".LAN_UL_002.""; $ns->tablerender(LAN_UL_020, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $message = ''; $postemail =''; if (isset($_POST['upload'])) { if (($_POST['file_email'] || USER == TRUE) && $_POST['file_name'] && $_POST['file_description']) { require_once(e_HANDLER."upload_handler.php"); // $uploaded = file_upload(e_FILE."public/", "unique"); $uploaded = process_uploaded_files(e_FILE."public/", "unique", array('max_file_count' => 2, 'extra_file_types' => TRUE)); // First, see what errors the upload handler picked up if ($uploaded === FALSE) { $message = LAN_UL_021.'
'; } // Now see if we have a code file if (count($uploaded) > 0) { if ($uploaded[0]['error'] == 0) { $file = $uploaded[0]['name']; $filesize = $uploaded[0]['size']; } else { $message .= $uploaded[0]['message'].'
'; } } // Now see if we have an image file if (count($uploaded) > 1) { if ($uploaded[1]['error'] == 0) { $image = $uploaded[1]['name']; } else { $message .= $uploaded[1]['message'].'
'; } } // The upload handler checks max file size // $message non-null here indicates an error - delete the files to keep things tidy if ($message) { @unlink($file); @unlink($image); } else { if (USER) { $qry = "SELECT user_hideemail FROM #user WHERE user_id=".USERID; if(!$sql->db_Select_gen($qry)) { echo "Fatal database error!"; exit; } $poster = USERID.".".USERNAME; $row = $sql->db_Fetch(); if ($row['user_hideemail']) { $postemail = '-witheld-'; } else { $postemail = USEREMAIL; } } else { $poster = "0".$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_poster']); $postemail = $tp->toDB($_POST['file_email']); } if (($postemail != '-witheld-') && !check_email($postemail)) { $message = LAN_UL_001."
"; } else { if ($postemail == '-witheld-') $postemail = ''; $_POST['file_description'] = $tp->toDB($_POST['file_description']); $file_time = time(); $sql->db_Insert("upload", "0, '".$poster."', '".$postemail."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_website'])."', '".$file_time."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_name'])."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_version'])."', '".$file."', '".$image."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_description'])."', '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['file_demo'])."', '".$filesize."', 0, '".$tp -> toDB($_POST['download_category'])."'"); $edata_fu = array("upload_user" => $poster, "upload_email" => $postemail, "upload_name" => $tp -> toDB($_POST['file_name']),"upload_file" => $file, "upload_version" => $_POST['file_version'], "upload_description" => $tp -> toDB($_POST['file_description']), "upload_size" => $filesize, "upload_category" => $tp -> toDB($_POST['download_category']), "upload_website" => $tp -> toDB($_POST['file_website']), "upload_image" => $image, "upload_demo" => $tp -> toDB($_POST['file_demo']), "upload_time" => $file_time); $e_event->trigger("fileupload", $edata_fu); $message .= "
".LAN_404; } } } else { // Error - missing data require_once(e_HANDLER."message_handler.php"); message_handler("ALERT", 5); } } if ($message) { $ns->tablerender("", "
"); require_once(FOOTERF); exit; } $text = "
"; if (!USER) { // Prompt for name, email $text .= ""; } $text .= "
".DOWLAN_11.": "; require_once(e_FILE."shortcode/batch/download_shortcodes.php"); $dlparm = (isset($download_category)) ? $download_category : ""; $text .= $tp->parseTemplate("{DOWNLOAD_CATEGORY_SELECT={$dlparm}}",true,$download_shortcodes); $text .= "
"; $text .= "".LAN_406."
".LAN_419.":"; if (is_readable(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')) { $a_filetypes = trim(file_get_contents(e_ADMIN.'filetypes.php')); $a_filetypes = explode(',', $a_filetypes); foreach ($a_filetypes as $ftype) { $sa_filetypes[] = '.'.trim(str_replace('.', '', $ftype)); } $allowed_filetypes = implode(' | ', $sa_filetypes); } $text .= " ".$allowed_filetypes."
".LAN_418.($pref['upload_maxfilesize'] ? $pref['upload_maxfilesize'] : ini_get('upload_max_filesize'))."
"; $text .= "".LAN_408." ".LAN_420."
"; $ns->tablerender(LAN_417, $text); require_once(FOOTERF); ?>