add(DBLAN_53, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); } else { $_POST[$type] = true; } } if(isset($_POST['db_update']) || varset($_GET['mode'])=='db_update') { header("location: ".e_ADMIN."e107_update.php"); exit(); } if(isset($_POST['exportXmlFile'])) { if(exportXmlFile($_POST['xml_prefs'],$_POST['xml_tables'],$_POST['package_images'])) { $mes = eMessage::getInstance(); $mes->add(LAN_SUCCESS, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } require_once ("auth.php"); $st = new system_tools; /* No longer needed after XML feature added. if(isset($_POST['backup_core']) || $_GET['mode']=='backup_core') { backup_core(); //message_handler("MESSAGE", DBLAN_1); $emessage->add(DBLAN_1, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } */ require_once ("footer.php"); class system_tools { public $_options = array(); function __construct() { global $mySQLdefaultdb; $this->_options = array( "db_update" => array('diz'=>DBLAN_15, 'label'=>DBLAN_16), "verify_sql" => array('diz'=>DBLAN_4, 'label'=>DBLAN_5), 'optimize_sql' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_6, 'label'=> DBLAN_7), 'plugin_scan' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_28, 'label'=> DBLAN_29), 'pref_editor' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_19, 'label'=> DBLAN_20), // 'backup_core' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_8, 'label'=> DBLAN_9), 'verify_sql_record' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_35, 'label'=> DBLAN_36), 'importForm' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_59, 'label'=> DBLAN_59), 'exportForm' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_58, 'label'=> DBLAN_58), 'sc_override_scan' => array('diz'=>DBLAN_55, 'label'=> DBLAN_56), 'convert_to_utf8' => array('diz'=>'Convert Database to UTF-8','label'=>'Convert DB to UTF-8') ); //TODO Merge db_verify.php into db.php if(isset($_POST['delplug'])) { $this->delete_plugin_entry($_POST['pref_type']); } if(isset($_POST['upload'])) { $this->importXmlFile(); } if(isset($_POST['delpref']) || (isset($_POST['delpref_checked']) && isset($_POST['delpref2']))) { $this->del_pref_val($_POST['pref_type']); } if(isset($_POST['verify_sql']) || varset($_GET['mode'])=='verify_sql') { require_once(e_HANDLER."db_verify_class.php"); $dbv = new db_verify; $dbv->backUrl = e_SELF."?mode=verify_sql"; $dbv->verify(); return; } if(isset($_POST['verify_sql_record']) || varset($_GET['mode'])=='verify_sql_record' || isset($_POST['check_verify_sql_record']) || isset($_POST['delete_verify_sql_record'])) { //$this->verify_sql_record(); // - currently performed in db_verify_class.php } if(isset($_POST['importForm']) || $_GET['mode']=='importForm') { $this->importForm(); } if(isset($_POST['convert_to_utf8']) || $_GET['mode']=='convert_to_utf8') { $this->convertUTF8Form(); } if(isset($_POST['exportForm']) || $_GET['mode']=='exportForm') { $this->exportXmlForm(); } if(isset($_POST['optimize_sql']) || $_GET['mode']=='optimize_sql') { $this->optimizesql($mySQLdefaultdb); } if(isset($_POST['pref_editor']) || $_GET['mode']=='pref_editor' || isset($_POST['delpref']) || isset($_POST['delpref_checked'])) { $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : "core"; $this->pref_editor($type); } if(isset($_POST['sc_override_scan']) || $_GET['mode']=='sc_override_scan') { $this->scan_override(); } if(isset($_POST['plugin_scan']) || e_QUERY == "plugin" || isset($_POST['delplug']) || $_GET['mode']=='plugin_scan') { $this->plugin_viewscan(); } if(vartrue($_POST['perform_utf8_convert'])) { $this->perform_utf8_convert(); return; } if(!vartrue($_GET['mode']) && !isset($_POST['db_execute'])) { $this->render_options(); } } private function convertUTF8Form() { $emessage = e107::getMessage(); $frm = e107::getForm(); //TODO a function to call the e107_config information in e107_class.php. require(e_BASE."e107_config.php"); $dbtable = $mySQLdefaultdb; //TODO LAN $message = ' This function will permanently modify all tables in your database. ('.$mySQLdefaultdb.')
It is HIGHLY recommended that you backup your database first.
If possible use a copy of your database.
Do not forget to purge unnecessary input - e.g. old chatbox messages, pm, …
as well as to set the maintenance flag to main admins only.

Be sure to click the “Convert Database” button only once.
The conversion process can take up to one minute or much much more depending on the size of your database.

Known problems (list non-exhaustive): '; $emessage->add($message, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); $text = "
"."Convert Database"."
".$frm->admin_button('perform_utf8_convert', "Convert Database")."
"; e107::getRender()->tablerender("Convert Database to UTF-8", $emessage->render().$text); } private function perform_utf8_convert() { require(e_BASE."e107_config.php"); $dbtable = $mySQLdefaultdb; //TODO Add a check to be sure the database is not already utf-8. // yep, needs more methods - possibly a class in e107_handler $sql = e107::getDb(); $mes = e107::getMessage(); $ERROR = FALSE; if(!mysql_query("USE information_schema;")) { $mes->add("Couldn't read information_schema", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return; } $queries = array(); $queries[] = $this->getQueries("SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_name, ' MODIFY ', column_name, ' ', REPLACE(column_type, 'char', 'binary'), ';') FROM columns WHERE table_schema = '".$dbtable."' and data_type LIKE '%char%';"); $queries[] = $this->getQueries("SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_name, ' MODIFY ', column_name, ' ', REPLACE(column_type, 'text', 'blob'), ';') FROM columns WHERE table_schema = '".$dbtable."' and data_type LIKE '%text%';"); $queries2 = array(); $queries2[] = $this->getQueries("SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_name, ' MODIFY ', column_name, ' ', column_type, ' CHARACTER SET utf8;') FROM columns WHERE table_schema = '".$dbtable."' and data_type LIKE '%char%';"); $queries2[] = $this->getQueries("SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', table_name, ' MODIFY ', column_name, ' ', column_type, ' CHARACTER SET utf8;') FROM columns WHERE table_schema = '".$dbtable."' and data_type LIKE '%text%';"); mysql_query("USE ".$dbtable); foreach($queries as $qry) { foreach($qry as $q) { if(!$sql->db_Query($q)) { $mes->add($q, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $ERROR = TRUE; } } } //------------ $result = mysql_list_tables($dbtable); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $table = $row[0]; $tab_query = "ALTER TABLE ".$table." charset=utf8; "; if(!$sql->db_Query($tab_query)) { $mes->add($tab_query, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $ERROR = TRUE; } } // --------------- foreach($queries2 as $qry) { foreach($qry as $q) { if(!$sql->db_Query($q)) { $mes->add($q, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); $ERROR = TRUE; } } } //------------ $lastQry = "ALTER DATABASE `".$dbtable."` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"; if(!$sql->db_Query($lastQry)) { $mes->add($lastQry, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } elseif($ERROR != TRUE) { $message = "Database Converted successfully to UTF-8.
Please now add the following line to your e107_config.php file:
\$mySQLcharset = 'utf8'; "; $mes->add($message, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } } function getQueries($query) { if(!$result = mysql_query($query)) { $mes->add("Query Failed", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) { $qry[] = $row[0]; } return $qry; } /** * Delete selected preferences. * @return none */ private function del_pref_val($mode='core') { global $emessage; $deleted_list = ""; $config = ($mode == 'core' || $mode='') ? e107::getConfig('core') : e107::getPlugConfig($mode); // Single Pref Deletion using button if(varset($_POST['delpref'])) { $delpref = key($_POST['delpref']); if($config->remove($delpref)) { $deleted_list .= "
  • ".$delpref."
  • "; } } // Multiple Pref deletion using checkboxes if(varset($_POST['delpref2'])) { foreach($_POST['delpref2'] as $k => $v) { if($config->remove($k)) { $deleted_list .= "
  • ".$k."
  • "; } } } if($deleted_list && $config->save()) { $emessage->add(LAN_DELETED.""); e107::getCache()->clear(); } } private function delete_plugin_entry() { global $sql, $emessage; $del = array_keys($_POST['delplug']); if($sql->db_Delete("plugin", "plugin_id='".intval($del[0])."' LIMIT 1")) { $emessage->add(LAN_DELETED, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { $emessage->add(LAN_DELETED_FAILED, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); } } /** * Render Options * @return none */ private function render_options() { $frm = e107::getForm(); $text = "
    ".DBLAN_10." "; foreach($this->_options as $key=>$val) { $text .= "\n"; } $text .= "
    ".$val['diz']." ".ADMIN_EXECUTE_ICON." ". // $frm->submit_image('db_execute['.$key.']', '1', 'execute', $val['label']). // $frm->radio('db_execute', $key).$frm->label($val['label'], 'db_execute', $key). "
    "; // $text .= "
    // ".$frm->admin_button('trigger_db_execute', DBLAN_51, 'execute')." //
    "; $text .= "
    "; $mes = e107::getMessage(); e107::getRender()->tablerender(DBLAN_10, $mes->render().$text); } /** * Import XML Form * @return none */ private function importForm() { // Get largest allowable file upload $frm = e107::getSingleton('e_form'); require_once(e_HANDLER.'upload_handler.php'); $max_file_size = get_user_max_upload(); $text = "
    "; $text .= $frm->admin_button('upload', LAN_UPLOAD, 'submit', LAN_UPLOAD); $text .= "
    \n"; $emessage = eMessage::getInstance(); e107::getRender()->tablerender(DBLAN_59, $emessage->render().$text); } /** * Export XML Dump * @return none */ private function exportXmlForm() { $emessage = eMessage::getInstance(); $frm = e107::getSingleton('e_form'); //TODO LANs $text = "
    Export Options "; $pref_types = e107::getConfig()->aliases; unset($pref_types['core_old'],$pref_types['core_backup']); // $exclusions = array('core_old'=>1,'core_backup'=>1); // $filteredprefs = array_diff($pref_types,$exclusions); foreach($pref_types as $key=>$description) { $checked = ($_POST['xml_prefs'][$key] == $key) ? 1: 0; $text .= ""; } $text .= "
    ".$frm->checkbox_toggle('check-all-verify', 'xml_prefs')." Preferences Rows
    ".$frm->checkbox("xml_prefs[".$key."]", $key, $checked)." ".LAN_PREFS.": ".$key."  
    \n"; $tables = table_list(); foreach($tables as $name=>$count) { $checked = ($_POST['xml_tables'][$name] == $name) ? 1: 0; $text .= ""; } $text .="
    ".$frm->checkbox_toggle('check-all-verify', 'xml_tables')."Tables Rows
    ".$frm->checkbox("xml_tables[".$name."]", $name, $checked)." Table Data: ".$name." $count
    "; $checked = (vartrue($_POST['package_images'])) ? 1: 0; $text .= $frm->checkbox("package_images",'package_images', $checked)." Convert paths and package images and xml into: ".e107::getParser()->replaceConstants(EXPORT_PATH)."
    ".$frm->admin_button('exportXmlFile', "Export File", 'exportXmlFile')."
    "; e107::getRender()->tablerender("Export Options",$emessage->render(). $text); } /** * Import XML Dump * @return none */ private function importXmlFile() { $ret = e107::getSingleton('xmlClass')->e107Import($_FILES['file_userfile']['tmp_name'][0]); foreach($ret['success'] as $table) { eMessage::getInstance()->add("Inserted $table", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } foreach($ret['failed'] as $table) { eMessage::getInstance()->add("Failed to Insert $table", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } } /** * Optimize SQL * @return none */ private function optimizesql($mySQLdefaultdb) { // global $emessage; $result = mysql_list_tables($mySQLdefaultdb); while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE ".$row[0]); } // $emessage->add(DBLAN_11." $mySQLdefaultdb ".DBLAN_12, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); e107::getRender()->tablerender(DBLAN_7, DBLAN_11." $mySQLdefaultdb ".DBLAN_12); } /** * Preferences Editor * @return string text for display */ private function pref_editor($type='core') { //TODO Add drop-down for editing personal perfs also. ie. user pref of self. (admin) global $pref, $e107, $emessage, $frm; $config = ($type == 'core') ? e107::getConfig('core') : e107::getPlugConfig($type); $spref = $config->getPref(); ksort($spref); $text = "
    ".DBLAN_20.""; $text .= " "; foreach($spref as $key => $val) { $ptext = (is_array($val)) ? "
    ".print_r($val, TRUE)."
    " : htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $ptext = $e107->tp->textclean($ptext, 80); $text .= " "; } $text .= "
    ".LAN_DELETE." ".DBLAN_17." ".DBLAN_18." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
    ".$frm->checkbox("delpref2[$key]", 1)." {$key} {$ptext} ".$frm->submit_image("delpref[$key]", LAN_DELETE, 'delete', LAN_CONFIRMDEL." [$key]")."
    ".$frm->admin_button('delpref_checked', LAN_DELCHECKED, 'delete')." ".$frm->admin_button('back', LAN_BACK, 'back')."
    \n\n"; e107::getRender()->tablerender(DBLAN_10.' :: '.DBLAN_20." :: ".ucwords($type), $emessage->render().$text); return $text; } /** * Preferences Editor * @return none */ private function scan_override() { global $pref, $emessage; require_once(e_HANDLER.'file_class.php'); $f = new e_file; $scList = ''; $fList = $f->get_files(e_CORE.'override/shortcodes', '\.sc$'); if(count($fList)) { $tmp = array(); foreach($fList as $file) { $tmp[] = strtoupper(substr($file['fname'], 0, -3)); } $scList = implode(',', $tmp); unset($tmp); } $pref['sc_override'] = $scList; save_prefs(); // $emessage->add(DBLAN_57.':
    '.$pref['sc_override'], E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); e107::getRender()->tablerender(DBLAN_56, DBLAN_57.':
    '.$pref['sc_override']); } /** * Plugin Folder Scanner * @return none */ private function plugin_viewscan() { $error_messages = array(0 => DBLAN_31, 1 => DBLAN_32, 2 => DBLAN_33, 3 => DBLAN_34); $error_image = array("integrity_pass.png", "integrity_fail.png", "warning.png", "blank.png"); global $e107; $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); $frm = e107::getForm(); $emessage = e107::getMessage(); require_once (e_HANDLER."plugin_class.php"); $ep = new e107plugin(); $ep->update_plugins_table(); // scan for e_xxx changes and save to plugin table. $ep->save_addon_prefs(); // generate global e_xxx_list prefs from plugin table. /* we all are awaiting for PHP5 only support - method chaining... $emessage->add(DBLAN_22.' - '.DBLAN_23, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS) ->add("".LAN_BACK."", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS) ->add(DBLAN_30); */ $emessage->add(DBLAN_23, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $emessage->add("".LAN_BACK."", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); $emessage->add(DBLAN_30); $text = "
    ".ADLAN_CL_7." "; $sql->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_id !='' order by plugin_path ASC"); // Must order by path to pick up duplicates. (plugin names may change). $previous = ''; while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { e107::loadLanFiles($row['plugin_path'],'admin'); $text .= " "; $previous = $row['plugin_path']; } $text .= "
    ".DBLAN_24." ".DBLAN_25." ".DBLAN_26." ".DBLAN_27."
    ".$e107->tp->toHtml($row['plugin_name'], FALSE, "defs,emotes_off")." ".$row['plugin_path']." "; if(trim($row['plugin_addons'])) { //XXX - $nl_code = ''; - OLD VAR? foreach(explode(',', $row['plugin_addons']) as $this_addon) { $ret_code = 3; // Default to 'not checked if((strpos($this_addon, 'e_') === 0) && (substr($this_addon, - 4, 4) != '_sql')) { $ret_code = $ep->checkAddon($row['plugin_path'], $this_addon); // See whether spaces before opening tag or after closing tag } $text .= "
    "; $text .= "".$error_messages[$ret_code].""; $text .= trim($this_addon); // $ret_code - 0=OK, 1=content error, 2=access error $text .= "
    "; } } $text .= "
    "; if($previous == $row['plugin_path']) { $delid = $row['plugin_id']; $delname = $row['plugin_name']; //Admin delete button $text .= $frm->admin_button("delplug[{$delid}]", DBLAN_52, 'delete', '', array('title' => LAN_CONFIRMDEL." ID:{$delid} [$delname]")); //Or maybe image submit? - //$text .= $frm->submit_image("delplug[{$delid}]", DBLAN_52, 'delete', LAN_CONFIRMDEL." ID:{$delid} [$delname]"); } else { $text .= ($row['plugin_installflag'] == 1) ? DBLAN_27 : " "; // "Installed and not installed"; } $text .= "
    "; e107::getRender()->tablerender(DBLAN_10.' - '.DBLAN_22, $emessage->render().$text); } } //XXX - what is this for (backup core)? function db_adminmenu() { global $st; foreach($st->_options as $key=>$val) { $var[$key]['text'] = $val['label']; $var[$key]['link'] = e_SELF."?mode=".$key; } e_admin_menu(DBLAN_10, $_GET['mode'], $var); } /** * Export XML File and Copy Images. * @param object $prefs * @param object $tables * @param object $debug [optional] * @return none */ function exportXmlFile($prefs,$tables,$package=FALSE,$debug=FALSE) { $xml = e107::getSingleton('xmlClass'); $tp = e107::getParser(); $emessage = eMessage::getInstance(); //TODO LANs if(vartrue($package)) { $xml->convertFilePaths = TRUE; $xml->filePathDestination = EXPORT_PATH; $xml->filePathPrepend = array( 'news_thumbnail' => "{e_IMAGE}newspost_images/" ); $desinationFolder = $tp->replaceConstants($xml->filePathDestination); if(!is_writable($desinationFolder)) { $emessage->add($desinationFolder." is not writable", E_MESSAGE_ERROR); return ; } } if($xml->e107Export($prefs,$tables,$debug)) { $emessage->add("Created: ".$desinationFolder."install.xml", E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); if(varset($xml->fileConvertLog)) { foreach($xml->fileConvertLog as $oldfile) { $file = basename($oldfile); $newfile = $desinationFolder.$file; if($oldfile == $newfile || (copy($oldfile,$newfile))) { $emessage->add("Copied: ".$newfile, E_MESSAGE_SUCCESS); } else { $emessage->add("Couldn't copy: ".$newfile, E_MESSAGE_ERROR); } } } } } function table_list() { // grab default language lists. //TODO - a similar function is in db_verify.php. Should probably all be moved to mysql_class.php. $exclude = array(); $exclude[] = "core"; $exclude[] = "rbinary"; $exclude[] = "parser"; $exclude[] = "tmp"; $exclude[] = "online"; $exclude[] = "upload"; $exclude[] = "user_extended_country"; $exclude[] = "plugin"; $coreTables = e107::getDb()->db_TableList('nolan'); $tables = array_diff($coreTables,$exclude); foreach($tables as $e107tab) { $count = e107::getDb()->db_Select_gen("SELECT * FROM #".$e107tab); if($count) { $tabs[$e107tab] = $count; } } return $tabs; } /* Still needed? function backup_core() { global $pref, $sql; $tmp = base64_encode((serialize($pref))); if(!$sql->db_Insert("core", "'pref_backup', '{$tmp}' ")) { $sql->db_Update("core", "e107_value='{$tmp}' WHERE e107_name='pref_backup'"); } } */ function verify_sql_record() // deprecated by db_verify.php ( i think). { global $emessage, $sql, $sql2, $sql3, $frm, $e107, $tp; $sql = e107::getDb(); $sql2 = e107::getDb('sql2'); $sql3 = e107::getDb('sql3'); $tables = array(); $tables[] = 'rate'; $tables[] = 'comments'; if(isset($_POST['delete_verify_sql_record'])) { if(!varset($_POST['del_dbrec'])) { $emessage->add('Nothing to delete', E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } else { $msg = "ok, so you want to delete some records? not a problem at all!
    "; $msg .= "but, since this is still an experimental procedure, i won't actually delete anything
    "; $msg .= "instead, i will show you the queries that would be performed
    "; $text .= "
    "; $emessage->add($msg, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); foreach($_POST['del_dbrec'] as $k => $v) { if($k == 'rate') { $keys = implode(", ", array_keys($v)); $qry .= "DELETE * FROM rate WHERE rate_id IN (".$keys.")
    "; } elseif($k == 'comments') { $keys = implode(", ", array_keys($v)); $qry .= "DELETE * FROM comments WHERE comment_id IN (".$keys.")
    "; } } $emessage->add($qry, E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); $emessage->add("".LAN_BACK."", E_MESSAGE_DEBUG); } } //Nothing selected if(isset($_POST['check_verify_sql_record']) && (!isset($_POST['table_rate']) && !isset($_POST['table_comments']))) { $_POST['check_verify_sql_record'] = ''; unset($_POST['check_verify_sql_record']); $emessage->add(DBLAN_53, E_MESSAGE_WARNING); } if(!isset($_POST['check_verify_sql_record'])) { //select table to verify $text = "
    ".DBLAN_39." "; foreach($tables as $t) { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
    ".$frm->checkbox('table_'.$t, $t).$frm->label($t, 'table_'.$t, $t)."
    ".$frm->admin_button('check_verify_sql_record', DBLAN_38)." ".$frm->admin_button('back', LAN_BACK, 'back')."
    "; $e107->ns->tablerender(DBLAN_10.' - '.DBLAN_39, $emessage->render().$text); } else { //function to sort the results function verify_sql_record_cmp($a, $b) { $orderby = array('type' => 'asc', 'itemid' => 'asc'); $result = 0; foreach($orderby as $key => $value) { if($a[$key] == $b[$key]) continue; $result = ($a[$key] < $b[$key]) ? - 1 : 1; if($value == 'desc') $result = - $result; break; } return $result; } //function to display the results //$err holds the error data //$ctype holds the tablename function verify_sql_record_displayresult($err, $ctype) { global $frm; usort($err, 'verify_sql_record_cmp'); $text = "
    ".DBLAN_40." ".$ctype." "; if(is_array($err) && !empty($err)) { foreach($err as $k => $v) { $delkey = $v['sqlid']; $text .= " "; } } else { $text .= " "; } $text .= "
    ".DBLAN_41." ".DBLAN_42." ".DBLAN_43." ".LAN_OPTIONS."
    {$v['type']} {$v['itemid']} ".($v['table_exist'] ? DBLAN_45 : DBLAN_46)." ".$frm->checkbox('del_dbrec['.$ctype.']['.$delkey.'][]', '1').$frm->label(LAN_DELETE, 'del_dbrec['.$ctype.']['.$delkey.'][]', '1')."
    "; return $text; } function verify_sql_record_gettables() { global $sql2; //array which will hold all db tables $dbtables = array(); //get all tables in the db $sql2->db_Select_gen("SHOW TABLES"); while($row2 = $sql2->db_Fetch()) { $dbtables[] = $row2[0]; } return $dbtables; } $text = "
    "; //validate rate table records if(isset($_POST['table_rate'])) { $query = " SELECT r.* FROM #rate AS r WHERE r.rate_id!='' ORDER BY r.rate_table, r.rate_itemid"; $data = array('type' => 'rate', 'table' => 'rate_table', 'itemid' => 'rate_itemid', 'id' => 'rate_id'); if(!$sql->db_Select_gen($query)) { $text .= verify_sql_record_displayresult(DBLAN_49, $data['type']); } else { //the master error array $err = array(); //array which will hold all db tables $dbtables = verify_sql_record_gettables(); while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ctype = $data['type']; $cid = $row[$data['id']]; $citemid = $row[$data['itemid']]; $ctable = $row[$data['table']]; //if the rate_table is an existing table, we need to do more validation //else if the rate_table is not an existing table, this is an invalid reference //FIXME Steve: table is never found without MPREFIX; Multi-language tables? if(in_array(MPREFIX.$ctable, $dbtables)) { $sql3->db_Select_gen("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".MPREFIX.$ctable); while($row3 = $sql3->db_Fetch()) { //find the auto_increment field, since that's the most likely key used if($row3['Extra'] == 'auto_increment') { $aif = $row3['Field']; break; } } //we need to check if the itemid (still) exists in this table //if the record is not found, this could well be an obsolete record //if the record is found, we need to keep this record since it's a valid reference if(!$sql2->db_Select("{$ctable}", "*", "{$aif}='{$citemid}' ORDER BY {$aif} ")) { $err[] = array('type' => $ctable, 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } } else { $err[] = array('type' => $ctable, 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => FALSE); } } $text .= verify_sql_record_displayresult(($err ? $err : DBLAN_54), $ctype); } } //validate comments table records if(isset($_POST['table_comments'])) { $query = " SELECT c.* FROM #comments AS c WHERE c.comment_id!='' ORDER BY c.comment_type, c.comment_item_id"; $data = array('type' => 'comments', 'table' => 'comment_type', 'itemid' => 'comment_item_id', 'id' => 'comment_id'); if(!$sql->db_Select_gen($query)) { $text .= verify_sql_record_displayresult(DBLAN_49, $data['type']); } else { //the master error array $err = array(); //array which will hold all db tables $dbtables = verify_sql_record_gettables(); //get all e_comment files and variables require_once (e_HANDLER."comment_class.php"); $cobj = new comment(); $e_comment = $cobj->get_e_comment(); while($row = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $ctype = $data['type']; $cid = $row[$data['id']]; $citemid = $row[$data['itemid']]; $ctable = $row[$data['table']]; //for each comment we need to validate the referencing record exists //we need to check if the itemid (still) exists in this table //if the record is not found, this could well be an obsolete record //if the record is found, we need to keep this record since it's a valid reference // news if($ctable == "0") { if(!$sql2->db_Select("news", "*", "news_id='{$citemid}' ")) { $err[] = array('type' => 'news', 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } // article, review or content page } elseif($ctable == "1") { // downloads } elseif($ctable == "2") { if(!$sql2->db_Select("download", "*", "download_id='{$citemid}' ")) { $err[] = array('type' => 'download', 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } // poll } elseif($ctable == "4") { if(!$sql2->db_Select("polls", "*", "poll_id='{$citemid}' ")) { $err[] = array('type' => 'polls', 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } // userprofile } elseif($ctable == "profile") { if(!$sql2->db_Select("user", "*", "user_id='{$citemid}' ")) { $err[] = array('type' => 'user', 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } //else if this is a plugin comment } elseif(isset($e_comment[$ctable]) && is_array($e_comment[$ctable])) { $var = $e_comment[$ctable]; $qryp = ''; //new method must use the 'qry' variable if(isset($var) && $var['qry'] != '') { if($installed = $sql2->db_Select("plugin", "*", "plugin_path = '".$var['plugin_path']."' AND plugin_installflag = '1' ")) { $qryp = str_replace("{NID}", $citemid, $var['qry']); if(!$sql2->db_Select_gen($qryp)) { $err[] = array('type' => $ctable, 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } } //old method } else { if(!$sql2->db_Select($var['db_table'], $var['db_title'], $var['db_id']." = '{$citemid}' ")) { $err[] = array('type' => $ctable, 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => TRUE); } } //in all other cases } else { $err[] = array('type' => $ctable, 'sqlid' => $cid, 'table' => $ctable, 'itemid' => $citemid, 'table_exist' => FALSE); } } $text .= verify_sql_record_displayresult(($err ? $err : DBLAN_54), $ctype); } } $text .= "
    ".$frm->admin_button('delete_verify_sql_record', LAN_DELCHECKED, 'delete')." ".$frm->admin_button('verify_sql_record', LAN_BACK, 'back')."
    "; $e107->ns->tablerender(DBLAN_10.' - '.DBLAN_50, $emessage->render().$text); } } /** * Handle page DOM within the page header * * @return string JS source */ function headerjs() { require_once (e_HANDLER.'js_helper.php'); $ret = " "; return $ret; } ?>