retrieve("SELECT chapter_id,chapter_sef,chapter_parent, chapter_name, chapter_visibility FROM #page_chapters ORDER BY chapter_parent, chapter_order ASC" , true); foreach($books as $row) { $id = $row['chapter_id']; $this->catList[$id] = $row; } } private function getName($chapter) { return varset($this->catList[$chapter]['chapter_name'], false); } private function getSef($chapter) { return vartrue($this->catList[$chapter]['chapter_sef'],false); } private function getParent($chapter) { return varset($this->catList[$chapter]['chapter_parent'], false); } private function isVisible($chapter) { return check_class($this->catList[$chapter]['chapter_visibility']); // return varset($this->catList[$chapter]['chapter_visibility'], 0); } function config() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $catList = array(); $catList[] = array('id' => 'all', 'title' => LAN_SEARCH_51); foreach($this->catList as $key=>$row) { if(!empty($row['chapter_parent']) && $this->isVisible($key)) { $catList[] = array('id' => $key, 'title' => $this->getName($row['chapter_parent'])." - ".$row['chapter_name']); } } $search = array( 'name' => LAN_PLUGIN_PAGE_NAME , 'table' => 'page AS p LEFT JOIN #page_chapters AS c ON p.page_chapter = c.chapter_id ', 'return_fields' => array('p.page_id', 'p.page_title', 'p.page_sef', 'p.page_text', 'p.page_chapter', 'p.page_datestamp', 'p.menu_image'), 'search_fields' => array('p.page_title' => '1.2', 'p.page_text' => '0.6', 'p.page_metakeys'=> '1.0', 'p.page_fields' => '0.5'), // fields and their weights. 'order' => array('page_datestamp' => DESC), 'refpage' => 'page.php' ); if(!empty($catList)) { $search['advanced'] = array( 'cat' => array('type' => 'dropdown', 'text' => LAN_PLUGIN_PAGE_BOCHAP, 'list'=>$catList), // 'date'=> array('type' => 'date', 'text' => LAN_DATE_POSTED), // 'match'=> array('type' => 'dropdown', 'text' => LAN_SEARCH_52, 'list'=>$matchList) ); } return $search; } /* Compile Database data for output */ function compile($row) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $book = $this->getParent($row['page_chapter']); $row['chapter_sef'] = $this->getSef($row['page_chapter']); $row['book_sef'] = $this->getSef($book); if(empty($row['page_sef'])) { $row['page_sef'] = '--sef-not-assigned--'; } if($row['page_chapter'] == 0) // Page without category. { $route = 'page/view/other'; $pre = ''; } else // Page with book/chapter { $route = 'page/view/index'; $pre = $tp->toHTML($this->getName($book),false,'TITLE').' » '. $tp->toHTML($this->getName($row['page_chapter']),false,'TITLE'). " | "; } $res = array(); $res['link'] = e107::getUrl()->create($route, $row, array('allow' => 'page_sef,page_title,page_id,chapter_sef,book_sef')); $res['pre_title'] = $pre; $res['title'] = $tp->toHTML($row['page_title'], false, 'TITLE'); $res['summary'] = (!empty($row['page_metadscr'])) ? $row['page_metadscr'] : $row['page_text']; $res['detail'] = LAN_SEARCH_3.$tp->toDate($row['page_datestamp'], "long"); $res['image'] = $row['menu_image']; return $res; } /** * Optional - Advanced Where * @param $parm - data returned from $parm (ie. advanced fields included. in this case 'cat' ) */ function where($parm=array()) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $time = time(); $qry = " (c.chapter_visibility IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") OR p.page_chapter = 0) AND p.page_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND p.page_text != '' AND "; if(!empty($parm['cat']) && $parm['cat'] != 'all') { $qry .= " p.page_chapter='".intval($parm['cat'])."' AND"; } return $qry; /* if (isset($parm['time']) && is_numeric($parm['time'])) { $qry .= " n.news_datestamp ".($parm['on'] == 'new' ? '>=' : '<=')." '".(time() - $parm['time'])."' AND"; } return $qry; */ } }