array( 'controller' => 'links_admin_ui', 'path' => null, 'ui' => 'links_admin_form_ui', 'uipath' => null ) ); protected $adminMenu = array( 'main/list' => array('caption'=> LAN_MANAGE, 'perm' => 'I'), 'main/create' => array('caption'=> LAN_CREATE, 'perm' => 'I'), 'main/prefs' => array('caption'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'perm' => 'I'), 'main/sublinks' => array('caption'=> LINKLAN_4, 'perm' => 'I') ); protected $adminMenuAliases = array( 'main/edit' => 'main/list' ); protected $menuTitle = 'links'; } class links_admin_ui extends e_admin_ui { protected $pluginTitle = "Site links"; protected $pluginName = 'core'; protected $table = "links"; protected $listQry = ''; protected $pid = "link_id"; protected $perPage = 0; protected $batchDelete = true; protected $batchCopy = true; protected $listOrder = 'link_category,link_order ASC'; protected $sortField = 'link_order'; //FIXME TOOD - Filter out 'unassigned' entries by default. public $current_parent = 0; public $sublink_data = null; protected $fields = array( 'checkboxes' => array('title'=> '', 'width' => '3%','forced' => true, 'thclass' => 'center first','class' => 'center first'), 'link_button' => array('title'=> LAN_ICON, 'type'=>'icon', 'width'=>'5%', 'thclass' => 'center', 'class'=>'center'), 'link_id' => array('title'=> LAN_ID, 'type'=>'text','readParms'=>'link=link_url&target=dialog','noedit'=>TRUE), 'link_name' => array('title'=> LCLAN_15, 'width'=>'auto','type'=>'text', 'inline'=>true, 'required' => true, 'validate' => true), 'link_category' => array('title'=> LAN_TEMPLATE, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'inline'=>true, 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'), 'link_parent' => array('title'=> 'Sublink of', 'type' => 'method', 'width' => 'auto', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'thclass' => 'left first'), 'link_url' => array('title'=> LAN_URL, 'width'=>'auto', 'type'=>'text', 'inline'=>true, 'required'=>true,'validate' => true), // 'link_sefurl' => array('title'=> LAN_SEFURL, 'type' => 'text', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'), 'link_class' => array('title'=> LAN_USERCLASS, 'type' => 'userclass','inline'=>true, 'writeParms' => 'classlist=public,guest,nobody,member,classes,admin,main', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'width' => 'auto'), 'link_description' => array('title'=> LAN_DESCRIPTION, 'type' => 'textarea', 'width' => 'auto'), // 'method'=>'tinymce_plugins', ? 'link_order' => array('title'=> LAN_ORDER, 'type' => 'number', 'width' => 'auto', 'nolist'=>false, 'inline' => true), 'link_open' => array('title'=> LCLAN_19, 'type' => 'dropdown', 'inline'=>true, 'width' => 'auto', 'batch'=>true, 'filter'=>true, 'thclass' => 'left first'), 'link_function' => array('title'=> 'Function', 'type' => 'method', 'data'=>'str', 'width' => 'auto', 'thclass' => 'left first'), 'options' => array('title'=> LAN_OPTIONS, 'type' => null, 'forced'=>TRUE, 'width' => '10%', 'thclass' => 'center last', 'class'=>'center','readParms'=>'sort=1') // quick workaround ); protected $fieldpref = array('checkboxes','link_id','link_name','link_sefurl','link_class','link_category','options'); protected $prefs = array( 'linkpage_screentip' => array('title'=>LCLAN_78, 'type'=>'boolean', 'help'=>LCLAN_79), 'sitelinks_expandsub' => array('title'=>LCLAN_80, 'type'=>'boolean', 'help'=>LCLAN_81) ); /** * Runtime cache of all links array * @var array */ protected $_link_array = null; function afterCreate($newdata,$olddata, $id) //FIXME needs to work after inline editing too. { e107::getCache()->clearAll('content'); } function afterUpdate($newdata,$olddata, $id) //FIXME needs to work after inline editing too. { e107::getCache()->clearAll('content'); } function init() { $this->fields['link_category']['writeParms'] = array( 1 => "1 - Main", 2 => "2 - Sidebar", 3 => "3 - Footer", 4 => "4 - Alt", 5 => "5 - Alt", 6 => "6 - Alt", // If more than 6 are required, then something is not right with the themeing method. // 7 => "7 - Alt", // 8 => "8 - Alt", // 9 => "9 - Alt", // 10 => "10 - Alt" 255 => "(Unassigned)", ); $this->fields['link_open']['writeParms'] = array( 0 => LCLAN_20, // 0 = same window 1 => LCLAN_23, // new window 4 => LCLAN_24, // 4 = miniwindow 600x400 5 => LINKLAN_1 // 5 = miniwindow 800x600 ); } public function handleListLinkParentBatch($selected, $value) { $field = 'link_parent'; $ui = $this->getUI(); $found = false; foreach ($selected as $k => $id) { // var_dump($ui->_has_parent($value, $id, $this->getLinkArray())); if($ui->_has_parent($value, $id, $this->getLinkArray())) { unset($selected[$k]); $found = true; } } if($found) e107::getMessage()->addWarning('Some selections omitted - you can\'t set Link as a Sublink of its Sublink.'); if(!$selected) return; if(parent::handleListBatch($selected, $field, $value)) { $this->_link_array = null; // reset batch/filters return true; } return false; } public function ListObserver() { $searchFilter = $this->_parseFilterRequest($this->getRequest()->getQuery('filter_options', '')); if($searchFilter && in_array('link_parent', $searchFilter)) { $this->getTreeModel()->current_id = intval($searchFilter[1]); $this->current_parent = intval($searchFilter[1]); } parent::ListObserver(); } public function ListAjaxObserver() { $searchFilter = $this->_parseFilterRequest($this->getRequest()->getQuery('filter_options', '')); if($searchFilter && in_array('link_parent', $searchFilter)) { $this->getTreeModel()->current_id = intval($searchFilter[1]); $this->current_parent = intval($searchFilter[1]); } parent::ListAjaxObserver(); } /** * Form submitted - 'etrigger_generate_sublinks' POST variable caught */ public function SublinksGenerateSublinksTrigger() { $this->generateSublinks(); } public function sublinksObserver() { $this->getTreeModel()->load(); } /** * Sublinks generator */ public function sublinksPage() { $sublinks = $this->sublink_data(); $ui = $this->getUI(); // TODO - use UI create form $sql = e107::getDb(); $text = "
"; //$e107->ns->tablerender(LINKLAN_4, $emessage->render().$text); $this->addTitle(LINKLAN_4); return $text; } function sublink_data($name = "") { if(null !== $this->sublink_data) return ($name ? $this->sublink_data[$name] : $this->sublink_data); $sublink_type = array(); $sublink_type['news']['title'] = LINKLAN_8; // "News Categories"; $sublink_type['news']['table'] = "news_category"; $sublink_type['news']['query'] = "category_id !='-2' ORDER BY category_name ASC"; $sublink_type['news']['url'] = "news.php?cat.#"; $sublink_type['news']['fieldid'] = "category_id"; $sublink_type['news']['fieldname'] = "category_name"; $sublink_type['news']['fieldicon'] = "category_icon"; $sublink_type['downloads']['title'] = LINKLAN_9; //"Download Categories"; $sublink_type['downloads']['table'] = "download_category"; $sublink_type['downloads']['query'] = "download_category_parent ='0' ORDER BY download_category_name ASC"; $sublink_type['downloads']['url'] = "download.php?list.#"; $sublink_type['downloads']['fieldid'] = "download_category_id"; $sublink_type['downloads']['fieldname'] = "download_category_name"; $sublink_type['downloads']['fieldicon'] = "download_category_icon"; // fixed - sql query not needed $plugins = array_keys(e107::getConfig()->get('plug_installed')); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/e_linkgen.php')) { require_once (e_PLUGIN.$plugin.'/e_linkgen.php'); } } $this->sublink_data = $sublink_type; if($name) { return $sublink_type[$name]; } return $sublink_type; } function generateSublinks($sublink) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $subtype = $this->getPosted('sublink_type');//$_POST['sublink_type']; $pid = intval($this->getPosted('link_parent')); $sublink = $this->sublink_data($subtype); if(!$pid) { $mes->warning('Please choose a parent'); return; } if(!$subtype) { $mes->warning('Please choose a generator module'); return; } if(!$sublink) { $mes->error('Not valid generator module data'); return; } $sublink = $this->sublink_data($subtype); $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); $sql->db_Select("links", "*", "link_id=".$pid); $par = $sql->db_Fetch(); //extract($par); // Added option for passing of result array if(vartrue($sublink['result'])) { $count = 1; foreach ($sublink['result'] as $row) { $subcat = $row[($sublink['fieldid'])]; $name = $row[($sublink['fieldname'])]; $subname = $name; // eliminate old embedded hierarchy from names. (e.g. '') $suburl = str_replace("#", $subcat, $sublink['url']); $subicon = ($sublink['fieldicon']) ? $row[($sublink['fieldicon'])] : $par['link_button']; $subdiz = ($sublink['fielddiz']) ? $row[($sublink['fielddiz'])] : $par['link_description']; $subparent = $pid; $insert_array = array( 'link_name' => $subname, 'link_url' => $suburl, 'link_description' => $subdiz, 'link_button' => $subicon, 'link_category' => $par['link_category'], 'link_order' => $count, 'link_parent' => $subparent, 'link_open' => $par['link_open'], 'link_class' => $par['link_class'], 'link_function' => '' ); $count++; } } else { $sql->db_Select($sublink['table'], "*", $sublink['query']); $count = 1; while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $subcat = $row[($sublink['fieldid'])]; $name = $row[($sublink['fieldname'])]; $subname = $name; // eliminate old embedded hierarchy from names. (e.g. '') $suburl = str_replace("#", $subcat, $sublink['url']); $subicon = ($sublink['fieldicon']) ? $row[($sublink['fieldicon'])] : $par['link_button']; $subdiz = ($sublink['fielddiz']) ? $row[($sublink['fielddiz'])] : $par['link_description']; $subparent = $pid; $insert_array = array( 'link_name' => $subname, 'link_url' => $suburl, 'link_description' => $subdiz, 'link_button' => $subicon, 'link_category' => $par['link_category'], 'link_order' => $count, 'link_parent' => $subparent, 'link_open' => $par['link_open'], 'link_class' => $par['link_class'], 'link_function' => '' ); if($sql2->db_Insert("links",$insert_array)) { $message .= LAN_CREATED." ({$name})[!br!]"; $mes->success(LAN_CREATED." ({$name})"); } else { $message .= LAN_CREATED_FAILED." ({$name})[!br!]"; $mes->error(LAN_CREATED_FAILED." ({$name})"); } $count++; } } if($message) // TODO admin log { // sitelinks_adminlog('01', $message); // 'Sublinks generated' } } /** * Product tree model * @return links_model_admin_tree */ public function _setTreeModel() { $this->_tree_model = new links_model_admin_tree(); return $this; } /** * Link ordered array * @return array */ public function getLinkArray($current_id = 0) { if(null === $this->_link_array) { if($this->getAction() != 'list') { $this->getTreeModel()->setParam('order', 'ORDER BY '.$this->listOrder)->load(); } $tree = $this->getTreeModel()->getTree(); $this->_link_array = array(); foreach ($tree as $id => $model) { if($current_id == $id) continue; $this->_link_array[$model->get('link_parent')][$id] = $model->get('link_name'); } asort($this->_link_array); } return $this->_link_array; } } class links_model_admin_tree extends e_admin_tree_model { public $modify = false; public $current_id = 0; protected $_db_table = 'links'; protected $_link_array = null; protected $_link_array_modified = null; protected $_field_id = 'link_id'; /** * Get array of models * Custom tree order * @return array */ function getTree($force = false) { return $this->getOrderedTree($this->modify); } /** * Get ordered by their parents models * @return array */ function getOrderedTree($modified = false) { $var = !$modified ? '_link_array' : '_link_array_modified'; if(null === $this->$var) { $tree = $this->get('__tree', array()); $this->$var = array(); $search = array(); foreach ($tree as $id => $model) { $search[$model->get('link_parent')][$id] = $model; } asort($search); $this->_tree_order($this->current_id, $search, $this->$var, 0, $modified); } //$this->buildTreeIndex(); return $this->$var; } /** * Reorder current tree * @param $parent_id * @param $search * @param $src * @param $level * @return void */ function _tree_order($parent_id, $search, &$src, $level = 0, $modified = false) { if(!isset($search[$parent_id])) { return; } $level_image = $level ? ' ' : ''; foreach ($search[$parent_id] as $model) { $id = $model->get('link_id'); $src[$id] = $model; if($modified) { $model->set('link_name', $level_image.$model->get('link_name')); } $this->_tree_order($id, $search, $src, $level + 1, $modified); } } } class links_admin_form_ui extends e_admin_form_ui { protected $current_parent = null; private $linkFunctions; function init() { $tp = e107::getParser(); $tmp = e107::getAddonConfig('e_sitelink','sitelink'); foreach($tmp as $cat=> $array) { $func = array(); foreach($array as $val) { $newkey = $cat.'::'.$val['function']; $func[$newkey] = $tp->toHtml($val['name'],'','TITLE'); } $this->linkFunctions[$cat] = $func; } } function link_parent($value, $mode) { switch($mode) { case 'read': $current = $this->getController()->current_parent; if($current) // show only one parent { if(null === $this->current_parent) { if(e107::getDb()->db_Select('links', 'link_name', 'link_id='.$current)) { $tmp = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch(); $this->current_parent = $tmp['link_name']; } } } $cats = $this->getController()->getLinkArray(); $ret = array(); $this->_parents($value, $cats, $ret); if($this->current_parent) array_unshift($ret, $this->current_parent); return ($ret ? implode(' » ', $ret) : '-'); break; case 'write': $catid = $this->getController()->getId(); $cats = $this->getController()->getLinkArray($catid); $ret = array(); $this->_parent_select_array(0, $cats, $ret); return $this->selectbox('link_parent', $ret, $value, array('default' => LAN_SELECT)); break; case 'batch': case 'filter': $cats = $this->getController()->getLinkArray(); $ret[0] = $mode == 'batch' ? 'REMOVE PARENT' : 'Main Only'; $this->_parent_select_array(0, $cats, $ret); return $ret; break; } } function link_function($curVal,$mode) { if($mode == 'read') { return $curVal; // $this->linkFunctions[$curVal]; } if($mode == 'write') { return $this->selectbox('link_function',$this->linkFunctions,$curVal,array('default'=> "(".LAN_OPTIONAL.")")); } else { return $this->linkFunctions; } } /** * * @param integer $category_id * @param array $search * @param array $src * @param boolean $titles * @return array */ function _parents($link_id, $search, &$src, $titles = true) { foreach ($search as $parent => $cat) { if($cat && array_key_exists($link_id, $cat)) { array_unshift($src, ($titles ? $cat[$link_id] : $link_id)); if($parent > 0) { $this->_parents($parent, $search, $src, $titles); } } } } function _parent_select_array($parent_id, $search, &$src, $strpad = '   ', $level = 0) { if(!isset($search[$parent_id])) { return; } foreach ($search[$parent_id] as $id => $title) { $src[$id] = str_repeat($strpad, $level).($level != 0 ? '- ' : '').$title; $this->_parent_select_array($id, $search, $src, $strpad, $level + 1); } } function _has_parent($link_id, $parent_id, $cats) { $path = array(); $this->_parents($link_id, $cats, $path, false); return in_array($parent_id, $path); } /** * Override Create list view * * @return string */ public function getList($ajax = false) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $controller = $this->getController(); $request = $controller->getRequest(); $id = $this->getElementId(); $tree = $options = array(); $tree[$id] = clone $controller->getTreeModel(); $tree[$id]->modify = true; // if going through confirm screen - no JS confirm $controller->setFieldAttr('options', 'noConfirm', $controller->deleteConfirmScreen); $options[$id] = array( 'id' => $this->getElementId(), // unique string used for building element ids, REQUIRED 'pid' => $controller->getPrimaryName(), // primary field name, REQUIRED //'url' => e_SELF, default //'query' => $request->buildQueryString(array(), true, 'ajax_used'), - ajax_used is now removed from QUERY_STRING - class2 'head_query' => $request->buildQueryString('field=[FIELD]&asc=[ASC]&from=[FROM]', false), // without field, asc and from vars, REQUIRED 'np_query' => $request->buildQueryString(array(), false, 'from'), // without from var, REQUIRED for next/prev functionality 'legend' => $controller->getPluginTitle(), // hidden by default 'form_pre' => !$ajax ? $this->renderFilter($tp->post_toForm(array($controller->getQuery('searchquery'), $controller->getQuery('filter_options'))), $controller->getMode().'/'.$controller->getAction()) : '', // needs to be visible when a search returns nothing 'form_post' => '', // markup to be added after closing form element 'fields' => $controller->getFields(), // see e_admin_ui::$fields 'fieldpref' => $controller->getFieldPref(), // see e_admin_ui::$fieldpref 'table_pre' => '', // markup to be added before opening table element 'table_post' => !$tree[$id]->isEmpty() ? $this->renderBatch($controller->getBatchDelete(),$controller->getBatchCopy()) : '', 'fieldset_pre' => '', // markup to be added before opening fieldset element 'fieldset_post' => '', // markup to be added after closing fieldset element 'perPage' => $controller->getPerPage(), // if 0 - no next/prev navigation 'from' => $controller->getQuery('from', 0), // current page, default 0 'field' => $controller->getQuery('field'), //current order field name, default - primary field 'asc' => $controller->getQuery('asc', 'desc'), //current 'order by' rule, default 'asc' ); //$tree[$id]->modify = false; return $this->renderListForm($options, $tree, $ajax); } } new links_admin(); require_once(e_ADMIN."auth.php"); e107::getAdminUI()->runPage(); // TODO Link Preview. (similar to userclass preview) /* echo "

Preview (To-Do)

"; echo $tp->parseTemplate("{SITELINKS_ALT}"); */ require_once(e_ADMIN."footer.php"); exit; ?>