bbarea() instead. */ function display_help($tagid="helpb", $mode = 1, $addtextfunc = "addtext", $helpfunc = "help", $helpsize = '') { $options = array('trigger' => $addtextfunc ); return e107::getBB()->renderButtons($mode,'data',$options); // guessing the name of the textarea as 'data' no indicator unfortunately. // may cause pre-image and pre-file selector issues. // if(defsettrue('e_WYSIWYG')) { return; } /* global $tp, $pref, $eplug_bb, $bbcode_func, $register_bb, $bbcode_help, $bbcode_helpactive, $bbcode_helptag, $bbcode_helpsize; $bbcode_helpsize = $helpsize; $bbcode_func = $addtextfunc; $bbcode_help = $helpfunc; $bbcode_helptag = $tagid; // $arr = get_defined_vars(); // print_a($arr); // load the template if(is_readable(THEME."bbcode_template.php")) { include(THEME."bbcode_template.php"); } else { include(e_CORE."templates/bbcode_template.php"); } if($mode != 2 && $mode != "forum") { $bbcode_helpactive = TRUE; } // Load the Plugin bbcode AFTER the templates, so they can modify or replace. if (!empty($pref['e_bb_list'])) { foreach($pref['e_bb_list'] as $val) { if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_bb.php")) { require(e_PLUGIN.$val."/e_bb.php"); } } } $temp = array(); $temp['news'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_NEWSPOST; $temp['submitnews'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_SUBMITNEWS; $temp['extended'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_NEWSPOST; $temp['admin'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_ADMIN; $temp['mailout'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_MAILOUT; $temp['page'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_CPAGE; $temp['maintenance']= $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_ADMIN; $temp['comment'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE; $temp['signature'] = $BBCODE_TEMPLATE_SIGNATURE; if(isset($temp[$mode])) { $BBCODE_TEMPLATE = $temp[$mode]; } $visible = deftrue('e_WYSIWYG') ? "style='display:none'" : ""; if(is_readable(e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/bbcode_shortcodes.php")) { $sc = e107::getScBatch('bbcode'); if($tagid == 'data') // BC fix. { $tagid = 'data_'; } $data = array( 'tagid' => $tagid, 'template' => $mode, 'trigger' => $addtextfunc, 'hint_func' => $helpfunc, 'hint_active' => $bbcode_helpactive, 'size' => $helpsize ); $sc->setVars($data); return "
"; } else { return "ERROR: ".e_CORE."shortcodes/batch/bbcode_shortcodes.php IS NOT READABLE."; } */ } function Size_Select($formid='size_selector') { $text =" \n"; return $text; } function Color_Select($formid='col_selector') { $text = "
"; $text .= ""; $text .="
"; return $text; } function PreImage_Select($formid='preimage_selector') { global $bbcode_imagedir; $med = e107::getMedia(); $text =""; $text .= $med->imageSelect($bbcode_imagedir,$formid); return $text; } // Parameter '$bbcode_filedir' removed - not used in code. function PreFile_Select($formid='prefile_selector') { require_once(e_HANDLER."userclass_class.php"); global $IMAGES_DIRECTORY, $fl; $sql = e107::getDb(); $fl = e107::getFile(); $filelist = array(); $downloadList = array(); /*$sql->db_Select('download', '*', 'download_class != '.e_UC_NOBODY); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { extract($row); if($download_url) { $filelist[] = array('id' => $download_id, 'name' => $download_name, 'url' => $download_url, 'class' => $download_class); $downloadList[] = $download_url; } }*/ $tmp = $fl->get_files(e_FILE.'downloads/'); foreach($tmp as $value) { if(!in_array($value['fname'], $downloadList)) { $filelist[] = array('id' => 0, 'name' => $value['fname'], 'url' => $value['fname']); } } $text =" \n\n"; return $text; } function Emoticon_Select($formid='emoticon_selector') { require_once(e_HANDLER."emote.php"); $text =" \n\n"; return $text; } ?>