$v){ $eplug_rss_feed[] = $v; } function get_rss(){ global $aa; require_once(e_PLUGIN."content/handlers/content_class.php"); $aa = new content; $rss = array(); $array = $aa -> getCategoryTree('', '', FALSE); foreach($array as $k=>$v){ $name = ''; for($i=0;$i "; $i++; } $name = substr($name,0,-3); $feed['name'] = $name; $feed['url'] = 'content'; //the identifier for the rss feed url $feed['topic_id'] = $k; //the topic_id, empty on default (to select a certain category) $feed['path'] = 'content'; //this is the plugin path location $feed['text'] = 'this is the rss feed for content category : '.$name; $feed['class'] = '0'; $feed['limit'] = '9'; $rss[] = $feed; } return $rss; } //##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //##### create rss data, return as array $eplug_rss_data ----------------------------------- $mainparent = $aa -> getMainParent($this->topicid); $content_pref = $aa -> getContentPref($mainparent); $array = $aa -> getCategoryTree("", $mainparent, TRUE); $datequery = " AND content_datestamp < ".time()." AND (content_enddate=0 || content_enddate>".time().") "; $qry = " content_refer !='sa' ".$datequery." AND content_class REGEXP '".e_CLASS_REGEXP."' AND content_parent = '".$this->topicid."' ORDER BY content_datestamp DESC LIMIT 0,".$this -> limit; $rss = array(); $sqlrss = new db; if($items = $sqlrss -> db_Select('pcontent', "content_id, content_heading, content_subheading, content_parent, content_author, content_datestamp", $qry )){ $i=0; while($rowrss = $sqlrss -> db_Fetch()){ //$author = array($author_id, $author_name, $author_email, $content_author); $author = $aa -> getAuthor($rowrss['content_author']); $rss[$i]['author'] = $author[1]; $rss[$i]['author_email'] = $author[2]; $rss[$i]['link'] = $e107->base_path.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."content/content.php?content.".$rowrss['content_id']; $rss[$i]['linkid'] = $rowrss['content_id']; $rss[$i]['title'] = $rowrss['content_heading']; $rss[$i]['description'] = $rowrss['content_subheading']; $rss[$i]['category_name'] = $array[$rowrss['content_parent']][count($array[$rowrss['content_parent']])-1]; $rss[$i]['category_link'] = $e107->base_path.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."content/content.php?cat.".$rowrss['content_parent']; $rss[$i]['datestamp'] = $rowrss['content_datestamp']; $rss[$i]['enc_url'] = ""; $rss[$i]['enc_leng'] = ""; $rss[$i]['enc_type'] = ""; $i++; } } $eplug_rss_data[] = $rss; //##### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ?>