChart(); $cht->setType('line'); $cht->setOptions(array( 'annotateDisplay' => true, 'annotateFontSize' => 8 )); $cht->setData($data,'canvas'); $text = $cht->render('canvas'); if($type == 'demo') { $text .= "
    "; } else { $text .= "
    ".ADLAN_168."   ".ADLAN_169."
    "; } return $text; } } ?>