sql_r = e107::getDb('sql_r');
$this->isAdmin = FALSE;
$this->fixed_classes = array(
e_UC_BOTS => UC_LAN_10
$this->text_class_link = array('public' => e_UC_PUBLIC, 'guest' => e_UC_GUEST, 'nobody' => e_UC_NOBODY, 'member' => e_UC_MEMBER,
'admin' => e_UC_ADMIN, 'main' => e_UC_MAINADMIN, 'new' => e_UC_NEWUSER, 'mods' => e_UC_MODS,
'bots' => e_UC_BOTS, 'readonly' => e_UC_READONLY);
$this->readTree(TRUE); // Initialise the classes on entry
* Return value of isAdmin
public function isAdmin()
return $this->isAdmin;
* Ensure the tree of userclass data is stored in our object ($this->class_tree).
* Only read if its either not present, or the $force flag is set.
* Data is cached if enabled
* @param boolean $force - set to TRUE to force a re-read of the info regardless.
* @return none
public function readTree($force = FALSE)
if (isset($this->class_tree) && count($this->class_tree) && !$force) return;
$e107 = e107::getInstance();
$this->class_tree = array();
$this->class_parents = array();
if ($temp = $e107->ecache->retrieve_sys(UC_CACHE_TAG))
$this->class_tree = e107::getArrayStorage()->read($temp);
$this->sql_r->db_Select('userclass_classes', '*', 'ORDER BY userclass_parent', 'nowhere'); // The order statement should give a consistent return
while ($row = $this->sql_r->db_Fetch(MYSQL_ASSOC))
$this->class_tree[$row['userclass_id']] = $row;
$this->class_tree[$row['userclass_id']]['class_children'] = array(); // Create the child array in case needed
// Add in any fixed classes that aren't already defined (they historically didn't have a DB entry, although now its facilitated (and necessary for tree structure)
foreach ($this->fixed_classes as $c => $d)
if (!isset($this->class_tree[$c]))
switch ($c)
case e_UC_ADMIN :
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_NOBODY;
case e_UC_NEWUSER :
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_MEMBER;
default :
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_parent'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_id'] = $c;
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_name'] = $d;
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_description'] = 'Fixed class';
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_visibility'] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_editclass'] = e_UC_MAINADMIN;
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_accum'] = $c;
$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_type'] = UC_TYPE_STD;
$userCache = e107::serialize($this->class_tree, FALSE);
// Now build the tree.
// There are just two top-level classes - 'Everybody' and 'Nobody'
$this->class_parents[e_UC_PUBLIC] = e_UC_PUBLIC;
$this->class_parents[e_UC_NOBODY] = e_UC_NOBODY;
foreach ($this->class_tree as $uc)
if (($uc['userclass_id'] != e_UC_PUBLIC) && ($uc['userclass_id'] != e_UC_NOBODY))
if (!isset($this->class_tree[$uc['userclass_parent']]))
echo "Orphaned class record: ID=".$uc['userclass_id']." Name=".$uc['userclass_name']." Parent=".$uc['userclass_parent']." ";
{ // Add to array
$this->class_tree[$uc['userclass_parent']]['class_children'][] = $uc['userclass_id'];
* Given the list of 'base' classes a user belongs to, returns a comma separated list including ancestors. Duplicates stripped
* @param string $startList - comma-separated list of classes user belongs to
* @param boolean $asArray - if TRUE, result returned as array; otherwise result returned as string
* @return string|array of user classes; format determined by $asArray
public function get_all_user_classes($startList, $asArray = FALSE)
$is = array();
$start_array = explode(',', $startList);
foreach ($start_array as $sa)
{ // Merge in latest values - should eliminate duplicates as it goes
$is[] = $sa; // add parent to the flat list first
if (isset($this->class_tree[$sa]))
$is = array_merge($is,explode(',',$this->class_tree[$sa]['userclass_accum']));
if ($asArray)
return array_unique($is);
return implode(',',array_unique($is));
* Returns a list of user classes which can be edited by the specified classlist
* @param string $classList - comma-separated list of classes to consider - default current user's class list
* @param boolean $asArray - if TRUE, result returned as array; otherwise result returned as string
* @return string|array of user classes; format determined by $asArray
public function get_editable_classes($classList = USERCLASS_LIST, $asArray = FALSE)
$ret = array();
$blockers = array(e_UC_PUBLIC => 1, e_UC_READONLY => 1, e_UC_MEMBER => 1, e_UC_NOBODY => 1, e_UC_GUEST => 1, e_UC_NEWUSER => 1, e_UC_BOTS => 1);
$possibles = array_flip(explode(',',$classList));
foreach ($this->class_tree as $uc => $uv)
if (!isset($blockers[$uc]))
$ec = $uv['userclass_editclass'];
if (isset($possibles[$ec]))
$ret[] = $uc;
if ($asArray) { return $ret; }
return implode(',',$ret);
* Combines the selected editable classes into the main class list for a user.
* @param array|string $combined - the complete list of current class memberships
* @param array|string $possible - the classes which are being edited
* @param array|string $actual - the actual membership of the editable classes
* @param boolean $asArray - if TRUE, result returned as array; otherwise result returned as string
* @return string|array of user classes; format determined by $asArray
public function mergeClassLists($combined, $possible, $actual, $asArray = FALSE)
if (!is_array($combined)) { $combined = explode(',',$combined); }
if (!is_array($possible)) { $possible = explode(',',$possible); }
if (!is_array($actual)) { $actual = explode(',',$actual); }
$combined = array_flip($combined);
foreach ($possible as $p)
if (in_array($p,$actual))
{ // Class must be in final array
$combined[$p] = 1;
$combined = array_keys($combined);
if ($asArray) { return $combined; }
return implode(',', $combined);
* Remove the fixed classes from a class list
* Removes all classes in the reserved block, as well as e_UC_PUBLIC
* @param array|string $inClasses - the complete list of current class memberships
* @return string|array of user classes; format is the same as $inClasses
public function stripFixedClasses($inClasses)
$asArray = TRUE;
if (!is_array($inClasses))
$asArray = FALSE;
$inClasses = explode(',',$inClasses);
$inClasses = array_flip($inClasses);
foreach ($this->fixed_classes as $k => $v)
if (isset($inClasses[$k])) { unset($inClasses[$k]); }
$inClasses = array_keys($inClasses);
foreach ($inClasses as $k => $uc)
if ((($uc >= e_UC_SPECIAL_BASE) && ($uc <= e_UC_SPECIAL_END)) || ($uc == e_UC_PUBLIC))
if ($asArray) { return ($inClasses); }
return implode(',',$inClasses);
* Given a comma separated list, returns the minimum number of class memberships required to achieve this (i.e. strips classes 'above' another in the tree)
* Requires the class tree to have been initialised
* @param array|string $classList - the complete list of current class memberships
* @return string|array of user classes; format is the same as $classList
public function normalise_classes($classList)
if (is_array($classList))
$asArray = TRUE;
$oldClasses = $classList;
$asArray = FALSE;
$oldClasses = explode(',',$classList);
$dropClasses = array();
foreach ($oldClasses as $c)
{ // Look at our parents (which are in 'userclass_accum') - if any of them are contained in oldClasses, we can drop them.
$tc = array_flip(explode(',',$this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_accum']));
unset($tc[$c]); // Current class should be in $tc anyway
foreach ($tc as $tc_c => $v)
if (in_array($tc_c,$oldClasses))
$dropClasses[] = $tc_c;
$newClasses = array_diff($oldClasses,$dropClasses);
if ($asArray) { return $newClasses; }
return implode(',',$newClasses);
* Generate a dropdown list of user classes from which to select - virtually as the deprecated r_userclass() function did
* [ $mode parameter of r_userclass() removed - $optlist is more flexible) ]
* @param string $fieldname - name of select list
* @param mixed $curval - current selected value (empty string if no current value)
* @param string $optlist - comma-separated list of classes/class types to be included in the list
It allows selection of the classes to be shown in the dropdown. All or none can be included, separated by comma. Valid options are:
main - main admin
new - new users
bots - search bot class
classes - shows all classes
matchclass - if 'classes' is set, this option will only show the classes that the user is a member of
blank - puts an empty option at the top of select dropdowns
filter - only show those classes where member is in a class permitted to view them - e.g. as the new 'visible to' field - added for 2.0
force - show all classes (subject to the other options, including matchclass) - added for 2.0
all - alias for 'force'
no-excludes - if present, doesn't show the 'not member of' list
is-checkbox - if present, suppresses the construct round the 'not member of' list
editable - can only appear on its own - returns list of those classes the user can edit (manage)
* @param string $extra_js - can add JS handlers (e.g. 'onclick', 'onchange') if required
public function uc_dropdown($fieldname, $curval = 0, $optlist = '', $extra_js = '')
$show_classes = self::uc_required_class_list($optlist); // Get list of classes which meet criteria
$text = '';
foreach ($show_classes as $k => $v)
if ($k == e_UC_BLANK)
$text .= "\n";
$s = ($curval == $k && $curval !== '') ? "selected='selected'" : '';
$text .= "\n";
// Inverted Classes
if(strpos($optlist, 'no-excludes') === FALSE)
if (strpos($optlist, 'is-checkbox') !== FALSE)
$text .= "\n".UC_LAN_INVERTLABEL." \n";
$text .= "\n\n";
// Only return the select box if we've ended up with some options
if ($text) $text = "\n\n";
return $text;
* Generate an ordered array classid=>classname - used for dropdown and check box lists
* @param string $optlist - comma-separated list of classes/class types to include (see uc_dropdown for details)
* @param boolean $just_ids - if TRUE, each returned array value is '1'; otherwise it is the class name
* @return array of user classes; ky is numeric class id, value is '1' or class name according to $just_ids
public function uc_required_class_list($optlist = '', $just_ids = FALSE)
$ret = array();
$opt_arr = array();
if ($optlist)
$opt_arr = explode(',',$optlist);
foreach ($opt_arr as &$v)
$v = trim($v);
$opt_arr = array_flip($opt_arr); // This also eliminates duplicates which could arise from applying the other options, although shouldn't matter
if (isset($opt_arr['no-excludes'])) unset($opt_arr['no-excludes']);
if (isset($opt_arr['is-checkbox'])) unset($opt_arr['is-checkbox']);
if (count($opt_arr) == 0)
$opt_arr = array('public' => 1, 'guest' => 1, 'nobody' => 1, 'member' => 1, 'classes' => 1);
if (isset($opt_arr['all']))
$opt_arr['force'] = 1;
if (isset($opt_arr['editable']))
$temp = array_flip(explode(',',$this->get_editable_classes()));
if ($just_ids) return $temp;
foreach ($temp as $c => $t)
$temp[$c] = $this->class_tree[$c]['userclass_name'];
return $temp;
if (isset($opt_arr['force'])) unset($opt_arr['filter']);
if (isset($opt_arr['blank']))
$ret[e_UC_BLANK] = 1;
// Do the 'fixed' classes next
foreach ($this->text_class_link as $k => $v)
// if (isset($opt_arr[$k]) || isset($opt_arr['force']))
if (isset($opt_arr[$k]))
$ret[$v] = $just_ids ? '1' : $this->fixed_classes[$v];
// Now do the user-defined classes
if (isset($opt_arr['classes']) || isset($opt_arr['force']))
{ // Display those classes the user is allowed to:
// Main admin always sees the lot
// a) Mask the 'fixed' user classes which have already been processed
// b) Apply the visibility option field ('userclass_visibility')
// c) Apply the matchclass option if appropriate
foreach($this->class_tree as $uc_id => $row)
if (!array_key_exists($uc_id,$this->fixed_classes)
&& ( getperms('0')
|| (
(!isset($optlist['matchclass']) || check_class($uc_id))
&& (!isset($optlist['filter']) || check_class($row['userclass_visibility']))
$ret[$uc_id] = $just_ids ? '1' : $this->class_tree[$uc_id]['userclass_name'];
/* Above loop slightly changes the display order of earlier code versions.
If readonly must be last, delete it from the $text_class_link array, and uncomment the following code
if (isset($opt_arr['readonly']))
$ret[e_UC_READONLY] = $this->class_tree[e_UC_READONLY]['userclass_description'];
return $ret;
* Very similar to self::uc_dropdown, but returns a list of check boxes. Doesn't encapsulate it.
* @param string $fieldname is the name for the array of checkboxes
* @param string $curval is a comma separated list of class IDs for boxes which are checked.
* @param string $optlist as for uc_dropdown
* @param boolean $showdescription - if TRUE, appends the class description in brackets
* @param boolean $asArray - if TRUE, result returned as array; otherwise result returned as string
* return string|array according to $asArray
* @return array|string
public function uc_checkboxes($fieldname, $curval='', $optlist = '', $showdescription = FALSE, $asArray = FALSE)
$show_classes = $this->uc_required_class_list($optlist);
$frm = e107::getForm();
$curArray = explode(',', $curval); // Array of current values
$ret = array();
foreach ($show_classes as $k => $v)
if ($k != e_UC_BLANK)
// $c = (in_array($k,$curArray)) ? " checked='checked'" : '';
$c = (in_array($k,$curArray)) ? true : false;
if ($showdescription) $v .= ' ('.$this->uc_get_classdescription($k).')';
//$ret[] = "\n";
$name = $fieldname.'['.$k.']';
$ret[] = $frm->checkbox($name,$k,$c,$v);
//$ret[] = "\n";
if ($asArray) return $ret;
return implode('', $ret);
* Used by @see{vetted_tree()} to generate lower levels of tree
* @param string $listnum - class number of the parent. Is negative if the class is 'Everyone except...' (Must be a string because 0 == -0)
* @param integer $nest_level - indicates our level in the tree - 0 is the top level; increases as we descend the tree. Positive value.
* @param string $current_value - comma-separated list of integers indicating classes selected. (Spaces not permitted)
* @param array $perms - list of classes we are allowed to display
* @param string $opt_options - passed to callback function; not otherwise used
protected function vetted_sub_tree($treename, $callback, $listnum, $nest_level, $current_value, $perms, $opt_options)
$ret = '';
$listIndex = abs($listnum);
$classSign = (substr($listnum, 0, 1) == '-') ? '-' : '+';
//echo "Subtree: {$listnum}, {$nest_level}, {$current_value}, {$classSign}:{$listIndex} ";
foreach ($this->class_tree[$listIndex]['class_children'] as $p)
$classValue = $classSign.$p;
// Looks like we don't need to differentiate between function and class calls
if (isset($perms[$p]))
$ret .= call_user_func($callback, $treename, $classValue, $current_value, $nest_level, $opt_options);
$ret .= $this->vetted_sub_tree($treename, $callback, $classValue, $nest_level, $current_value, $perms, $opt_options);
return $ret;
* create an indented tree - for example within a select box or a list of check boxes.
* For each displayed element, the callback routine is called
* @param string $treename is the name given to the elements where required
* @param function|object $callback is a routine used to generate each element; there are three implemented within this class:
* select (the default) - generates the option list. Text requires to be encapsulated in a tag set
* - can also be used with multi-select boxes
* checkbox - generates a set of checkboxes
* checkbox_desc - generates a set of checkboxes with the class description in brackets
* Alternative callbacks can be used to achieve different layouts/styles
* @param integer|string $current_value - single class number for single-select dropdown; comma separated array of class numbers for checkbox list or multi-select
* @param string $optlist works the same as for @see uc_dropdown()
* @param string $opt_options - passed to callback function; not otherwise used
* @return string - formatted HTML for tree
public function vetted_tree($treename, $callback='', $current_value='', $optlist = '', $opt_options = '')
$ret = '';
if (!$callback) $callback=array($this,'select');
$current_value = str_replace(' ','',$current_value); // Simplifies parameter passing for the tidy-minded
$notCheckbox = (strpos($optlist, 'is-checkbox') === FALSE);
$perms = $this->uc_required_class_list($optlist,TRUE); // List of classes which we can display
if (isset($perms[e_UC_BLANK]))
$ret .= call_user_func($callback, $treename, e_UC_BLANK, $current_value, 0, $opt_options);
foreach ($this->class_parents as $p)
if (isset($perms[$p]))
$ret .= call_user_func($callback, $treename, $p, $current_value, 0, $opt_options);
$ret .= $this->vetted_sub_tree($treename, $callback, $p, 0, $current_value, $perms, $opt_options);
// Inverted classes. (negative values for exclusion).
if(strpos($optlist, 'no-excludes') === FALSE)
if ($notCheckbox)
$ret .= "\n\n";
return $ret;
* Callback for vetted_tree - Creates the option list for a selection box
* It is the caller's responsibility to enclose this list in a structure
* Can be used as a basis for similar functions
* @param string $treename - name of tree elements (not used with select; used with checkboxes, for example)
* @param string $classnum - user class being displayed. This may be negative to indicate 'everyone but...'
* - special numeric part e_UC_BLANK adds a blank option in the list.
* @param integer|string $current_value - single class number for single-select dropdown; comma separated array of class numbers for checkbox list or multi-select
* @param integer $nest_level - 'depth' of this item in the tree. Zero is base level. May be used to indent or highlight dependent on level
* @param string $opt_options - passed to callback function; not otherwise used
* @return string - option list
public function select($treename, $classnum, $current_value, $nest_level, $opt_options = '')
$classIndex = abs($classnum); // Handle negative class values
$classSign = (substr($classnum, 0, 1) == '-') ? '-' : '';
if ($classIndex == e_UC_BLANK) return "\n";
$tmp = explode(',',$current_value);
$sel = in_array($classnum, $tmp) ? " selected='selected'" : '';
if ($nest_level == 0)
$prefix = '';
$style = " style='font-weight:bold; font-style: italic;'";
elseif ($nest_level == 1)
$prefix = ' ';
$style = " style='font-weight:bold'";
$prefix = ' '.str_repeat('--',$nest_level-1).'>';
$style = '';
$ucString = $this->class_tree[$classIndex]['userclass_name'];
if ($classSign == '-')
$ucString = str_replace('--CLASS--', $ucString, UC_LAN_INVERT);
return "\n";
* Callback for vetted_tree - displays indented checkboxes with class name only
* See @link select for parameter details
public function checkbox($treename, $classnum, $current_value, $nest_level, $opt_options = '')
$frm = e107::getForm();
$classIndex = abs($classnum); // Handle negative class values
$classSign = (substr($classnum, 0, 1) == '-') ? '-' : '';
if ($classIndex == e_UC_BLANK) return '';
$tmp = explode(',',$current_value);
$chk = in_array($classnum, $tmp) ? " checked='checked'" : '';
$style = "";
if ($nest_level == 0)
$style = " style='font-weight:bold'";
elseif($nest_level > 1)
$style = " style='text-indent:".(1.2 * $nest_level)."em'";
$ucString = $this->class_tree[$classIndex]['userclass_name'];
if ($classSign == '-')
$ucString = str_replace('--CLASS--', $ucString, UC_LAN_INVERT);
$checked = in_array($classnum, $tmp) ? true : false;
return "