retrieve_sys("nq_admin_updatecheck",3600, TRUE)) { // See when we last checked for an admin update list($last_time, $dont_check_update,$last_ver) = explode(',',$tempData); if ($last_ver != $e107info['e107_version']) { $dont_check_update = FALSE; // Do proper check on version change } } } if (!$dont_check_update) { if ($sql->db_Select("plugin", "plugin_version, plugin_path", "plugin_installflag='1' ")) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { // Mark plugins for update which have a specific update file, or a plugin.php file to check if(is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$row['plugin_path'].'/'.$row['plugin_path'].'_update_check.php') || is_readable(e_PLUGIN.$row['plugin_path'].'/plugin.php')) { $dbupdateplugs[$row['plugin_path']] = $row['plugin_version']; } } } // Read in each update file - this will add an entry to the $dbupdatep array if a potential update exists foreach ($dbupdateplugs as $path => $ver) { $fname = e_PLUGIN.$path.'/'.$path.'_update_check.php'; if (is_readable($fname)) include_once($fname); } // List of potential updates if (defined('TEST_UPDATE')) { $dbupdate["test_code"] = "Test update routine"; } $dbupdate["core_prefs"] = LAN_UPDATE_13; // Prefs check $dbupdate["706_to_800"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .706 ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .8"; $dbupdate["70x_to_706"] = LAN_UPDATE_8." .70x ".LAN_UPDATE_9." .706"; } // End if (!$dont_check_update) function update_check() { global $ns, $dont_check_update, $e107info; $update_needed = FALSE; if ($dont_check_update === FALSE) { global $dbupdate, $dbupdatep, $e107cache; // See which core functions need update foreach($dbupdate as $func => $rmks) { // echo "Core Check {$func}=>{$rmks}
"; if (function_exists("update_".$func)) { if (!call_user_func("update_".$func, FALSE)) { $update_needed = TRUE; continue; } } } // Now check plugins foreach($dbupdatep as $func => $rmks) { // echo "Plugin Check {$func}=>{$rmks}
"; if (function_exists("update_".$func)) { if (!call_user_func("update_".$func, FALSE)) { $update_needed = TRUE; continue; } } } $e107cache->set_sys("nq_admin_updatecheck", time().','.($update_needed ? '2,' : '1,').$e107info['e107_version'], TRUE); } else { $update_needed = ($dont_check_update == '2'); } if ($update_needed === TRUE) { require_once (e_HANDLER."form_handler.php"); $frm = new e_form(); $txt = "
".ADLAN_120." ".$frm->admin_button('e107_system_update', LAN_UPDATE, 'update')."
"; require_once (e_HANDLER."message_handler.php"); $emessage = &eMessage::getInstance(); $emessage->add($txt); } } //-------------------------------------------- // Check current prefs against latest list //-------------------------------------------- function update_core_prefs($type='') { global $pref, $admin_log, $e107info; $do_save = FALSE; $should = get_default_prefs(); $accum = array(); $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if we're just seeing if an update is needed foreach ($should as $k => $v) { if ($k && !array_key_exists($k,$pref)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Missing pref: '.$k); $pref[$k] = $v; $accum[] = $k; $do_save = TRUE; } } if ($do_save) { save_prefs(); $admin_log->log_event('UPDATE_03',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode(', ',$accum),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update } return $just_check; } if (defined('TEST_UPDATE')) { //-------------------------------------------- // Test routine - to activate, define TEST_UPDATE //-------------------------------------------- function update_test_code($type='') { global $sql,$ns, $pref; $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed //--------------**************--------------- // Add your test code in here //--------------**************--------------- //--------------**************--------------- // End of test code //--------------**************--------------- return $just_check; } } // End of test routine //-------------------------------------------- // Upgrade later versions of 0.7.x to 0.8 //-------------------------------------------- function update_706_to_800($type='') { global $sql,$ns, $pref, $admin_log, $e107info; // List of unwanted $pref values which can go $obs_prefs = array('frontpage_type','rss_feeds', 'log_lvcount', 'zone', 'upload_allowedfiletype', 'real', 'forum_user_customtitle', 'utf-compatmode','frontpage_method','standards_mode','image_owner','im_quality', 'signup_option_timezone', 'modules', 'plug_sc', 'plug_bb', 'plug_status', 'plug_latest', 'subnews_hide_news' ); // List of DB tables not required (includes a few from 0.6xx) $obs_tables = array('flood', 'headlines', 'stat_info', 'stat_counter', 'stat_last'); // List of DB tables newly required (defined in core_sql.php) (The existing dblog table gets renamed) $new_tables = array('admin_log','audit_log', 'dblog'); // List of changed DB tables (defined in core_sql.php) // (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster) $changed_tables = array('user', 'dblog','admin_log', 'userclass_classes', 'banlist'); // List of changed DB tables from core plugins (defined in pluginname_sql.php file) // key = plugin directory nane. Data = comma-separated list of tables to check // (primarily those which have changed significantly; for the odd field write some explicit code - it'll run faster) $pluginChangedTables = array('linkwords' => 'linkwords'); // List of DB tables (key) and field (value) which need changing to accommodate IPV6 addresses $ip_upgrade = array('comments' => 'comment_ip', 'download_requests' => 'download_request_ip', 'online' => 'online_ip', 'submitnews' => 'submitnews_ip', 'tmp' => 'tmp_ip', 'chatbox' => 'cb_ip' ); $db_parser = new db_table_admin; // Class to read table defs and process them $do_save = FALSE; // Set TRUE to update prefs when update complete $updateMessages = array(); $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; // TRUE if we're just seeing whether an update is needed // Check notify prefs global $sysprefs, $eArrayStorage, $tp; $notify_prefs = $sysprefs -> get('notify_prefs'); $notify_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> ReadArray($notify_prefs); $nt_changed = 0; foreach ($notify_prefs['event'] as $e => $d) { if (isset($d['type'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Notify pref: '.$e.' outdated'); switch ($d['type']) { case 'main' : $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN; break; case 'class' : // Should already have class defined break; case 'email' : $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = 'email'; break; case 'off' : // Need to disable default : $notify_prefs['event'][$e]['class'] = e_UC_NOBODY; // Just disable if we don't know what else to do } $nt_changed++; unset($notify_prefs['event'][$e]['type']); } } if ($nt_changed) { $s_prefs = $tp -> toDB($notify_prefs); $s_prefs = $eArrayStorage -> WriteArray($s_prefs); // Could we use $sysprefs->set($s_prefs,'notify_prefs') instead - avoids caching problems ???? if ($sql -> db_Update("core", "e107_value='".$s_prefs."' WHERE e107_name='notify_prefs'") === FALSE) { $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_21; // Log error } else { $updateMessages[] = str_replace('--COUNT--',$nt_changed,LAN_UPDATE_20); // Log success } } if (isset($pref['forum_user_customtitle']) && !isset($pref['signup_option_customtitle'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $pref['signup_option_customtitle'] = $pref['forum_user_customtitle']; unset($pref['forum_user_customtitle']); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_22; $do_save = TRUE; } //change menu_path for usertheme_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='usertheme_menu' || menu_path='usertheme_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='user_menu/' WHERE menu_path='usertheme_menu' || menu_path='usertheme_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_23; catch_error(); } //change menu_path for userlanguage_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='userlanguage_menu' || menu_path='userlanguage_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='user_menu/' WHERE menu_path='userlanguage_menu' || menu_path='userlanguage_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_24; catch_error(); } //change menu_path for compliance_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='compliance_menu' || menu_path='compliance_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='siteinfo_menu/' WHERE menu_path='compliance_menu' || menu_path='compliance_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_25; catch_error(); } //change menu_path for powered_by_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='powered_by_menu' || menu_path='powered_by_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='siteinfo_menu/' WHERE menu_path='powered_by_menu' || menu_path='powered_by_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_26; catch_error(); } //change menu_path for sitebutton_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='sitebutton_menu' || menu_path='sitebutton_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='siteinfo_menu/' WHERE menu_path='sitebutton_menu' || menu_path='sitebutton_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_27; catch_error(); } //change menu_path for counter_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='counter_menu' || menu_path='counter_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='siteinfo_menu/' WHERE menu_path='counter_menu' || menu_path='counter_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_28; catch_error(); } //change menu_path for lastseen_menu if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='lastseen_menu' || menu_path='lastseen_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='lastseen_menu' || menu_path='lastseen_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_29; catch_error(); } //delete record for online_extended_menu (now only using one online menu) if($sql->db_Select("menus", "*", "menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $row=$sql->db_Fetch(); //if online_extended is activated, we need to activate the new 'online' menu, and delete this record if($row['menu_location']!=0) { $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_name='online_menu', menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_30; } else { //else if the menu is not active //we need to delete the online_extended menu row, and change the online_menu to online $sql->db_Delete("menus", " menu_path='online_extended_menu' || menu_path='online_extended_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_31; } catch_error(); } //change menu_path for online_menu (if it still exists) if($sql->db_Select("menus", "menu_path", "menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/'")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $sql->db_Update("menus", "menu_path='online/' WHERE menu_path='online_menu' || menu_path='online_menu/' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_32; catch_error(); } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Comments - split user field //--------------------------------------------------------- if($sql->db_Field("comments","comment_author")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Comment table author field update'); $commentMessage = LAN_UPDATE_33; if ((!$sql->db_Field("comments","comment_author_id")) // Check to see whether new fields already added - maybe data copy failed part way through && (!$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `#comments` ADD COLUMN comment_author_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' AFTER `comment_author`, ADD COLUMN comment_author_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `comment_author_id`"))) { // Flag error $commentMessage = LAN_UPDATE_34; } else { if (FALSE ===$sql->db_Update("comments","comment_author_id=SUBSTRING_INDEX(`comment_author`,'.',1), comment_author_name=SUBSTRING(`comment_author` FROM POSITION('.' IN `comment_author`)+1)")) { // Flag error $commentMessage = LAN_UPDATE_35; } else { // Delete superceded field - comment_author if (!$sql->db_Select_gen("ALTER TABLE `#comments` DROP COLUMN `comment_author`")) { // Flag error $commentMessage = LAN_UPDATE_36; } } } $updateMessages[] = $commentMessage; // Hopefully this will usually add the 'success' message } // Add index to download history if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('download_requests', 'download_request_datestamp', $just_check, $updateMessages))) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed($temp); } } // Extra index to tmp table if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('tmp', 'tmp_time', $just_check, $updateMessages))) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed($temp); } } // Extra index to rss table (if used) if (FALSE !== ($temp = addIndexToTable('rss', 'rss_name', $just_check, $updateMessages, TRUE))) { if ($just_check) { return update_needed($temp); } } // Front page prefs (logic has changed) if (!isset($pref['frontpage_force'])) { // Just set basic options; no real method of converting the existing if ($just_check) return update_needed('Change front page prefs'); $pref['frontpage_force'] = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => ''); $pref['frontpage'] = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => 'news.php'); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_38; $do_save = TRUE; } if (mysql_table_exists('newsfeed')) { // Need to extend field newsfeed_url varchar(250) NOT NULL default '' if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".MPREFIX."newsfeed LIKE 'newsfeed_url'")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (str_replace('varchar', 'char', strtolower($row['Type'])) != 'char(250)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update newsfeed field definition'); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."newsfeed` MODIFY `newsfeed_url` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_40; catch_error(); } } } if (mysql_table_exists('download')) { // Need to extend field download_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".MPREFIX."download LIKE 'download_url'")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (str_replace('varchar', 'char', strtolower($row['Type'])) != 'char(255)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update download table field definition'); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download` MODIFY `download_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_52; catch_error(); } } } if (mysql_table_exists('download_mirror')) { // Need to extend field download_url varchar(255) NOT NULL default '' if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW FIELDS FROM ".MPREFIX."download_mirror LIKE 'mirror_url'")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (str_replace('varchar', 'char', strtolower($row['Type'])) != 'char(255)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update download mirror table field definition'); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."download_mirror` MODIFY `mirror_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' "); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_53; catch_error(); } } } // Check need for user timezone before we delete the field if (varsettrue($pref['signup_option_timezone'])) { if ($sql->db_Field('user', 'user_timezone', '', TRUE) && !$sql->db_Field('user_extended','user_timezone','',TRUE)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Move user timezone info'); if (!copy_user_timezone()) { // Error doing the transfer $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_42; return FALSE; } $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_41; } } // Tables defined in core_sql.php //--------------------------------- if (mysql_table_exists('dblog') && !mysql_table_exists('admin_log')) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Rename dblog to admin_log'); $sql->db_Select_gen('ALTER TABLE `'.MPREFIX.'dblog` RENAME `'.MPREFIX.'admin_log`'); catch_error(); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_43; } // Next bit will be needed only by the brave souls who used an early CVS - probably delete before release if (mysql_table_exists('rl_history') && !mysql_table_exists('dblog')) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Rename rl_history to dblog'); $sql->db_Select_gen('ALTER TABLE `'.MPREFIX.'rl_history` RENAME `'.MPREFIX.'dblog`'); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_44; catch_error(); } // New tables required (list at top. Definitions in core_sql.php) foreach ($new_tables as $nt) { if (!mysql_table_exists($nt)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed("Add table: ".$nt); // Get the definition $defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($nt,e_ADMIN."sql/core_sql.php"); if (count($defs)) { // **** Add in table here $sql->db_Select_gen('CREATE TABLE `'.MPREFIX.$defs[0][1].'` ('.$defs[0][2].') TYPE='.$defs[0][3]); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_45.$defs[0][1]; catch_error(); } else { // error parsing defs file $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_46.$defs[0][1]; } unset($defs); } } // Tables whose definition needs changing significantly foreach ($changed_tables as $ct) { $req_defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($ct,e_ADMIN."sql/core_sql.php"); $req_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($req_defs[0][2]); // Required definitions if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "Required table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($req_fields); if ((($actual_defs = $db_parser->get_current_table($ct)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actual_defs)) // Adds current default prefix { // echo "Couldn't get table structure: {$ct}
"; } else { // echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs); $actual_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($actual_defs[0][2]); if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "Actual table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($actual_fields); $diffs = $db_parser->compare_field_lists($req_fields,$actual_fields); if (count($diffs[0])) { // Changes needed if ($just_check) return update_needed("Field changes rqd; table: ".$ct); // Do the changes here if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "List of changes found:
".$db_parser->make_changes_list($diffs); $qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$ct.' '.implode(', ',$diffs[1]); if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "Update Query used: ".$qry."
"; mysql_query($qry); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_47.$ct; catch_error(); } } } // Plugin tables whose definition needs changing significantly foreach ($pluginChangedTables as $plugName => $plugList) { if (plugInstalled($plugName)) { $ttc = explode(',',$plugList); foreach ($ttc as $ct) { $sqlDefs = e_PLUGIN.$plugName.'/'.$plugName.'_sql.php'; // Filename containing definitions // echo "Looking at file: {$sqlDefs}, table {$ct}
"; $req_defs = $db_parser->get_table_def($ct,$sqlDefs); if (!is_array($req_defs)) { echo "Couldn't get definitions from file {$sqlDefs}
"; continue; } $req_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($req_defs[0][2]); // Required definitions if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "Required plugin table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($req_fields); if ((($actual_defs = $db_parser->get_current_table($ct)) === FALSE) || !is_array($actual_defs)) // Adds current default prefix { // echo "Couldn't get table structure: {$ct}
"; } else { // echo $db_parser->make_table_list($actual_defs); $actual_fields = $db_parser->parse_field_defs($actual_defs[0][2]); if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "Actual table structure:
".$db_parser->make_field_list($actual_fields); $diffs = $db_parser->compare_field_lists($req_fields,$actual_fields); if (count($diffs[0])) { // Changes needed if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "List of changes found:
".$db_parser->make_changes_list($diffs); if ($just_check) return update_needed("Field changes rqd; plugin table: ".$ct); // Do the changes here $qry = 'ALTER TABLE '.MPREFIX.$ct.' '.implode(', ',$diffs[1]); if (E107_DBG_FILLIN8) echo "Update Query used: ".$qry."
"; mysql_query($qry); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_51.$ct; catch_error(); } } } } } // Obsolete tables (list at top) foreach ($obs_tables as $ot) { if (mysql_table_exists($ot)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed("Delete table: ".$ot); mysql_query('DROP TABLE `'.MPREFIX.$ot.'`'); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_48.$ot; } } // Tables where IP address field needs updating to accommodate IPV6 // Set to varchar(45) - just in case something uses the IPV4 subnet (see foreach ($ip_upgrade as $t => $f) { if (mysql_table_exists($t)) { // Check for table - might add some core plugin tables in here if ($field_info = ($sql->db_Field($t, $f, '', TRUE))) { if (strtolower($field_info['Type']) != 'varchar(45)') { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Update IP address field '.$f.' in table '.$t); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$t."` MODIFY `{$f}` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_49.$t.' - '.$f; catch_error(); } } else { // Got a strange error here } } } // Obsolete prefs (list at top) // Intentionally do this last - we may check some of them during the update $accum = array(); foreach ($obs_prefs as $p) { if (isset($pref[$p])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed('Remove obsolete prefs'); unset($pref[$p]); $do_save = TRUE; $accum[] = $p; } } if ($do_save) { save_prefs(); $updateMessages[] = LAN_UPDATE_50.implode(', ',$accum); } if ($just_check) return TRUE; $admin_log->log_event('UPDATE_01',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'].'[!br!]'.implode('[!br!]',$updateMessages),E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update return $just_check; } function update_70x_to_706($type='') { global $sql,$ns, $pref, $e107info, $admin_log, $emessage; $just_check = $type == 'do' ? FALSE : TRUE; if(!$sql->db_Field("plugin",5)) // not plugin_rss so just add the new one. { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` ADD `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL ;"); catch_error(); } //rename plugin_rss field if($sql->db_Field("plugin",5) == "plugin_rss") { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` CHANGE `plugin_rss` `plugin_addons` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error(); } if($sql->db_Field("dblog",5) == "dblog_query") { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."dblog` CHANGE `dblog_query` `dblog_title` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';"); catch_error(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."dblog` CHANGE `dblog_remarks` `dblog_remarks` TEXT NOT NULL;"); catch_error(); } if(!$sql->db_Field("plugin","plugin_path","UNIQUE")) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); if(!mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."plugin` ADD UNIQUE (`plugin_path`);")) { $mes = LAN_UPDATE_12." : ".ADLAN_145."."; //$ns -> tablerender(LAN_ERROR,$mes); $emessage->add($mes, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); catch_error(); } } if(!$sql->db_Field("online",6)) // online_active field { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".MPREFIX."online ADD online_active INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"); catch_error(); } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW INDEX FROM ".MPREFIX."tmp")) { $row = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if (!in_array('tmp_ip', $row)) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."tmp` ADD INDEX `tmp_ip` (`tmp_ip`);"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."upload` ADD INDEX `upload_active` (`upload_active`);"); mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX."generic` ADD INDEX `gen_type` (`gen_type`);"); } } if (!$just_check) { // update new fields require_once(e_HANDLER."plugin_class.php"); $ep = new e107plugin; $ep->update_plugins_table(); $ep->save_addon_prefs(); } if (!isset($pref['displayname_maxlength'])) { if ($just_check) return update_needed(); $pref['displayname_maxlength'] = 15; save_prefs(); } // If we get to here, in checking mode no updates are required. In update mode, all done. if ($just_check) return TRUE; $admin_log->log_event('UPDATE_02',LAN_UPDATE_14.$e107info['e107_version'],E_LOG_INFORMATIVE,''); // Log result of actual update return $just_check; // TRUE if no updates needed, FALSE if updates needed and completed } // Carries out the copy of timezone data from the user record to an extended user field // Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure function copy_user_timezone() { global $sql, $sql2, $tp; require_once(e_HANDLER.'user_extended_class.php'); $ue = new e107_user_extended; $tmp = $ue->parse_extended_xml('getfile'); $tmp['timezone']['parms'] = $tp->toDB($tmp['timezone']['parms']); if(!$ue->user_extended_add($tmp['timezone'])) { return FALSE; } // Created the field - now copy existing data if ($sql->db_Select('user','user_id, user_timezone')) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $sql2->db_Update('user_extended',"`user_timezone`='{$row['user_timezone']}' WHERE `user_extended_id`={$row['user_id']}"); } } return TRUE; // All done! } function update_needed($message='') { global $ns, $update_debug; require_once (e_HANDLER."message_handler.php"); $emessage = &eMessage::getInstance(); if ($update_debug) $emessage->add("Update: ".$message, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL) { $tmp = debug_backtrace(); //$ns->tablerender("", "
Update required in ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp[0]['line']."
"); $emessage->add("Update required in ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp[0]['line'], E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } return FALSE; } function mysql_table_exists($table) { $exists = mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM ".MPREFIX."$table LIMIT 0"); if ($exists) return TRUE; return FALSE; } // Add index to a table. Returns FALSE if not required. Returns a message if required and just checking function addIndexToTable($target, $indexSpec, $just_check, &$updateMessages, $optionalTable=FALSE) { global $sql; if (!mysql_table_exists($target)) { if ($optionalTable) { return !$just_check; // Nothing to do it table is optional and not there } $updateMessages[] = str_replace(array('--TABLE--','--INDEX--'),array($target,$indexSpec),LAN_UPDATE_54); return !$just_check; // No point carrying on - return 'nothing to do' } if ($sql -> db_Query("SHOW INDEX FROM ".MPREFIX.$target)) { $found = FALSE; while ($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { // One index per field if (in_array($indexSpec, $row)) { return !$just_check; // Found - nothing to do } } // Index not found here if ($just_check) { return 'Required to add index to '.$target; } mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `".MPREFIX.$target."` ADD INDEX `".$indexSpec."` (`".$indexSpec."`);"); $updateMessages[] = str_replace(array('--TABLE--','--INDEX--'),array($target,$indexSpec),LAN_UPDATE_37); } return FALSE; } function catch_error() { if (mysql_error()!='' && E107_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0) { $tmp2 = debug_backtrace(); $tmp = mysql_error(); echo $tmp." [ ".basename(__FILE__)." on line ".$tmp2[0]['line']."]
"; } return; } function get_default_prefs() { require(e_FILE."def_e107_prefs.php"); return $pref; } ?>