array(var => validationArray) * @var array */ protected $filter = array( 'all' => array( 'category' => array('int', '0:'), 'tag' => array('str', '2:'), ), ); public function init() { e107::lan('faqs', 'front'); e107::css('faqs','faqs.css'); } public function actionIndex() { $this->_forward('all'); } public function actionAll() { $sql = e107::getDb(); $tp = e107::getParser(); //global $FAQ_START, $FAQ_END, $FAQ_LISTALL_START,$FAQ_LISTALL_LOOP,$FAQ_LISTALL_END; $FAQ_START = e107::getTemplate('faqs', true, 'start'); $FAQ_END = e107::getTemplate('faqs', true, 'end'); $FAQ_LISTALL = e107::getTemplate('faqs', true, 'all'); $FAQ_CAPTION = e107::getTemplate('faqs', true, 'caption'); // request parameter based on filter (int match in this case, see $this->filter[all][category]) - SAFE to be used in a query $category = $this->getRequest()->getRequestParam('category'); $where = array(); if($category) { $where[] = "f.faq_parent={$category}"; } $tag = $this->getRequest()->getRequestParam('tag'); if($tag) { $where[] = "FIND_IN_SET ('".$tp->toDB($tag)."', f.faq_tags)"; } if($where) { $where = ' AND '.implode(' AND ' , $where); } else $where = ''; $query = " SELECT f.*,cat.* FROM #faqs AS f LEFT JOIN #faqs_info AS cat ON f.faq_parent = cat.faq_info_id WHERE cat.faq_info_class IN (".USERCLASS_LIST."){$where} ORDER BY cat.faq_info_order,f.faq_order "; $sql->gen($query, false); $prevcat = ""; $sc = e107::getScBatch('faqs', true); $sc->counter = 1; $sc->tag = htmlspecialchars($tag, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'); $sc->category = $category; $text = $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_START, true, $sc); while ($rw = $sql->db_Fetch()) { $sc->setVars($rw); if($rw['faq_info_order'] != $prevcat) { if($prevcat !='') { $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_LISTALL['end'], true, $sc); } $text .= "\n\n\n\n"; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_LISTALL['start'], true, $sc); $start = TRUE; } $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_LISTALL['item'], true, $sc); $prevcat = $rw['faq_info_order']; $sc->counter++; if($category) $meta = $rw; } $text .= ($start) ? $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_LISTALL['end'], true, $sc) : ""; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate($FAQ_END, true, $sc); // add meta data if there is parent category if(!empty($meta)) { $response = $this->getResponse(); if($meta['faq_info_metad']) { $response->addMetaDescription($meta['faq_info_metad']); } if($meta['faq_info_metak']) { $response->addMetaKeywords($meta['faq_info_metak']); } } $caption = ($FAQ_CAPTION) ? $FAQ_CAPTION : LAN_PLUGIN_FAQS_FRONT_NAME; $this->addTitle($caption); $this->addBody($text); } }