isInstalled('forum')) { // FIXME GLOBAL - get rid of all e_BASE|e_HTTP|Whatever/index.php - just point to SITEURL header('Location: '.SITEURL); exit; } // include_lan(e_PLUGIN.'forum/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_forum.php'); require_once(e_PLUGIN.'forum/forum_class.php'); $forum = new e107forum; if ($untrackId = varset($_REQUEST['untrack'])) { $forum->track('del', USERID, $untrackId); header('location:'.$e107->url->create('forum/thread/track', array(), 'full=1&encode=0')); exit; } if(isset($_GET['f'])) { if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = (int)$_GET['id']; } switch($_GET['f']) { case 'mfar': $forum->forumMarkAsRead($id); header('location:'.e_SELF); exit; break; case 'rules': include_once(HEADERF); forum_rules('show'); include_once(FOOTERF); exit; break; } } $fVars = new e_vars; $gen = new convert; $fVars->FORUMTITLE = LAN_46; $fVars->THREADTITLE = LAN_47; $fVars->REPLYTITLE = LAN_48; $fVars->LASTPOSTITLE = LAN_49; $fVars->INFOTITLE = LAN_191; $fVars->LOGO = IMAGE_e; $fVars->NEWTHREADTITLE = LAN_424; $fVars->POSTEDTITLE = LAN_423; $fVars->NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_new_small; $fVars->TRACKTITLE = LAN_397; $rules_text = forum_rules('check'); $fVars->USERINFO = "".LAN_429." | ".LAN_430.""; if(USER) { $fVars->USERINFO .= " | ".LAN_431." | ".LAN_432." | ".LAN_435.""; if($forum->prefs->get('attach') && (check_class($pref['upload_class']) || getperms('0'))) { $fVars->USERINFO .= " | ".FORLAN_442.""; } } if($rules_text != '') { $fVars->USERINFO .= " | ".LAN_433.''; } $total_topics = $sql->count("forum_thread", "(*)"); $total_replies = $sql->count("forum_post", "(*)"); $total_members = $sql->count("user"); $newest_member = $sql->select("user", "*", "user_ban='0' ORDER BY user_join DESC LIMIT 0,1"); list($nuser_id, $nuser_name) = $sql->db_Fetch(); if(!defined('e_TRACKING_DISABLED')) { $member_users = $sql->select("online", "*", "online_location REGEXP('forum.php') AND online_user_id!='0' "); $guest_users = $sql->select("online", "*", "online_location REGEXP('forum.php') AND online_user_id='0' "); $users = $member_users+$guest_users; $fVars->USERLIST = LAN_426; global $listuserson; $c = 0; if(is_array($listuserson)) { foreach($listuserson as $uinfo => $pinfo) { list($oid, $oname) = explode(".", $uinfo, 2); $c ++; $fVars->USERLIST .= "$oname".($c == MEMBERS_ONLINE ? "." :", "); } } $fVars->USERLIST .= "
".LAN_427." ".LAN_436; } $fVars->STATLINK = "".LAN_441."\n"; $fVars->ICONKEY = " \n\n
".IMAGE_new_small." ".LAN_79." ".IMAGE_nonew_small." ".LAN_80." ".IMAGE_closed_small." ".LAN_394."
\n"; $fVars->SEARCH = "
\n"; $fVars->PERMS = (USER == TRUE || ANON == TRUE ? LAN_204." - ".LAN_206." - ".LAN_208 : LAN_205." - ".LAN_207." - ".LAN_209); $fVars->INFO = ""; if (USER == TRUE) { $total_new_threads = $sql->count('forum_thread', '(*)', "WHERE thread_datestamp>'".USERLV."' "); if (USERVIEWED != "") { $tmp = explode(".", USERVIEWED); // List of numbers, separated by single period $total_read_threads = count($tmp); } else { $total_read_threads = 0; } $fVars->INFO = LAN_30." ".USERNAME."
"; $lastvisit_datestamp = $gen->convert_date(USERLV, 'long'); $datestamp = $gen->convert_date(time(), "long"); if (!$total_new_threads) { $fVars->INFO .= LAN_31; } elseif($total_new_threads == 1) { $fVars->INFO .= LAN_32; } else { $fVars->INFO .= LAN_33." ".$total_new_threads." ".LAN_34." "; } $fVars->INFO .= LAN_35; if ($total_new_threads == $total_read_threads && $total_new_threads != 0 && $total_read_threads >= $total_new_threads) { $fVars->INFO .= LAN_198; $allread = TRUE; } elseif($total_read_threads != 0) { $fVars->INFO .= " (".LAN_196.$total_read_threads.LAN_197.")"; } $fVars->INFO .= "
".LAN_36." ".$lastvisit_datestamp."
".LAN_37." ".$datestamp; } else { $fVars->INFO .= ''; if (ANON == TRUE) { $fVars->INFO .= LAN_410.'
'.LAN_44." ".LAN_437." ".LAN_438; } elseif(USER == FALSE) { $fVars->INFO .= LAN_410.'
'.LAN_45." ".LAN_439." ".LAN_440; } } if (USER && vartrue($allread) != TRUE && $total_new_threads && $total_new_threads >= $total_read_threads) { $fVars->INFO .= "
".LAN_199.''.(e_QUERY != 'new' ? ", ".LAN_421."" : ''); } if (USER && varsettrue($forum->prefs->get('track')) && e_QUERY != 'track') { $fVars->INFO .= "
".LAN_393.''; } $fVars->FORUMINFO = LAN_192.($total_topics+$total_replies).' '.LAN_404." ($total_topics ".($total_topics == 1 ? LAN_411 : LAN_413).", $total_replies ".($total_replies == 1 ? LAN_412 : LAN_414).").".(!defined("e_TRACKING_DISABLED") ? "" : "
".$users." ".($users == 1 ? LAN_415 : LAN_416)." (".$member_users." ".($member_users == 1 ? LAN_417 : LAN_419).", ".$guest_users." ".($guest_users == 1 ? LAN_418 : LAN_420).")
".LAN_41."".$nuser_name.".\n"); if (!isset($FORUM_MAIN_START)) { if (file_exists(THEME.'forum_template.php')) { include_once(THEME.'forum_template.php'); } } include(e_PLUGIN.'forum/templates/forum_template.php'); if(is_array($FORUM_TEMPLATE) && (e_BOOTSTRAP === true)) // new v2.x format. { $FORUM_MAIN_START = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-start']; $FORUM_MAIN_PARENT = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-parent']; $FORUM_MAIN_FORUM = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-forum']; $FORUM_MAIN_END = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-end']; $FORUM_NEWPOSTS_START = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-start']; // $FORUM_TEMPLATE['new-start']; $FORUM_NEWPOSTS_MAIN = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-forum']; // $FORUM_TEMPLATE['new-main']; $FORUM_NEWPOSTS_END = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-end']; // $FORUM_TEMPLATE['new-end']; $FORUM_TRACK_START = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-start']; // $FORUM_TEMPLATE['track-start']; $FORUM_TRACK_MAIN = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-forum']; // $FORUM_TEMPLATE['track-main']; $FORUM_TRACK_END = $FORUM_TEMPLATE['main-end']; // $FORUM_TEMPLATE['track-end']; } require_once(HEADERF); $forumList = $forum->forumGetForumList(); $newflag_list = $forum->forumGetUnreadForums(); if (!$forumList) { $ns->tablerender(PAGE_NAME, "
', array('forum', '51')); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $forum_string = ''; $pVars = new e_vars; foreach ($forumList['parents'] as $parent) { $status = parse_parent($parent); $pVars->PARENTSTATUS = $status; $pVars->PARENTNAME = $parent['forum_name']; $forum_string .= $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_MAIN_PARENT, $pVars); if (!count($forumList['forums'][$parent['forum_id']])) { $text .= "".LAN_52.""; } else { //TODO: Rework the restricted string foreach($forumList['forums'][$parent['forum_id']] as $f) { if ($f['forum_class'] == e_UC_ADMIN && ADMIN) { $forum_string .= parse_forum($f, LAN_406); } elseif($f['forum_class'] == e_UC_MEMBER && USER) { $forum_string .= parse_forum($f, LAN_407); } elseif($f['forum_class'] == e_UC_READONLY) { $forum_string .= parse_forum($f, LAN_408); } elseif($f['forum_class'] && check_class($f['forum_class'])) { $forum_string .= parse_forum($f, LAN_409); } elseif(!$f['forum_class']) { $forum_string .= parse_forum($f); } } if (isset($FORUM_MAIN_PARENT_END)) { $forum_string .= $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_MAIN_PARENT_END, $pVars); } } } function parse_parent($parent) { if(!check_class($parent['forum_postclass'])) { $status = '( '.LAN_405.' )'; } return vartrue($status); } function parse_forum($f, $restricted_string = '') { global $FORUM_MAIN_FORUM, $gen, $forum, $newflag_list, $forumList; $fVars = new e_vars; $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $tp = e107::getParser(); if(USER && is_array($newflag_list) && in_array($f['forum_id'], $newflag_list)) { $fVars->NEWFLAG = "".IMAGE_new.''; } else { $fVars->NEWFLAG = IMAGE_nonew; } if(substr($f['forum_name'], 0, 1) == '*') { $f['forum_name'] = substr($f['forum_name'], 1); } $f['forum_name'] = $tp->toHTML($f['forum_name'], true, 'no_hook'); $f['forum_description'] = $tp->toHTML($f['forum_description'], true, 'no_hook'); $fVars->FORUMNAME = "{$f['forum_name']}"; $fVars->FORUMDESCRIPTION = $f['forum_description'].($restricted_string ? "
$restricted_string" : ""); $fVars->THREADS = $f['forum_threads']; $fVars->REPLIES = $f['forum_replies']; $fVars->FORUMSUBFORUMS = ''; $badgeReplies = ($f['forum_replies']) ? "badge-info" : ""; $badgeThreads = ($f['forum_threads']) ? "badge-info" : ""; $fVars->THREADSX = "".$f['forum_threads'].""; $fVars->REPLIESX = "".$f['forum_replies'].""; if(is_array($forumList['subs'][$f['forum_id']])) { list($lastpost_datestamp, $lastpost_thread) = explode('.', $f['forum_lastpost_info']); $ret = parse_subs($forumList['subs'][$f['forum_id']], $lastpost_datestamp); $fVars->FORUMSUBFORUMS = "
".FORLAN_444.": {$ret['text']}
"; $fVars->THREADS += $ret['threads']; $fVars->REPLIES += $ret['replies']; if(isset($ret['lastpost_info'])) { $f['forum_lastpost_info'] = $ret['lastpost_info']; $f['forum_lastpost_user'] = $ret['lastpost_user']; $f['forum_lastpost_user_anon'] = $ret['lastpost_user_anon']; $f['user_name'] = $ret['user_name']; } } if ($f['forum_lastpost_info']) { list($lastpost_datestamp, $lastpost_thread) = explode('.', $f['forum_lastpost_info']); if ($f['user_name']) { $lastpost_name = " $f['user_name'], 'id' => $f['forum_lastpost_user']))."'>{$f['user_name']}"; } else { $lastpost_name = $tp->toHTML($f['forum_lastpost_user_anon']); } $fVars->LASTPOSTUSER = $lastpost_name; $fVars->LASTPOSTDATE .= $gen->computeLapse($lastpost_datestamp, time(), false, false, 'short'); $lastpost_datestamp = $gen->convert_date($lastpost_datestamp, 'forum'); $fVars->LASTPOST = $lastpost_datestamp.'
'.$lastpost_name." $lastpost_name, 'id' => $lastpost_thread))."'>".IMAGE_post2.''; } else { $fVars->LASTPOSTUSER = ""; $fVars->LASTPOSTDATE = "-"; $fVars->LASTPOST = '-'; } return $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_MAIN_FORUM, $fVars); } function parse_subs($subList, $lastpost_datestamp) { $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $ret = array(); $ret['text'] = ''; foreach($subList as $sub) { $ret['text'] .= ($ret['text'] ? ', ' : ''); $suburl = $e107->url->create('forum/forum/view', $sub); $ret['text'] .= "".$tp->toHTML($sub['forum_name']).''; $ret['threads'] += $sub['forum_threads']; $ret['replies'] += $sub['forum_replies']; $tmp = explode('.', $sub['forum_lastpost_info']); if($tmp[0] > $lastpost_datestamp) { $ret['lastpost_info'] = $sub['forum_lastpost_info']; $ret['lastpost_user'] = $sub['forum_lastpost_user']; $ret['lastpost_user_anon'] = $sub['lastpost_user_anon']; $ret['user_name'] = $sub['user_name']; $lastpost_datestamp = $tmp[0]; } } return $ret; } if (e_QUERY == 'track') { if($trackedThreadList = $forum->getTrackedThreadList(USERID, 'list')) { $trackVars = new e_vars; $viewed = $forum->threadGetUserViewed(); $qry = " SELECT t.*, p.* from `#forum_thread` AS t LEFT JOIN `#forum_post` AS p ON p.post_thread = t.thread_id AND p.post_datestamp = t.thread_datestamp WHERE thread_id IN({$trackedThreadList}) ORDER BY thread_lastpost DESC "; if($sql->gen($qry)) { while($row = $sql->fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $trackVars->NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_nonew_small; if ($row['thread_datestamp'] > USERLV && !in_array($row['thread_id'], $viewed)) { $trackVars->NEWIMAGE = IMAGE_new_small; } $url = $e107->url->create('forum/thread/view', $row); // configs will be able to map thread_* vars to the url $trackVars->TRACKPOSTNAME = "".$tp->toHTML($row['thread_name']).''; $trackVars->UNTRACK = "".LAN_392.""; $forum_trackstring .= $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_TRACK_MAIN, $trackVars); } } $forum_track_start = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_TRACK_START, $trackVars); $forum_track_end = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_TRACK_END, $trackVars); if ($forum->prefs->get('enclose')) { $ns->tablerender($forum->prefs->get('title'), $forum_track_start.$forum_trackstring.$forum_track_end, array('forum', 'main1')); } else { echo $forum_track_start.$forum_trackstring.$forum_track_end; } } } if (e_QUERY == 'new') { $nVars = new e_vars; $newThreadList = $forum->threadGetNew(10); foreach($newThreadList as $thread) { $author_name = ($thread['user_name'] ? $thread['user_name'] : $thread['lastuser_anon']); $datestamp = $gen->convert_date($thread['thread_lastpost'], 'forum'); if(!$thread['user_name']) { $nVars->STARTERTITLE = $author_name.'
'.$datestamp; } else { $nVars->STARTERTITLE = " $thread['thread_lastuser'], 'name' => $author_name))."'>{$author_name}
".$datestamp; } $nVars->NEWSPOSTNAME = "".$tp->toHTML($thread['thread_name'], TRUE, 'no_make_clickable, no_hook').''; $forum_newstring .= $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_NEWPOSTS_MAIN, $nVars); } if (!$newThreadList) { $nVars->NEWSPOSTNAME = LAN_198; $forum_newstring = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_NEWPOSTS_MAIN, $nVars); } $forum_new_start = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_NEWPOSTS_START, $nVars); $forum_new_end = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_NEWPOSTS_END, $nVars); if ($forum->prefs->get('enclose')) { $ns->tablerender($forum->prefs->get('title'), $forum_new_start.$forum_newstring.$forum_new_end, array('forum', 'main2')); } else { echo $forum_new_start.$forum_newstring.$forum_new_end; } } $forum_main_start = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_MAIN_START, $fVars); $forum_main_end = $tp->simpleParse($FORUM_MAIN_END, $fVars); if ($forum->prefs->get('enclose')) { $ns->tablerender($forum->prefs->get('title'), $forum_main_start.$forum_string.$forum_main_end, array('forum', 'main3')); } else { echo $forum_main_start.$forum_string.$forum_main_end; } require_once(FOOTERF); function forum_rules($action = 'check') { if (ADMIN == true) { $type = 'forum_rules_admin'; } elseif(USER == true) { $type = 'forum_rules_member'; } else { $type = 'forum_rules_guest'; } $result = e107::getDb()->select('generic', 'gen_chardata', "gen_type = '$type' AND gen_intdata = 1"); if ($action == 'check') { return $result; } if ($result) { $row = e107::getDb()->fetch(); $rules_text = e107::getParser()->toHTML($row['gen_chardata'], true); } else { $rules_text = FORLAN_441; } e107::getRender()->tablerender(LAN_433, "
", array('forum', 'forum_rules')); } ?>