"canonical", 'href'=> SITEURL."credits.php"]); e107::title('e107 Development Credits and Sponsors'); e107::meta('description', 'e107 bootstrap content management system development credits and sponsors.'); e107::meta('og:image', SITEURLBASE.e_IMAGE_ABS.'admin_images/credits_logo.png'); e107::meta('og:url', SITEURL."credits.php"); require_once(HEADERF); } $text ='


CaMer0n, Moc, Deltik.
A complete list of the past and present contributors can be found here.

Third Party Code

jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, FontAwesome, HybridAuth, PhpMailer, Intervention, Minify, MagpieRSS, PCLZip, PCLTar, TinyMCE, Nuvolo Icons, TCPDF, PHP UTF8


JetBrains, Stemaid.

'; echo $text; if(deftrue('e_IFRAME')) { require_once(FOOTERF); }