e_MEDIA_FILE, 'multipart' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'application' => e_MEDIA_FILE, 'audio' => e_MEDIA_AUDIO, 'image' => e_MEDIA_IMAGE, 'video' => e_MEDIA_VIDEO, 'other' => e_MEDIA_FILE ); /** * Import files from specified path into media database. * @param string $cat Category nickname * @param string $epath path to file. * @param string $fmask [optional] filetypes eg. .jpg|.gif IMAGES is the default mask. * @return e_media */ public function import($cat='',$epath,$fmask='') { if(!vartrue($cat)){ return $this;} if(!is_readable($epath)) { return $this; } $fl = e107::getFile(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $fl->setFileInfo('all'); if(!$fmask) { $fmask = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]+\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|PNG|JPG|JPEG|GIF)$'; } $img_array = $fl->get_files($epath,$fmask,'',2); if(!count($img_array)){ return $this;} // print_a($img_array); // return; foreach($img_array as $f) { $fullpath = $tp->createConstants($f['path'].$f['fname'],1); // echo "
cat=".$cat; $insert = array( 'media_caption' => $f['fname'], 'media_description' => '', 'media_category' => $cat, 'media_datestamp' => $f['modified'], 'media_url' => $fullpath, 'media_userclass' => '0', 'media_name' => $f['fname'], 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_size' => $f['fsize'], 'media_dimensions' => $f['img-width']." x ".$f['img-height'], 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_type' => $f['mime'] ); if(!$sql->db_Select('core_media','media_url',"media_url = '".$fullpath."' LIMIT 1")) { if($sql->db_Insert("core_media",$insert)) { $mes->addSuccess("Imported Media: ".$f['fname']); } else { $mes->addError("Media not imported: ".$f['fname']); } } } return $this; } /** * Import icons into media-manager from specified path. * @param string $path * @return e_media */ public function importIcons($path) { $iconsrch = array(16,32,48,64); foreach($iconsrch as $size) { $types = '[a-zA-z0-9_-]+'.$size.'\.(png|PNG)$'; $this->import('_icon_'.$size, $path, $types); } return $this; } /** * Remove Media from media table * @param string $cat [optional] remove a full category of media * @return */ function removeCat($cat) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); if(vartrue($cat)) { $status = ($sql->db_Delete('core_media',"media_cat = '".$cat."'")) ? TRUE : FALSE; $mes->add("Removing Media in Category: ".$cat, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); return $status; } } /** * Remove Media from media table * @param string $epath remove media in the specified path. * @param string $type [optional] image|icon * @return */ function removePath($epath, $type='image') { $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $qry = ($type == 'icon') ? " AND media_category REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' " : " AND NOT media_category REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' "; if(vartrue($epath)) { $path = $tp->createConstants($epath, 'rel'); $status = ($sql->db_Delete('core_media',"media_url LIKE '".$path."%'".$qry)) ? TRUE : FALSE; $message = ($type == 'image') ? "Removing Media with path: ".$path : "Removing Icons with path: ".$path; $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); return $status; } } /** * Return a list if icons in the specified path * @param string $epath * @return array */ function listIcons($epath) { if(!$epath) return; $ret = array(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $path = $tp->createConstants($epath, 'rel'); $status = ($sql->db_Select_gen("SELECT * FROM `#core_media` WHERE `media_url` LIKE '".$path."%' AND media_category REGEXP '_icon_16|_icon_32|_icon_48|_icon_64' ")) ? TRUE : FALSE; while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ret[] = $row['media_url']; } return $ret; } /** * Create media category. * 'class' data is optional, 'id' key is ignored * * @param array $data associative array, db keys should be passed without the leading 'media_cat_' e.g. 'class', 'type', etc. * @return integer last inserted ID or false on error */ public function createCategory($datas) { foreach ($datas as $k => $v) { $data['media_cat_'.$k] = $v; } $data['media_cat_id'] = 0; if(!isset($data['media_cat_class']) || '' === $data['media_cat_class']) { $data['media_cat_class'] = defset('e_UC_MEMBER', 253); } return e107::getDb()->db_Insert('core_media_cat', $data); } /** * Create multiple media categories in once * @param array $data * @return integer number of successfully inserted records */ public function createCategories($multi_data) { $cnt = 0; foreach ($multi_data as $cats) { if($this->createCategory($cats)) $cnt++; } return $cnt; } public function deleteCategory($id) { // TODO } public function deleteAllCategories($owner='') { if($owner == '') { return; } $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql->db_Select('core_media_cat',"media_cat_category", "media_cat_owner = '".$owner."' "); while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $categories[] = "'".$row['media_cat_category']."'"; } if($sql->db_Delete('core_media_cat', "media_cat_owner = '".$owner."' ")) { //TODO retrieve all category names for owner, and reset all media categories to _common. return TRUE; // return $sql->db_Update('core_media', "media_category = '_common_image' WHERE media_category IN (".implode(",",$categories).")"); } return FALSE; } /** * Return an Array of Media Categories */ public function getCategories($owner='') { $ret = array(); $qry = "SELECT * FROM #core_media_cat "; $qry .= ($owner) ? " WHERE media_cat_owner = '".$owner."' " : " (1) "; $qry .= "AND media_cat_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") "; $qry .= "ORDER BY media_cat_order"; e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen($qry); while($row = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch(mySQL_ASSOC)) { $id = $row['media_cat_category']; $ret[$id] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * Return the total number of Images in a particular category * */ public function countImages($cat,$search=null) { $inc = array(); $searchinc = array(); if(strpos($cat,"+") || !$cat) { $cat = str_replace("+","",$cat); $inc[] = "media_category = '_common_image' "; } if($cat) { $inc[] = "media_category REGEXP '(^|,)(".$cat.")(,|$)' "; // for multiple category field. } if($search) { $searchinc[] = "media_name LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_description LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_caption LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_tags LIKE '%".$search."%' "; } $query = "SELECT * FROM #core_media WHERE media_userclass IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$inc)." )" ; if($search) { $query .= " AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$searchinc)." ) " ; } return e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen($query); } /** * Return an array of Images in a particular category * @param string $cat : category name. use + to include _common eg. 'news+' */ public function getImages($cat='', $from=0, $amount=null,$search=null) { $inc = array(); $searchinc = array(); if(strpos($cat,"+") || !$cat) { $cat = str_replace("+","",$cat); // $inc[] = "media_category = '_common_image' "; $inc[] = "media_category REGEXP '(^|,)(_common_image)(,|$)' "; } if($cat) { $inc[] = "media_category REGEXP '(^|,)(".$cat.")(,|$)' "; // for multiple category field. } // TODO check the category is valid. if($search) { $searchinc[] = "media_name LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_description LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_caption LIKE '%".$search."%' "; $searchinc[] = "media_tags LIKE '%".$search."%' "; } $ret = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM #core_media WHERE media_userclass IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$inc)." ) " ; if($search) { $query .= " AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$searchinc)." ) " ; } $query .= " ORDER BY media_datestamp DESC"; if($amount) { $query .= " LIMIT ".$from." ,".$amount; } e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen($query); while($row = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $id = $row['media_id']; $ret[$id] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * Return an array of Images in a particular category * @param string $type : 16 | 32 | 48 | 64 * @param integer $from * @param integer $amount */ public function getIcons($type='', $from=0, $amount=null) { $inc = array(); if($type) { $inc[] = "media_category = '_icon_".$type."' "; } $ret = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM #core_media WHERE media_userclass IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND media_category LIKE '_icon%' "; $query .= (count($inc)) ? " AND ( ".implode(" OR ",$inc)." )" : ""; $query .= " ORDER BY media_category, media_name"; if($amount) { $query .= " LIMIT ".$from." ,".$amount; } e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen($query); while($row = e107::getDb()->db_Fetch(mySQL_ASSOC)) { $id = $row['media_id']; $ret[$id] = $row; } return $ret; } /** * Generate Simple Thumbnail window for image-selection * TODO Use Whole-page popup window * TODO Add an upload Tab?. * TODO Real-time ajax filter by keyword */ public function imageSelect($cat,$formid='imageSel') { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $text .= ""; return $text; } public function mediaSelectNav($category,$att) { parse_str($att,$option); $cat = ($category) ? '&for='.$category : ""; if(!$label) $label = ' Upload an image or file'; if($option['tagid']) $cat .= '&tagid='.$option['tagid']; if($option['bbcode']) $cat .= '&bbcode='.$option['bbcode']; $cat .= ($option['limit']) ? "&limit=".$option['limit'] : ""; $cat .= ($option['frm']) ? "&frm=".$option['frm'] : ""; $url = e_ADMIN_ABS."image.php?mode=main&action=nav&iframe=1".$cat; return $url; } public function mediaSelect($category='',$tagid=null,$att=null) { parse_str($att,$option); // grab 'onclick' . $frm = ($option['from']) ? $option['from'] : 0; $limit = ($option['limit']) ? $option['limit'] : 20; $newfrm = $frm + $limit; $bbcode = ($option['bbcode']) ? $option['bbcode'] : null; $navMode = ($option['nav']) ? TRUE : FALSE; $search = ($option['search']) ? $option['search'] : null; if($category !='_icon') { $cat = ($category) ? $category."+" : ""; // the '+' loads category '_common' as well as the chosen category. $images = $this->getImages($cat,$frm,$limit,$search); $class = "media-select-image"; $w = 120; $h = 100; $total = $this->countImages($cat,$search); } else // Icons { $cat = ""; $images = $this->getIcons($cat,0,200); $class = "media-select-icon"; $w = 64; $h = 64; $total = 500; // $total = $this->countIcons($cat); //TODO } // $total_images = $this->getImages($cat); // for use by next/prev in filter at some point. $att = 'aw=120&ah=100'; $prevId = $tagid."_prev"; // EXAMPLE of FILTER GUI. // $text .= "CAT=".$cat; $dipTotal = (($frm + $limit) < $total) ? ($frm + $limit) : $total; if($navMode === false) { $text .= "
Filter: "; $text .= " "; // Manual filter, if onkeyup ajax fails for some reason. // $text .= ""; // see previous page of images. $text .= ""; // see next page of images. $text .= " "; // see next page of images. $text .= "
"; } $text .= "
Displaying ".($frm +1)."-".($dipTotal)." of ".$total." images.
\n"; if($bbcode == null) // e107 Media Manager - new-image mode. { $onclick_clear = "parent.document.getElementById('{$tagid}').value = ''; parent.document.getElementById('".$prevId."').src = '".e_IMAGE_ABS."generic/blank.gif'; return false;"; $text .= "
No image
"; } $srch = array("{MEDIA_URL}","{MEDIA_PATH}"); $w = false; $h = false; if($bbcode) { e107::getBB()->setClass($category); $w = e107::getBB()->resizeWidth(); // resize the image according to prefs. $h = e107::getBB()->resizeHeight(); e107::getBB()->clearclass(); } $tp = e107::getParser(); // e107::getParser() foreach($images as $im) { $class = ($category !='_icon') ? "media-select-image" : "media-select-icon"; $media_path = ($w || $h) ? $tp->thumbUrl($im['media_url'], "w={$w}&h={$h}") : $tp->replaceConstants($im['media_url'],'full'); // max-size $realPath = $tp->thumbUrl($im['media_url'], $att); $diz = $tp->toAttribute($im['media_title'])."\n".$im['media_dimensions']; $repl = array($im['media_url'],$media_path); if($bbcode == null) // e107 Media Manager { $onclicki = "parent.document.getElementById('{$tagid}').value = '{$im['media_url']}'; parent.document.getElementById('".$prevId."').src = '{$realPath}'; return false;"; //$onclicki = ""; $class .= " e-media-select e-dialog-close"; } else // TinyMce and textarea bbcode { //TODO Add a preview window $onclicki = "document.getElementById('src').value = '{$im['media_url']}'; document.getElementById('preview').src = '{$realPath}'; return false;"; //$onclicki = ""; $class .= " e-media-select"; $onclicki = ""; } $data_bb = ($bbcode) ? "img" : ""; $img_url = ($cat !='_icon') ? e107::getParser()->thumbUrl($im['media_url'], $att) : $media_path; $text .= ""; $text .= "\"".$im['media_title']."\""; $text .= "\n\n"; } $text .= "
"; $mes = e107::getMessage(); $mes->addDebug("Target: {$tagid}"); if($navMode === false) { $text .= "
"; } return $text; } function checkDupe($oldpath,$newpath) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $f = e107::getFile()->get_file_info($oldpath,TRUE); // $mes->addDebug("checkDupe(): newpath=".$newpath."
".print_r($upload,TRUE)); if(file_exists($newpath) || e107::getDb()->db_Select("core_media","*","media_url = '".$tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel')."' LIMIT 1") ) { $this->log($newpath." already exists and will be renamed during import."); $mes->addWarning($newpath." already exists and was renamed during import."); $file = $f['pathinfo']['filename']."_.".$f['pathinfo']['extension']; $newpath = $this->getPath($f['mime']).'/'.$file; } return $newpath; } function getPath($mime) { $mes = e107::getMessage(); list($pmime,$tmp) = explode('/',$mime); if(!vartrue($this->mimePaths[$pmime])) { $this->log("Couldn't detect mime-type ($mime)."); $mes->add("Couldn't detect mime-type ($mime). Upload failed.", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; } $dir = $this->mimePaths[$pmime].date("Y-m"); if(!is_dir($dir)) { if(!mkdir($dir, 0755)) { $this->log("Couldn't create folder ($dir)."); $mes->add("Couldn't create folder ($dir).", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; }; } return $dir; } public function mediaData($sc_path) { if(!$sc_path) return array(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $path = e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($sc_path); if(!is_readable($path)) { $mes->addError("Couldn't read file: {$path}"); $this->log("Couldn't read file: {$path}"); return FALSE; } $info = e107::getFile()->get_file_info($path,true); $this->log("File info for $path : ".print_r($info,true)); return array( 'media_type' => vartrue($info['mime']), 'media_datestamp' => time(), 'media_url' => e107::getParser()->createConstants($path, 'rel'), 'media_size' => filesize($path), 'media_author' => USERID, 'media_usedby' => '', 'media_tags' => '', 'media_dimensions' => $info['img-width']." x ".$info['img-height'] ); } public function log($message) { if($this->logging == false) return; $insert = "\n".$message; file_put_contents(e_LOG."mediaUpload.log",$insert,FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } public function importFile($file='',$category='_common_image') { $mes = e107::getMessage(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $sql = e107::getDb(); $oldpath = e_UPLOAD.$file; if(!file_exists($oldpath)) { $this->log("Line: ".__LINE__." Couldn't find the file: ".$oldpath); $mes->add("Couldn't find the file: ".$oldpath, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return; } $img_data = $this->mediaData($oldpath); // Basic File Info only if(!$typePath = $this->getPath($img_data['media_type'])) { $this->log("Line: ".__LINE__." Couldn't generate path from file info:".$oldpath); $mes->addError("Couldn't generate path from file info:".$oldpath); return FALSE; } $newpath = $this->checkDupe($oldpath,$typePath.'/'.$file); if(!rename($oldpath, $newpath)) // e_MEDIA.$newpath was working before. { $this->log("Couldn't move file from ".realpath($oldpath)." to ".e_MEDIA.$newpath); $mes->add("Couldn't move file from ".$oldpath." to ".$newpath, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return FALSE; }; $img_data['media_url'] = $tp->createConstants($newpath,'rel'); $img_data['media_name'] = $tp->toDB($file); $img_data['media_caption'] = $new_data['media_caption']; $img_data['media_category'] = $category; $img_data['media_description'] = $new_data['media_description']; $img_data['media_userclass'] = '0'; if($sql->db_Insert("core_media",$img_data)) { $mes->add("Importing Media: ".$file, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $this->log("Importing Media: ".$file." successful"); return $img_data['media_url']; } else { $this->log("Db Insert Failed "); rename($newpath,$oldpath); //move it back. return FALSE; } } }