e107 = e107::getInstance(); $this->postInfo = array(); } function sc_top() { return "".LAN_10.''; } function sc_joined() { global $gen; if ($this->postInfo['post_user']) { return LAN_06.': '.$gen->convert_date($this->postInfo['user_join'], 'forum').'
'; } } function sc_threaddatestamp() { global $gen; return " 'post', 'id' => $this->postInfo['post_id']))."'>".IMAGE_post." ".$gen->convert_date($this->postInfo['post_datestamp'], 'forum'); } function sc_post() { $emote = (isset($this->postInfo['post_options']['no_emote']) ? ',emotes_off' : ''); return $this->e107->tp->toHTML($this->postInfo['post_entry'], true, 'USER_BODY'.$emote, 'class:'.$this->postInfo['user_class']); } function sc_postdeleted() { if($this->postInfo['post_status']) { $info = unserialize($this->postInfo['post_options']); return " Post delete on: {$info['deldate']}
reason: {$info['delreason']} "; $ret = '
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"; break; case 'img': //if image has a thumb, show it and link to main if(isset($info[2])) { $txt .= "
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