retrieve_sys('nq_admin_updatecheck',3600, TRUE)) { // See when we last checked for an admin update list($last_time, $dont_check_update, $last_ver) = explode(',',$tempData); if ($last_ver != $e107info['e107_version']) { $dont_check_update = FALSE; // Do proper check on version change } } } if (!$dont_check_update) { /* if ($sql->db_Select('plugin', 'plugin_id, plugin_version, plugin_path', 'plugin_installflag=1')) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { // Mark plugins for update which have a specific update file, or a plugin.php file to check if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$row['plugin_path'].'/'.$row['plugin_path'].'_update_check.php') || is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$row['plugin_path'].'/plugin.php') || is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$row['plugin_path'].'/'.$row['plugin_path'].'_setup.php')) { $dbupdateplugs[$row['plugin_path']] = $row['plugin_version']; //TODO - Add support for {plugins}_setup.php upgrade check and routine. } } } */ if($dbupdateplugs = e107::getConfig('core')->get('plug_installed')) { // Read in each update file - this will add an entry to the $dbupdatep array if a potential update exists foreach ($dbupdateplugs as $path => $ver) { if(!is_file(e_PLUGIN.$path."/plugin.xml")) { $fname = e_PLUGIN.$path.'/'.$path.'_update_check.php'; // DEPRECATED - left for BC only. if (is_readable($fname)) include_once($fname); } $fname = e_PLUGIN.$path.'/'.$path.'_setup.php'; if (is_readable($fname)) { $dbupdatep[$path] = $path ; // ' 0.7.x forums '.LAN_UPDATE_9.' 0.8 forums'; include_once($fname); } } } // List of potential updates if (defined('TEST_UPDATE')) { $dbupdate['test_code'] = 'Test update routine'; } // set 'master' to true to prevent other upgrades from running before it is complete. $dbupdate['706_to_800'] = array('master'=>true, 'title'=>LAN_UPDATE_8.' 1.x '.LAN_UPDATE_9.' 2.0','message'=> LAN_UPDATE_29); $dbupdate['core_prefs'] = array('master'=>true, 'title'=>LAN_UPDATE_13); // Prefs check // $dbupdate['70x_to_706'] = LAN_UPDATE_8.' .70x '.LAN_UPDATE_9.' .706'; } // End if (!$dont_check_update) // New in v2.x ------------------------------------------------ class e107Update { var $core = array(); var $updates = 0; var $disabled = 0; function __construct($core=null) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $this->core = $core; if(varset($_POST['update_core']) && is_array($_POST['update_core'])) { $func = key($_POST['update_core']); $message = $this->updateCore($func); } if(varset($_POST['update']) && is_array($_POST['update'])) // Do plugin updates { $func = key($_POST['update']); $this->updatePlugin($func); } if(vartrue($message)) { $mes->addSuccess($message); } $this->renderForm(); } function updateCore($func='') { $mes = e107::getMessage(); // foreach($this->core as $func => $data) // { if(function_exists('update_'.$func)) // Legacy Method. { $installed = call_user_func("update_".$func); //?! (LAN_UPDATE == $_POST[$func]) if(varsettrue($_POST['update_core'][$func]) && !$installed) { if(function_exists("update_".$func)) { $message = LAN_UPDATE_7." ".$data['title']; $error = call_user_func("update_".$func, "do"); if($error != '') { $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $mes->add($error, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } else { $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } } } else { $mes->addDebug("could run 'update_".$func); } //} } function updatePlugin($path) { e107::getPlugin()->install_plugin_xml($path, 'upgrade'); } function plugins() { if(!$list = e107::getPlugin()->updateRequired()) { return; } $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = ""; foreach($list as $path=>$val) { $text .= " ".$val['@attributes']['name']." ".$frm->admin_button('update['.$path.']', LAN_UPDATE, 'warning', '', 'disabled='.$this->disabled)." "; } return $text; } function core() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $text = ""; foreach($this->core as $func => $data) { if(function_exists("update_".$func)) { $text .= "".$data['title'].""; if(call_user_func("update_".$func)) { $text .= "".ADMIN_TRUE_ICON.""; } else { if(vartrue($data['message'])) { $mes->addInfo($data['message']); } $this->updates ++; $text .= "".$frm->admin_button('update_core['.$func.']', LAN_UPDATE, 'warning', '', "id=e-{$func}&disabled=".$this->disabled).""; if($data['master'] == true) { $this->disabled = 1; } } $text .= "\n"; } } return $text; } function renderForm() { $ns = e107::getRender(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $caption = LAN_UPDATE; $text = "
{$caption} "; $text .= $this->core(); $text .= $this->plugins(); $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender("Updates",$mes->render() . $text); } } /** * Master routine to call to check for updates */ function update_check() { $ns = e107::getRender(); $e107cache = e107::getCache(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); global $dont_check_update, $e107info; global $dbupdate, $dbupdatep, $e107cache; $update_needed = FALSE; if ($dont_check_update === FALSE) { foreach($dbupdate as $func => $rmks) // See which core functions need update { if (function_exists('update_'.$func)) { if (!call_user_func('update_'.$func, FALSE)) { $update_needed = TRUE; break; } } } // Now check plugins - XXX DEPRECATED foreach($dbupdatep as $func => $rmks) { if (function_exists('update_'.$func)) { if (!call_user_func('update_'.$func, FALSE)) { $update_needed = TRUE; break; } } } // New in v2.x if(e107::getPlugin()->updateRequired('boolean')) { $update_needed = TRUE; } // $e107cache->set_sys('nq_admin_updatecheck', time().','.($update_needed ? '2,' : '1,').$e107info['e107_version'], TRUE); } else { $update_needed = ($dont_check_update == '2'); } if ($update_needed === TRUE) { $frm = e107::getForm(); $txt = "
".ADLAN_120." ".$frm->admin_button('e107_system_update', LAN_UPDATE, 'other')."
"; $mes->addInfo($txt); } } //XXX to be reworked eventually - for checking remote 'new versions' of plugins and installed theme. // require_once(e_HANDLER.'e_upgrade_class.php'); // $upg = new e_upgrade; // $upg->checkSiteTheme(); // $upg->checkAllPlugins(); //-------------------------------------------- // Check current prefs against latest list //-------------------------------------------- function update_core_prefs($type='') { global $e107info; // $pref, $pref must be kept as global $pref = e107::getConfig('core', true, true)->getPref(); $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); $do_save = FALSE; $should = get_default_prefs(); $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if we're just seeing if an update is needed foreach ($should as $k => $v) { if ($k && !array_key_exists($k,$pref)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Missing pref: '.$k); $pref[$k] = $v; $admin_log->logMessage($k.' => '.$v, E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY, E_MESSAGE_INFO); $do_save = TRUE; } } if ($do_save) { //save_prefs(); e107::getConfig('core')->setPref($pref)->save(); $admin_log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'], E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY, E_MESSAGE_INFO); $admin_log->flushMessages('UPDATE_03',E_LOG_INFORMATIVE); //$admin_log->log_event('UPDATE_03',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode(', ',$accum),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update } return $just_check; } if (defined('TEST_UPDATE')) { //-------------------------------------------- // Test routine - to activate, define TEST_UPDATE //-------------------------------------------- function update_test_code($type='') { global $sql,$ns, $pref; $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed //--------------**************--------------- // Add your test code in here //--------------**************--------------- //--------------**************--------------- // End of test code //--------------**************--------------- return $just_check; } } // End of test routine //-------------------------------------------- // Upgrade later versions of 0.7.x to 0.8 //-------------------------------------------- function update_706_to_800($type='') { global $pref, $e107info; global $sysprefs, $eArrayStorage; //$mes = new messageLog; // Combined logging and message displaying handler //$mes = e107::getMessage(); $log = e107::getAdminLog(); // Used for combined logging and message displaying $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ns = e107::getRender(); e107::getCache()->clearAll('db'); e107::getCache()->clearAll('system'); // List of unwanted $pref values which can go $obs_prefs = array('frontpage_type','rss_feeds', 'log_lvcount', 'zone', 'upload_allowedfiletype', 'real', 'forum_user_customtitle', 'utf-compatmode','frontpage_method','standards_mode','image_owner','im_quality', 'signup_option_timezone', 'modules', 'plug_sc', 'plug_bb', 'plug_status', 'plug_latest', 'subnews_hide_news', 'upload_storagetype' ); // List of DB tables not required (includes a few from 0.6xx) $obs_tables = array('flood', 'headlines', 'stat_info', 'stat_counter', 'stat_last', 'session', 'preset', 'tinymce'); // List of DB tables newly required (defined in core_sql.php) (The existing dblog table gets renamed) // No Longer required. - automatically checked against core_sql.php. // $new_tables = array('audit_log', 'dblog', 'news_rewrite', 'core_media', 'core_media_cat','cron', 'mail_recipients', 'mail_content'); // List of core prefs that need to be converted from serialized to e107ArrayStorage. $serialized_prefs = array("'emote'", "'menu_pref'", "'search_prefs'", "'emote_default'", "'pm_prefs'"); $create_dir = array(e_MEDIA,e_SYSTEM,e_CACHE,e_CACHE_CONTENT,e_CACHE_IMAGE, e_CACHE_DB, e_LOG, e_BACKUP, e_CACHE_URL, e_TEMP); foreach($create_dir as $dr) { if(!is_dir($dr)) { mkdir($dr, 0755); } } // List of changed DB tables (defined in core_sql.php) // No Longer required. - automatically checked against core_sql.php. // (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster) // $changed_tables = array('user', 'dblog', 'admin_log', 'userclass_classes', 'banlist', 'menus', // 'plugin', 'news', 'news_category', 'online', 'page', 'links', 'comments'); // List of changed DB tables from core plugins (defined in pluginname_sql.php file) // key = plugin directory name. Data = comma-separated list of tables to check // (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster) // No Longer required. - automatically checked by db-verify /* $pluginChangedTables = array('linkwords' => 'linkwords', 'featurebox' => 'featurebox', 'links_page' => 'links_page', 'poll' => 'polls', 'content' => 'pcontent' ); */ /* $setCorePrefs = array( //modified prefs during upgrade. 'adminstyle' => 'infopanel', 'admintheme' => 'bootstrap', 'admincss' => 'admin_style.css', 'resize_dimensions' => array( 'news-image' => array('w' => 250, 'h' => 250), 'news-bbcode' => array('w' => 250, 'h' => 250), 'page-bbcode' => array('w' => 250, 'h' => 250) ) ); */ $do_save = TRUE; // List of changed menu locations. $changeMenuPaths = array( array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'compliance_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'powered_by_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'counter_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'siteinfo_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'latestnews_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'compliance_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'compliance_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'powered_by_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'powered_by_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'sitebutton_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'sitebutton_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'counter_menu', 'newpath' => 'siteinfo', 'menu' => 'counter_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'usertheme_menu', 'newpath' => 'user_menu', 'menu' => 'usertheme_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'userlanguage_menu', 'newpath' => 'user_menu', 'menu' => 'userlanguage_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'lastseen_menu', 'newpath' => 'online', 'menu' => 'lastseen_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'other_news_menu', 'newpath' => 'news', 'menu' => 'other_news_menu'), array('oldpath' => 'other_news_menu', 'newpath' => 'news', 'menu' => 'other_news2_menu') ); // List of DB tables (key) and field (value) which need changing to accommodate IPV6 addresses $ip_upgrade = array('download_requests' => 'download_request_ip', 'submitnews' => 'submitnews_ip', 'tmp' => 'tmp_ip', 'chatbox' => 'cb_ip' ); $db_parser = new db_table_admin; // Class to read table defs and process them $do_save = FALSE; // Set TRUE to update prefs when update complete $updateMessages = array(); // Used to log actions for the admin log - TODO: will go once all converted to new class $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed if (!$just_check) { foreach(vartrue($setCorePrefs) as $k=>$v) { $pref[$k] = $v; } } if (!$just_check) { $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'], E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY); } $statusTexts = array(E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS => 'Success', E_MESSAGE_ERROR => 'Fail', E_MESSAGE_INFO => 'Info'); if (isset($pref['forum_user_customtitle']) && !isset($pref['signup_option_customtitle'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Rename a core pref'); $pref['signup_option_customtitle'] = $pref['forum_user_customtitle']; unset($pref['forum_user_customtitle']); $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_20.'customtitle', E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $do_save = TRUE; } // convert all serialized core prefs to e107 ArrayStorage; $serialz_qry = "SUBSTRING( e107_value,1,5)!='array' AND e107_value !='' "; $serialz_qry .= "AND e107_name IN (".implode(",",$serialized_prefs).") "; if(e107::getDb()->select("core", "*", $serialz_qry)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Convert serialized core prefs'); while ($row = e107::getDb()->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $status = e107::getDb('sql2')->update('core',"e107_value=\"".convert_serialized($row['e107_value'])."\" WHERE e107_name='".$row['e107_name']."'"); $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_22.$row['e107_name'], $status); } } if(e107::getDb()->select("core", "*", "e107_name='pm_prefs' LIMIT 1")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Rename the pm prefs'); e107::getDb()->update("core", "e107_name='plugin_pm' WHERE e107_name = 'pm_prefs' LIMIT 1"); } //@TODO de-serialize the user_prefs also. // Move the maximum online counts from menu prefs to a separate pref - 'history' e107::getCache()->clearAll('system'); $menuConfig = e107::getConfig('menu',true,true); if ($menuConfig->get('most_members_online') || $menuConfig->get('most_guests_online') || $menuConfig->get('most_online_datestamp')) { $status = E_MESSAGE_DEBUG; if ($just_check) return update_needed('Move online counts from menupref'); $newPrefs = e107::getConfig('history'); foreach (array('most_members_online', 'most_guests_online', 'most_online_datestamp') as $v) { if (FALSE === $newPrefs->get($v, FALSE)) { if (FALSE !== $menuConfig->get($v, FALSE)) { $newPrefs->set($v,$menuConfig->get($v)); } else { $newPrefs->set($v, 0); } } $menuConfig->remove($v); } $result = $newPrefs->save(false, true, false); if ($result === TRUE) { $resultMessage = 'Historic member counts updated'; $result = $menuConfig->save(false, true, false); // Only re-save if successul. } elseif ($result === FALSE) { $resultMessage = 'moving historic member counts'; $status = E_MESSAGE_ERROR; } else { // No change $resultMessage = 'Historic member counts already updated'; $status = E_MESSAGE_INFO; } // $result = $menuConfig->save(false, true, false); // Save updated menuprefs - without the counts - don't delete them if it fails. //$updateMessages[] = $statusTexts[$status].': '.$resultMessage; // Admin log message $log->logMessage($resultMessage,$status); // User message } // ++++++++ Modify Menu Paths +++++++. if(varset($changeMenuPaths)) { foreach($changeMenuPaths as $val) { $qry = "SELECT menu_path FROM `#menus` WHERE menu_name = '".$val['menu']."' AND (menu_path='".$val['oldpath']."' || menu_path='".$val['oldpath']."/' ) LIMIT 1"; if($sql->gen($qry)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Menu path changed required: '.$val['menu'].' '); $updqry = "menu_path='".$val['newpath']."/' WHERE menu_name = '".$val['menu']."' AND (menu_path='".$val['oldpath']."' || menu_path='".$val['oldpath']."/' ) "; $status = $sql->update('menus', $updqry) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_23.''.$val['menu'].' : '.$val['oldpath'].' => '.$val['newpath'], $status); // LAN_UPDATE_25; // catch_error($sql); } } } // Leave this one here.. just in case.. //delete record for online_extended_menu (now only using one online menu) if($sql->db_Select('menus', '*', "menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed("The Menu table needs to have some paths corrected in its data."); $row=$sql->db_Fetch(); //if online_extended is activated, we need to activate the new 'online' menu, and delete this record if($row['menu_location']!=0) { $status = $sql->update('menus', "menu_name='online_menu', menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' ") ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_23."online_menu : online/", $status); } else { //else if the menu is not active //we need to delete the online_extended menu row, and change the online_menu to online $sql->delete('menus', " menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' "); $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_31, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } catch_error($sql); } //change menu_path for online_menu (if it still exists) if($sql->db_Select('menus', 'menu_path', "menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('change menu_path for online menu'); $status = $sql->update('menus', "menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/' ") ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_23."online_menu : online/", $status); catch_error($sql); } if (!$just_check) { // Alert Admin to delete deprecated menu folders. $chgPath = array(); foreach($changeMenuPaths as $cgpArray) { if(is_dir(e_PLUGIN.$cgpArray['oldpath'])) { $chgPath[] = $cgpArray['oldpath']; } } //TODO LAN if(count($chgPath)) { e107::getMessage()->addWarning('Before continuing, please manually delete the following outdated folders from your system: '); array_unique($chgPath); asort($chgPath); foreach($chgPath as $cgp) { e107::getMessage()->addWarning(e_PLUGIN_ABS."".$cgp.""); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Comments - split user field //--------------------------------------------------------- if($sql->db_Field('comments','comment_author')) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Comment table author field update'); if ((!$sql->db_Field('comments','comment_author_id')) // Check to see whether new fields already added - maybe data copy failed part way through && (!$sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#comments` ADD COLUMN comment_author_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `comment_author`, ADD COLUMN comment_author_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `comment_author_id`"))) { // Flag error // $commentMessage = LAN_UPDAXXTE_34; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21."comments", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } else { if (FALSE ===$sql->update('comments',"comment_author_id=SUBSTRING_INDEX(`comment_author`,'.',1), comment_author_name=SUBSTRING(`comment_author` FROM POSITION('.' IN `comment_author`)+1)")) { // Flag error $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21.'comments', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } else { // Delete superceded field - comment_author if (!$sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#comments` DROP COLUMN `comment_author`")) { // Flag error $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_24.'comments - comment_author', E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } } } $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21.'comments', E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } // Add index to download history // Deprecated by db-verify-class // if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('download_requests', 'download_request_datestamp', $just_check, $updateMessages))) // { // if ($just_check) // { // return update_needed($temp); // } // } // Extra index to tmp table // Deprecated by db-verify-class // if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('tmp', 'tmp_time', $just_check, $updateMessages))) // { // if ($just_check) // { // return update_needed($temp); // } // } // Extra index to rss table (if used) // Deprecated by db-verify-class // if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('rss', 'rss_name', $just_check, $updateMessages, TRUE))) // { // if ($just_check) // { // return update_needed($temp); // } // } // Front page prefs (logic has changed) if (!isset($pref['frontpage_force'])) // Just set basic options; no real method of converting the existing { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Change front page prefs'); $pref['frontpage_force'] = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => ''); $fpdef = vartrue($pref['frontpage']['all']) == 'index.php' ? 'index.php' : 'news.php'; $pref['frontpage'] = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => $fpdef); // $_pdateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_38; //FIXME $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_20."frontpage",E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); $do_save = TRUE; } /* * Deprecated by db-verify-class * if ($sql->db_Table_exists('newsfeed')) { // Need to extend field newsfeed_url varchar(250) NOT NULL default '' if ($sql->db_Query("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".MPREFIX."newsfeed LIKE 'newsfeed_url'")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (str_replace('varchar', 'char', strtolower($row['Type'])) != 'char(250)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update newsfeed field definition'); $status = $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."newsfeed` MODIFY `newsfeed_url` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ") ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_40; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21."newsfeed",$status); // catch_error($sql); } } } //TODO use generic function for this update. if ($sql->db_Table_exists('download')) { // Need to extend field download_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' if ($sql->db_Query("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".MPREFIX."download LIKE 'download_url'")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (str_replace('varchar', 'char', strtolower($row['Type'])) != 'char(255)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update download table field definition'); $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#download` MODIFY `download_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_52; //FIXME $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_52, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); catch_error($sql); } } } //TODO use generic function for this update. if ($sql->db_Table_exists('download_mirror')) { // Need to extend field download_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' if ($sql->gen("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".MPREFIX."download_mirror LIKE 'mirror_url'")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (str_replace('varchar', 'char', strtolower($row['Type'])) != 'char(255)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update download mirror table field definition'); $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download_mirror` MODIFY `mirror_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_53, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); catch_error($sql); } } } */ // Check need for user timezone before we delete the field if (varsettrue($pref['signup_option_timezone'])) { if ($sql->db_Field('user', 'user_timezone', '', TRUE) && !$sql->db_Field('user_extended','user_timezone','',TRUE)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Move user timezone info'); if (!copy_user_timezone()) { // Error doing the transfer //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_42; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_42, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_41; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_41, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } } // Tables defined in core_sql.php to be RENAMED. // Next bit will be needed only by the brave souls who used an early CVS - probably delete before release if ($sql->db_Table_exists('rl_history') && !$sql->db_Table_exists('dblog')) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Rename rl_history to dblog'); $sql->gen('ALTER TABLE `'.MPREFIX.'rl_history` RENAME `'.MPREFIX.'dblog`'); //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_44; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_44, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); catch_error($sql); } //--------------------------------- if ($sql->db_Table_exists('dblog') && !$sql->db_Table_exists('admin_log')) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Rename dblog to admin_log'); $sql->gen('ALTER TABLE `'.MPREFIX.'dblog` RENAME `'.MPREFIX.'admin_log`'); catch_error($sql); //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_43; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_43, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } // New tables required (list at top. Definitions in core_sql.php) // ALL DEPRECATED by db_verify class.. see below. /* foreach ($new_tables as $nt) { if (!$sql->db_Table_exists($nt)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Add table: '.$nt); // Get the definition $defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($nt,e_ADMIN.'sql/core_sql.php'); if (count($defs)) // **** Add in table here { $status = $sql->gen('CREATE TABLE `'.MPREFIX.$defs[0][1].'` ('.$defs[0][2].') TYPE='.$defs[0][3]) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; // $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_45.$defs[0][1]; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_27.$defs[0][1], $status); // catch_error($sql); } else { // error parsing defs file $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_46.$defs[0][1], E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } unset($defs); } } // Tables whose definition needs changing significantly $debugLevel = E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS; foreach ($changed_tables as $ct) { $req_defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($ct,e_ADMIN."sql/core_sql.php"); $req_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($req_defs[0][2]); // Required definitions if ($debugLevel) { $log->logMessage("Required table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($req_fields), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } if ((($actual_defs = $db_parser->get_current_table($ct)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actual_defs)) // Adds current default prefix { $log->logMessage("Couldn't get table structure: ".$ct, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } else { // echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs); $actual_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($actual_defs[0][2]); if ($debugLevel) { $log->logMessage("Actual table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($actual_fields), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } $diffs = $db_parser->compare_field_lists($req_fields,$actual_fields); if (count($diffs[0])) { // Changes needed if ($just_check) return update_needed("Field changes rqd; table: ".$ct); // Do the changes here if ($debugLevel) { $log->logMessage("List of changes found:
".$db_parser->make_changes_list($diffs), E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } $qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$ct.' '.implode(', ',$diffs[1]); if ($debugLevel) { $log->logMessage("Update Query used: ".$qry, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } $status = $sql->gen($qry) ? E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_21.$ct, $status); catch_error($sql); } } } // Plugin tables whose definition needs changing significantly foreach ($pluginChangedTables as $plugName => $plugList) { if (plugInstalled($plugName)) { $ttc = explode(',',$plugList); foreach ($ttc as $ct) { $sqlDefs = e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/'.str_replace('_menu','',$plugName).'_sql.php'; // Filename containing definitions // echo "Looking at file: {$sqlDefs}, table {$ct}
"; $req_defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($ct,$sqlDefs); if (!is_array($req_defs)) { echo "Couldn't get definitions from file {$sqlDefs}
"; continue; } $req_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($req_defs[0][2]); // Required definitions if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS) { $message = "Required plugin table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($req_fields); $log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } if ((($actual_defs = $db_parser->get_current_table($ct)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actual_defs)) // Adds current default prefix { // echo "Couldn't get table structure: {$ct}
"; } else { // echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs); $actual_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($actual_defs[0][2]); if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS) { $message= "Actual table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($actual_fields); $log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } $diffs = $db_parser->compare_field_lists($req_fields,$actual_fields); if (count($diffs[0])) { // Changes needed if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS) { $message = "List of changes found:
".$db_parser->make_changes_list($diffs); $log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } if ($just_check) return update_needed("Field changes rqd; plugin table: ".$ct); // Do the changes here $qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$ct.' '.implode(', ',$diffs[1]); if (E107_DBG_SQLDETAILS) { $message = "Update Query used: ".$qry."
"; $log->logMessage($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } $sql->gen($qry); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_51.$ct; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_51.$ct, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); catch_error($sql); } } } } } */ // Obsolete tables (list at top) $sql->mySQLtableList = false; // clear the cached table list. foreach ($obs_tables as $ot) { if ($sql->db_Table_exists($ot)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed("Delete table: ".$ot); $status = $sql->gen('DROP TABLE `'.MPREFIX.$ot.'`') ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_25.$ot, $status); } } // Tables where IP address field needs updating to accommodate IPV6 // Set to varchar(45) - just in case something uses the IPV4 subnet (see foreach ($ip_upgrade as $t => $f) { if ($sql->db_Table_exists($t)) { // Check for table - might add some core plugin tables in here if ($field_info = ($sql->db_Field($t, $f, '', TRUE))) { if (strtolower($field_info['Type']) != 'varchar(45)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update IP address field '.$f.' in table '.$t); $status = $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$t."` MODIFY `{$f}` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';") ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_26.$t.' - '.$f, $status); // catch_error($sql); } } else { // Got a strange error here } } } // Obsolete prefs (list at top) // Intentionally do this last - we may check some of them during the update $accum = array(); foreach ($obs_prefs as $p) { if (isset($pref[$p])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Remove obsolete prefs'); unset($pref[$p]); $do_save = TRUE; $accum[] = $p; } } /* -------------- Upgrade Entire Table Structure - Multi-Language Supported ----------------- */ // ONLY ever add fields, never deletes. require_once(e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php"); $dbv = new db_verify; if($plugUpgradeReq = e107::getPlugin()->updateRequired()) { $exclude = array_keys($plugUpgradeReq); // search xxxxx_setup.php and check for 'upgrade_required()' == true. } else { $exclude = false; } $dbv->compareAll($exclude); // core & plugins, but not plugins calling for an update with xxxxx_setup.php if(count($dbv->errors)) { if ($just_check) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->addDebug(print_a($dbv->errors,true)); return update_needed("Database Tables require updating."); } $dbv->compileResults(); $dbv->runFix(); // Fix entire core database structure and plugins too. } // print_a($dbv->results); // print_a($dbv->fixList); //TODO - send notification messages to Log. if($sql->field('page','page_theme') && $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM #page WHERE page_theme != '' AND menu_title = '' LIMIT 1")) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed("Pages/Menus Table requires updating."); } if($sql->update('page',"menu_name = page_theme, menu_title = page_title, menu_text = page_text, menu_template='default', page_title = '', page_text = '' WHERE page_theme !='' AND menu_title = '' AND menu_text = '' ")) { $sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#page` DROP `page_theme`"); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->addDebug("Successfully updated pages/menus table to new format. "); } } if($sql->field('plugin','plugin_releaseUrl')) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('plugin_releaseUrl is deprecated and needs to be removed. '); if($sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `#plugin` DROP `plugin_releaseUrl`")) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Successfully removed plugin_releaseUrl. "); } } // --- Notify Prefs // $notify_prefs = $sysprefs -> get('notify_prefs'); // $notify_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> ReadArray($notify_prefs); e107::getCache()->clearAll('system'); $notify_prefs = e107::getConfig('notify',true,true)->getPref(); $nt_changed = 0; if(vartrue($notify_prefs['event'])) { foreach ($notify_prefs['event'] as $e => $d) { if (isset($d['type'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Notify pref: '.$e.' outdated'); switch ($d['type']) { case 'main' : $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN; break; case 'class' : // Should already have class defined break; case 'email' : $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = 'email'; break; case 'off' : // Need to disable default : $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = e_UC_NOBODY; // Just disable if we don't know what else to do } $nt_changed++; unset($notify_prefs['event'][$e]['type']); } } } if ($nt_changed) { $s_prefs = $tp -> toDB($notify_prefs); $s_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> WriteArray($s_prefs); // Could we use $sysprefs->set($s_prefs,'notify_prefs') instead - avoids caching problems ???? $status = ($sql -> update("core", "e107_value='".$s_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs'") !== FALSE) ? E_MESSAGE_DEBUG : E_MESSAGE_ERROR; $message = str_replace('--COUNT--',$nt_changed,LAN_UPDATE_20); $log->logMessage($message, $status); } // --------------- Saved emails - copy across if (!$just_check && $sql->db_Select('generic', '*', "gen_type='massmail'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Copy across saved emails'); require_once(e_HANDLER.'mail_manager_class.php'); $mailHandler = new e107MailManager; $i = 0; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $mailRecord = array( 'mail_create_date' => $row['gen_datestamp'], 'mail_creator' => $row['gen_user_id'], 'mail_title' => $row['gen_ip'], 'mail_subject' => $row['gen_ip'], 'mail_body' => $row['gen_chardata'], 'mail_content_status' => MAIL_STATUS_SAVED ); $mailHandler->mailtoDb($mailRecord, TRUE); $mailHandler->saveEmail($mailRecord, TRUE); $sql2->delete('generic', 'gen_id='.intval($row['gen_id'])); // Delete as we go in case operation fails part way through $i++; } unset($mailHandler); $log->logMessage(str_replace('--COUNT--', $i, LAN_UPDATE_28)); } // ------------------- Populate Plugin Table With Changes ------------------ if (!isset($pref['shortcode_legacy_list'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Legacy shortcode conversion'); // Reset, legacy and new shortcode list will be generated in plugin update routine $pref['shortcode_legacy_list'] = array(); $pref['shortcode_list'] = array(); save_prefs(); $ep = e107::getPlugin(); $ep->update_plugins_table($mode); // scan for e_xxx changes and save to plugin table. $ep->save_addon_prefs($mode); // generate global e_xxx_list prefs from plugin table. } // This has to be done after the table is upgraded if($sql->db_Select('plugin', 'plugin_category', "plugin_category = ''")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update plugin table'); require_once(e_HANDLER.'plugin_class.php'); $ep = new e107plugin; $ep -> update_plugins_table('update'); // $_pdateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_XX24; // catch_error($sql); } //-- Media-manger import -------------------------------------------------- // Autogenerate filetypes.xml if not found. if(!is_readable(e_SYSTEM."filetypes.xml")) { $data = ' '; file_put_contents(e_SYSTEM."filetypes.xml",$data); } $root_media = str_replace(basename(e_MEDIA)."/","",e_MEDIA); $user_media_dirs = array("images","avatars", "avatars/default", "avatars/upload", "files","temp","videos","icons"); // check for old paths and rename. if(is_dir($root_media."images") || is_dir($root_media."temp")) { foreach($user_media_dirs as $md) { @rename($root_media.$md,e_MEDIA.$md); } } // create sub-directories if they do not exist. if(!is_dir(e_MEDIA."images") || !is_dir(e_MEDIA."temp") || !is_dir(e_AVATAR_UPLOAD) || !is_dir(e_AVATAR_DEFAULT) ) { foreach($user_media_dirs as $md) { if(!is_dir(e_MEDIA.$md)) { mkdir(e_MEDIA.$md); } } } // Move Avatars to new location $av1 = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_FILE.'public/avatars','.jpg|.gif|.png|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPG|.PNG'); $av2 = e107::getFile()->get_files(e_IMAGE.'avatars','.jpg|.gif|.png|.GIF|.jpeg|.JPG|.PNG'); $avatar_images = array_merge($av1,$av2); if(count($avatar_images)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Avatar paths require updating.'); foreach($avatar_images as $av) { $apath = (strstr($av['path'],'public/')) ? e_AVATAR_UPLOAD : e_AVATAR_DEFAULT; @rename($av['path'].$av['fname'], $apath. $av['fname']); } } // ------------------------------- $med = e107::getMedia(); // Media Category Update if($sql->db_Field("core_media_cat","media_cat_nick")) { $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_nick = '_common' "); if($count ==1) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Media-Manager Categories needs to be updated.'); $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = media_cat_nick, media_cat_category = media_cat_nick WHERE media_cat_nick REGEXP '_common|news|page|_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' "); $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = '_icon', media_cat_category = media_cat_nick WHERE media_cat_nick REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' "); $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = 'download', media_cat_category='download_image' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'download' "); $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = 'download', media_cat_category='download_thumb' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'downloadthumb' "); $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = 'news', media_cat_category='news_thumb' WHERE media_cat_nick = 'newsthumb' "); e107::getMessage()->addDebug("core-media-cat Categories and Ownership updated"); if($sql->gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` DROP `media_cat_nick`")) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("core-media-cat `media_cat_nick` field removed."); } // $query = "INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` (`media_cat_id`, `media_cat_owner`, `media_cat_category`, `media_cat_title`, `media_cat_diz`, `media_cat_class`, `media_cat_image`, `media_cat_order`) VALUES // (0, 'gallery', 'gallery_1', 'Gallery 1', 'Visible to the public at /gallery.php', 0, '', 0); /// "; // // if(mysql_query($query)) // { // e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Added core-media-cat Gallery."); // } } } // Media Update $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE media_category = 'newsthumb' OR media_category = 'downloadthumb' LIMIT 1 "); if($count ==1) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Media-Manager Data needs to be updated.'); $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='download_image' WHERE media_category = 'download' "); $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='download_thumb' WHERE media_category = 'downloadthumb' "); $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='news_thumb' WHERE media_category = 'newsthumb' "); e107::getMessage()->addDebug("core-media Category names updated"); } // Media Update - core media and core-file. $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE media_category = '_common' LIMIT 1 "); if($count ==1) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Media-Manager Category Data needs to be updated.'); $sql->update('core_media', "media_category='_common_image' WHERE media_category = '_common' "); e107::getMessage()->addDebug("core-media _common Category updated"); } // Media Update - core media and core-file. CATEGORY $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_category = '_common' LIMIT 1 "); if($count ==1) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Media-Manager Category Data needs to be updated.'); $sql->update('core_media_cat', "media_cat_category='_common_image' WHERE media_cat_category = '_common' "); $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_file', '(Common Area)', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 0);"); $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_file', 'Download Files', '', 253, '', 0);"); e107::getMessage()->addDebug("core-media-cat _common Category updated"); } $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE `media_cat_owner` = '_common' LIMIT 1 "); if($count != 1) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Add Media-Manager Categories and Import existing images.'); $e107_core_media_cat = array( array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'_common','media_cat_category'=>'_common_image','media_cat_title'=>'(Common Images)','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin.','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'0'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'_common','media_cat_category'=>'_common_file','media_cat_title'=>'(Common Files)','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin.','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'0'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'news','media_cat_category'=>'news','media_cat_title'=>'News','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'Will be available in the news area.','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'1'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'page','media_cat_category'=>'page','media_cat_title'=>'Custom Pages','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'Will be available in the custom pages area of admin.','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'0'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'download','media_cat_category'=>'download_image','media_cat_title'=>'Download Images','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'0'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'download','media_cat_category'=>'download_thumb','media_cat_title'=>'Download Thumbnails','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'0'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'download','media_cat_category'=>'download_file','media_cat_title'=>'Download Files','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'0'), array('media_cat_id'=>0,'media_cat_owner'=>'news','media_cat_category'=>'news_thumb','media_cat_title'=>'News Thumbnails (Legacy)','media_cat_sef'=>'','media_cat_diz'=>'Legacy news thumbnails.','media_cat_class'=>'253','media_cat_image'=>'','media_cat_order'=>'1'), ); foreach($e107_core_media_cat as $insert) { $sql->insert('core_media_cat', $insert); } // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_image', '(Common Images)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 1);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, '_common', '_common_file', '(Common Files)', '', 'Media in this category will be available in all areas of admin. ', 253, '', 2);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'news', 'news', 'News', '', 'Will be available in the news area. ', 253, '', 3);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'page', 'page', 'Custom Pages', '', 'Will be available in the custom pages area of admin. ', 253, '', 4);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_image','', 'Download Images', '', 253, '', 5);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_thumb', '', 'Download Thumbnails', '', 253, '', 6);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'download', 'download_file', '', 'Download Files', '', 253, '', 7);"); // mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'gallery', 'gallery_1', 'Gallery', 'Visible to the public at /gallery.php', 0, '', 0);"); // $sql->gen("INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` VALUES(0, 'news', 'news_thumb', 'News Thumbnails (Legacy)', '', 'Legacy news thumbnails. ', 253, '', 8);"); $med->import('news_thumb', e_IMAGE.'newspost_images',"^thumb_"); $med->import('news',e_IMAGE.'newspost_images'); $med->import('page',e_IMAGE.'custom'); } else { // e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Media COUNT was ".$count. " LINE: ".__LINE__); } // Check for Legacy Download Images. $fl = e107::getFile(); $dl_images = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'downloadimages'); if(count($dl_images) && !$sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_category` = 'download_image' ")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Import Download Images into Media Manager'); $med->import('download_image',e_FILE.'downloadimages'); $med->import('download_thumb',e_FILE.'downloadthumbs'); } $dl_files = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'downloads', "","standard",5); // don't use e_DOWNLOAD or a loop may occur. $publicFilter = array('_FT', '^thumbs\.db$','^Thumbs\.db$','.*\._$','^\.htaccess$','^\.cvsignore$','^\.ftpquota$','^index\.html$','^null\.txt$','\.bak$','^.tmp'); // Default file filter (regex format) // $publicFilter = array(1); $public_files = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'public','',$publicFilter); if((count($dl_files) || count($public_files)) && !$sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_category` = 'download_file' ")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Import '.count($dl_files).' Download File(s) and '.count($public_files).' Public File(s) into Media Manager'); // check for file-types; if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')) { $a_types = strtolower(trim(file_get_contents(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php'))); $srch = array("png","jpg","jpeg","gif"); $a_types = str_replace($srch,"",$a_types); // filter-out images. } else { $a_types = 'zip, gz, pdf'; } $a_types = explode(',', $a_types); foreach ($a_types as $f_type) { $allowed_types[] = trim(str_replace('.', '', $f_type)); } $fmask = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]+\.('.implode('|',$allowed_types).')$'; $med->import('download_file',e_DOWNLOAD, $fmask); $med->import('_common_file',e_FILE.'public', $fmask); } $count = $sql->gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media_cat` WHERE media_cat_owner='_icon' "); if(!$count) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Add icons to media-manager'); $query = "INSERT INTO `".MPREFIX."core_media_cat` (`media_cat_id`, `media_cat_owner`, `media_cat_category`, `media_cat_title`, `media_cat_diz`, `media_cat_class`, `media_cat_image`, `media_cat_order`) VALUES (0, '_icon', '_icon_16', 'Icons 16px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0), (0, '_icon', '_icon_32', 'Icons 32px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0), (0, '_icon', '_icon_48', 'Icons 48px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0), (0, '_icon', '_icon_64', 'Icons 64px', 'Available where icons are used in admin. ', 253, '', 0); "; if(!$sql->gen($query)) { // echo "mysyql error"; // error or already exists. } $med->importIcons(e_PLUGIN); $med->importIcons(e_IMAGE."icons/"); $med->importIcons(e_THEME.$pref['sitetheme']."/images/"); e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Icon category added"); } // Any other images should be imported manually via Media Manager batch-import. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Check that custompages have been imported from current theme.php file if (!$just_check) { $th = e107::getSingleton('themeHandler'); $tmp = $th->getThemeInfo($pref['sitetheme']); if($th->setTheme($pref['sitetheme'], false)) { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Updated SiteTheme prefs"); } else { e107::getMessage()->addDebug("Couldn't update SiteTheme prefs"); } } if ($do_save) { save_prefs(); $log->logMessage(LAN_UPDATE_50); $log->logMessage(implode(', ', $accum), E_MESSAGE_NODISPLAY); //$updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_50.implode(', ',$accum); // Note for admin log } //FIXME grab message-stack from $log for the log. //if ($just_check) return TRUE; $log->flushMessages('UPDATE_01'); // Write admin log entry, update message handler //$admin_log->log_event('UPDATE_01',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode('[!br!]',$updateMessages),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update return $just_check; } /* No Longed Used I think function core_media_import($cat,$epath) { if(!vartrue($cat)){ return;} if(!is_readable($epath)) { return; } $fl = e107::getFile(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $fl->setFileInfo('all'); $img_array = $fl->get_files($epath,'','',2); if(!count($img_array)){ return;} foreach($img_array as $f) { $fullpath = $tp->createConstants($f['path'].$f['fname'],1); $insert = array( 'media_caption' => $f['fname'], 'media_description' => '', 'media_category' => $cat, 'media_datestamp' => $f['modified'], 'media_url' => $fullpath, 'media_userclass' => 0, 'media_name' => $f['fname'], 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_size' => $f['fsize'], 'media_dimensions' => $f['img-width']." x ".$f['img-height'], 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_type' => $f['mime'] ); if(!$sql->db_Select('core_media','media_url',"media_url = '".$fullpath."' LIMIT 1")) { if($sql->db_Insert("core_media",$insert)) { $mes->add("Importing Media: ".$f['fname'], E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } } } */ function update_70x_to_706($type='') { global $sql,$ns, $pref, $e107info, $admin_log, $emessage; $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; if(!$sql->db_Field("plugin",5)) // not plugin_rss so just add the new one. { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` ADD `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL ;"); catch_error($sql); } //rename plugin_rss field if($sql->db_Field("plugin",5) == "plugin_rss") { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` CHANGE `plugin_rss` `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error($sql); } if($sql->db_Field("dblog",5) == "dblog_query") { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."dblog` CHANGE `dblog_query` `dblog_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); catch_error($sql); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."dblog` CHANGE `dblog_remarks` `dblog_remarks` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error($sql); } if(!$sql->db_Field("plugin","plugin_path","UNIQUE")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); if(!$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` ADD UNIQUE (`plugin_path`);")) { $mesg = LAN_UPDATE_12." : ".ADLAN_145."."; //$ns -> tablerender(LAN_ERROR,$mes); $emessage->add($mesg, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); catch_error($sql); } } if(!$sql->db_Field("online",6)) // online_active field { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."online ADD online_active INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); catch_error($sql); } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW INDEX FROM ".MPREFIX."tmp")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (!in_array('tmp_ip', $row)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."tmp` ADD INDEX `tmp_ip` (`tmp_ip`);"); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."upload` ADD INDEX `upload_active` (`upload_active`);"); $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."generic` ADD INDEX `gen_type` (`gen_type`);"); } } if (!$just_check) { // update new fields require_once(e_HANDLER."plugin_class.php"); $ep = new e107plugin; $ep->update_plugins_table('update'); $ep->save_addon_prefs('update'); } if (!isset($pref['displayname_maxlength'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $pref['displayname_maxlength'] = 15; save_prefs(); } // If we get to here, in checking mode no updates are required. In update mode, all done. if ($just_check) return TRUE; $admin_log->log_event('UPDATE_02',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'],E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update return $just_check; // TRUE if no updates needed, FALSE if updates needed and completed } /** * Carries out the copy of timezone data from the user record to an extended user field * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ function copy_user_timezone() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); $tp = e107::getParser(); require_once(e_HANDLER.'user_extended_class.php'); $ue = new e107_user_extended; $tmp = $ue->parse_extended_xml('getfile'); $tmp['timezone']['parms'] = $tp->toDB($tmp['timezone']['parms']); if(!$ue->user_extended_add($tmp['timezone'])) { return FALSE; } // Created the field - now copy existing data if ($sql->db_Select('user','user_id, user_timezone')) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $sql2->update('user_extended',"`user_timezone`='{$row['user_timezone']}' WHERE `user_extended_id`={$row['user_id']}"); } } return TRUE; // All done! } function update_needed($message='') { global $ns, $update_debug; $emessage = e107::getMessage(); // if ($update_debug) $emessage->add("Update: ".$message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { $tmp = debug_backtrace(); //$ns->tablerender("", "
Update required in ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp[0]['line']."
"); $emessage->add("Update required in ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp[0]['line']." (".$message.")", E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } return FALSE; } /** * Add index to a table. Returns FALSE if not required. Returns a message if required and just checking * * @todo - get rid of $updateMessages parameter once log/message display method finalised, call the relevant method */ function addIndexToTable($target, $indexSpec, $just_check, &$updateMessages, $optionalTable=FALSE) { global $sql; if (!$sql->db_Table_exists($target)) { if ($optionalTable) { return !$just_check; // Nothing to do it table is optional and not there } $updateMessages[] = str_replace(array('--TABLE--','--INDEX--'),array($target,$indexSpec),LAN_UPDATE_54); return !$just_check; // No point carrying on - return 'nothing to do' } if ($sql->db_Select_gen("SHOW INDEX FROM ".MPREFIX.$target)) { $found = FALSE; while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { // One index per field if (in_array($indexSpec, $row)) { return !$just_check; // Found - nothing to do } } // Index not found here if ($just_check) { return 'Required to add index to '.$target; } $sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$target."` ADD INDEX `".$indexSpec."` (`".$indexSpec."`);"); $updateMessages[] = str_replace(array('--TABLE--','--INDEX--'),array($target,$indexSpec),LAN_UPDATE_37); } return FALSE; } /** Check for database access errors * @param reference $target - pointer to db object * @return none */ function catch_error(&$target) { if (vartrue($target->getLastErrorText()) && E107_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0) { $tmp2 = debug_backtrace(); $tmp = $target->getLastErrorText(); echo $tmp." [ ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp2[0]['line']."]
"; } return; } function get_default_prefs() { $xmlArray = e107::getSingleton('xmlClass')->loadXMLfile(e_CORE."xml/default_install.xml",'advanced'); $pref = e107::getSingleton('xmlClass')->e107ImportPrefs($xmlArray,'core'); return $pref; } function convert_serialized($serializedData) { $arrayData = unserialize($serializedData); return e107::getArrayStorage()->WriteArray($arrayData,FALSE); } ?>