(mixed) custom id attribute value * if numeric value is passed it'll be just appended to the name e.g. {filed-name}-{value} * if false is passed id will be not created * if empty string is passed (or no 'id' option is found) * in all other cases the value will be used as field id * default: empty string * * - class => (string) field class(es) * Example: 'tbox select class1 class2 class3' * NOTE: this will override core classes, so you have to explicit include them! * default: empty string * * - size => (int) size attribute value (used when needed) * default: 40 * * - title (string) title attribute * default: empty string (omitted) * * - readonly => (bool) readonly attribute * default: false * * - selected => (bool) selected attribute (used when needed) * default: false * * checked => (bool) checked attribute (used when needed) * default: false * - disabled => (bool) disabled attribute * default: false * * - tabindex => (int) tabindex attribute value * default: inner tabindex counter * * - other => (string) additional data * Example: 'attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2"' * default: empty string */ class e_form { protected $_tabindex_counter = 0; protected $_tabindex_enabled = true; protected $_cached_attributes = array(); /** * @var user_class */ protected $_uc; function __construct($enable_tabindex = false) { $this->_tabindex_enabled = $enable_tabindex; $this->_uc = e107::getUserClass(); } function text($name, $value, $maxlength = 200, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('text', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "get_attributes($options, $name)." />"; } function iconpreview($id, $default, $width='', $height='') // FIXME { $parms = $name."|".$width."|".$height."|".$id; $sc_parameters .= 'mode=preview&default='.$default.'&id='.$id; return e107::getParser()->parseTemplate("{ICONPICKER=".$sc_parameters."}"); } function iconpicker($name, $default, $label, $sc_parameters = '', $ajax = true) { // TODO - Hide the element, and display the icon itself after it has been chosen. // eg. // The button itself could be replaced with an icon just for this purpose. $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $id = $this->name2id($name); $sc_parameters .= '&id='.$id; $jsfunc = $ajax ? "e107Ajax.toggleUpdate('{$id}-iconpicker', '{$id}-iconpicker-cn', 'sc:iconpicker=".urlencode($sc_parameters)."', '{$id}-iconpicker-ajax', { overlayElement: '{$id}-iconpicker-button' })" : "e107Helper.toggle('{$id}-iconpicker')"; $ret = $this->text($name, $default); // $ret .= $this->iconpreview($id,$default); //FIXME $ret .= $this->admin_button($name.'-iconpicker-button', $label, 'action', '', array('other' => "onclick=\"{$jsfunc}\"")); $ret .= "
".(!$ajax ? $e107->tp->parseTemplate('{ICONPICKER='.$sc_parameters.'}') : '')."
"; return $ret; } // FIXME - better GUI, {IMAGESELECTOR} rewrite, flexibility, thumbnails, tooltip image preivew, etc. function imagepicker($name, $default, $label = '', $sc_parameters = '') { if(is_string($sc_parameters)) parse_str($sc_parameters, $sc_parameters); if(!$label) $label = LAN_SELECT; $parms = "name={$name}"; $parms .= "&path=".urlencode(e107::getParser()->replaceConstants(vartrue($sc_parameters['path'], '{e_FILE}images/'))); $parms .= "&filter=0"; $parms .= "&fullpath=1"; $parms .= "&default=".$default; $parms .= "&multiple=FALSE"; $parms .= "&label=-- ".$label." --"; $parms .= "&subdirs=0"; //$parms .= "&tabindex=".$this->getNext(); //$parms .= "&click_target=data"; //$parms .= "&click_prefix=[img][[e_IMAGE]]newspost_images/"; //$parms .= "&click_postfix=[/img]"; $tp = e107::getParser(); $ret = "
"; $ret .= "
"; return $ret; } /** * Date field with popup calendar * $options allowed keys: * - time: show time, default is true * - others: ???, default is false * - weeks: show weeks, default is false * - size: input field size attribute, default 25 * * @param string $name the name of the field * @param integer $datestamp UNIX timestamp - default value of the field * @param array $options calendar options */ function datepicker($name, $datestamp = false, $options = array()) { $cal = new DHTML_Calendar(true); $cal_options['showsTime'] = varset($options['time'], true); $cal_options['showOthers'] = varset($options['others'], false); $cal_options['weekNumbers'] = varset($options['weeks'], false); $cal_options['ifFormat'] = e107::getPref('inputdate', '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'); $cal_options['timeFormat'] = "24"; $cal_attrib['class'] = "tbox date"; $cal_attrib['size'] = varset($options['size'], 25); $cal_attrib['name'] = $name; if ($datestamp) { $cal_attrib['value'] = e107::getDateConvert()->convert_date($datestamp, 'input'); //date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $datestamp); // var_dump('date picker', $datestamp, $cal_attrib['value'], e107::getDateConvert()->toTime($cal_attrib['value']), e107::getDateConvert()->convert_date(e107::getDateConvert()->toTime($cal_attrib['value']), 'input')); } //JS manager to send JS/CSS to header if possible, if not - footer e107::getJs()// FIXME - no CSS support yet!!! ->tryHeaderFile($cal->calendar_theme_file) ->tryHeaderFile($cal->calendar_file) ->tryHeaderFile($cal->calendar_setup_file) ->tryHeaderFile($cal->calendar_lang_file); return $cal->make_input_field($cal_options, $cal_attrib); } /** * User auto-complete search * * @param string $name_fld field name for user name * @param string $id_fld field name for user id * @param string $default_name default user name value * @param integer $default_id default user id * @param array|string $options [optional] 'readonly' (make field read only), 'name' (db field name, default user_name) * @return */ function userpicker($name_fld, $id_fld, $default_name, $default_id, $options = array()) { if(!is_array($options)) parse_str($options, $options); //'.$this->text($id_fld, $default_id, 10, array('id' => false, 'readonly'=>true, 'class'=>'tbox number')).' $ret = '
'.$this->text($name_fld, $default_name, 150, array('id' => false, 'readonly' => vartrue($options['readonly']) ? true : false)).' '.$this->hidden($id_fld, $default_id, array('id' => false)).'
'; e107::getJs()->requireCoreLib('scriptaculous/controls.js', 2); //TODO - external JS e107::getJs()->footerInline(" //autocomplete fields \$\$('input[name={$name_fld}]').each(function(el) { if(el.readOnly) { el.observe('click', function(ev) { ev.stop(); var el1 = ev.findElement('input'); el1.blur(); } ); el.next('span.indicator').hide(); el.next('div.e-autocomplete').hide(); return; } new Ajax.Autocompleter(el, el.next('div.e-autocomplete'), '".e_FILE_ABS."e_ajax.php', { paramName: '{$name_fld}', minChars: 2, frequency: 0.5, afterUpdateElement: function(txt, li) { if(!\$(li)) return; if(\$(li).id) { el.next('input[name={$id_fld}]').value = parseInt(\$(li).id); } else { el.next('input[name={$id_fld}]').value = 0 } }, indicator: el.next('span.indicator'), parameters: 'ajax_used=1&ajax_sc=usersearch=".rawurlencode('searchfld='.str_replace('user_', '', vartrue($options['name'], 'user_name')).'--srcfld='.$name_fld)."' }); }); "); return $ret; } function file($name, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('file', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "get_attributes($options, $name)." />"; } function upload($name, $options = array()) { return 'Ready to use upload form fields, optional - file list view'; } function password($name, $maxlength = 50, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('text', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "get_attributes($options, $name)." />"; } // autoexpand done function textarea($name, $value, $rows = 10, $cols = 80, $options = array(), $counter = false) { if(is_string($options)) parse_str($options, $options); // auto-height support if(!vartrue($options['noresize'])) { $options['class'] = $options['class'] ? $options['class'].' e-autoheight' : 'tbox textarea e-autoheight'; } $options = $this->format_options('textarea', $name, $options); //never allow id in format name-value for text fields return "".(false !== $counter ? $this->hidden('__'.$name.'autoheight_opt', $counter) : ''); } function bbarea($name, $value, $help_mod = '', $help_tagid='', $size = 'large', $counter = false) { //size - large|medium|small //width should be explicit set by current admin theme switch($size) { case 'medium': $rows = '10'; break; case 'small': $rows = '7'; break; case 'large': default: $rows = '15'; $size = 'large'; break; } // auto-height support $options = array('class' => 'tbox bbarea '.($size ? ' '.$size : '').' e-wysiwyg'); $bbbar = ''; // FIXME - see ren_help.php if(!deftrue('e_WYSIWYG')) { require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php"); $options['other'] = "onselect='storeCaret(this);' onclick='storeCaret(this);' onkeyup='storeCaret(this);'"; $bbbar = display_help($help_tagid, $help_mod, 'addtext', 'help', $size); } $ret = "
".$this->textarea($name, $value, $rows, 50, $options, $counter)."
"; return $ret; } function checkbox($name, $value, $checked = false, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('checkbox', $name, $options); $options['checked'] = $checked; //comes as separate argument just for convenience return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function checkbox_label($label_title, $name, $value, $checked = false, $options = array()) { return $this->checkbox($name, $value, $checked, $options).$this->label($label_title, $name, $value); } function checkbox_switch($name, $value, $checked = false, $label = '') { return $this->checkbox($name, $value, $checked).$this->label($label ? $label : LAN_ENABLED, $name, $value); } function checkbox_toggle($name, $selector = 'multitoggle') { $selector = 'jstarget:'.$selector; return $this->checkbox($name, $selector, false, array('id'=>false,'class'=>'checkbox toggle-all')); } function uc_checkbox($name, $current_value, $uc_options, $field_options = array()) { if(!is_array($field_options)) parse_str($field_options, $field_options); return '
'.$this->_uc->vetted_tree($name, array($this, '_uc_checkbox_cb'), $current_value, $uc_options, $field_options).'
'; } function _uc_checkbox_cb($treename, $classnum, $current_value, $nest_level, $field_options) { if($classnum == e_UC_BLANK) return ''; $tmp = explode(',', $current_value); //TODO add support for when $current_value is an array. $class = $style = ''; if($nest_level == 0) { $class = " strong"; } else { $style = " style='text-indent:" . (1.2 * $nest_level) . "em'"; } $descr = varset($field_options['description']) ? ' ('.$this->_uc->uc_get_classdescription($classnum).')' : ''; return "
".$this->checkbox($treename.'[]', $classnum, in_array($classnum, $tmp), $field_options).$this->label($this->_uc->uc_get_classname($classnum).$descr, $treename.'[]', $classnum)."
\n"; } function uc_label($classnum) { return $this->_uc->uc_get_classname($classnum); } function radio($name, $value, $checked = false, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('radio', $name, $options); $options['checked'] = $checked; //comes as separate argument just for convenience return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function radio_switch($name, $checked_enabled = false, $label_enabled = '', $label_disabled = '') { return $this->radio($name, 1, $checked_enabled)."".$this->label($label_enabled ? $label_enabled : LAN_ENABLED, $name, 1)."   ".$this->radio($name, 0, !$checked_enabled)."".$this->label($label_disabled ? $label_disabled : LAN_DISABLED, $name, 0); } function radio_multi($name, $elements, $checked, $multi_line = false) { $text = array(); if(is_string($elements)) parse_str($elements, $elements); foreach ($elements as $value => $label) { $text[] = $this->radio($name, $value, $checked == $value)."".$this->label($label, $name, $value); } if(!$multi_line) return implode("  ", $text); return "
", $text)."
"; } function label($text, $name = '', $value = '') { $for_id = $this->_format_id('', $name, $value, 'for'); return "{$text}"; } function select_open($name, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('select', $name, $options); return ""; } function hidden($name, $value, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('hidden', $name, $options); return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function submit($name, $value, $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('submit', $name, $options); return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } function submit_image($name, $value, $image, $title='', $options = array()) { $options = $this->format_options('submit_image', $name, $options); switch ($image) { case 'edit': $image = ADMIN_EDIT_ICON_PATH; $options['class'] = 'action edit'; break; case 'delete': $image = ADMIN_DELETE_ICON_PATH; $options['class'] = 'action delete'; break; } $options['title'] = $title;//shorthand return "get_attributes($options, $name, $value)." />"; } /** * * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param string $action [optional] default is submit * @param string $label [optional] * @param string|array $options [optional] * @return string */ function admin_button($name, $value, $action = 'submit', $label = '', $options = array()) { $btype = 'submit'; if(strpos($action, 'action') === 0) $btype = 'button'; $options = $this->format_options('admin_button', $name, $options); $options['class'] = $action;//shorthand if(empty($label)) $label = $value; return " "; } function getNext() { if(!$this->_tabindex_enabled) return 0; $this->_tabindex_counter += 1; return $this->_tabindex_counter; } function getCurrent() { if(!$this->_tabindex_enabled) return 0; return $this->_tabindex_counter; } function resetTabindex($reset = 0) { $this->_tabindex_counter = $reset; } function get_attributes($options, $name = '', $value = '') { $ret = ''; // foreach ($options as $option => $optval) { switch ($option) { case 'id': $ret .= $this->_format_id($optval, $name, $value); break; case 'class': if(!empty($optval)) $ret .= " class='{$optval}'"; break; case 'size': if($optval) $ret .= " size='{$optval}'"; break; case 'title': if($optval) $ret .= " title='{$optval}'"; break; case 'label': if($optval) $ret .= " label='{$optval}'"; break; case 'tabindex': if($optval) $ret .= " tabindex='{$optval}'"; elseif(false === $optval || !$this->_tabindex_enabled) break; else { $this->_tabindex_counter += 1; $ret .= " tabindex='".$this->_tabindex_counter."'"; } break; case 'readonly': if($optval) $ret .= " readonly='readonly'"; break; case 'selected': if($optval) $ret .= " selected='selected'"; break; case 'checked': if($optval) $ret .= " checked='checked'"; break; case 'disabled': if($optval) $ret .= " disabled='disabled'"; break; case 'other': if($optval) $ret .= " $optval"; break; } } return $ret; } /** * Auto-build field attribute id * * @param string $id_value value for attribute id passed with the option array * @param string $name the name attribute passed to that field * @param unknown_type $value the value attribute passed to that field * @return string formatted id attribute */ function _format_id($id_value, $name, $value = '', $return_attribute = 'id') { if($id_value === false) return ''; //format data first $name = trim($this->name2id($name), '-'); $value = trim(preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9\-]/i#','-', $value), '-'); $value = trim(str_replace("/","-",$value), '-'); if(!$id_value && is_numeric($value)) $id_value = $value; // clean - do it better, this could lead to dups $id_value = trim($id_value, '-'); if(empty($id_value) ) return " {$return_attribute}='{$name}".($value ? "-{$value}" : '')."'";// also useful when name is e.g. name='my_name[some_id]' elseif(is_numeric($id_value) && $name) return " {$return_attribute}='{$name}-{$id_value}'";// also useful when name is e.g. name='my_name[]' else return " {$return_attribute}='{$id_value}'"; } function name2id($name) { return rtrim(str_replace(array('[]', '[', ']', '_', '/'), array('-', '-', '', '-', '-'), $name), '-'); } /** * Format options based on the field type, * merge with default * * @param string $type * @param string $name form name attribute value * @param array|string $user_options * @return array merged options */ function format_options($type, $name, $user_options) { if(is_string($user_options)) parse_str($user_options, $user_options); $def_options = $this->_default_options($type); foreach (array_keys($user_options) as $key) { if(!isset($def_options[$key])) unset($user_options[$key]);//remove it? } $user_options['name'] = $name; //required for some of the automated tasks return array_merge($def_options, $user_options); } /** * Get default options array based on the field type * * @param string $type * @return array default options */ function _default_options($type) { if(isset($this->_cached_attributes[$type])) return $this->_cached_attributes[$type]; $def_options = array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'title' => '', 'size' => '', 'readonly' => false, 'selected' => false, 'checked' => false, 'disabled' => false, 'tabindex' => 0, 'label' => '', 'other' => '' ); switch ($type) { case 'hidden': $def_options = array('id' => false, 'disabled' => false, 'other' => ''); break; case 'text': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox input-text'; unset($def_options['selected'], $def_options['checked']); break; case 'file': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox file'; unset($def_options['selected'], $def_options['checked']); break; case 'textarea': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox textarea'; unset($def_options['selected'], $def_options['checked'], $def_options['size']); break; case 'select': $def_options['class'] = 'tbox select'; unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['checked']); break; case 'option': $def_options = array('class' => '', 'selected' => false, 'other' => '', 'disabled' => false, 'label' => ''); break; case 'radio': $def_options['class'] = 'radio'; unset($def_options['size'], $def_options['selected']); break; case 'checkbox': $def_options['class'] = 'checkbox'; unset($def_options['size'], $def_options['selected']); break; case 'submit': $def_options['class'] = 'button'; unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['selected'], $def_options['readonly']); break; case 'submit_image': $def_options['class'] = 'action'; unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['selected'], $def_options['readonly']); break; case 'admin_button': unset($def_options['checked'], $def_options['selected'], $def_options['readonly']); break; } $this->_cached_attributes[$type] = $def_options; return $def_options; } function columnSelector($columnsArray, $columnsDefault = '', $id = 'column_options') { $columnsArray = array_filter($columnsArray); $text = "
" ."select columns" ."
"; unset($columnsArray['options'], $columnsArray['checkboxes']); foreach($columnsArray as $key => $fld) { if (!varset($fld['forced']) && !vartrue($fld['nolist'])) { $checked = (in_array($key,$columnsDefault)) ? TRUE : FALSE; $text .= "
".$this->checkbox_label(varset($fld['title'], $key), 'e-columns[]', $key, $checked)."
"; } } // has issues with the checkboxes. $text .= "
".$this->admin_button('etrigger_ecolumns', LAN_SAVE, 'update')."
"; $text .= ""; return $text; } function colGroup($fieldarray, $columnPref = '') { $text = ""; $count = 0; foreach($fieldarray as $key=>$val) { if ((in_array($key, $columnPref) || $key=='options' || varsettrue($val['forced'])) && !vartrue($val['nolist'])) { $class = vartrue($val['class']) ? ' class="'.$val['class'].'"' : ''; $text .= ' '; $count++; } } return ' '.$text.' '; } function thead($fieldarray, $columnPref = array(), $querypattern = '', $requeststr = '') { $text = ""; // Recommended pattern: mode=list&field=[FIELD]&asc=[ASC]&from=[FROM] if(strpos($querypattern,'&')!==FALSE) { // we can assume it's always $_GET since that's what it will generate // more flexible (e.g. pass default values for order/field when they can't be found in e_QUERY) & secure $tmp = str_replace('&', '&', $requeststr ? $requeststr : e_QUERY); parse_str($tmp, $tmp); $etmp = array(); parse_str(str_replace('&', '&', $querypattern), $etmp); } else // Legacy Queries. eg. main.[FIELD].[ASC].[FROM] { $tmp = explode(".", ($requeststr ? $requeststr : e_QUERY)); $etmp = explode(".", $querypattern); } foreach($etmp as $key => $val) // I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do this, but too tired to see it right now!. { if($val == "[FIELD]") { $field = varset($tmp[$key]); } if($val == "[ASC]") { $ascdesc = varset($tmp[$key]); } if($val == "[FROM]") { $fromval = varset($tmp[$key]); } } if(!varset($fromval)){ $fromval = 0; } $ascdesc = (varset($ascdesc) == 'desc') ? 'asc' : 'desc'; foreach($fieldarray as $key=>$val) { if ((in_array($key, $columnPref) || $key == 'options' || (vartrue($val['forced']))) && !vartrue($val['nolist'])) { $cl = (vartrue($val['thclass'])) ? " class='".$val['thclass']."'" : ""; $text .= " "; if($querypattern!="" && !varsettrue($val['nosort']) && $key != "options" && $key != "checkboxes") { $from = ($key == $field) ? $fromval : 0; $srch = array("[FIELD]","[ASC]","[FROM]"); $repl = array($key,$ascdesc,$from); $val['url'] = e_SELF."?".str_replace($srch,$repl,$querypattern); } $text .= (vartrue($val['url'])) ? "" : ""; // Really this column-sorting link should be auto-generated, or be autocreated via unobtrusive js. $text .= vartrue($val['title'], ''); $text .= ($val['url']) ? "" : ""; $text .= ($key == "options") ? $this->columnSelector($fieldarray, $columnPref) : ""; $text .= ($key == "checkboxes") ? $this->checkbox_toggle('e-column-toggle', vartrue($val['toggle'], 'multiselect')) : ""; $text .= " "; } } return " ".$text." "; } /** * Render Table cells from field listing. * @param array $fieldarray - eg. $this->fields * @param array $currentlist - eg $this->fieldpref * @param array $fieldvalues - eg. $row * @param string $pid - eg. table_id * @return */ function renderTableRow($fieldarray, $currentlist, $fieldvalues, $pid) { $cnt = 0; $ret = ''; /*$fieldarray = $obj->fields; $currentlist = $obj->fieldpref; $pid = $obj->pid;*/ $trclass = vartrue($fieldvalues['__trclass']) ? ' class="'.$trclass.'"' : ''; unset($fieldvalues['__trclass']); foreach ($fieldarray as $field => $data) { //Not found if((!varset($data['forced']) && !in_array($field, $currentlist)) || varset($data['nolist'])) { continue; } elseif(!$data['forced'] && !isset($fieldvalues[$field])) { $ret .= " Not Found! "; continue; } $tdclass = vartrue($data['class']); if($field == 'checkboxes') $tdclass = $tdclass ? $tdclass.' autocheck e-pointer' : 'autocheck e-pointer'; // there is no other way for now - prepare user data if('user' == $data['type']/* && isset($data['readParms']['idField'])*/) { if(is_string($data['readParms'])) parse_str($data['readParms'], $data['readParms']); if(isset($data['readParms']['idField'])) { $data['readParms']['__idval'] = $fieldvalues[$data['readParms']['idField']]; } } $value = $this->renderValue($field, varset($fieldvalues[$field]), $data, varset($fieldvalues[$pid])); if($tdclass) { $tdclass = ' class="'.$tdclass.'"'; } $ret .= ' '.$value.' '; $cnt++; } if($cnt) { return ' '.$ret.' '; } return ''; } /** * Render Field Value * @param string $field field name * @param mixed $value field value * @param array $attributes field attributes including render parameters, element options - see e_admin_ui::$fields for required format * @return string */ function renderValue($field, $value, $attributes, $id = 0) { $parms = array(); if(isset($attributes['readParms'])) { if(is_string($attributes['readParms'])) parse_str($attributes['readParms'], $attributes['readParms']); $parms = $attributes['readParms']; } $tp = e107::getParser(); switch($field) // special fields { case 'options': if(!$value) { parse_str(str_replace('&', '&', e_QUERY), $query); //FIXME - FIX THIS // keep other vars in tact $query['action'] = 'edit'; $query['id'] = $id; //$edit_query = array('mode' => varset($query['mode']), 'action' => varset($query['action']), 'id' => $id); $query = http_build_query($query); $value = "".LAN_EDIT." "; $value .= $this->submit_image('etrigger_delete['.$id.']', $id, 'delete', LAN_DELETE.' [ ID: '.$id.' ]'); } //$attributes['type'] = 'text'; return $value; break; case 'checkboxes': $value = $this->checkbox(vartrue($attributes['toggle'], 'multiselect').'['.$id.']', $id); //$attributes['type'] = 'text'; return $value; break; } switch($attributes['type']) { case 'number': if($parms) { if(!isset($parms['sep'])) $value = number_format($number, $parms['decimals']); else $value = number_format($number, $parms['decimals'], vartrue($parms['point'], '.'), vartrue($parms['sep'], ' ')); } $value = vartrue($parms['pre']).$value.vartrue($parms['post']); // else same break; case 'ip': $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $value = $e107->ipDecode($value); // else same break; case 'dropdown': case 'text': if(vartrue($parms['truncate'])) { $value = $tp->text_truncate($value, $parms['truncate'], '...'); } elseif(vartrue($parms['htmltruncate'])) { $value = $tp->html_truncate($value, $parms['htmltruncate'], '...'); } $value = vartrue($parms['pre']).$value.vartrue($parms['post']); break; case 'bbarea': case 'textarea': $expand = '...'; $toexpand = false; if($attributes['type'] == 'bbarea' && !isset($parms['bb'])) $parms['bb'] = true; //force bb parsing for bbareas $elid = trim(str_replace('_', '-', $field)).'-'.$id; if(!vartrue($parms['noparse'])) $value = $tp->toHTML($value, (vartrue($parms['bb']) ? true : false), vartrue($parms['parse'])); if(vartrue($parms['expand'])) { $expand = ' '.defset($parms['expand'], $parms['expand']).""; } $oldval = $value; if(vartrue($parms['truncate'])) { $value = $oldval = strip_tags($value); $value = $tp->text_truncate($value, $parms['truncate'], $expand); $toexpand = $value != $oldval; } elseif(vartrue($parms['htmltruncate'])) { $value = $tp->html_truncate($value, $parms['htmltruncate'], $expand); $toexpand = $value != $oldval; } if($toexpand) { // force hide! TODO - core style .expand-c (expand container) $value .= ''; } break; case 'icon': $value = ''.basename($value).''; break; case 'image': //TODO - thumb, js tooltip... $ttl = vartrue($parms['title'], 'LAN_PREVIEW'); $value = ''.defset($ttl, $ttl).''; break; case 'datestamp': $value = e107::getDateConvert()->convert_date($value, vartrue($parms['mask'], 'short')); break; case 'userclass': $value = $this->_uc->uc_get_classname($value); break; case 'userclasses': $classes = explode(',', $value); $value = array(); foreach ($classes as $cid) { $value[] = $this->_uc->uc_get_classname($cid); } $value = implode(vartrue($parms['separator']), $pieces); break; /*case 'user_name': case 'user_loginname': case 'user_login': case 'user_customtitle': case 'user_email':*/ case 'user': /*if(is_numeric($value)) { $value = get_user_data($value); if($value) { $value = $value[$attributes['type']] ? $value[$attributes['type']] : $value['user_name']; } else { $value = 'not found'; } }*/ // Dirty, but the only way for now if(vartrue($parms['__idval']) && vartrue($parms['link'])) { $value = ''.$value.''; } break; case 'boolean': $value = $value ? ADMIN_TRUE_ICON : ADMIN_FALSE_ICON; break; case 'url': $ttl = $value; if(vartrue($parms['truncate'])) { $ttl = $tp->text_truncate($value, $parms['truncate'], '...'); } $value = "".$ttl.""; break; case 'method': // Custom Function $method = $field; $value = call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), array($value, 'read', $parms)); break; //TODO - order default: //unknown type break; } return $value; } /** * Auto-render Form Element * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param array $attributes field attributes including render parameters, element options - see e_admin_ui::$fields for required format * @return string */ function renderElement($key, $value, $attributes) { $parms = vartrue($attributes['writeParms'], array()); if(is_string($parms)) parse_str($parms, $parms); switch($attributes['type']) { case 'number': $maxlength = vartrue($parms['maxlength'], 255); unset($parms['maxlength']); if(!vartrue($parms['size'])) $parms['size'] = 15; if(!vartrue($parms['class'])) $parms['class'] = 'tbox number'; return vartrue($parms['pre']).$this->text($key, $value, $maxlength, $parms).vartrue($parms['post']); break; case 'ip': return $this->text($key, e107::getInstance()->ipDecode($value), 32, $parms); break; case 'url': case 'text': $maxlength = vartrue($parms['maxlength'], 255); unset($parms['maxlength']); return vartrue($parms['pre']).$this->text($key, $value, $maxlength, vartrue($parms['__options'])).vartrue($parms['post']); break; case 'textarea': return $this->textarea($key, $value, vartrue($parms['rows'], 5), vartrue($parms['cols'], 40), vartrue($parms['__options']), vartrue($parms['counter'], false)); break; case 'bbarea': return $this->bbarea($key, $value, vartrue($parms['help']), vartrue($parms['helptag']), vartrue($parms['size'], 'medium'), vartrue($parms['counter'], false)); break; case 'image': //TODO - thumb, image list shortcode, js tooltip... $label = varset($parms['label'], 'LAN_EDIT'); unset($parms['label']); return $this->imagepicker($key, $value, defset($label, $label), vartrue($parms['__options'])); break; case 'icon': $label = varset($parms['label'], 'LAN_EDIT'); $ajax = varset($parms['ajax'], true) ? true : false; unset($parms['label'], $parms['ajax']); return $this->iconpicker($key, $value, defset($label, $label), $parms, $ajax); break; case 'datestamp': return $this->datepicker($key, $value, $parms); break; case 'dropdown': $eloptions = vartrue($parms['__options'], array()); if(is_string($eloptions)) parse_str($eloptions); unset($parms['dropdown']); return $this->selectbox($name, $parms, $value, $eloptions); break; case 'userclass': case 'userclasses': $uc_options = vartrue($parms['classlist'], 'public,guest,nobody,member,classes,admin,main'); // defaults to 'public,guest,nobody,member,classes' (userclass handler) unset($parms['classlist']); $method = $attributes['type'] == 'userclass' ? 'uc_select' : 'uc_checkbox'; return $this->$method($key, $value, $uc_options, vartrue($parms['__options'], array())); break; /*case 'user_name': case 'user_loginname': case 'user_login': case 'user_customtitle': case 'user_email':*/ case 'user': //user_id expected // Just temporary solution, could be changed soon if(!isset($parms['__options'])) $parms['__options'] = array(); if(!is_array($parms['__options'])) parse_str($parms['__options'], $parms['__options']); if((empty($value) && vartrue($parms['currentInit'])) || vartrue($parms['current'])) { $value = USERID; if(vartrue($parms['current'])) { $parms['__options']['readonly'] = true; } } if(!is_array($value)) { $value = get_user_data($value); } $colname = vartrue($parms['nameType'], 'user_name'); $parms['__options']['name'] = $colname; if(!$value) $value = array(); $uname = varset($value[$colname]); $value = varset($value['user_id'], 0); return $this->userpicker(vartrue($parms['nameField'], $key.'_usersearch'), $key, $uname, $value, vartrue($parms['__options'])); break; case 'boolean': $lenabled = vartrue($parms['enabled'], 'LAN_ENABLED'); $ldisabled = vartrue($parms['disabled'], 'LAN_DISABLED'); unset($parms['enabled'], $parms['disabled']); return $this->radio_switch($key, $value, defset($lenabled, $lenabled), defset($ldisabled, $ldisabled)); break; case 'method': // Custom Function return call_user_func_array(array($this, $key), array($value, 'write', $parms)); break; default: return $value; break; } } /** * Generic List Form, used internal by admin UI * Expected options array format: * * 'myplugin', // unique string used for building element ids, REQUIRED * 'pid' => 'primary_id', // primary field name, REQUIRED * 'url' => '{e_PLUGIN}myplug/admin_config.php', // if not set, e_SELF is used * 'query' => 'mode=main&action=list', // or e_QUERY if not set * 'head_query' => 'mode=main&action=list', // without field, asc and from vars, REQUIRED * 'np_query' => 'mode=main&action=list', // without from var, REQUIRED for next/prev functionality * 'legend' => 'Fieldset Legend', // hidden by default * 'form_pre' => '', // markup to be added before opening form element (e.g. Filter form) * 'form_post' => '', // markup to be added after closing form element * 'fields' => array(...), // see e_admin_ui::$fields * 'fieldpref' => array(...), // see e_admin_ui::$fieldpref * 'table_pre' => '', // markup to be added before opening table element * 'table_post' => '', // markup to be added after closing table element (e.g. Batch actions) * 'fieldset_pre' => '', // markup to be added before opening fieldset element * 'fieldset_post' => '', // markup to be added after closing fieldset element * 'perPage' => 15, // if 0 - no next/prev navigation * 'from' => 0, // current page, default 0 * 'field' => 'field_name', //current order field name, default - primary field * 'asc' => 'desc', //current 'order by' rule, default 'asc' * ); * $list = new e_admin_tree_model($data); * * TODO - move fieldset & table generation in separate methods, needed for ajax calls * @param array $options * @param e_admin_tree_model $list * @param boolean $nocontainer don't enclose form in div container * @return string */ public function listForm($options, $list, $nocontainer = false) { $tp = e107::getParser(); $tree = $list->getTree(); $total = $list->getTotal(); $amount = $options['perPage']; $from = vartrue($options['from'], 0); $field = vartrue($options['field'], $options['pid']); $asc = strtoupper(vartrue($options['asc'], 'asc')); $elid = $options['id']; $query = isset($options['query']) ? $options['query'] : e_QUERY ; $url = (isset($options['url']) ? $tp->replaceConstants($options['url'], 'abs') : e_SELF); $formurl = $url.($query ? '?'.$query : ''); $fields = $options['fields']; $current_fields = varset($options['fieldpref']) ? $options['fieldpref'] : array_keys($options['fields']); $text = "
".$options['legend']." ".vartrue($options['table_pre'])." ".$this->colGroup($fields, $current_fields)." ".$this->thead($fields, $current_fields, varset($options['head_query']), varset($options['query']))." "; if(!$tree) { $text .= " "; } else { foreach($tree as $model) { $text .= $this->renderTableRow($fields, $current_fields, $model->getData(), $options['pid']); } } $text .= "
".vartrue($options['table_post'])." "; if($tree && $amount) { $parms = $total.",".$amount.",".$from.",".$url.'?'.($options['np_query'] ? $options['np_query'].'&' : '').'from=[FROM]'; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{NEXTPREV={$parms}}"); } $text .= "
"; if(!$nocontainer) { $text = '
'; } return (vartrue($options['form_pre']).$text.vartrue($options['form_post'])); } /** * Generic DB Record Management Form. * TODO - lans * TODO - move fieldset & table generation in separate methods, needed for ajax calls * Expected arrays format: * * 'myplugin', * 'url' => '{e_PLUGIN}myplug/admin_config.php', //if not set, e_SELF is used * 'query' => 'mode=main&action=edit&id=1', //or e_QUERY if not set * 'tabs' => true, // TODO - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET - enable tabs (only if fieldset count is > 1) * 'fieldsets' => array( * 'general' => array( * 'legend' => 'Fieldset Legend', * 'fields' => array(...), //see e_admin_ui::$fields * 'after_submit_options' => array('action' => 'Label'[,...]), // or true for default redirect options * 'after_submit_default' => 'action_name', * 'triggers' => 'auto', // standard create/update-cancel triggers * //or custom trigger array in format array('sibmit' => array('Title', 'create', '1'), 'cancel') - trigger name - title, action, optional hidden value (in this case named sibmit_value) * ), * * 'advanced' => array( * 'legend' => 'Fieldset Legend', * 'fields' => array(...), //see e_admin_ui::$fields * 'after_submit_options' => array('__default' => 'action_name' 'action' => 'Label'[,...]), // or true for default redirect options * 'triggers' => 'auto', // standard create/update-cancel triggers * //or custom trigger array in format array('submit' => array('Title', 'create', '1'), 'cancel' => array('cancel', 'cancel')) - trigger name - title, action, optional hidden value (in this case named sibmit_value) * ) * ) * ); * $models[0] = new e_admin_model($data); * $models[0]->setFieldIdName('primary_id'); // you need to do it if you don't use your own admin model extension * * @param array $forms numerical array * @param array $models numerical array with values instance of e_admin_model * @param boolean $nocontainer don't enclose in div container * @return string */ function createForm($forms, $models, $nocontainer = false) { $text = ''; foreach ($forms as $fid => $form) { $model = $models[$fid]; $query = isset($form['query']) ? $form['query'] : e_QUERY ; $url = (isset($form['url']) ? e107::getParser()->replaceConstants($form['url'], 'abs') : e_SELF).($query ? '?'.$query : ''); $text .= "
"; foreach ($form['fieldsets'] as $elid => $data) { $elid = $form['id'].'-'.$elid; $text .= vartrue($data['fieldset_pre'])."
".vartrue($data['legend'])." ".vartrue($data['table_pre'])." "; foreach($data['fields'] as $key => $att) { $parms = vartrue($att['formparms'], array()); if(!is_array($parms)) parse_str($parms, $parms); $label = vartrue($att['note']) ? '
'.deftrue($att['note'], $att['note']).'
' : ''; $help = vartrue($att['help']) ? '
'.deftrue($att['help'], $att['help']).'
' : ''; // type null - system (special) fields if($att['type'] !== null && !vartrue($att['noedit']) && $key != $model->getFieldIdName()) { $text .= " "; } } $text .= "
".defset($att['title'], $att['title']).$label." ".$this->renderElement($key, $model->getIfPosted($key), $att)." {$help}
"; // After submit options $defsubmitopt = array('list' => 'go to list', 'create' => 'create another', 'edit' => 'edit current'); $submitopt = isset($data['after_submit_options']) ? $data['after_submit_options'] : true; if(true === $submitopt) { $submitopt = $defsubmitopt; } if($submitopt) { $selected = isset($data['after_submit_default']) && array_key_exists($data['after_submit_default'], $submitopt) ? $data['after_submit_default'] : ''; $text .= '
After submit: '.$this->radio_multi('__after_submit_action', $submitopt, $selected, false).'
'; } $triggers = vartrue($data['triggers'], 'auto'); if(is_string($triggers) && 'auto' === $triggers) { $triggers = array(); if($model->getId()) { $triggers['submit'] = array(LAN_UPDATE, 'update', $model->getId()); } else { $triggers['submit'] = array(LAN_CREATE, 'create', 0); } $triggers['cancel'] = array(LAN_CANCEL, 'cancel'); } foreach ($triggers as $trigger => $tdata) { $text .= $this->admin_button('etrigger_'.$trigger, $tdata[0], $tdata[1]); if(isset($tdata[2])) { $text .= $this->hidden($trigger.'_value', $tdata[2]); } } $text .= "
".vartrue($data['fieldset_post'])." "; } $text .= "
"; e107::getJs()->footerInline("Form.focusFirstElement('{$form['id']}-form');"); } if(!$nocontainer) { $text = '
'; } return $text; } // The 2 functions below are for demonstration purposes only, and may be moved/modified before release. function filterType($fieldarray) { return " frm-> filterType() is Deprecated    "; } function filterValue($type = '', $fields = '') { return " frm-> filterValue() is Deprecated.   "; } /** * Generates a batch options select component * This component is generally associated with a table of items where one or more rows in the table can be selected (using checkboxes). * The list options determine some processing that wil lbe applied to all checked rows when the form is submitted. * * @param array $options associative array of option elements, keyed on the option value * @param array ucOptions [optional] associative array of userclass option groups to display, keyed on the option value prefix * @return string the HTML for the form component */ function batchoptions($options, $ucOptions = null) { $text = "
".$this->select_open('execute_batch', array('class' => 'tbox select batch e-autosubmit', 'id' => false))." ".$this->option('With selected...', '')." "; //used for getperms() check $permissions = vartrue($options['__permissions'], array()); //used for check_classs() check $classes = vartrue($options['__check_class'], array()); unset($options['__permissions'], $options['__check_class']); foreach ($options as $key => $val) { if(isset($permissions[$key]) && !getperms($permissions[$key])) { continue; } $disabled = false; if(isset($classes[$key]) && !is_array($classes[$key]) && !check_class($classes[$key])) { $disabled = true; } if(!is_array($val)) { if($disabled) $val = $val.' ('.LAN_NOPERMISSION.')'; $text .= "\t".$this->option('    '.$val, $key, false, array('disabled' => $disabled))."\n"; } else { if($disabled) $val[0] = $val[0].' ('.LAN_NOPERMISSION.')'; $text .= "\t".$this->optgroup_open($val[0], $disabled)."\n"; foreach ($val[1] as $k => $v) { $disabled = false; if(isset($classes[$key][$k]) && !check_class($classes[$key][$k])) { $disabled = true; $v = $v.' ('.LAN_NOPERMISSION.')'; } $text .= "\t\t".$this->option($v, $key.'_selected_'.$k, false, array('disabled' => $disabled))."\n"; } $text .= $this->optgroup_close()."\n"; } } if ($ucOptions) // Userclass List. { foreach ($ucOptions as $ucKey => $ucVal) { $text .= "\t".$this->optgroup_open($ucVal[0])."\n"; foreach ($ucVal[1] as $key => $val) { $text .= "\t\t".$this->option($val['userclass_name']['userclass_name'], $ucKey.'_selected_'.$val['userclass_name']['userclass_id'])."\n"; } $text .= $this->optgroup_close()."\n"; } } $text .= " ".$this->select_close()." ".$this->admin_button('trigger_execute_batch', 'trigger_execute_batch', 'submit multi e-hide-if-js', 'Go')."
"; return $text; } } class form { function form_open($form_method, $form_action, $form_name = "", $form_target = "", $form_enctype = "", $form_js = "") { $method = ($form_method ? "method='".$form_method."'" : ""); $target = ($form_target ? " target='".$form_target."'" : ""); $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' " : " id='myform'"); return "\n
"; } function form_text($form_name, $form_size, $form_value, $form_maxlength = FALSE, $form_class = "tbox", $form_readonly = "", $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $value = (isset($form_value) ? " value='".$form_value."'" : ""); $size = ($form_size ? " size='".$form_size."'" : ""); $maxlength = ($form_maxlength ? " maxlength='".$form_maxlength."'" : ""); $readonly = ($form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_password($form_name, $form_size, $form_value, $form_maxlength = FALSE, $form_class = "tbox", $form_readonly = "", $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $value = (isset($form_value) ? " value='".$form_value."'" : ""); $size = ($form_size ? " size='".$form_size."'" : ""); $maxlength = ($form_maxlength ? " maxlength='".$form_maxlength."'" : ""); $readonly = ($form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_button($form_type, $form_name, $form_value, $form_js = "", $form_image = "", $form_tooltip = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $image = ($form_image ? " src='".$form_image."' " : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."' " : ""); return "\n"; } function form_textarea($form_name, $form_columns, $form_rows, $form_value, $form_js = "", $form_style = "", $form_wrap = "", $form_readonly = "", $form_tooltip = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $readonly = ($form_readonly ? " readonly='readonly'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); $wrap = ($form_wrap ? " wrap='".$form_wrap."'" : ""); $style = ($form_style ? " style='".$form_style."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_checkbox($form_name, $form_value, $form_checked = 0, $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name.$form_value."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $checked = ($form_checked ? " checked='checked'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_radio($form_name, $form_value, $form_checked = 0, $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name.$form_value."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $checked = ($form_checked ? " checked='checked'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return "\n"; } function form_file($form_name, $form_size, $form_tooltip = "", $form_js = "") { $name = ($form_name ? " id='".$form_name."' name='".$form_name."'" : ""); $tooltip = ($form_tooltip ? " title='".$form_tooltip."'" : ""); return ""; } function form_select_open($form_name, $form_js = "") { return "\n"; } function form_option($form_option, $form_selected = "", $form_value = "", $form_js = "") { $value = ($form_value !== FALSE ? " value='".$form_value."'" : ""); $selected = ($form_selected ? " selected='selected'" : ""); return "\n".$form_option.""; } function form_hidden($form_name, $form_value) { return "\n"; } function form_close() { return "\n"; } } /* Usage echo $rs->form_open("post", e_SELF, "_blank"); echo $rs->form_text("testname", 100, "this is the value", 100, 0, "tooltip"); echo $rs->form_button("submit", "testsubmit", "SUBMIT!", "", "Click to submit"); echo $rs->form_button("reset", "testreset", "RESET!", "", "Click to reset"); echo $rs->form_textarea("textareaname", 10, 10, "Value", "overflow:hidden"); echo $rs->form_checkbox("testcheckbox", 1, 1); echo $rs->form_checkbox("testcheckbox2", 2); echo $rs->form_hidden("hiddenname", "hiddenvalue"); echo $rs->form_radio("testcheckbox", 1, 1); echo $rs->form_radio("testcheckbox", 1); echo $rs->form_file("testfile", "20"); echo $rs->form_select_open("testselect"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 1"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 2"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 3", 1, "defaultvalue"); echo $rs->form_option("Option 4"); echo $rs->form_select_close(); echo $rs->form_close(); */ ?>