db_Mark_Time('(Header Top)'); // Admin template if (defined('THEME') && file_exists(THEME.'admin_template.php')) { require_once (THEME.'admin_template.php'); } else { require_once (e_CORE.'templates/admin_template.php'); } function loadJSAddons() { if(e_PAGE == 'menus.php' && vartrue($_GET['configure'])) // Quick fix for Menu Manager inactive drop-down problem. { return; } // e107::js('core', 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap-modal.js', 'jquery', 2); // Special Version see: https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap/pull/4224 e107::css('core', 'bootstrap-editable/css/bootstrap-editable.css', 'jquery'); e107::js('core', 'bootstrap-editable/js/bootstrap-editable.min.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::css('core', 'bootstrap-select/bootstrap-select.min.css', 'jquery'); e107::js('core', 'bootstrap-select/bootstrap-select.min.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::css('core', 'bootstrap-multiselect/css/bootstrap-multiselect.css', 'jquery'); e107::js('core', 'bootstrap-multiselect/js/bootstrap-multiselect.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::js('core', 'bootstrap-jasny/js/jasny-bootstrap.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::css('core', 'bootstrap-datetimepicker/css/datetimepicker.css', 'jquery'); e107::js('core', 'bootstrap-datetimepicker/js/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::js('core', 'jquery.elastic.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::js('core', 'jquery.at.caret.min.js', 'jquery', 2); // e107::js('core', 'jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js', 'jquery', 2); //e107::css('core', 'chosen/chosen.css', 'jquery'); //e107::js('core', 'chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js', 'jquery', 2); e107::js('core', 'password/jquery.pwdMeter.js', 'jquery', 2); // e107::css('core', 'bootstrap-tag/bootstrap-tag.css', 'jquery'); e107::js('core', 'bootstrap-tag/bootstrap-tag.js', 'jquery', 2); // e107::js("core", "tags/jquery.tagit.js","jquery",3); // e107::css('core', 'tags/jquery.tagit.css', 'jquery'); e107::css('core', 'core/admin.jquery.css', 'jquery'); e107::js("core", "core/admin.jquery.js","jquery",4); // Load all default functions. e107::css('core', 'core/all.jquery.css', 'jquery'); e107::js("core", "core/all.jquery.js","jquery",4); // Load all default functions. } loadJSAddons(); // e107::js("core", "core/admin.js","prototype",3); // Load all default functions. // // *** Code sequence for headers *** // IMPORTANT: These items are in a carefully constructed order. DO NOT REARRANGE // without checking with experienced devs! Various subtle things WILL break. // // We realize this is a bit (!) of a mess and hope to make further cleanups in a future release. // FIXME - outdated list // A: Admin Defines and Links // B: Send HTTP headers that come before any html // C: Send start of HTML // D: Send CSS // E: Send JS // F: Send Meta Tags and Icon links // G: Send final theme headers (theme_head() function) // H: Generate JS for image preloading (setup for onload) // I: Calculate onload() JS functions to be called // J: Send end of html and start of // K: (The rest is ignored for popups, which have no menus) // L: (optional) Body JS to disable right clicks // M: Send top of body for custom pages and for news // N: Send other top-of-body HTML // // Load order notes for devs // * Browsers wait until ALL HTML has loaded before executing ANY JS // * The last CSS tag downloaded supercedes earlier CSS tags // * Browsers don't care when Meta tags are loaded. We load last due to // a quirk of e107's log subsystem. // * Multiple external file references slow down page load. Each one requires // browser-server interaction even when cached. // // // A: Admin Defines and Links // //require_once (e_ADMIN.'ad_links.php'); Moved to boot.php // FIXME - remove ASAP if (isset($pref['del_unv']) && $pref['del_unv'] && $pref['user_reg_veri'] != 2) { $threshold = (time() - ($pref['del_unv'] * 60)); e107::getDb()->db_Delete("user", "user_ban = 2 AND user_join < '{$threshold}' "); } // // B: Send HTTP headers (these come before ANY html) // moved to boot.php // // B.2: Include admin LAN and icon defines // Moved to boot.php // // C: Send start of HTML // // HTML 5 default. if(!defined('XHTML4')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else // XHTML { echo(defined("STANDARDS_MODE") ? "" : "\n")."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo(defined("CORE_LC")) ? "\n" : ""; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; // Works better for iOS but still has some issues. // echo (defined("VIEWPORT")) ? "\n" : ""; echo "".(defined("e_PAGETITLE") ? e_PAGETITLE." - " : (defined("PAGE_NAME") ? PAGE_NAME." - " : "")).LAN_head_4." :: ".SITENAME."\n"; // // D: Send CSS // echo "\n"; $e_js = e107::getJs(); // Core CSS - XXX awaiting for path changes if (!isset($no_core_css) || !$no_core_css) { //echo "\n"; $e_js->otherCSS('{e_WEB_CSS}e107.css'); } // Register Plugin specific CSS // DEPRECATED, use $e_js->pluginCSS('myplug', 'style/myplug.css'[, $media = 'all|screen|...']); if (isset($eplug_css) && $eplug_css) { if(!is_array($eplug_css)) { $eplug_css = array($eplug_css); } foreach($eplug_css as $kcss) { // echo ($kcss[0] == "<") ? $kcss : "\n"; $e_js->otherCSS($kcss); } } if(e107::getPref('admincss') == "admin_dark.css") { $e_js->coreCSS('bootstrap/css/darkstrap.css'); } //NEW - Iframe mod if (!defsettrue('e_IFRAME') && isset($pref['admincss']) && $pref['admincss']) { $css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_'.$pref['admincss']) ? 'admin_'.$pref['admincss'] : $pref['admincss']; //echo "\n"; $e_js->themeCSS($css_file); } elseif (isset($pref['themecss']) && $pref['themecss']) { $css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_'.$pref['themecss']) ? 'admin_'.$pref['themecss'] : $pref['themecss']; //echo "\n"; $e_js->themeCSS($css_file); } else { $css_file = file_exists(THEME.'admin_style.css') ? 'admin_style.css' : 'style.css'; //echo "\n"; $e_js->themeCSS($css_file); } // FIXME: TEXTDIRECTION compatibility CSS (marj?) // TODO: probably better to externalise along with some other things above // possibility to overwrite some CSS definition according to TEXTDIRECTION // especially usefull for rtl.css // see _blank theme for examples if(defined('TEXTDIRECTION') && file_exists(THEME.'/'.strtolower(TEXTDIRECTION).'.css')) { //echo ' //'; $e_js->themeCSS(strtolower(TEXTDIRECTION).'.css'); } // ################### RENDER CSS // Other CSS - from unknown location, different from core/theme/plugin location or backward compatibility $e_js->renderJs('other_css', false, 'css', false); echo "\n\n"; // Core CSS $e_js->renderJs('core_css', false, 'css', false); echo "\n\n"; // Plugin CSS $e_js->renderJs('plugin_css', false, 'css', false); echo "\n\n"; // Theme CSS //echo "\n"; $e_js->renderJs('theme_css', false, 'css', false); echo "\n\n"; // Inline CSS - not sure if this should stay at all! $e_js->renderJs('inline_css', false, 'css', false); echo "\n\n"; // // Unobtrusive JS via CSS, prevent 3rd party code overload // // require_once(e_FILE."/e_css.php"); //moved to e107_web/css/e107.css // // E: Send JS // echo "\n"; // Wysiwyg JS support on or off. // your code should run off e_WYSIWYG // Moved to boot.php // [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 1 - Before Library e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 1); e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 1); // Load Javascript Library consolidation script $jslib = e107::getObject('e_jslib', null, e_HANDLER.'jslib_handler.php'); $jslib->renderHeader('admin', false); // [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 2 - After Library, before CSS e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 2); e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 2); //DEPRECATED - use e107::getJs()->headerFile('{e_PLUGIN}myplug/js/my.js', $zone = 2) if (isset($eplug_js) && $eplug_js) { echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; } //FIXME - theme.js/user.js should be registered/rendered through e_jsmanager if (file_exists(THEME.'theme.js')) { echo "\n"; } if (is_readable(e_FILE.'user.js') && filesize(e_FILE.'user.js')) { echo "\n"; } // [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 3 - before e_meta and headerjs() e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 3); e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 3); // // F: Send Meta Tags and Icon links // echo "\n"; // --- Load plugin Meta files and eplug_ before others -------- if (vartrue($pref['e_meta_list'])) { foreach ($pref['e_meta_list'] as $val) { if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_meta.php")) { echo "\n"; require_once (e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_meta.php"); } } } // --- Load plugin Header files -------- if (vartrue($pref['e_header_list']) && is_array($pref['e_header_list'])) { foreach($pref['e_header_list'] as $val) { // no checks fore existing file - performance e107_include(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_header.php"); } } unset($e_headers); //XXX - do we still need it? Now we have better way of doing this - admin tools (see below) if (function_exists('headerjs')) { echo headerjs(); } // Admin UI - send header content if any - headerjs() replacement $tmp = e107::getAdminUI(); if($tmp) { // Note: normally you shouldn't send JS content here, former is (much better) handled by JS manager (both files and inline) echo $tmp->getHeader(); } unset($tmp); // [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 4 - After e_meta, headerjs, before Admin UI headers e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 4); e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 4); // ---------- Favicon --------- if (file_exists(THEME."favicon.ico")) { echo "\n\n"; } elseif (file_exists(e_BASE."favicon.ico")) { echo "\n\n"; } // // G: Send Theme Headers // if (function_exists('theme_head')) { echo "\n\n"; echo theme_head(); } // // H: Generate JS for image preloads [user mode only] // echo "\n\n"; // // I: Calculate JS onload() functions for the BODY tag [user mode only] // $body_onload = ""; // // J: Send end of and start of // /* * Admin LAN * TODO - remove it from here */ e107::js('inline'," (".e_jshelper::toString(LAN_JSCONFIRM).").addModLan('core', 'delete_confirm'); (".e_jshelper::toString(LAN_DELETE).").addModLan('core', 'delete'); ",'prototype',5); // [JSManager] Load JS Includes - Zone 5 - After theme_head, before e107:loaded trigger // unobtrusive JS - moved here from external e_css.php e107::getJs()->renderJs('header', 5); /* * Fire Event e107:loaded - Prototype only */ //\$('e-js-css').remove(); /* e107::js('inline'," document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { e107Event.trigger('loaded', null, document); }); ",'prototype',5); */ e107::getJs()->renderJs('header_inline', 5); echo " \n"; echo getModal(); echo getAlert(); function getModal($caption = '', $type='') { if(e_PAGE == 'menus.php' && vartrue($_GET['configure'])) // Menu Manager iFrame disable { return; } if(e_PAGE == "image.php") { // return; } return ' '; } function getAlert($caption='') { return '
some Some text goes here and there and everywhere.
'; } // Header included notification, from this point header includes are not possible define('HEADER_INIT', TRUE); e107::getDb()->db_Mark_Time("End Head, Start Body"); // // K: (The rest is ignored for popups, which have no menus) // // require $e107_popup =1; to use it as header for popup without menus if (!isset($e107_popup)) { $e107_popup = 0; } if ($e107_popup != 1) { // // L: (optional) Body JS to disable right clicks [reserved; user mode] // // // M: Send top of body for custom pages and for news [user mode only] // // // N: Send other top-of-body HTML // // moved to boot.php //$ns = new e107table; //$e107_var = array(); // function e_admin_me/nu moved to boot.php (e107::getNav()->admin) // legacy function show_admin_menu moved to boot.php // include admin_template.php moved to boot.php // function parse_admin moved to boot.php // legacy function admin_updatXXe moved to boot.php // (legacy?) function admin_purge_related moved to boot.php e107::getDb()->db_Mark_Time('Parse Admin Header'); //NEW - Iframe mod if (!deftrue('e_IFRAME')) { //removed check strpos(e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY, 'menus.php?configure') === FALSE parse_admin($ADMIN_HEADER); } else { e107::css("inline","body { padding:0px } "); // default padding for iFrame-only. } e107::getDb()->db_Mark_Time('(End: Parse Admin Header)'); } // XXX - we don't need this (use e107::getMessage()) - find out what's using it and remove it if (!varset($emessage) && !is_object($emessage)) { $emessage = e107::getMessage(); }