$pref_name) { $retrieve_prefs[$key] = preg_replace("/\W/", '', $pref_name); } } else { unset($retrieve_prefs); } define("MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC", (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') ? true : false)); // Define the domain name and subdomain name. if($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] && is_numeric(str_replace(".","",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))) { $srvtmp = ''; // Host is an IP address. } else { $srvtmp = explode('.',str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])); } define('e_SUBDOMAIN', (count($srvtmp)>2 && $srvtmp[2] ? $srvtmp[0] : false)); // needs to be available to e107_config. if(e_SUBDOMAIN) { unset($srvtmp[0]); } define('e_DOMAIN',(count($srvtmp) > 1 ? (implode('.', $srvtmp)) : false)); // if it's an IP it must be set to false. unset($srvtmp); // Ensure thet '.' is the first part of the include path $inc_path = explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, ini_get('include_path')); if($inc_path[0] != '.') { array_unshift($inc_path, '.'); $inc_path = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $inc_path); e107_ini_set('include_path', $inc_path); } unset($inc_path); // // F: Grab e107_config, get directory paths and create $e107 object // @include_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/e107_config.php')); if(!isset($ADMIN_DIRECTORY)) { // e107_config.php is either empty, not valid or doesn't exist so redirect to installer.. header('Location: install.php'); exit(); } // // clever stuff that figures out where the paths are on the fly.. no more need for hard-coded e_HTTP :) // e107_require_once(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$HANDLERS_DIRECTORY).'/e107_class.php'); $e107_paths = compact('ADMIN_DIRECTORY', 'FILES_DIRECTORY', 'IMAGES_DIRECTORY', 'THEMES_DIRECTORY', 'PLUGINS_DIRECTORY', 'HANDLERS_DIRECTORY', 'LANGUAGES_DIRECTORY', 'HELP_DIRECTORY', 'DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY'); $e107 = e107::getInstance()->init($e107_paths, realpath(dirname(__FILE__))); $inArray = array("'", ';', '/**/', '/UNION/', '/SELECT/', 'AS '); if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'trackback') === false) { foreach($inArray as $res) { if(stristr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $res)) { die('Access denied.'); } } } /** * set CHARSET for backward compatibility */ define('CHARSET', 'utf-8'); // // G: Retrieve Query data from URI // (Until this point, we have no idea what the user wants to do) // if (strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], ']') && preg_match("#\[(.*?)](.*)#", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $matches)) { define('e_MENU', $matches[1]); $e_QUERY = $matches[2]; if(strlen(e_MENU) == 2) // language code ie. [fr] { require_once(e_HANDLER."language_class.php"); $lng = new language; define('e_LANCODE', true); $_GET['elan'] = $lng->convert(e_MENU); } } else { define('e_MENU', ''); $e_QUERY = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; define('e_LANCODE', ''); } // // Start the parser; use it to grab the full query string // //DEPRECATED, BC //$e107->url = e107::getUrl(); - caught by __get() //TODO - find & replace $e107->url //DEPRECATED, BC, $e107->tp caught by __get() $tp = e107::getParser(); //TODO - find & replace $tp, $e107->tp //define("e_QUERY", $matches[2]); //define("e_QUERY", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $e_QUERY = str_replace("&","&",$tp->post_toForm($e_QUERY)); define('e_QUERY', $e_QUERY); //$e_QUERY = e_QUERY; define('e_TBQS', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = e_QUERY; define('e_UC_PUBLIC', 0); define('e_UC_MAINADMIN', 250); define('e_UC_READONLY', 251); define('e_UC_GUEST', 252); define('e_UC_MEMBER', 253); define('e_UC_ADMIN', 254); define('e_UC_NOBODY', 255); define('ADMINDIR', $ADMIN_DIRECTORY); // // H: Initialize debug handling // (NO E107 DEBUG CONSTANTS OR CODE ARE AVAILABLE BEFORE THIS POINT) // All debug objects and constants are defined in the debug handler // i.e. from here on you can use E107_DEBUG_LEVEL or any // E107_DBG_* constant for debug testing. // require_once(e_HANDLER.'debug_handler.php'); if(E107_DEBUG_LEVEL && isset($db_debug) && is_object($db_debug)) { $db_debug->Mark_Time('Start: Init ErrHandler'); } // // I: Sanity check on e107_config.php // e107_config.php upgrade check if (!$ADMIN_DIRECTORY && !$DOWNLOADS_DIRECTORY) { message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 8, ': generic, ', 'e107_config.php'); exit; } // // J: MYSQL INITIALIZATION // $eTraffic = e107::getSingleton('e107_traffic', e_HANDLER.'traffic_class.php'); $eTraffic->Calibrate($eTraffic); // We start traffic counting ASAP define("MPREFIX", $mySQLprefix); e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'mysql_class.php'); //DEPRECATED, BC, $e107->sql caught by __get() $sql = e107::getDb(); //TODO - find & replace $sql, $e107->sql $sql->db_SetErrorReporting(FALSE); $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: SQL Connect'); $merror=$sql->db_Connect($mySQLserver, $mySQLuser, $mySQLpassword, $mySQLdefaultdb); // create after the initial connection. //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); //TODO find & replace all $sql2 calls $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Prefs, misc tables'); //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->admin_log caught by __get() $admin_log = e107::getAdminLog(); //TODO - find & replace $admin_log, $e107->admin_log if ($merror === 'e1') { message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 6, ': generic, ', 'class2.php'); exit; } elseif ($merror === 'e2') { message_handler("CRITICAL_ERROR", 7, ': generic, ', 'class2.php'); exit; } // // K: Load compatability mode. // /* PHP Compatabilty should *always* be on. */ e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'php_compatibility_handler.php'); // // L: Extract core prefs from the database // $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Extract Core Prefs'); e107_require_once(e_HANDLER."pref_class.php"); $sysprefs = new prefs; e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'cache_handler.php'); //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->arrayStorage caught by __get() $eArrayStorage = e107::getArrayStorage(); //TODO - find & replace $eArrayStorage, $e107->arrayStorage //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->e_event caught by __get() $e_event = e107::getEvent(); //TODO - find & replace $e_event, $e107->e_event $PrefCache = ecache::retrieve_sys('SitePrefs', 24 * 60, true); if(!$PrefCache) { // No cache of the prefs array, going for the db copy.. $retrieve_prefs[] = 'SitePrefs'; $sysprefs->ExtractPrefs($retrieve_prefs, TRUE); $PrefData = $sysprefs->get('SitePrefs'); $pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($PrefData); if(!$pref) { $admin_log->log_event('CORE_LAN8', 'CORE_LAN7', E_LOG_WARNING); // Core prefs error, core is attempting to // Try for the automatic backup.. $PrefData = $sysprefs->get('SitePrefs_Backup'); $pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($PrefData); if(!$pref) { // No auto backup, try for the 'old' prefs system. $PrefData = $sysprefs->get('pref'); $pref = unserialize($PrefData); if(!is_array($pref)) { message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 3, __LINE__, __FILE__); // No old system, so point in the direction of resetcore :( message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 4, __LINE__, __FILE__); $admin_log->log_event('CORE_LAN8', 'CORE_LAN9', E_LOG_FATAL); // Core could not restore from automatic backup. Execution halted. exit; } else { // old prefs found, remove old system, and update core with new system $PrefOutput = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($pref); if(!$sql->db_Update('core', "e107_value='{$PrefOutput}' WHERE e107_name='SitePrefs'")) { $sql->db_Insert('core', "'SitePrefs', '{$PrefOutput}'"); } if(!$sql->db_Update('core', "e107_value='{$PrefOutput}' WHERE e107_name='SitePrefs_Backup'")) { $sql->db_Insert('core', "'SitePrefs_Backup', '{$PrefOutput}'"); } $sql->db_Delete('core', "`e107_name` = 'pref'"); } } else { message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 3, __LINE__, __FILE__); // auto backup found, use backup to restore the core if(!$sql->db_Update('core', "`e107_value` = '".addslashes($PrefData)."' WHERE `e107_name` = 'SitePrefs'")) { $sql->db_Insert('core', "'SitePrefs', '".addslashes($PrefData)."'"); } } } // write pref cache array $PrefCache = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($pref, false); // store the prefs in cache if cache is enabled ecache::set_sys('SitePrefs', $PrefCache); } else { // cache of core prefs was found, so grab all the useful core rows we need if(!isset($sysprefs->DefaultIgnoreRows)) { $sysprefs->DefaultIgnoreRows = ''; } $sysprefs->DefaultIgnoreRows .= '|SitePrefs'; $sysprefs->prefVals['core']['SitePrefs'] = $PrefCache; if(isset($retrieve_prefs)) { $sysprefs->ExtractPrefs($retrieve_prefs, TRUE); } $pref = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($PrefCache); } $e107->set_base_path(); // extract menu prefs $menu_pref = unserialize(stripslashes($sysprefs->get('menu_pref'))); // extract iconpool if($tmp = ecache::retrieve_sys('IconPool', 24 * 60, true)) { $iconpool = $tmp; } else { if($iconData= $sysprefs->get('IconPool')) { ecache::set_sys('IconPool', $iconData); $iconpool = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($iconData); } } $sql->db_Mark_Time('(Extracting Core Prefs Done)'); // // M: Subdomain and Language Selection // // if a cookie name pref isn't set, make one :) if (!$pref['cookie_name']) { $pref['cookie_name'] = 'e107cookie'; } define('SITEURLBASE', ($pref['ssl_enabled'] == '1' ? 'https://' : 'http://').$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); define('SITEURL', SITEURLBASE.e_HTTP); define('e_COOKIE', $pref['cookie_name']); // let the subdomain determine the language (when enabled). if(varset($pref['multilanguage_subdomain']) && ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') && e_DOMAIN && MULTILANG_SUBDOMAIN !== FALSE) { $mtmp = explode("\n", $pref['multilanguage_subdomain']); foreach($mtmp as $val) { if(e_DOMAIN == trim($val)) { $domain_active = TRUE; break; } } if($domain_active || ($pref['multilanguage_subdomain'] == '1')) { e107_ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.'.e_DOMAIN); require_once(e_HANDLER.'language_class.php'); $lng = new language; if(!e_SUBDOMAIN) { $GLOBALS['elan'] = $pref['sitelanguage']; } elseif($eln = $lng->convert(e_SUBDOMAIN)) { $GLOBALS['elan'] = $eln; } } } // start a session if session based login is enabled if ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') { session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['challenge'])) { // New session // Create a unique challenge string for CHAP login $_SESSION['challenge'] = sha1(time().session_id()); } $ubrowser = md5('E107'.$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (!isset($_SESSION['ubrowser'])) { $_SESSION['ubrowser'] = $ubrowser; } } define('e_SELF', ($pref['ssl_enabled'] == '1' ? 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])); // if the option to force users to use a particular url for the site is enabled, redirect users there as needed // Now matches RFC 2616 (sec 3.2): case insensitive, https/:443 and http/:80 are equivalent. // And, this is robust against hack attacks. Malignant users can put **anything** in HTTP_HOST! if($pref['redirectsiteurl'] && $pref['siteurl']) { if(isset($pref['multilanguage_subdomain']) && $pref['multilanguage_subdomain']) { if(substr(e_SELF, 7, 4)=='www.' || substr(e_SELF, 8, 4)=='www.') { $self = e_SELF; if(e_QUERY){ $self .= '?'.e_QUERY; } $location = str_replace('://www.', '://', $self); header("Location: {$location}", true, 301); // send 301 header, not 302 exit(); } } else { // Find domain and port from user and from pref list($urlbase,$urlport) = explode(':',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].':'); if (!$urlport) { $urlport = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; } if (!$urlport) { $urlport = 80; } $aPrefURL = explode('/',$pref['siteurl'],4); if (count($aPrefURL) > 2) // we can do this -- there's at least http[s]://dom.ain/whatever { $PrefRoot = $aPrefURL[2]; list($PrefSiteBase,$PrefSitePort) = explode(':',$PrefRoot.':'); if (!$PrefSitePort) { $PrefSitePort = ( $aPrefURL[0] == 'https:' ) ? 443 : 80; // no port so set port based on 'scheme' } // Redirect only if // -- ports do not match (http <==> https) // -- base domain does not match (case-insensitive) // -- NOT admin area if (($urlport != $PrefSitePort || stripos($PrefSiteBase, $urlbase) === false) && strpos(e_SELF, ADMINDIR) === false) { $aeSELF = explode('/', e_SELF, 4); $aeSELF[0] = $aPrefURL[0]; // Swap in correct type of query (http, https) $aeSELF[1] = ''; // Defensive code: ensure http:// not http:// $aeSELF[2] = $aPrefURL[2]; // Swap in correct domain and possibly port $location = implode('/',$aeSELF).(e_QUERY ? '?'.e_QUERY : ''); header("Location: {$location}", true, 301); // send 301 header, not 302 exit(); } } } } $page = substr(strrchr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/'), 1); define('e_PAGE', $page); // sort out the users language selection if (isset($_POST['setlanguage']) || isset($_GET['elan']) || isset($GLOBALS['elan'])) { // query support, for language selection splash pages. etc if($_GET['elan']) { $_POST['sitelanguage'] = str_replace(array(".", "/", "%"), "", $_GET['elan']); } if($GLOBALS['elan'] && !isset($_POST['sitelanguage'])) { $_POST['sitelanguage'] = $GLOBALS['elan']; } $sql->mySQLlanguage = $_POST['sitelanguage']; $sql2->mySQLlanguage = $_POST['sitelanguage']; session_set('e107language_'.e_COOKIE, $_POST['sitelanguage'], time() + 86400); if ($pref['user_tracking'] != 'session' && (strpos(e_SELF, ADMINDIR) === false)) { $locat = ((!$_GET['elan'] && e_QUERY) || (e_QUERY && e_LANCODE)) ? e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY : e_SELF; header('Location:'.$locat); exit(); } } $user_language=''; // Multi-language options. if (isset($pref['multilanguage']) && $pref['multilanguage']) { if ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') { $user_language = (array_key_exists('e107language_'.e_COOKIE, $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['e107language_'.e_COOKIE] : ''); $sql->mySQLlanguage = ($user_language) ? $user_language : ""; $sql2->mySQLlanguage = $sql->mySQLlanguage; } else { $user_language = (isset($_COOKIE['e107language_'.e_COOKIE]) ? $_COOKIE['e107language_'.e_COOKIE] : ''); $sql->mySQLlanguage = ($user_language ? $user_language : ''); $sql2->mySQLlanguage = $sql->mySQLlanguage; } } // Get Language List for rights checking. if( ! $tmplan = getcachedvars('language-list')) { $handle = opendir(e_LANGUAGEDIR); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { // add only if e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE/e_LANGUAGE if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_readable(e_LANGUAGEDIR.$file.'/'.$file.'.php')) { $lanlist[] = $file; } } closedir($handle); $tmplan = implode(',', $lanlist); cachevars('language-list', $tmplan); } // Save language flat list define('e_LANLIST', $tmplan); // Set $language fallback to $pref['sitelanguage'] for the time being $language = $pref['sitelanguage']; // Get user language choice /// Force no multilingual sites to keep there preset languages? if (varset($pref['multilanguage'])) { if ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') { $user_language = (array_key_exists('e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name'], $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name']] : ''); } else { $user_language= (isset($_COOKIE['e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name']])) ? $_COOKIE['e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name']] : ''; } // Strip $user_language //TODO allow [a-z][A-Z][0-9]_ $user_language = preg_replace('#\W#', '', $user_language); // Is user language choice available? if( ! in_array($user_language, $lanlist)) { // Reset session if(array_key_exists('e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name'], $_SESSION)) { unset($_SESSION['e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name']]); } // Reset cookie if(isset($_COOKIE['e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name']])) { unset($_COOKIE['e107language_'.$pref['cookie_name']]); } $user_language = ''; } else { $language = $user_language; } // Ensure db got the proper language - default is empty if (varset($pref['multilanguage'])) { $sql->mySQLlanguage = $user_language; $sql2->mySQLlanguage = $user_language; } } // We should have the language by now define('e_LANGUAGE', $language); // Keep USERLAN for backward compatibility define('USERLAN', e_LANGUAGE); //TODO do it only once and with the proper function e107_include_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/'.e_LANGUAGE.'.php'); e107_include_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE."/".e_LANGUAGE.'_custom.php'); // Now we know the site CHARSET, define how to handle utf-8 as necessary $tp->initCharset(); if($pref['sitelanguage'] != e_LANGUAGE && varset($pref['multilanguage']) && !$pref['multilanguage_subdomain']) { list($clc) = explode("_",CORE_LC); define('e_LAN', strtolower($clc)); define('e_LANQRY', '['.e_LAN.']'); unset($clc); } else { define('e_LAN', false); define('e_LANQRY', false); } $sql->db_Mark_Time('(Start: Pref/multilang done)'); // // N: misc setups: online user tracking, cache // $sql -> db_Mark_Time('Start: Misc resources. Online user tracking, cache'); //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->ecache caught by __get() $e107cache = e107::getCache(); //TODO - find & replace $e107cache, $e107->ecache //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->override caught by __get() $override = e107::getSingleton('override', e_HANDLER.'override_class.php'); //TODO - find & replace $override, $e107->override //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->user_class caught by __get() $e_userclass = e107::getUserClass(); //TODO - find & replace $e_userclass, $e107->user_class //TODO - move the check to e107::notify()? What's the idea behind $pref['notify']? if(isset($pref['notify']) && $pref['notify'] == true) { e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'notify_class.php'); } // // O: Start user session // $sql -> db_Mark_Time('Start: Init session'); init_session(); // for multi-language these definitions needs to come after the language loaded. define('SITENAME', trim($tp->toHTML($pref['sitename'], '', 'emotes_off, defs, no_make_clickable'))); define('SITEBUTTON', $tp->replaceConstants($pref['sitebutton'])); define('SITETAG', $tp->toHTML($pref['sitetag'], false, 'emotes_off, defs')); define('SITEDESCRIPTION', $tp->toHTML($pref['sitedescription'], '', 'emotes_off, defs')); define('SITEADMIN', $pref['siteadmin']); define('SITEADMINEMAIL', $pref['siteadminemail']); define('SITEDISCLAIMER', $tp->toHTML($pref['sitedisclaimer'], '', 'emotes_off, defs')); define('SITECONTACTINFO', $tp->toHTML($pref['sitecontactinfo'], true, 'emotes_off, defs')); /* Withdrawn 0.8 // legacy module.php file loading. if (isset($pref['modules']) && $pref['modules']) { $mods=explode(",", $pref['modules']); foreach ($mods as $mod) { if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN."{$mod}/module.php")) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."{$mod}/module.php"); } } } */ $js_body_onload = array(); // Initialise this array in case a module wants to add to it // Load e_modules after all the constants, but before the themes, so they can be put to use. if(isset($pref['e_module_list']) && $pref['e_module_list']) { foreach ($pref['e_module_list'] as $mod) { if (is_readable(e_PLUGIN."{$mod}/e_module.php")) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."{$mod}/e_module.php"); } } } // // P: THEME LOADING // $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Load Theme'); //########### Module redefinable functions ############### if (!function_exists('checkvalidtheme')) { function checkvalidtheme($theme_check) { // arg1 = theme to check global $ADMIN_DIRECTORY, $tp, $e107; if (ADMIN && strpos(e_QUERY, 'themepreview') !== false) { list($action, $id) = explode('.', e_QUERY); require_once(e_HANDLER.'theme_handler.php'); $themeobj = new themeHandler; $themeArray = $themeobj->getThemes('id'); $themeDef = $themeobj->findDefault($themeArray[$id]); define('THEME_LAYOUT',$themeDef); define('PREVIEWTHEME', e_THEME.$themeArray[$id].'/'); define('PREVIEWTHEMENAME', $themeArray[$id]); define('THEME', e_THEME.$themeArray[$id].'/'); define('THEME_ABS', e_THEME_ABS.$themeArray[$id].'/'); return; } if (@fopen(e_THEME.$theme_check.'/theme.php', 'r')) { define('THEME', e_THEME.$theme_check.'/'); define('THEME_ABS', e_THEME_ABS.$theme_check.'/'); $e107->site_theme = $theme_check; } else { function search_validtheme() { global $e107; $th = substr(e_THEME, 0, -1); $handle = opendir($th); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if (is_dir(e_THEME.$file) && is_readable(e_THEME.$file.'/theme.php')) { closedir($handle); $e107->site_theme = $file; return $file; } } closedir($handle); } $e107tmp_theme = search_validtheme(); define('THEME', e_THEME.$e107tmp_theme.'/'); define('THEME_ABS', e_THEME_ABS.$e107tmp_theme.'/'); if (ADMIN && strpos(e_SELF, $ADMIN_DIRECTORY) === false) { echo ''; } } $themes_dir = $e107->e107_dirs['THEMES_DIRECTORY']; $e107->http_theme_dir = "{$e107->server_path}{$themes_dir}{$e107->site_theme}/"; } } // // Q: ALL OTHER SETUP CODE // $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Misc Setup'); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (!class_exists('e107table')) { class e107table { function tablerender($caption, $text, $mode = 'default', $return = false) { /* # Render style table # - parameter #1: string $caption, caption text # - parameter #2: string $text, body text # - return null # - scope public */ $override_tablerender = e107::getSingleton('override', e_HANDLER.'override_class.php')->override_check('tablerender'); if ($override_tablerender) { $result = call_user_func($override_tablerender, $caption, $text, $mode, $return); if ($result == 'return') { return ''; } extract($result); } if ($return) { ob_start(); tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode); $ret=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; } else { tablestyle($caption, $text, $mode); return ''; } } } } //############################################################# //DEPRECATED, BC, call the method only when needed, $e107->ns caught by __get() $ns = e107::getRender(); //TODO - find & replace $ns, $e107->ns $e107->ban(); if(varset($pref['force_userupdate']) && USER && !isset($_E107['no_forceuserupdate'])) { if(force_userupdate()) { header('Location: '.e_BASE.'usersettings.php?update'); exit(); } } $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Signup/splash/admin'); define('e_SIGNUP', e_BASE.(file_exists(e_BASE.'customsignup.php') ? 'customsignup.php' : 'signup.php')); define('e_LOGIN', e_BASE.(file_exists(e_BASE.'customlogin.php') ? 'customlogin.php' : 'login.php')); // --------- Send user to Membersonly-page when not logged in ---------------. if ($pref['membersonly_enabled'] && !USER && e_SELF != SITEURL.e_SIGNUP && e_SELF != SITEURL.'index.php' && e_SELF != SITEURL.'fpw.php' && e_SELF != SITEURL.e_LOGIN && strpos(e_PAGE, 'admin') === FALSE && e_SELF != SITEURL.'membersonly.php' && e_SELF != SITEURL.'sitedown.php') { if(!isset($_E107['allow_guest'])) { if(e_AJAX_REQUEST || e_PAGE == 'e_ajax.php' || e_PAGE == 'e_js.php' || e_PAGE == 'e_jslib.php') { exit; } // remember the url for after-login. $afterlogin = e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin'; $url = (e_QUERY ? e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY : e_SELF); session_set($afterlogin,$url,time()+300); header('Location: '.e_HTTP.'membersonly.php'); exit(); } } // ----- Redirect to previously logged-in page ---------------------------. if(USER && $pref['membersonly_enabled'] && ($_SESSION[e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin'] || $_COOKIE[e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin'])) { $url = ($_SESSION[e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin']) ? $_SESSION[e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin'] : $_COOKIE[e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin']; session_set(e_COOKIE.'_afterlogin',FALSE,-1000); header('Location: '.$url); exit(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(!isset($_E107['no_prunetmp'])) { $sql->db_Delete('tmp', 'tmp_time < '.(time() - 300)." AND tmp_ip!='data' AND tmp_ip!='submitted_link'"); } if ($pref['maintainance_flag'] && ADMIN == FALSE && strpos(e_SELF, 'admin.php') === FALSE && strpos(e_SELF, 'sitedown.php') === false) { header('Location: '.SITEURL.'sitedown.php'); exit(); } $sql->db_Mark_Time('(Start: Login/logout/ban/tz)'); if (isset($_POST['userlogin']) || isset($_POST['userlogin_x'])) { e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'login.php'); $usr = new userlogin($_POST['username'], $_POST['userpass'], $_POST['autologin'], varset($_POST['hashchallenge'],'')); } if ((e_QUERY == 'logout') || (($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') && isset($_SESSION['ubrowser']) && ($_SESSION['ubrowser'] != $ubrowser))) { if (USER) { if (check_class(varset($pref['user_audit_class'],''))) { // Need to note in user audit trail $admin_log->user_audit(USER_AUDIT_LOGOUT, ''); } } $ip = $e107->getip(); $udata = (USER === true ? USERID.'.'.USERNAME : '0'); $sql->db_Update('online', "online_user_id = 0, online_pagecount=online_pagecount+1 WHERE online_user_id = '{$udata}' LIMIT 1"); if ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') { session_destroy(); $_SESSION[e_COOKIE]=''; } cookie(e_COOKIE, '', (time() - 2592000)); $e_event->trigger('logout'); header('location:'.e_BASE.'index.php'); exit(); } /* * Calculate time zone offset, based on session cookie set in e107.js. * (Buyer beware: this may be wrong for the first pageview in a session, * which is while the user is logged out, so not a problem...) * * Time offset is SECONDS. Seconds is much better than hours as a base, * as some places have 30 and 45 minute time zones. * It matches user clock time, instead of only time zones. * Add the offset to MySQL/server time to get user time. * Subtract the offset from user time to get server time. * */ $e_deltaTime=0; if (isset($_COOKIE['e107_tdOffset'])) { // Actual seconds of delay. See e107.js and footer_default.php $e_deltaTime = $_COOKIE['e107_tdOffset']; } if (isset($_COOKIE['e107_tzOffset'])) { // Relative client-to-server time zone offset in seconds. $e_deltaTime += (-($_COOKIE['e107_tzOffset'] * 60 + date("Z"))); } define('TIMEOFFSET', $e_deltaTime); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $sql->db_Mark_Time('(Start: Find/Load Theme)'); // Work out which theme to use //---------------------------- // The following files are assumed to use admin theme: // 1. Any file in the admin directory (check for non-plugin added to avoid mismatches) // 2. any plugin file starting with 'admin_' // 3. any plugin file in a folder called admin/ // 4. any file that specifies $eplug_admin = TRUE; // // e_SELF has the full HTML path $inAdminDir = FALSE; $isPluginDir = strpos(e_SELF,'/'.$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY) !== FALSE; // True if we're in a plugin $e107Path = str_replace($e107->base_path, '', e_SELF); // Knock off the initial bits if ( (!$isPluginDir && strpos($e107Path, $ADMIN_DIRECTORY) === 0 ) // Core admin directory || ($isPluginDir && (strpos(e_PAGE,'admin_') === 0 || strpos($e107Path, 'admin/') !== FALSE)) // Plugin admin file or directory || (varsettrue($eplug_admin)) // Admin forced ) { $inAdminDir = TRUE; // Load admin phrases ASAP include_lan(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/admin/lan_admin.php'); } if(!defined('THEME')) { if ($inAdminDir && varsettrue($pref['admintheme'])&& (strpos(e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY, 'menus.php?configure') === FALSE)) { /* if (strpos(e_SELF, "newspost.php") !== FALSE) { define("MAINTHEME", e_THEME.$pref['sitetheme']."/"); MAINTHEME no longer used in core distribution } */ checkvalidtheme($pref['admintheme']); } elseif (USERTHEME !== false && USERTHEME != 'USERTHEME' && !$inAdminDir) { checkvalidtheme(USERTHEME); } else { checkvalidtheme($pref['sitetheme']); } } $theme_pref = varset($pref['sitetheme_pref']); // -------------------------------------------------------------- $sql->db_Mark_Time('(Start: Find/Load Theme-Layout)'); // needs to run after checkvalidtheme() (for theme previewing). if(!defined("THEME_LAYOUT")) { $def = ""; // no custom pages found yet. $cusPagePref = (is_array($user_pref['sitetheme_custompages'])) ? $user_pref['sitetheme_custompages'] : $pref['sitetheme_custompages']; if(is_array($cusPagePref) && count($cusPagePref)>0) // check if we match a page in layout custompages. { foreach($cusPagePref as $lyout=>$cusPageArray) { foreach($cusPageArray as $kpage) { if ($kpage && (strstr(e_SELF, $kpage) || strstr(e_SELF."?".e_QUERY,$kpage))) { // $def = ($lyout) ? $lyout : "legacyCustom"; $def = $lyout; break; } } } } if(strpos(e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY, $ADMIN_DIRECTORY. 'menus.php?configure')!==FALSE) { $menus_equery = explode('.', e_QUERY); $def = $menus_equery[1]; } if($def) // custom-page layout. { define("THEME_LAYOUT",$def); } else // default layout. { $deflayout = (!isset($user_pref['sitetheme_deflayout'])) ? varset($pref['sitetheme_deflayout']) : $user_pref['sitetheme_deflayout']; define("THEME_LAYOUT",$deflayout); // default layout. } unset($def,$lyout,$cusPagePref,$menus_equery,$deflayout); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Get menus'); if(!isset($_E107['no_menus'])) { $menu_layout_field = (THEME_LAYOUT != $pref['sitetheme_deflayout']) ? THEME_LAYOUT : ""; $menu_data = $e107cache->retrieve_sys("menus_".USERCLASS_LIST."_".md5(e_LANGUAGE.$menu_layout_field)); $menu_data = $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($menu_data); $eMenuList = array(); $eMenuActive = array(); $eMenuArea = array(); if(!is_array($menu_data)) { $menu_qry = 'SELECT * FROM #menus WHERE menu_location > 0 AND menu_class IN ('.USERCLASS_LIST.') AND menu_layout = "'.$menu_layout_field.'" ORDER BY menu_order'; if ($sql->db_Select_gen($menu_qry)) { while ($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $eMenuList[$row['menu_location']][] = $row; $eMenuArea[$row['menu_location']][$row['menu_name']] = 1; $eMenuActive[$row['menu_name']] = $row['menu_name']; } } $menu_data['menu_area'] = $eMenuArea; $menu_data['menu_list'] = $eMenuList; $menu_data['menu_active'] = $eMenuActive; $menu_data = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($menu_data, false); $e107cache->set_sys('menus_'.USERCLASS_LIST.'_'.md5(e_LANGUAGE), $menu_data); unset($menu_data,$menu_layout_field,$menu_qry); } else { $eMenuArea = $menu_data['menu_area']; $eMenuList = $menu_data['menu_list']; $eMenuActive = $menu_data['menu_active']; unset($menu_data); } } // here we USE the theme if ($inAdminDir) { if (file_exists(THEME.'admin_theme.php') && (strpos(e_SELF.'?'.e_QUERY, $ADMIN_DIRECTORY. 'menus.php?configure')===FALSE)) // no admin theme when previewing. { require_once(THEME.'admin_theme.php'); } else { require_once(THEME.'theme.php'); } } else { require_once(THEME.'theme.php'); } //---------------------------- // Load shortcode handler //---------------------------- // ********* This is probably a bodge! Work out what to do properly. Has to be done when $pref valid //FIXED - undefined $register_sc //$tp->sch_load(); - will be auto-initialized by first $tp->e_sc call - see e_parse->__get() $exclude_lan = array('lan_signup.php'); // required for multi-language. if ($inAdminDir) { e107_include_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/admin/lan_'.e_PAGE); e107_include_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.'English/admin/lan_'.e_PAGE); } elseif (!in_array('lan_'.e_PAGE,$exclude_lan) && !$isPluginDir) { e107_include_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_'.e_PAGE); e107_include_once(e_LANGUAGEDIR.'English/lan_'.e_PAGE); } if ($pref['anon_post'] ? define('ANON', true) : define('ANON', false)); if (empty($pref['newsposts']) ? define('ITEMVIEW', 15) : define('ITEMVIEW', $pref['newsposts'])); if ($pref['antiflood1'] == 1) { define('FLOODPROTECT', TRUE); define('FLOODTIMEOUT', max(varset($pref['antiflood_timeout'], 10), 3)); } else { define('FLOODPROTECT', FALSE); } $layout = isset($layout) ? $layout : '_default'; define('HEADERF', e_THEME."templates/header{$layout}.php"); define('FOOTERF', e_THEME."templates/footer{$layout}.php"); if (!file_exists(HEADERF)) { message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 'Unable to find file: '.HEADERF, __LINE__ - 2, __FILE__); } if (!file_exists(FOOTERF)) { message_handler('CRITICAL_ERROR', 'Unable to find file: '.FOOTERF, __LINE__ - 2, __FILE__); } define('LOGINMESSAGE', ''); define('OPEN_BASEDIR', (ini_get('open_basedir') ? true : false)); define('SAFE_MODE', (ini_get('safe_mode') ? true : false)); define('FILE_UPLOADS', (ini_get('file_uploads') ? true : false)); define('INIT', true); if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $tmp = explode("?", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); define('e_REFERER_SELF',($tmp[0] == e_SELF)); } else { define('e_REFERER_SELF', FALSE); } //BC, DEPRECATED - use e107::getDateConvert() if (!class_exists('convert')) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'date_handler.php'); } //@require_once(e_HANDLER."IPB_int.php"); //@require_once(e_HANDLER."debug_handler.php"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function js_location($qry) { global $error_handler; if (count($error_handler->errors)) { echo $error_handler->return_errors(); exit; } else { echo "\n"; exit; } } function check_email($email) { return preg_match("/^([_a-zA-Z0-9-+]+)(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})$/" , $email) ? $email : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $var is a single class number or name, or a comma-separated list of the same. // If a class is prefixed with '-' this means 'exclude' - returns FALSE if the user is in this class (overrides 'includes'). // Otherwise returns TRUE if the user is in any of the classes listed in $var. function check_class($var, $userclass = USERCLASS_LIST, $uid = 0) { $e107 = e107::getInstance(); if(is_numeric($uid) && $uid > 0) { // userid has been supplied, go build that user's class list $userclass = class_list($uid); } if ($userclass == '') { return false; } $class_array = explode(',', $userclass); $varList = explode(',', trim($var)); $latchedAccess = FALSE; foreach($varList as $v) { $invert = FALSE; if(!is_numeric($v)) //value to test is a userclass name (or garbage, of course), go get the id { $v = trim($v); if (substr($v,0,1) == '-') { $invert = TRUE; $v = substr($v,1); } $v = $e107->user_class->ucGetClassIDFromName($v); } elseif ($v < 0) { $invert = TRUE; $v = -$v; } if ($v !== FALSE) { // Ignore non-valid userclass names if ((in_array($v, $class_array) || (ctype_digit($v) && ($v == 0)))) { if ($invert) { return FALSE; } $latchedAccess = TRUE; } elseif ($invert && count($varList) == 1) { $latchedAccess = TRUE; // Handle scenario where only an 'exclude' class is passed } } } return $latchedAccess; } function getperms($arg, $ap = ADMINPERMS) { global $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY; if ($ap == '0') { return true; } if ($ap == '') { return false; } $ap='.'.$ap; if ($arg == 'P' && preg_match("#(.*?)/".$PLUGINS_DIRECTORY."(.*?)/(.*?)#", e_SELF, $matches)) { $psql=new db; if ($psql->db_Select('plugin', 'plugin_id', "plugin_path = '".$matches[2]."' ")) { $row=$psql->db_Fetch(); $arg='P'.$row[0]; } } if (strpos($ap, '.'.$arg.'.') !== false) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the user data from user and user_extended tables * * @return array */ function get_user_data($uid, $extra = '') { $e107 = e107::getInstance(); $uid = (int)$uid; $var = array(); if($uid == 0) { return $var; } if($ret = getcachedvars("userdata_{$uid}")) { return $ret; } $qry = " SELECT u.*, ue.* FROM `#user` AS u LEFT JOIN `#user_extended` AS ue ON ue.user_extended_id = u.user_id WHERE u.user_id = {$uid} {$extra} "; if (!$e107->sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { $qry = "SELECT * FROM #user AS u WHERE u.user_id = {$uid} {$extra}"; if(!$e107->sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { return FALSE; } } $var = $e107->sql->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC); if(!$e107->extended_struct = getcachedvars('extended_struct')) { if($tmp = $e107->ecache->retrieve_sys('nomd5_extended_struct')) { $e107->extended_struct = $e107->arrayStorage->ReadArray($tmp); } else { $qry = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `#user_extended` '; if($e107->sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { while($row = $e107->sql->db_Fetch()) { $e107->extended_struct[] = $row; } } $tmp = $e107->arrayStorage->WriteArray($e107->extended_struct, false); $e107->ecache->set_sys('nomd5_extended_struct', $tmp); unset($tmp); } if(isset($e107->extended_struct)) { cachevars('extended_struct', $e107->extended_struct); } } if(isset($e107->extended_struct) && is_array($e107->extended_struct)) { foreach($e107->extended_struct as $row) { if($row['Default'] != '' && ($var[$row['Field']] == NULL || $var[$row['Field']] == '' )) { $var[$row['Field']] = $row['Default']; } } } //=========================================================== $var['user_baseclasslist'] = $var['user_class']; // Keep track of which base classes are in DB // Now look up the 'inherited' user classes $var['user_class'] = $e107->user_class->get_all_user_classes($var['user_class']); //=========================================================== cachevars("userdata_{$uid}", $var); return $var; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function save_prefs($table = 'core', $uid = USERID, $row_val = '') { global $pref, $user_pref, $tp, $PrefCache, $sql, $eArrayStorage, $theme_pref, $iconpool; if ($table == 'core') { if ($row_val == '') { // Save old version as a backup first $sql->db_Select_gen("REPLACE INTO `#core` (e107_name,e107_value) values ('SitePrefs_Backup', '".addslashes($PrefCache)."') "); // Now save the updated values // traverse the pref array, with toDB on everything $_pref = $tp->toDB($pref, true, true); // Create the data to be stored if($sql->db_Select_gen("REPLACE INTO `#core` (e107_name,e107_value) values ('SitePrefs', '".$eArrayStorage->WriteArray($_pref)."') ")) { ecache::clear_sys('SitePrefs'); return true; } else { return false; } } } elseif($table == "iconpool") { // $sql->db_Select_gen("REPLACE INTO `#core` (e107_name,e107_value) values ('IconPool_Backup', '".addslashes($PrefCache)."') "); $_iconpool = $tp->toDB($iconpool, true, true); if($sql->db_Select_gen("REPLACE INTO `#core` (e107_name,e107_value) values ('IconPool', '".$eArrayStorage->WriteArray($_iconpool)."') ")) { ecache::clear_sys('IconPool'); return true; } else { return false; } } elseif($table == "theme") { $pref['sitetheme_pref'] = $theme_pref; save_prefs(); } else { // $_user_pref = $tp -> toDB($user_pref); // $tmp=addslashes(serialize($_user_pref)); $_user_pref = $tp->toDB($user_pref, true, true); $tmp = $eArrayStorage->WriteArray($_user_pref); $sql->db_Update('user', "user_prefs='$tmp' WHERE user_id=".intval($uid)); return $tmp; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //DEPRECATED - use e107::setRegistry() function cachevars($id, $var) { e107::setRegistry('core/cachedvars/'.$id, $var); } //DEPRECATED - use e107::getRegistry() function getcachedvars($id) { e107::getRegistry('core/cachedvars/'.$id, false); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// class floodprotect { function flood($table, $orderfield) { /* # Test for possible flood # # - parameter #1 string $table, table being affected # - parameter #2 string $orderfield, date entry in respective table # - return boolean # - scope public */ $sql=new db; if (FLOODPROTECT == true) { $sql->db_Select($table, '*', 'ORDER BY '.$orderfield.' DESC LIMIT 1', 'no_where'); $row=$sql->db_Fetch(); return ($row[$orderfield] > (time() - FLOODTIMEOUT) ? false : true); } else { return TRUE; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function init_session() { /* # Validate user # # - parameters none # - return boolean # - scope public */ global $sql, $pref, $user_pref, $tp, $currentUser, $e107, $_E107, $eArrayStorage; define('USERIP', $e107->getip()); if(isset($_E107['cli']) && $_SERVER['argv'][1]) { require_once(e_HANDLER.'cli_class.php'); $cli = new eCLI; $arg = $cli->parse_args(); if($arg['u'] && $arg['p']) { e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'login.php'); $usr = new userlogin; $cli_log = $usr->userlogin(trim($arg['u']), trim($arg['p']), 0); } } if (!isset($_COOKIE[e_COOKIE]) && !isset($_SESSION[e_COOKIE]) && !isset($_E107['cli'])) { define('USER', false); define('USERID', 0); define('USERTHEME', false); define('ADMIN', false); define('GUEST', true); define('USERCLASS', ''); define('USEREMAIL', ''); } else { if(!isset($_E107['cli'])) { list($uid, $upw)=(isset($_COOKIE[e_COOKIE]) && $_COOKIE[e_COOKIE] ? explode(".", $_COOKIE[e_COOKIE]) : explode(".", $_SESSION[e_COOKIE])); } else { list($uid, $upw)= explode('.', $cli_log); } if (empty($uid) || empty($upw)) { cookie(e_COOKIE, '', (time() - 2592000)); $_SESSION[e_COOKIE] = ""; session_destroy(); define('ADMIN', false); define('USER', false); define('USERID', 0); define('USERCLASS', ''); define('USERCLASS_LIST', class_list()); define('LOGINMESSAGE', CORE_LAN10.'

'); return (false); } $result = get_user_data($uid); if(is_array($result) && md5($result['user_password']) == $upw) { define('USERID', $result['user_id']); define('USERNAME', $result['user_name']); define('USERURL', (isset($result['user_homepage']) ? $result['user_homepage'] : false)); define('USEREMAIL', $result['user_email']); define('USER', true); define('USERCLASS', $result['user_class']); define('USERVIEWED', $result['user_viewed']); define('USERIMAGE', $result['user_image']); define('USERPHOTO', $result['user_sess']); $update_ip = ($result['user_ip'] != USERIP ? ", user_ip = '".USERIP."'" : ""); if($result['user_currentvisit'] + 3600 < time() || !$result['user_lastvisit']) { $result['user_lastvisit'] = $result['user_currentvisit']; $result['user_currentvisit'] = time(); $sql->db_Update('user', "user_visits = user_visits + 1, user_lastvisit = '{$result['user_lastvisit']}', user_currentvisit = '{$result['user_currentvisit']}' {$update_ip} WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); } else { $result['user_currentvisit'] = time(); $sql->db_Update('user', "user_currentvisit = '{$result['user_currentvisit']}'{$update_ip} WHERE user_id='".USERID."' "); } $currentUser = $result; $currentUser['user_realname'] = $result['user_login']; // Used by force_userupdate $e107->currentUser = &$currentUser; define('USERLV', $result['user_lastvisit']); if ($result['user_ban'] == 1) { if (isset($pref['ban_messages'])) { echo $tp->toHTML(varsettrue($pref['ban_messages'][6])); // Show message if one set } exit; } if ($result['user_admin']) { define('ADMIN', TRUE); define('ADMINID', $result['user_id']); define('ADMINNAME', $result['user_name']); define('ADMINPERMS', $result['user_perms']); define('ADMINEMAIL', $result['user_email']); define('ADMINPWCHANGE', $result['user_pwchange']); } else { define('ADMIN', FALSE); } if($result['user_prefs']) { $user_pref = (substr($result['user_prefs'],0,5) == "array") ? $eArrayStorage->ReadArray($result['user_prefs']) : unserialize($result['user_prefs']); } $tempClasses = class_list(); if (check_class(varset($pref['allow_theme_select'],FALSE), $tempClasses)) { // User can set own theme if (isset($_POST['settheme'])) { if($pref['sitetheme'] != $_POST['sitetheme']) { require_once(e_HANDLER."theme_handler.php"); $utheme = new themeHandler; $ut = $utheme->themeArray[$_POST['sitetheme']]; $user_pref['sitetheme'] = $_POST['sitetheme']; $user_pref['sitetheme_custompages'] = $ut['custompages']; $user_pref['sitetheme_deflayout'] = $utheme->findDefault($_POST['sitetheme']); } else { unset($user_pref['sitetheme'],$user_pref['sitetheme_custompages'],$user_pref['sitetheme_deflayout']); } save_prefs('user'); unset($ut); } } elseif (isset($user_pref['sitetheme'])) { // User obviously no longer allowed his own theme - clear it unset($user_pref['sitetheme'],$user_pref['sitetheme_custompages'],$user_pref['sitetheme_deflayout']); save_prefs('user'); } define('USERTHEME', (isset($user_pref['sitetheme']) && file_exists(e_THEME.$user_pref['sitetheme']."/theme.php") ? $user_pref['sitetheme'] : false)); // global $ADMIN_DIRECTORY, $PLUGINS_DIRECTORY; } else { define('USER', false); define('USERID', 0); define('USERTHEME', false); define('ADMIN', false); define('CORRUPT_COOKIE', true); define('USERCLASS', ''); } } define('USERCLASS_LIST', class_list()); define('e_CLASS_REGEXP', '(^|,)('.str_replace(',', '|', USERCLASS_LIST).')(,|$)'); define('e_NOBODY_REGEXP', '(^|,)'.e_UC_NOBODY.'(,|$)'); } $sql->db_Mark_Time('Start: Go online'); if(!isset($_E107['no_online']) && varset($pref['track_online'])) { e107::getOnline()->online($pref['track_online'], $pref['flood_protect']); } function cookie($name, $value, $expire=0, $path = '/', $domain = '', $secure = 0) { setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure); } // generic function for retaining values across pages. ie. cookies or sessions. function session_set($name, $value, $expire='', $path = '/', $domain = '', $secure = 0) { global $pref; if ($pref['user_tracking'] == 'session') { $_SESSION[$name] = $value; } else { setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure); $_COOKIE[$name] = $value; } } // // Use these to combine isset() and use of the set value. or defined and use of a constant // i.e. to fix if($pref['foo']) ==> if ( varset($pref['foo']) ) will use the pref, or ''. // Can set 2nd param to any other default value you like (e.g. false, 0, or whatever) // $testvalue adds additional test of the value (not just isset()) // Examples: // $something = pref; // Bug if pref not set ==> $something = varset(pref); // $something = isset(pref) ? pref : ""; ==> $something = varset(pref); // $something = isset(pref) ? pref : default; ==> $something = varset(pref,default); // $something = isset(pref) && pref ? pref : default; ==> use varsettrue(pref,default) // function varset(&$val, $default='') { if (isset($val)) { return $val; } return $default; } function defset($str, $default='') { if (defined($str)) { return constant($str); } return $default; } // // These variants are like the above, but only return the value if both set AND 'true' // function varsettrue(&$val, $default='') { if (isset($val) && $val) { return $val; } return $default; } function defsettrue($str,$default='') { if (defined($str) && constant($str)) {return constant($str); } return $default; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// function message_handler($mode, $message, $line = 0, $file = '') { e107_require_once(e_HANDLER.'message_handler.php'); show_emessage($mode, $message, $line, $file); } /* // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function table_exists($check) { if (!$GLOBALS['mySQLtablelist']) { $tablist=mysql_list_tables($GLOBALS['mySQLdefaultdb']); while (list($temp) = mysql_fetch_array($tablist)) { $GLOBALS['mySQLtablelist'][] = $temp; } } $mltable=MPREFIX.strtolower($check); foreach ($GLOBALS['mySQLtablelist'] as $lang) { if (strpos($lang, $mltable) !== FALSE) { return TRUE; } } } */ function class_list($uid = '') { $clist = array(); if (is_numeric($uid) || USER === true) { if (is_numeric($uid)) { if($ud = get_user_data($uid)) { $admin_status = $ud['user_admin']; $class_list = $ud['user_class']; $admin_perms = $ud['user_perms']; } else { $admin_status = false; $class_list = ""; $admin_perms = ""; } } else { $admin_status = ADMIN; $class_list = USERCLASS; $admin_perms = ADMINPERMS; } if ($class_list) { $clist = explode(',', $class_list); } $clist[] = e_UC_MEMBER; if ($admin_status == true) { $clist[] = e_UC_ADMIN; } if ($admin_perms === '0') { $clist[] = e_UC_MAINADMIN; } } else { $clist[] = e_UC_GUEST; } $clist[] = e_UC_READONLY; $clist[] = e_UC_PUBLIC; return implode(',', $clist); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function e107_include($fname) { global $e107_debug; $ret = ($e107_debug ? include($fname) : @include($fname)); return $ret; } function e107_include_once($fname) { global $e107_debug; if(is_readable($fname)) { $ret = (!$e107_debug)? @include_once($fname) : include_once($fname); } return (isset($ret)) ? $ret : ''; } function e107_require_once($fname) { global $e107_debug; $ret = ($e107_debug ? require_once($fname) : @require_once($fname)); return $ret; } function e107_require($fname) { global $e107_debug; $ret = ($e107_debug ? require($fname) : @require($fname)); return $ret; } //DEPRECATED - use e107::getLan(); function include_lan($path, $force = false) { return e107::getLan($path, $force); /*global $pref; if (!is_readable($path)) { if (varsettrue($pref['noLanguageSubs']) || (e_LANGUAGE == 'English')) { return FALSE; } $path = str_replace(e_LANGUAGE, 'English', $path); } $ret = ($force) ? include($path) : include_once($path); return (isset($ret)) ? $ret : "";*/ } /* withdrawn - use loadLanFiles($path, 'admin') instead // Searches a defined set of paths and file names to load language files used for admin (including install etc) function include_lan_admin($path) { include_lan($path.'languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/lan_config.php'); include_lan($path.'languages/admin/'.e_LANGUAGE.'.php'); } */ // Routine looks in standard paths for language files associated with a plugin or theme - primarily for core routines, which won't know // for sure where the author has put them. // $unitName is the name (directory path) of the plugin or theme // $type determines what is to be loaded: // 'runtime' - the standard runtime language file for a plugin // 'admin' - the standard admin language file for a plugin // 'theme' - the standard language file for a plugin (these are usually pretty small, so one is enough) // Otherwise, $type is treated as part of a filename within the plugin's language directory, prefixed with the current language // Returns FALSE on failure (not found). // Returns the include_once error return if there is one // Otherwise returns an empty string. // Note - if the code knows precisely where the language file is located, use include_lan() // $pref['noLanguageSubs'] can be set TRUE to prevent searching for the English files if the files for the current site language don't exist. //DEPRECATED - use e107::loadLanFiles(); function loadLanFiles($unitName, $type='runtime') { return e107::loadLanFiles($unitName, $type); /*global $pref; switch ($type) { case 'runtime' : $searchPath[1] = e_PLUGIN.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'_'.$unitName.'.php'; $searchPath[2] = e_PLUGIN.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/'.$unitName.'.php'; break; case 'admin' : $searchPath[1] = e_PLUGIN.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'_admin_'.$unitName.'.php'; $searchPath[2] = e_PLUGIN.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/'.'admin_'.$unitName.'.php'; break; case 'theme' : $searchPath[1] = e_THEME.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'_'.$unitName.'.php'; $searchPath[2] = e_THEME.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/'.$unitName.'.php'; break; default : $searchPath[1] = e_PLUGIN.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'_'.$type.'.php'; $searchPath[2] = e_PLUGIN.$unitName.'/languages/'.e_LANGUAGE.'/'.$type.'.php'; } foreach ($searchPath as $s) // Look for files in current language first - should usually be found { if (is_readable($s)) { $ret = include_once($s); return (isset($ret)) ? $ret : ""; } } if (varsettrue($pref['noLanguageSubs']) || (e_LANGUAGE == 'English')) { return FALSE; // No point looking for the English files twice } foreach ($searchPath as $s) // Now look for the English files { $s = str_replace(e_LANGUAGE, 'English', $s); if (is_readable($s)) { $ret = include_once($s); return (isset($ret)) ? $ret : ""; } } return FALSE; // Nothing found*/ } if(!function_exists('print_a')) { function print_a($var, $return = FALSE) { if( ! $return) { echo '
'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($var, TRUE), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8').'
'; return TRUE; } else { return '
'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($var, true), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8').'
'; } } } // Check that all required user fields (including extended fields) are valid. // Return TRUE if update required function force_userupdate() { global $sql,$pref,$currentUser; if (e_PAGE == 'usersettings.php' || strpos(e_SELF, ADMINDIR) == TRUE || (defined("FORCE_USERUPDATE") && (FORCE_USERUPDATE == FALSE))) { return FALSE; } $signup_option_names = array('realname', 'signature', 'image', 'timezone', 'class'); foreach($signup_option_names as $key => $value) { if ($pref['signup_option_'.$value] == 2 && !$currentUser['user_'.$value]) { return TRUE; } } if (!varset($pref['disable_emailcheck'],TRUE) && !trim($currentUser['user_email'])) return TRUE; if($sql -> db_Select('user_extended_struct', 'user_extended_struct_name, user_extended_struct_type', 'user_extended_struct_required = 1')) { while($row = $sql -> db_Fetch()) { $user_extended_struct_name = "user_{$row['user_extended_struct_name']}"; if ((!$currentUser[$user_extended_struct_name]) || (($row['user_extended_struct_type'] == 7) && ($currentUser[$user_extended_struct_name] == '0000-00-00'))) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } class error_handler { var $errors; var $debug = false; function error_handler() { // // This is initialized before the current debug level is known // global $_E107; if(isset($_E107['debug'])) { $this->debug = true; error_reporting(E_ALL); return; } if(isset($_E107['cli'])) { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); return; } if ((isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'debug=') !== FALSE) || isset($_COOKIE['e107_debug_level']) && strpos($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'debug=-') !== TRUE ) { $this->debug = true; error_reporting(E_ALL); } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE); } } function handle_error($type, $message, $file, $line, $context) { $startup_error = (!defined('E107_DEBUG_LEVEL')); // Error before debug system initialized switch($type) { case E_NOTICE: if ($startup_error || E107_DBG_ALLERRORS) { $error['short'] = "Notice: {$message}, Line {$line} of {$file}
\n"; $trace = debug_backtrace(); $backtrace[0] = (isset($trace[1]) ? $trace[1] : ""); $backtrace[1] = (isset($trace[2]) ? $trace[2] : ""); $error['trace'] = $backtrace; $this->errors[] = $error; } break; case E_WARNING: if ($startup_error || E107_DBG_BASIC) { $error['short'] = "Warning: {$message}, Line {$line} of {$file}
\n"; $trace = debug_backtrace(); $backtrace[0] = (isset($trace[1]) ? $trace[1] : ""); $backtrace[1] = (isset($trace[2]) ? $trace[2] : ""); $error['trace'] = $backtrace; $this->errors[] = $error; } break; case E_USER_ERROR: if ($this->debug == true) { $error['short'] = "    Internal Error Message: {$message}, Line {$line} of {$file}
\n"; $trace = debug_backtrace(); $backtrace[0] = (isset($trace[1]) ? $trace[1] : ""); $backtrace[1] = (isset($trace[2]) ? $trace[2] : ""); $error['trace'] = $backtrace; $this->errors[] = $error; } default: return true; break; } } function return_errors() { $index = 0; $colours[0] = "#C1C1C1"; $colours[1] = "#B6B6B6"; $ret = ""; if (E107_DBG_ERRBACKTRACE) { foreach ($this->errors as $key => $value) { $ret .= "\t\n\t\t{$value['short']}\n\t\n"; $ret .= "\t\n".print_a($value['trace'], true)."\n"; if($index == 0) { $index = 1; } else { $index = 0; } } } else { foreach ($this->errors as $key => $value) { $ret .= "{$value['short']}\n"; } } return ($ret) ? "\n".$ret."
" : FALSE; } function trigger_error($information, $level) { trigger_error($information); } } /** * Strips slashes from a var if magic_quotes_gqc is enabled * * @param mixed $data * @return mixed */ function strip_if_magic($data) { if (MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC == true) { return array_stripslashes($data); } else { return $data; } } /** * Strips slashes from a string or an array * * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ function array_stripslashes($data) { return is_array($data) ? array_map('array_stripslashes', $data) : stripslashes($data); } $sql->db_Mark_Time('(After class2)'); function e107_ini_set($var, $value) { if (function_exists('ini_set')) { return ini_set($var, $value); } return FALSE; } // Return true if specified plugin installed, false if not //DEPRECATED - use e107::isInstalled(); function plugInstalled($plugname) { return e107::isInstalled($plugname); /*global $pref; // Could add more checks here later if appropriate return isset($pref['plug_installed'][$plugname]);*/ } function echo_gzipped_page() { if(headers_sent()) { $encoding = false; } elseif( strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"], 'x-gzip') !== false ) { $encoding = 'x-gzip'; } elseif( strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"],'gzip') !== false ) { $encoding = 'gzip'; } else { $encoding = false; } if($encoding) { $contents = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); header('Content-Encoding: '.$encoding); print("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); $size = strlen($contents); $contents = gzcompress($contents, 9); $contents = substr($contents, 0, $size); print($contents); exit(); } else { ob_end_flush(); exit(); } } ?>