thread_get($id, 'last', 11); $forum_info = $forum->forum_get($thread_info['head']['thread_forum_id']); } elseif ($action == 'nt') { // New post $forum_info = $forum->forum_get($id); } elseif ($action == 'quote' || $action == 'edit') { $thread_info = $forum->thread_get_postinfo($id, TRUE); $forum_info = $forum->forum_get($thread_info['head']['thread_forum_id']); if($action == 'quote') { $id = $thread_info['head']['thread_id']; } } if (!check_class($forum_info['forum_postclass']) || !check_class($forum_info['parent_postclass'])) { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(LAN_20, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } define("MODERATOR", check_class($forum_info['forum_moderators'])); //require_once(e_HANDLER.'forum_include.php'); require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_post_shortcodes.php"); require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_shortcodes.php"); require_once(e_HANDLER."ren_help.php"); $gen = new convert; $fp = new floodprotect; global $tp; if ($sql->db_Select("tmp", "*", "tmp_ip='$ip' ")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); $tmp = explode("^", $row['tmp_info']); $action = $tmp[0]; $anonname = $tmp[1]; $subject = $tmp[2]; $post = $tmp[3]; $sql->db_Delete("tmp", "tmp_ip='$ip' "); } //Check to see if user had post rights if (!check_class($forum_info['forum_postclass'])) { require_once(HEADERF); $text .= "
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_20, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } //if thread is not active and not new thread, show warning if ($action != "nt" && !$thread_info['head']['thread_active'] && !MODERATOR) { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(LAN_20, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $forum_info['forum_name'] = $tp -> toHTML($forum_info['forum_name'], TRUE); define("e_PAGETITLE", LAN_01." / ".$forum_info['forum_name']." / ".($action == "rp" ? LAN_02.$forum_info['thread_name'] : LAN_03)); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')) { $a_filetypes = trim(file_get_contents(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')); $a_filetypes = explode(',', $a_filetypes); foreach ($a_filetypes as $ftype) { $sa_filetypes[] = '.'.trim(str_replace('.', '', $ftype)); } $allowed_filetypes = implode(' | ', $sa_filetypes); } if (isset($_POST['submitpoll'])) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."poll/poll_class.php"); $poll = new poll; require_once(HEADERF); if (!$FORUMPOST) { if (file_exists(THEME."forum_posted_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."forum_posted_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/templates/forum_posted_template.php"); } } echo $FORUMPOLLPOSTED; require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (isset($_POST['fpreview'])) { process_upload(); require_once(HEADERF); if (USER) { $poster = USERNAME; } else { $poster = ($_POST['anonname']) ? $_POST['anonname'] : LAN_311; } $postdate = $gen->convert_date(time(), "forum"); $tsubject = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['subject'], true); $tpost = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['post'], true); if ($_POST['poll_title'] != "" && $pref['forum_poll']) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."poll/poll_class.php"); $poll = new poll; $poll->render_poll($_POST, "forum", "notvoted"); } if (!$FORUM_PREVIEW) { if (file_exists(THEME."forum_preview_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."forum_preview_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/templates/forum_preview_template.php"); } } $text = $FORUM_PREVIEW; if ($poll_text) { $ns->tablerender($_POST['poll_title'], $poll_text); } $ns->tablerender(LAN_323, $text); $anonname = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['anonname'], FALSE); $post = $tp->post_toForm($_POST['post']); $subject = $tp->post_toHTML($_POST['subject'], false); if ($action == "edit") { if ($_POST['subject']) { $action = "edit"; } else { $action = "reply"; } $eaction = TRUE; } else if($action == "quote") { $action = "reply"; $eaction = FALSE; } } if (isset($_POST['newthread']) || isset($_POST['reply'])) { $poster = array(); if ((isset($_POST['newthread']) && trim($_POST['subject']) == "") || trim($_POST['post']) == "") { message_handler("ALERT", 5); } else { if ($fp->flood("forum_t", "thread_datestamp") == FALSE && !ADMIN) { echo "\n"; } if (USER) { $poster['post_userid'] = USERID; $poster['post_user_name'] = USERNAME; } else { $poster = getuser($_POST['anonname']); if ($poster == -1) { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender(LAN_20, LAN_310); if (isset($_POST['reply'])) { $tmpdata = "reply.".$tp -> toDB($_POST['anonname']).".".$tp -> toDB($_POST['subject']).".".$tp -> toDB($_POST['post']); } else { $tmpdata = "newthread^".$tp -> toDB($_POST['anonname'])."^".$tp -> toDB($_POST['subject'])."^".$tp -> toDB($_POST['post']); } $sql->db_Insert("tmp", "'$ip', '".time()."', '$tmpdata' "); loginf(); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } process_upload(); $post = $tp->toDB($_POST['post']); $subject = $tp->toDB($_POST['subject']); $email_notify = ($_POST['email_notify'] ? 99 : 1); if ($_POST['poll_title'] != "" && $_POST['poll_option'][0] != "" && $_POST['poll_option'][1] != "") { $subject = "[".LAN_402."] ".$subject; } $threadtype = (MODERATOR ? intval($_POST['threadtype']) : 0); if (isset($_POST['reply'])) { $parent = $id; $forum_id = $thread_info['head']['thread_forum_id']; } else { $parent = 0; $forum_id = $id; } $iid = $forum->thread_insert($subject, $post, $forum_id, $parent, $poster, $email_notify, $threadtype, $forum_info['forum_sub']); if($iid === -1) { require_once(HEADERF); $ns->tablerender("", LAN_FORUM_2); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } if (isset($_POST['reply'])) { $iid = $parent; } if ($_POST['poll_title'] != "" && $_POST['poll_option'][0] != "" && $_POST['poll_option'][1] != "" && isset($_POST['newthread'])) { require_once(e_PLUGIN."poll/poll_class.php"); $_POST['iid'] = $iid; $poll = new poll; $poll -> submit_poll(2); } if ($pref['forum_redirect']) { redirect(e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?{$iid}.last"); } else { require_once(HEADERF); if (!$FORUMPOST) { if (file_exists(THEME."forum_posted_template.php")) { require_once(THEME."forum_posted_template.php"); } else { require_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/templates/forum_posted_template.php"); } } echo (isset($_POST['newthread']) ? $FORUMTHREADPOSTED : $FORUMREPLYPOSTED); $e107cache->clear("newforumposts"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } } require_once(HEADERF); if (isset($_POST['update_thread'])) { if (!$_POST['subject'] || !$_POST['post']) { $error = "
"; } else { if (!isAuthor()) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_95, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $newvals['thread_edit_datestamp'] = time(); $newvals['thread_thread'] = $_POST['post']; $newvals['thread_name'] = $_POST['subject']; if(isset($_POST['email_notify'])) { $newvals['thread_active'] = '99'; } if (isset($_POST['threadtype']) && MODERATOR) { $newvals['thread_s'] = $_POST['threadtype']; } $forum->thread_update($id, $newvals); $e107cache->clear("newforumposts"); $url = e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?{$thread_info['head']['thread_id']}.0"; echo "\n"; } } if (isset($_POST['update_reply'])) { if (!$_POST['post']) { $error = "
"; } else { if (!isAuthor()) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_95, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $url = e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?{$id}.post"; echo "\n"; $newvals['thread_edit_datestamp'] = time(); $newvals['thread_thread'] = $_POST['post']; $forum->thread_update($id, $newvals); $e107cache->clear("newforumposts"); $url = e_PLUGIN."forum/forum_viewtopic.php?{$id}.post"; echo "\n"; } } if ($error) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_20, $error); } if ($action == 'edit' || $action == 'quote') { if ($action == "edit") { if (!isAuthor()) { $ns->tablerender(LAN_95, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } if(!is_array($thread_info[0])) { $ns -> tablerender(LAN_20, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $thread_info[0]['user_name'] = $forum->thread_user($thread_info[0]); if (!isset($_POST['fpreview'])) { $subject = $thread_info['0']['thread_name']; $post = $tp->toForm($thread_info[0]['thread_thread']); } $post = preg_replace("/<span class='smallblacktext'.*\span\>/", "", $post); if ($action == 'quote') { $post = preg_replace("#\[hide].*?\[/hide]#s", "", $post); $tmp = explode(chr(1), $thread_info[0]['user_name']); $timeStamp = time(); $post = "[quote{$timeStamp}={$tmp[0]}]\n".$post."\n[/quote{$timeStamp}]\n"; $eaction = FALSE; $action = 'reply'; } else { $eaction = TRUE; if ($thread_info['0']['thread_parent']) { $action = "reply"; } else { $action = "nt"; $sact = "canc"; // added to override the bugtracker query below } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Load forumpost template if (!$FORUMPOST) { if (is_readable(THEME."forum_post_template.php")) { include_once(THEME."forum_post_template.php"); } }else { include_once(e_PLUGIN."forum/templates/forum_post_template.php"); } /* check post access (bugtracker #1424) */ if($action == "rp" && !$sql -> db_Select("forum_t", "*", "thread_id='$id'")) { $ns -> tablerender(LAN_20, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else if($action == "nt" && !$sact && !$sql -> db_Select("forum", "*", "forum_id='$id'")) { $ns -> tablerender(LAN_20, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } else { $fpr = $sql -> db_Fetch(); if(!check_class($fpr['forum_postclass'])) { $ns -> tablerender(LAN_20, "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } } if($action == 'rp') { $FORUMPOST = $FORUMPOST_REPLY; } $text = $tp->parseTemplate($FORUMPOST, FALSE, $forum_post_shortcodes); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($pref['forum_enclose']) { $ns->tablerender($pref['forum_title'], $text); } else { echo $text; } function isAuthor() { global $thread_info; $tmp = explode(".", $thread_info[0]['thread_user'], 2); return ($tmp[0] == USERID || MODERATOR); } function getuser($name) { global $tp, $sql, $e107; $ret = array(); $ip = $e107->getip(); $name = str_replace("'", "", $name); if (!$name) { // anonymous guest // $name = "0.".LAN_311.chr(1).$ip; $ret['post_userid'] = "0"; $ret['post_user_name'] = LAN_311; return $ret; } else { if ($sql->db_Select("user", "user_id, user_ip", "user_name='".$tp -> toDB($name)."'")) { $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if ($row['user_ip'] == $ip) { $ret['post_userid'] = $row['user_id']; $ret['post_user_name'] = $name; } else { return -1; } } else { // $name = "0.".substr($tp->toDB($name), 0, 20).chr(1).$ip; $ret['post_userid'] = "0"; $ret['post_user_name'] = $tp->toDB($name); } } return $ret; } function loginf() { $text .= "


[ ".LAN_174." ]
[ ".LAN_212." ]

"; $ns = new e107table; $ns->tablerender(LAN_175, $text); } function forumjump() { global $forum; $jumpList = $forum->forum_get_allowed(); $text = "


"; return $text; } function redirect($url) { echo "\n"; } function process_upload() { global $pref, $forum_info, $thread_info; if(isset($thread_info['head']['thread_id'])) { $tid = $thread_info['head']['thread_id']; } else { $tid = 0; } if (isset($_FILES['file_userfile']['error']) && $_FILES['file_userfile']['error'] != 4) { require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); if ($uploaded = file_upload('/'.e_FILE."public/", "attachment", "FT{$tid}_")) { foreach($uploaded as $upload) { if(strstr($upload['type'], "image")) { if(isset($pref['forum_maxwidth']) && $pref['forum_maxwidth'] > 0) { require_once(e_HANDLER."resize_handler.php"); $orig_file = $upload['name']; $p = strrpos($orig_file,'.'); $new_file = substr($orig_file, 0 , $p)."_".substr($orig_file, $p); $fpath = e_FILE."public/"; if(resize_image($fpath.$orig_file, $fpath.$new_file, $pref['forum_maxwidth'])) { if($pref['forum_linkimg']) { $parms = image_getsize($fpath.$new_file); $_POST['post'] .= "[br][link=".$fpath.$orig_file."][img{$parms}]".$fpath.$new_file."[/img][/link][br]"; //show resized, link to fullsize } else { @unlink($fpath.$orig_file); //show resized $parms = image_getsize($fpath.$new_file); $_POST['post'] .= "[br][img{$parms}]".$fpath.$new_file."[/img][br]"; } } else { //resize failed, show original $parms = image_getsize(e_FILE."public/".$upload['name']); $_POST['post'] .= "[br][img{$parms}]".e_FILE."public/".$upload['name']."[/img]"; } } else { $parms = image_getsize(e_FILE."public/".$upload['name']); //resizing disabled, show original $_POST['post'] .= "[br]
\n"; } } else { //upload was not an image, link to file //echo "
"; print_r($upload); echo "
"; $_POST['post'] .= "[br][file=".e_FILE."public/".$upload['name']."]".$upload['name']."[/file]"; } } } } } function image_getsize($fname) { if($imginfo = getimagesize($fname)) { return ":width={$imginfo[0]}&height={$imginfo[1]}"; } else { return ""; } } require_once(FOOTERF); ?>