e107 = e107::getInstance();
$this->ourDB = new db;
//$this->debugLevel = 2;
* Cron configuration
* Defines one or more cron tasks to be performed
* @return array of task arrays
public function config()
$cron = array();
$cron[] = array(
'name' => LAN_EC_PM_04,
'category' => 'plugin',
'function' => 'processPM',
'description' => LAN_EC_PM_05
return $cron;
* Logging routine - writes lines to a text file
* Auto-opens log file (if necessary) on first call
* @param string $logText - body of text to write
* @param boolean $closeAfter - if TRUE, log file closed before exit; otherwise left open
* @return none
function logLine($logText, $closeAfter = FALSE, $addTimeDate = FALSE)
if ($this->logRequirement == 0) return;
$logFilename = e_LOG.'pm_bulk.txt';
if ($this->logHandle == NULL)
if (!($this->logHandle = fopen($logFilename, "a")))
{ // Problem creating file?
echo "File open failed!
$this->logRequirement = 0;
if (fwrite($this->logHandle,($addTimeDate ? date('D j M Y G:i:s').': ' : '').$logText."\r\n") == FALSE)
$this->logRequirement = 0;
echo 'File write failed!
if ($closeAfter)
$this->logHandle = NULL;
* Called to process outstanding PMs (which are always bulk lists)
* Emails are added to the queue.
* Various events are logged in a text file
* @return none
public function processPM()
global $pref;
$this->startTime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('d'), date('Y')); // Date for start processing
$this->logRequirement = varset($pref['eventpost_emaillog'], 0);
if ($this->debugLevel >= 2) $this->logRequirement = 2; // Force full logging if debug
// Start of the 'real' code
if ($this->ourDB->select('generic', '*', "`gen_type` = 'pm_bulk' LIMIT 1"))
$pmRow = $this->ourDB->fetch();
$this->logLine("\r\n\r\n".str_replace('--NUM--',$pmRow['gen_intdata'],LAN_EC_PM_06).date('D j M Y G:i:s'));
$this->ourDB->delete('generic', "`gen_type` = 'pm_bulk' AND `gen_id` = ".$pmRow['gen_id']);
$pmData = e107::unserialize($pmRow['gen_chardata']);
$this->pmClass = new private_message;
$this->logLine(' .. Run completed',TRUE, TRUE);
return TRUE;
private function checkMailManager()
if ($this->mailManager == NULL)
require_once(e_HANDLER .'mail_manager_class.php');
$this->mailManager = new e107MailManager();