toDB($tmp[1])),'list'); $id = intval($tmp[2]); $view = intval($tmp[3]); $order = preg_replace("#\W#", "", $tp -> toDB($tmp[4])); $sort = preg_replace("#\W#", "", $tp -> toDB($tmp[5])); } else { $action = preg_replace("#\W#", "", $tp -> toDB($tmp[0])); $id = intval($tmp[1]); } switch ($action) { case 'list' : // Category-based listing if (isset($_POST['view'])) extract($_POST); if (!isset($dl_from)) $dl_from = 0; // Get category type, page title if ($sql->db_Select("download_category", "download_category_name,download_category_description,download_category_parent,download_category_class", "(download_category_id='{$id}') AND (download_category_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST."))") ) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $type = "".$download_category_name.""; $type .= ($download_category_description) ? " [".$download_category_description."]" : ""; define("e_PAGETITLE", PAGE_NAME." / ".$download_category_name); } else { // No access to this category define("e_PAGETITLE", PAGE_NAME); require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_18, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if ($download_category_parent == 0) { // It's a main category - change the listing type required $action = 'maincats'; $maincatval = $id; } break; case 'view' : // Details of individual download break; case 'report' : break; case 'mirror' : break; } } if (!isset($order)) $order = varset($pref['download_order'],"download_datestamp"); if (!isset($sort)) $sort = varset($pref['download_sort'], "DESC"); if (!isset($view)) $view = varset($pref['download_view'], "10"); //-------------------------------------------------- // GENERATE DISPLAY TEXT //-------------------------------------------------- switch ($action) { // Displaying main category or categories case 'maincats' : require_once(HEADERF); if ($cacheData = $e107cache->retrieve("download_cat".$maincatval,720)) // expires every 12 hours. { echo $cacheData; require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } // Load the theme $load_template = 'download_template'; if (!isset($DOWNLOAD_CAT_PARENT_TABLE)) eval($template_load_core); if(!defined("DL_IMAGESTYLE")){ define("DL_IMAGESTYLE","border:1px solid blue");} // Read in tree of categories which this user is allowed to see $dl = new down_cat_handler($pref['download_subsub'],USERCLASS_LIST,$maincatval); if ($dl->down_count == 0) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_18, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { $download_cat_table_string = ""; // Notice removal foreach($dl->cat_tree as $row) { // Display main category headings, then sub-categories, optionally with sub-sub categories expanded $download_cat_table_string .= parse_download_cat_parent_table($row); foreach($row['subcats'] as $crow) { $download_cat_table_string .= parse_download_cat_child_table($crow); } } } $download_cat_table_start = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_START); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_NEWDOWNLOAD_TEXT = " ".LAN_dl_36; $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SEARCH = "

"; $download_cat_table_end = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_END); $dl_text = $download_cat_table_start.$download_cat_table_string.$download_cat_table_end; ob_start(); if(isset($DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_RENDERPLAIN) && $DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_RENDERPLAIN) { echo $dl_text; } else { $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_18, $dl_text); } $cache_data = ob_get_flush(); $e107cache->set("download_cat".$maincatval, $cache_data); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; // Add other 'cases' here } // End switch ($action) if (isset($_POST['commentsubmit'])) { if (!$sql->db_Select("download", "download_comment", "download_id = '{$id}' ")) { header("location:".e_BASE."index.php"); exit; } else { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if ($row['download_comment'] && (ANON === TRUE || USER === TRUE)) { $clean_authorname = $_POST['author_name']; $clean_comment = $_POST['comment']; $clean_subject = $_POST['subject']; $cobj->enter_comment($clean_authorname, $clean_comment, "download", $id, $pid, $clean_subject); // $e107cache->clear("{$sub_action}"); $sub_action not used here $e107cache->clear(""); } } } //==================================================== // LIST //==================================================== if ($action == "list") { $total_downloads = $sql->db_Count("download", "(*)", "WHERE download_category = '{$id}' AND download_active > 0 AND download_visible REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."'"); require_once(HEADERF); /* SHOW SUBCATS ... */ if($sql -> db_Select("download_category", "download_category_id", "download_category_parent='{$id}' ")) { /* there are subcats - display them ... */ $qry = " SELECT dc.*, dc2.download_category_name AS parent_name, dc2.download_category_icon as parent_icon, SUM(d.download_filesize) AS d_size, COUNT(d.download_id) AS d_count, MAX(d.download_datestamp) as d_last, SUM(d.download_requested) as d_requests FROM #download_category AS dc LEFT JOIN #download AS d ON dc.download_category_id = d.download_category AND d.download_active > 0 AND d.download_visible IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") LEFT JOIN #download_category as dc2 ON dc2.download_category_id='{$id}' WHERE dc.download_category_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND dc.download_category_parent='{$id}' GROUP by dc.download_category_id ORDER by dc.download_category_order "; $sql->db_Select_gen($qry); $scArray = $sql -> db_getList(); $load_template = 'download_template'; if (!isset($DOWNLOAD_CAT_PARENT_TABLE)) eval($template_load_core); if(!defined("DL_IMAGESTYLE")){ define("DL_IMAGESTYLE","border:1px solid blue");} foreach($scArray as $row) { $download_cat_table_string .= parse_download_cat_child_table($row, FALSE); } if(strstr($row['parent_icon'], chr(1))) { list($download_category_icon, $download_category_icon_empty) = explode(chr(1), $row['parent_icon']); } $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_ICON = ($download_category_icon ? "" : " "); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_NAME = $tp->toHTML($row['parent_name']); $download_cat_table_start = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_START); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_NEWDOWNLOAD_TEXT = " ".LAN_dl_36; $download_cat_table_end = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_END); $text = $download_cat_table_start.$download_cat_table_string.$download_cat_table_end; if($DOWNLOAD_CAT_TABLE_RENDERPLAIN) { echo $text; } else { $ns->tablerender($type, $text); } $text = ""; // If other files, show in a separate block $type = ""; // Cancel title once displayed } // End of subcategory display // Now display individual downloads $core_total = $sql->db_Count("download WHERE download_category='{$id}' AND download_active > 0 AND download_visible IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.")"); if (!check_class($download_category_class)) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_18, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if(strstr($download_category_icon, chr(1))) { list($download_category_icon, $download_category_icon_empty) = explode(chr(1), $download_category_icon); } $DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY_ICON = ($download_category_icon ? "" : " "); $DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY = $tp->toHTML($download_category_name,FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION = $tp -> toHTML($download_category_description, TRUE,'description'); $load_template = 'download_template'; if (!isset($DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE)) eval($template_load_core); if(!defined("DL_IMAGESTYLE")){ define("DL_IMAGESTYLE","border:1px solid blue");} $gen = new convert; require_once(e_HANDLER."rate_class.php"); $rater = new rater; $tdownloads = 0; $filetotal = $sql->db_Select("download", "*", "download_category='{$id}' AND download_active > 0 AND download_visible IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") ORDER BY {$order} {$sort} LIMIT {$dl_from}, {$view}"); $ft = ($filetotal < $view ? $filetotal : $view); while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { extract($row); $download_list_table_string .= parse_download_list_table($row); $tdownloads += $download_requested; } $DOWNLOAD_LIST_TOTAL_AMOUNT = $tdownloads." ".LAN_dl_16; $DOWNLOAD_LIST_TOTAL_FILES = $ft." ".LAN_dl_17; $download_list_table_start = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE_START); $download_list_table_end = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE_END); $text .= $download_list_table_start.$download_list_table_string.$download_list_table_end; if($DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE_RENDERPLAIN) { echo $text; } else { $ns->tablerender($type, $text); } echo "

"; $parms = $total_downloads.",".$view.",".$dl_from.",".e_SELF."?[FROM].list.{$id}.{$view}.{$order}.{$sort}."; echo ($total_downloads > $view) ? "
" : ""; echo "
"; require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } // end of action=="list" //==================================================== // VIEW //==================================================== if ($action == "view") { $gen = new convert; $highlight_search = FALSE; if (isset($_POST['highlight_search'])) { $highlight_search = TRUE; } $query = " SELECT d.*, dc.* FROM #download AS d LEFT JOIN #download_category AS dc ON d.download_category = dc.download_category_id WHERE d.download_id = {$id} AND d.download_active > 0 AND d.download_visible IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") AND dc.download_category_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST.") LIMIT 1"; if(!$sql -> db_Select_gen($query)){ require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_18, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $dl = $sql -> db_Fetch(); $load_template = 'download_template'; if (!isset($DOWNLOAD_VIEW_TABLE)) eval($template_load_core); if(!defined("DL_IMAGESTYLE")){ define("DL_IMAGESTYLE","border:0px");} if(!isset($DL_VIEW_PAGETITLE)) { $DL_VIEW_PAGETITLE = PAGE_NAME." / {DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY} / {DOWNLOAD_VIEW_NAME}"; } $DL_TITLE = $tp->parseTemplate($DL_VIEW_PAGETITLE, TRUE, $download_shortcodes); define("e_PAGETITLE", $DL_TITLE); require_once(HEADERF); $DL_TEMPLATE = $DOWNLOAD_VIEW_TABLE_START.$DOWNLOAD_VIEW_TABLE.$DOWNLOAD_VIEW_TABLE_END; $text = $tp->parseTemplate($DL_TEMPLATE, TRUE, $download_shortcodes); if(!isset($DL_VIEW_CAPTION)) { $DL_VIEW_CAPTION = "{DOWNLOAD_VIEW_CAPTION}"; } if(!isset($DL_VIEW_NEXTPREV)) { $DL_VIEW_NEXTPREV = "
"; } // ------- Next/Prev ----------- $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($DL_VIEW_NEXTPREV,TRUE,$download_shortcodes); $caption = $tp->parseTemplate($DL_VIEW_CAPTION,TRUE,$download_shortcodes); if($DOWNLOAD_VIEW_TABLE_RENDERPLAIN) { echo $text; } else { $ns->tablerender($caption, $text); } unset($text); if ($dl['download_comment']) { $cobj->compose_comment("download", "comment", $id, $width,$dl['download_name'], $showrate=FALSE); } require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } //==================================================== // REPORT BROKEN LINKS //==================================================== if ($action == "report" && check_class($pref['download_reportbroken'])) { if (!$sql->db_Select("download", "*", "download_id = {$id} AND download_active > 0")) { require_once(HEADERF); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); extract($row); if (isset($_POST['report_download'])) { $report_add = $tp -> toDB($_POST['report_add']); $download_name = $tp -> toDB($download_name); $user = USER ? USERNAME : LAN_dl_52; if ($pref['download_email']) { // this needs to be moved into the NOTIFY, with an event. require_once(e_HANDLER."mail.php"); $subject = LAN_dl_60." ".SITENAME; $report = LAN_dl_58." ".SITENAME.":\n".(substr(SITEURL, -1) == "/" ? SITEURL : SITEURL."/")."download.php?view.".$download_id."\n ".LAN_dl_59." ".$user."\n".$report_add; sendemail(SITEADMINEMAIL, $subject, $report); } $sql->db_Insert('generic', "0, 'Broken Download', ".time().",'".USERID."', '{$download_name}', {$id}, '{$report_add}'"); define("e_PAGETITLE", PAGE_NAME." / ".LAN_dl_47); require_once(HEADERF); $text = LAN_dl_48."

".LAN_dl_49."tablerender(LAN_dl_50, $text); } else { define("e_PAGETITLE", PAGE_NAME." / ".LAN_dl_51." ".$download_name); require_once(HEADERF); $text = "
".LAN_dl_32.": ".$download_name."

"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_50, $text); } require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } //==================================================== // MIRRORS //==================================================== if($action == "mirror") { require_once(HEADERF); $load_template = 'download_template'; if (!isset($DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_START)) eval($template_load_core); $sql -> db_Select("download_mirror"); $mirrorList = $sql -> db_getList("ALL", 0, 200, "mirror_id"); if($sql -> db_Select("download", "*", "download_id = {$id}")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); extract($row); $array = explode(chr(1), $download_mirror); $c = (count($array)-1); for ($i=1; $i<$c; $i++) { $d = mt_rand(0, $i); $tmp = $array[$i]; $array[$i] = $array[$d]; $array[$d] = $tmp; } $download_mirror = ""; foreach($array as $mirrorstring) { if($mirrorstring) { $download_mirror .= parse_download_mirror_table($row, $mirrorstring, $mirrorList); } } $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_HOST_LAN = LAN_dl_68; $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_GET_LAN = LAN_dl_32; $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_LOCATION_LAN = LAN_dl_70; $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_DESCRIPTION_LAN = LAN_dl_71; $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_REQUEST = LAN_dl_72."'".$download_name."'"; $download_mirror_start = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_START); $download_mirror_end = preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_END); $text = $download_mirror_start.$download_mirror.$download_mirror_end; if($DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_RENDERPLAIN) { echo $text; } else { $ns->tablerender(LAN_dl_67, $text); } require_once(FOOTERF); } } function parse_download_mirror_table($row, $mirrorstring, $mirrorList) { global $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR; list($mirrorHost_id, $mirrorHost_url, $mirrorRequests) = explode(",", $mirrorstring); extract($mirrorList[$mirrorHost_id]); $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_NAME = "
{$mirror_name}"; $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_IMAGE = ($mirror_image ? "" : ""); $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_LOCATION = ($mirror_location ? $mirror_location : ""); $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_DESCRIPTION = ($mirror_description ? $mirror_description : ""); $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_FILESIZE = parsesize($row['download_filesize']); $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_LINK = ""; $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR_REQUESTS = (ADMIN ? LAN_dl_73.$mirrorRequests : ""); $DOWNLOAD_TOTAL_MIRROR_REQUESTS = (ADMIN ? LAN_dl_74.$mirror_count : ""); return(preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_MIRROR)); } function parsesize($size) { $kb = 1024; $mb = 1024 * $kb; $gb = 1024 * $mb; $tb = 1024 * $gb; if(!$size) { return '0'; } if ($size < $kb) { return $size." b"; } else if($size < $mb) { return round($size/$kb, 2)." kb"; } else if($size < $gb) { return round($size/$mb, 2)." mb"; } else if($size < $tb) { return round($size/$gb, 2)." gb"; } else { return round($size/$tb, 2)." tb"; } } function parse_download_cat_parent_table($row) { global $tp,$current_row,$DOWNLOAD_CAT_PARENT_TABLE; extract($row); $current_row = ($current_row) ? 0 : 1; // Alternating CSS for each row.(backwards compatible) $template = ($current_row == 1) ? $DOWNLOAD_CAT_PARENT_TABLE : str_replace("forumheader3","forumheader3 forumheader3_alt",$DOWNLOAD_CAT_PARENT_TABLE); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_ICON = ''; $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_NAME = ''; $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_DESCRIPTION = ''; if (check_class($download_category_class)) { if(strstr($download_category_icon, chr(1))) { list($download_category_icon, $download_category_icon_empty) = explode(chr(1), $download_category_icon); } $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_ICON = ($download_category_icon ? "" : " "); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_NAME = $tp->toHTML($download_category_name,FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_MAIN_DESCRIPTION = $tp->toHTML($row['download_category_description'],TRUE,'DESCRIPTION'); } return(preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $template)); } function get_cat_icons($source, $count) { if (!$source) return " "; list($ret[TRUE],$ret[FALSE]) = explode(chr(1), $source.chr(1)); if (!$ret[FALSE]) $ret[FALSE] = $ret[TRUE]; return ""; } function check_new_download($last_val) { if(USER && ($last_val > USERLV)) { return ""; } else { return ""; } } function parse_download_cat_child_table($row) { global $tp,$current_row, $DOWNLOAD_CAT_CHILD_TABLE, $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_TABLE; $current_row = ($current_row) ? 0 : 1; // Alternating CSS for each row.(backwards compatible) $template = ($current_row == 1) ? $DOWNLOAD_CAT_CHILD_TABLE : str_replace("forumheader3","forumheader3 forumheader3_alt",$DOWNLOAD_CAT_CHILD_TABLE); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_ICON = get_cat_icons($row['download_category_icon'],$row['d_count']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_NEW_ICON = check_new_download($row['d_last_subs']); $dcatname=$tp->toHTML($row['download_category_name'],FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable"); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_NAME = ($row['d_count'] ? "".$dcatname."" : $dcatname); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_NAME_LINKED = "".$dcatname.""; $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_DESCRIPTION = $tp->toHTML($row['download_category_description'],TRUE,'description'); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_COUNT = $row['d_count']; $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_SIZE = parsesize( $row['d_size']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUB_DOWNLOADED = intval( $row['d_requests']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB = ""; // check for subsub cats ... foreach($row['subsubcats'] as $subrow) { $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_ICON = get_cat_icons($subrow['download_category_icon'],$subrow['d_count']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_DESCRIPTION = $tp->toHTML($subrow['download_category_description'],TRUE,'description'); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_COUNT = intval($subrow['d_count']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_SIZE = parsesize($subrow['d_size']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_DOWNLOADED = intval($subrow['d_requests']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_NEW_ICON = check_new_download($subrow['d_last']); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_NAME = ($subrow['d_count'] ? "".$tp->toHTML($subrow['download_category_name'])."" : $tp->toHTML($subrow['download_category_name'],FALSE,"emotes_off, no_make_clickable")); $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB .= preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $DOWNLOAD_CAT_SUBSUB_TABLE); } return(preg_replace("/\{(.*?)\}/e", '$\1', $template)); } function parse_download_list_table($row) { // ***** $agreetext may not need to be global global $download_shortcodes,$tp,$current_row,$DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE, $rater, $pref, $gen, $agreetext; $agreetext = $tp->toHTML($pref['agree_text'],TRUE,"parse_sc"); $current_row = ($current_row) ? 0 : 1; // Alternating CSS for each row.(backwards compatible) $template = ($current_row == 1) ? $DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE : str_replace("forumheader3","forumheader3 forumheader3_alt",$DOWNLOAD_LIST_TABLE); return $tp->parseTemplate($template,TRUE,$download_shortcodes); } //============================================= // DOWNLOAD CATEGORY CLASS //============================================= class down_cat_handler { var $cat_tree; // Initialised with all categories in a tree structure var $cat_count; // Count visible subcats and subsubcats var $down_count; // Counts total downloads function down_cat_handler($nest_level = 1, $load_class = USERCLASS_LIST, $main_cat_load = '') { // Constructor - make a copy of the tree for re-use // $nest_level = 0 merges subsubcats with subcats. >0 creates full tree. // If load-class non-null, assumed to be a 'class set' such as USERCLASS_LIST define("SUB_PREFIX","-->"); // Added in front of sub categories define("SUBSUB_PREFIX","---->"); // Added in front of sub-sub categories $this->cat_tree = $this->down_cat_tree($nest_level,$load_class, $main_cat_load); } // Function returns a 'tree' of download categories, subcategories, and sub-sub-categories. // Returns empty array if nothing defined // Within the 'main category' level of the nesting, array 'subcats' has the next level's info // Within the 'sub-category' level of the nesting, array 'subsubcats' has the next level's info // If $main_cat_load is numeric, and the value of a 'main' category, only that main category is displayed. // (Unpredictable if $main_cat_load is some other category) function down_cat_tree($nest_level = 1, $load_cat_class = USERCLASS_LIST, $main_cat_load = '') { global $sql2; $catlist = array(); $this->cat_count = 0; $this->down_count = 0; $temp2 = ""; $temp1 = ""; if ($load_cat_class != "") { $temp1 = " WHERE dc.download_category_class IN ({$load_cat_class}) "; $temp2 = "AND d.download_visible IN ({$load_cat_class}) "; } $qry = " SELECT dc.*, dc1.download_category_parent AS d_parent1, dc1.download_category_order, SUM(d.download_filesize) AS d_size, COUNT(d.download_id) AS d_count, MAX(d.download_datestamp) as d_last, SUM(d.download_requested) as d_requests FROM #download_category as dc LEFT JOIN #download_category as dc1 ON dc1.download_category_id=dc.download_category_parent LEFT JOIN #download_category as dc2 ON dc2.download_category_id=dc1.download_category_parent LEFT JOIN #download AS d on d.download_category = dc.download_category_id AND d.download_active > 0 {$temp2} {$temp1} GROUP by dc.download_category_id ORDER by dc2.download_category_order, dc1.download_category_order, dc.download_category_order"; // This puts main categories first, then sub-cats, then sub-sub cats if (!$sql2->db_Select_gen($qry)) return $catlist; while ($row = $sql2->db_Fetch()) { $tmp = $row['download_category_parent']; if ($tmp == '0') { // Its a main category if (!is_numeric($main_cat_load) || ($main_cat_load == $row['download_category_id'])) { $row['subcats'] = array(); $catlist[$row['download_category_id']] = $row; } } else { if (isset($catlist[$tmp])) { // Sub-Category $this->cat_count++; $this->down_count += $row['d_count']; $catlist[$tmp]['subcats'][$row['download_category_id']] = $row; $catlist[$tmp]['subcats'][$row['download_category_id']]['subsubcats'] = array(); $catlist[$tmp]['subcats'][$row['download_category_id']]['d_last_subs'] = $catlist[$tmp]['subcats'][$row['download_category_id']]['d_last']; } else { // Its a sub-sub category if (isset($catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp])) { $this->cat_count++; $this->down_count += $row['d_count']; if ($nest_level == 0) { // Add the counts into the subcategory values $catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_size'] += $row['d_size']; $catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_count'] += $row['d_count']; $catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_requests'] += $row['d_requests']; if ($catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_last'] < $row['d_last']) $catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_last'] = $row['d_last']; } else { $catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['subsubcats'][$row['download_category_id']] = $row; } // Separately accumulate 'last update' for subcat plus associated subsubcats if ($catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_last_subs'] < $row['d_last']) $catlist[$row['d_parent1']]['subcats'][$tmp]['d_last_subs'] = $row['d_last']; } } } } return $catlist; } // Rest of the class isn't actually used normally, but print_tree() might help with debug function print_cat($cat, $prefix,$postfix) { $text = "".$cat['download_category_id']."".$cat['download_category_parent'].""; $text .= $prefix.htmlspecialchars($cat['download_category_name']).$postfix."".$cat['d_size'].""; $text .= "".$cat['d_count']."".$cat['d_requests']."".strftime('%H:%M %d-%m-%Y',$cat['d_last']).""; $text .= ""; return $text; } function print_tree() { echo ""; foreach ($this->cat_tree as $thiscat) { // Main categories $scprefix = SUB_PREFIX; echo $this->print_cat($thiscat,'',''); foreach ($thiscat['subcats'] as $sc) { // Sub-categories $sscprefix = SUBSUB_PREFIX; echo $this->print_cat($sc,$scprefix,''); foreach ($sc['subsubcats'] as $ssc) { // Sub-sub categories echo $this->print_cat($ssc,$sscprefix,''); } } } echo "
IDParentNameBytesFilesRequestsLast Download
"; return; } } ?>